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Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

Eight Dollars posted:

At the Atlanta watching party Violet called her "Kandy Who?" and said "I forgot she was even on the show for a minute."

I think we all did. I had assumed that she would be safe, but they didn't focus on Milk when she was sent home last year so you never know.


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I'm a soft heart who feels bad for Kandy; the producers aren't even bothering to give her more than a few seconds of screen time so she might as well not be on at all, and I do see her trying during all of the 15-20 seconds she's on screen. A queen's still gotta fight for screen time, I know, but drat, it's a hard and laborious process to go through to be made into total filler. Starting to think Laganja took the right approach to the show by going in with a clear strategy to just be balls-to-the-wall crazy, at least that earned her a main character slot.

Still loving ridiculous that Trixie's gone. :sigh:

"Losing a lip sync battle to a girl who talks entirely in vocal fry was...quite humbling." :haw:

May 6, 2007



I was SO MAD at those results I immediately went over to complain about it on the internet. Glad I'm not the only one! I agree that Kandy Ho should have been in; there was an actual moment where I was like wait, she's still in? And had to rewind to earlier in the episode to figure out what team she was even on.


This. All this. But more.


Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
Yeah that was kinda garbage.

And again I really wasn't feeling a lot of the challenge. Their song parodies just weren't funny.

May 27, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.
Even the prize for this challenge was bizarre.

The Berzerker
Feb 24, 2006

treat me like a dog


I was SO MAD at those results I immediately went over to complain about it on the internet.

hello I am here to do the same thing, that was some total bullshit.

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.
Trixie calls Ginger a bean bag chair in one of the previews, and that didn't make it onto the show. Either it was cut or Ru's pulling some returning Queen stuff again.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Eight Dollars posted:

At the Atlanta watching party Violet called her "Kandy Who?" and said "I forgot she was even on the show for a minute."

So I guess we can assume that Kandy doesn't win it all this year. :laugh:

Moist von Lipwig
Oct 28, 2006

by FactsAreUseless
Tortured By Flan

DapperDinosaur posted:

Even the prize for this challenge was bizarre.

It was pimping jessica albas garbage thats why.

Also she apparently has NO IDEA what a good rear end looks like what the heck jessica.

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
I've had hamburgers bigger than that rear end, I'm pretty sure. I did gap when she turned around though

Jan 4, 2004

Calling it now. Katya for Drag Race Superstar.

Feb 21, 2006


Moist von Lipwig posted:

It was pimping jessica albas garbage thats why.

Also she apparently has NO IDEA what a good rear end looks like what the heck jessica.

I gotta say by the third time the edits had Alba gushing over Violet's rear end it came off a bit...well, eww. I imagine those were comments made over several hours thus didn't come off so weird when it happened. Whoever said earlier Alba was a waste of a judge slot was right, not a single useful remark I can recall.

I'm in the "returning queen shenanigans" camp. I don't think that's been dome since season 4 so time to pull that old rag from the back of the plot closet. I feel like the elimination was the most overtly contrived drama so far this season.

Moist von Lipwig
Oct 28, 2006

by FactsAreUseless
Tortured By Flan

Seluin posted:

Calling it now. Katya for Drag Race Superstar.

Max is still #1 in my heart

Mar 29, 2010



I gotta say by the third time the edits had Alba gushing over Violet's rear end it came off a bit...well, eww. I imagine those were comments made over several hours thus didn't come off so weird when it happened. Whoever said earlier Alba was a waste of a judge slot was right, not a single useful remark I can recall.
She picked the smell herself :razz:

Raja Drawja feat Willam is finally up! :syoon:

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


That metaphor for sex with a woman. Remarkable.

Thunder Mug
Jul 11, 2008

They may kick our ass, but they will never kick Our Freedom!
I liked Pearl's lip sync, she was dancing like Beef from Phantom of the Paradise.

Mar 22, 2009

Wtf isn't this up on the website yet!!!!

Apr 26, 2008

Each morning after Sunblest
Feel the benefit
Mental arithmetic
I was so, so sure that Trixie would win that lipsync. Pearl wasn't doing bad, but I felt like her dramatics would have fit another song better than that bouncy Blondie tune. Trixie's campy approach was a much better fit.
Then again, there are signs that Trixie will be brought back, and since I still like Pearl, I'm not too upset right now. Generally speaking there was not one really bad performance this week (at least not in the finished videos), so it was bound to be a controversial elimination.

Katya or Jayden should have won. Definitely.

Feb 20, 2003

I definitely forgot Kandy Ho was still around. Huh. And yeah, Trixie should've stayed on that lip sync, but I don't think she was ever top 3 material - she's not sleeper material (lol) like Jinkx nor so overtly amazing like Bianca - if you're gonna be a comedy queen, you need to at least be able to prove yourself until Snatch Game. She was fine,

I feel like Violet's getting a Tyra edit, though.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
Pearl, go home. You're pretty but you're boring. And whiny.

I still love Max and Katya.

"Glamour toad" for words of the year.

What even is happening with this elimination? REALLY?

Excuse me, I'm going to go bitch to the cat.

Moist von Lipwig
Oct 28, 2006

by FactsAreUseless
Tortured By Flan
pearl is pretty but has the laganja weed burnout thing going on and it bums me out

Feb 23, 2013
I thought the vitamins would change my life
Getting caught up on this season. How on earth did Jasmine and Ginger justify coming after Trixie about her outfit after the flight video lipsync? That was the easiest retro-futuristic thing to understand, and you two just wore some dresses to a themed runway.

I do love Pearl, but I think that's coming from a personal place of being that person who cares a lot but always seems sort of chill to everything on the outside. That's not saying she should win though.

Dying for the Snatch Game so we can finally see what these queens are about - I feel like there's no standout yet. No quotable moments or little tics you can attribute to a specific queen. 4 episodes in there's usually something sticking thanks to the editing team.

Apr 26, 2008

Each morning after Sunblest
Feel the benefit
Mental arithmetic
I couldn't help but laugh when Michelle just outright asked him if he was a stoner. That said, I don't consider him boring at all. I like his ultra-dry talking heads, I like his runways. He just hasn't wowed me in one of the challenges yet.

Moist von Lipwig
Oct 28, 2006

by FactsAreUseless
Tortured By Flan
pearl isnt boring but i can definitely see him going the way of laganja and just kind of blowing up under the stress

Oct 14, 2006

Moist von Lipwig posted:

pearl isnt boring but i can definitely see him going the way of laganja and just kind of blowing up under the stress

aka the next episode (according to the preview).

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

Agreeing with all the chatter about Trixie leaving and Kennedy winning. What the hell was that about? I really thought some of the others had more standout performances.

New Untucked is up.

Speed Crazy
Nov 7, 2011
That was an extremely disappointing episode all around. The videos, the winner, the runway, the talking head was just an incredibly dull hour of television capped off with a lame, boggling ending. I know it was supposed to be a spoof, but they should have acknowledged that the "Gonna Get Clocked" group literally just recreated an existing music video while the other 2 actually created original videos and choreography. edit: except Darienne's part lol

Jessica Alba is the worst. She couldn't even do a convincing hair flip.

Speed Crazy fucked around with this message at 16:49 on Mar 24, 2015

Mar 22, 2009

Not seen this yet but is the problem that these are girls from the sticks and not the big cities?

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

notaspy posted:

Not seen this yet but is the problem that these are girls from the sticks and not the big cities?

The problem is these loving group challenges; it's RuPaul's Drag Race, not a business conference on leadership skills and developing more synergistic team work.

Jasmine was from LA, Katya's from Boston, Fame and Pearl are from NYC. Whatever problems there are with the show, they don't come from a city queen, country queen thing.

Power of Pecota
Aug 4, 2007

Goodness no, now that wouldn't do at all!

I haven't seen this episode yet but it got spoiled for me and my roommate got really mad when I thought Trixie's first look sucked because it was "classic drag" so I'm at least coming into this with schadenfreude on my side. I like Max/Ginger/Katya this season but otherwise ehhhhh

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Welp, I'm convinced Ru has early onset Alzheimer's now. She gave Kennedy the win, she didn't put Kandy Ho in the bottom, and Trixie got kicked out. SERIOUSLY?! Between that and the anger bomb apparently unleashed for a good long while to the drag queens off camera, I'm kind of wary of her judgment. Really, REALLY annoyed. Still, going to see Trixie perform this Wednesday. Hope she hints at something.

Edit: First time seeing Untucked in this format, but seeing it, drat, Ginger Minj is a bitter bitch. You win because you're more talented, whether you help or not, like Bianca or Raja. If you weren't enough to both mentor AND stand off, shut up and do better next time.

That being said, her Cowardly Lion is spot on. I about bust a gut laughing.

Pan Dulce fucked around with this message at 19:15 on Mar 24, 2015

Mar 22, 2009

After seeing this I get why RU booted Trixie, there was something holding her back. She should have been put on a warning like pearl was but you have to turn up every week or else get the chop.

There seems to be a lot of holding back in the group with no one really going for it. I think its tactical as they want to finish strong and not blow their load early on.

The minj is clear favourite at this time.

May 27, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.
After watching Untucked, it looks like Trixie going home was a shock to literally everyone.

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

Yeah, it seemed like everyone (and the internet) expected it to be Pearl and Kandy with Kandy being the one to go home.

gays fashion
Dec 28, 2012

That would have made more sense, but there wouldn't be any drama between the two. Interesting TV trumps fair competition every time.

That being said, the editing was bizarre this episode, which probably contributed to the shock a lot of people felt. In the lip sync, Trixie had more screen time and appeared to be giving a better performance, plus she had the Kasha Davis confessional in support while Pearl got nothing. Either WoW majorly hosed up editing or they have something else up their sleeves.

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
Katya all the way, forever. My favorite queens have won so far every year so fingers crossed!

Feb 18, 2004

do it
This is embarrassing to admit, but I had never watched "Willam's Beat Down" before, mostly because it had started when I was very ill and I usually can't be bothered to turn up the volume on my laptop and watch videos. That changed about 4 pages ago in this thread when somebody posted the newest one and, holy poo poo, I can't stop watching. I'm roughly 2 hours in, and have not breached the second season. This poo poo is genius. I want to win the lottery just to fund her life. It's like tosh.0 except funny.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

criscodisco posted:

This is embarrassing to admit, but I had never watched "Willam's Beat Down" before, mostly because it had started when I was very ill and I usually can't be bothered to turn up the volume on my laptop and watch videos. That changed about 4 pages ago in this thread when somebody posted the newest one and, holy poo poo, I can't stop watching. I'm roughly 2 hours in, and have not breached the second season. This poo poo is genius. I want to win the lottery just to fund her life. It's like tosh.0 except funny.
This is exactly how it happened for me too, I never bothered with it till people in the last thread pushed it so hard, then I buzz=sawed through it in an afternoon.

Also I'm rewatching season 4, and this read from Sharon to Jiggly still just makes me lose it: "You're such a fat slut, after sex, you smoke hams!"

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


In my ideal universe Willam replaced Craig Ferguson and any plug-bent lesser celebs would have to be entertaining as gently caress or get read to filth instead of getting to promote their mid-season replacement comedies It would work as a show for so many reasons. Even the elderly, the last demographic that watches network tv, love to be titillated and scandalized in private. Willam with a massive wardrobe budget would be draw enough alone. You could have stylists of the week and poo poo, same as he essentially does now.Think of the intra-talkshow rivalries he could kick up. The rising tide would lift all boats. Who wouldn't want to see Fallon's phony aw-shucks persona drop in a heartbeat when called out on his cheating-rear end new father ways. Late night would be a little dangerous again.


Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
Went to battle of the seasons tonight. Alaska owned the loving show. Like just put on the most amazing performance.

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