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Aug 11, 2004


shadow puppet of a posted:

Who wouldn't want to see Fallon's phony aw-shucks persona drop in a heartbeat when called out on his cheating-rear end new father ways. Late night would be a little dangerous again.

What are these rumors that Jimmy Fallon is cheating? That's news to me.


Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

CaptainScraps posted:

Went to battle of the seasons tonight. Alaska owned the loving show. Like just put on the most amazing performance.

The one in Dallas? We're going tonight and I'm so frickin' excited!

So I had a thought last night while re-watching this episode. I wonder what the chances are that within the next episode or two Pearl decides to leave the show and ask that Trixie replace her. Hmmm.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

Not Today Satan posted:

The one in Dallas? We're going tonight and I'm so frickin' excited!

So I had a thought last night while re-watching this episode. I wonder what the chances are that within the next episode or two Pearl decides to leave the show and ask that Trixie replace her. Hmmm.

Yep. Like completely kills it. During snatch game Bianca couldn't speak, she was laughing too hard at Alaska. Complete surprise.

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Nihonniboku posted:

What are these rumors that Jimmy Fallon is cheating? That's news to me.

google " fallon"

Apr 15, 2003

Seattle Karate Vs. L.A. Karate

Thunder Mug posted:

I liked Pearl's lip sync, she was dancing like Beef from Phantom of the Paradise.

It was a cross between Jobraith and Beef.

Rubber Slug
Aug 7, 2010


I made this

Sep 23, 2005

Man, I took my time watching this episode and when I got to it the internet exploded.

I felt so bad for Trixie! Even having already spoiled the episode for myself! She looked like a kicked puppy on the runway! And I for one don't terribly care for how "accurate" a lip sync is to the original performer; I want to see what you do with the song to reimagine it as your own. So even if Pearl, as many have said across the internet, was closer to Deborah Harry, Trixie's livelier rendition was more engaging to me. Hell, just the line "like the back of my man-hand" won it for me.

I wanted Jaydinn to win this one. Her Bianca was so fun to watch. And I thought she looked true-to-her-name FIERCE on the runway.

Well, the outpouring of goodwill towards Trixie these past two days has been so generous, this has been a huge boost to her Q rating.

Thunder Mug posted:

I liked Pearl's lip sync, she was dancing like Beef from Phantom of the Paradise.

I will watch this film now. And speaking of outrageous rock-musical movies, anyone who hasn't seen "The Apple" should stream it on netflix at their earliest convenience.

PostsYouCanDanceTo fucked around with this message at 20:08 on Mar 25, 2015

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

The Apple is truly the greatest film of all time. I even managed to track down the soundtrack on vinyl. Nobody will walk away disappointed by it, guaranteed.

EDIT: It's an excellent Rifftrax, but everyone owes it to themselves to go in without the accompaniment first to really appreciate the bugfuck lunacy and songs about methamphetamine.

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 21:31 on Mar 25, 2015

Jun 21, 2007

"As a rule, I never touch anything more sophisticated and delicate than myself."
I bought the Rifftrax version of the Apple and it's absolutely worth it!

Aug 11, 2004


PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

I wanted Jaydinn to win this one. Her Bianca was so fun to watch. And I thought she looked true-to-her-name FIERCE on the runway.

Yeah, I thought for sure she was a shoe in to win this week. She was fantastic, and to me, Kennedy didn't stand at anymore than Mrs Kasha Davis or Kandy Ho.

But then I remembered. Ru LOVES a ghetto queen done even moderately well, and I had forgotten that's what Kennedy did. Doing a ghetto act just cracks Ru up. I remember back to when Shangela and Coco Montrese won their comedy challenges, when they were not the strongest that week.

Echo Video
Jan 17, 2004

I finally watched this weeks episode

Pearl totally deserved that win, she switched on and commanded that stage. She was focused and strong, while trixiee (who I don't mind but won't miss) just flailed around

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

CaptainScraps posted:

Yep. Like completely kills it. During snatch game Bianca couldn't speak, she was laughing too hard at Alaska. Complete surprise.

You were definitely right. Alaska was awesome! The entire show was just amazing!

Mar 30, 2003

Ghostpilot posted:

Usually they can edit even terrible performances to be bearable but holy poo poo I had to watch MacBitch through the cracks of my fingers.

Someone had made the comparison between Max and Jinx last week and I just groaned. The whole feigned underdog act when she was clearly getting a winner's edit was absolutely tedious to sit through that season. Max's come into her own, though. That said, I'm riding the Katya train until the goddamn wheels fall off.

Speaking of goddammit, Willam's back from her cruise tour with a new Beatdown!

My wife almost choked to death laughing at this. Then we spent the next three hours watching Willam vids. Holy poo poo she's hilarious.

Stroop There It Is
Mar 11, 2012

:stroop: :gaysper: :stroop:

I am livid. Trixie's lipsync was miles better. Pearl did the same thing over and over (wiggly arms and awkward poses) and had no expression on her face.

Bullshit. She'd better get a second chance.

May 26, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.

Nihonniboku posted:

Yeah, I thought for sure she was a shoe in to win this week. She was fantastic, and to me, Kennedy didn't stand at anymore than Mrs Kasha Davis or Kandy Ho.

But then I remembered. Ru LOVES a ghetto queen done even moderately well, and I had forgotten that's what Kennedy did. Doing a ghetto act just cracks Ru up. I remember back to when Shangela and Coco Montrese won their comedy challenges, when they were not the strongest that week.

The only reason Kennedy stood out for me is because I hated the makeup she did for her group's video.

Aqueous Martinis
Nov 19, 2006

what a little moonlight can do

DapperDinosaur posted:

The only reason Kennedy stood out for me is because I hated the makeup she did for her group's video.

Ugh, same. I figured she was trying to be funny, but girl, that white highlight at a sharp angle...

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.
Speaking of Kennedy, I was surprised it took this long for them to get to the touching emotional moment about Sahara. You'd think they'd crank that out as fast as possible.

Dec 26, 2006

So yeah, Pearl didn't look like she put as much effort into the lipsynch as Trixie did, but if you think in terms of Blondie actually being the one performing that song, then Pearl did a drat good job. Sure Trixie was lively (and certainly didn't deserve to go home) but Pearl did Debbie Harry, which is quite possibly what Ru saw in her.

...Unless this is a big ploy for Trixie to come back later in the season, which I am also A-OK with.

Moist von Lipwig
Oct 28, 2006

by FactsAreUseless
Tortured By Flan
yeah pearl was channeling debbie harry perfectly

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

I also thought one of the main reasons Trixie got sent home was due to her being the team leader and falling short, but then in the episode prior Kennedy sucked at being a leader, so there goes that theory.

Sep 14, 2009

Cupcake of Doom
I kind of suspect that Trixie trying to get off stage when they were working on the music video in front of RU was what sealed her fate. I will admit when I went back and watched the finished video again that Trixie didn't really stand out especially next to Katya's genius performance. I still think it's bullshit even if I can see the reasoning.

Oct 14, 2006

PsychoticKitten posted:

I kind of suspect that Trixie trying to get off stage when they were working on the music video in front of RU was what sealed her fate. I will admit when I went back and watched the finished video again that Trixie didn't really stand out especially next to Katya's genius performance. I still think it's bullshit even if I can see the reasoning.

Honestly watching it, the team with Kennedy was the worst of all of three. I'm pretty sure the only reason they won was because it was advertising Ru's crap.

Eight Dollars
Nov 14, 2012

Pretty pictures in small frames

Elucidarius posted:

Honestly watching it, the team with Kennedy was the worst of all of three. I'm pretty sure the only reason they won was because it was advertising Ru's crap.

I think that's part of it, but I also now think that they were the only one who really got what Ru wanted for the challenge. Ru said that she wanted to be spoofed and the other two teams didn't do that. Ru wanted Weird Al poking fun of Gaga to the tune of "Bad Romance" and the rest gave her Weird Al making fun of grammar to the tune of Robin Thicke. It helped that Ru could then say "I can laugh at myself" when picking them as the winner.

Still think "Get Ready to Clock" was better.

Sep 16, 2012

Clever Betty
That's true, the tanning one was just making fun of rich girls from California I guess, which is like shooting fish in a barrel. Braver to "punch up" so to speak.

Mar 22, 2009

Even now I'm not sure if Ru is really pissed or not about their take on Drag U

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

PsychoticKitten posted:

I kind of suspect that Trixie trying to get off stage when they were working on the music video in front of RU was what sealed her fate.

Trixie has said that Ru and Michelle actually weren't giving any stage directions and just let the girls do their thing. It's totally reasonable for someone to not instinctively know the first time that when your green screen shot is done, you don't physically get out of the shot.

Giving Trixie an edit like that was definitely supposed to be signalling weakness to the audience, but after finding that out, it just seemed silly.

notaspy posted:

Even now I'm not sure if Ru is really pissed or not about their take on Drag U

I think she was just taking the piss out of them.

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Normally wouldnt cross post the crap from reddit drag race here, but people need to be aware of Miss Fame's hidden superpower.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
I would expect that they're going to use the Snatch Game as a way to get a queen back on the show. Right? RIGHT??? :ohdear:

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
I'm really going to miss Mrs. Kasha Davis. I loved that bitch.

It was like someone let someone's dad enter the contest and then completely forgot that she was there and a dad because she wasn't completely awful.

And then you'd realize she was there and laugh.

Dad what are you still doing here? This is a competition. It's not for Dads.

G-Mawwwwwww fucked around with this message at 03:01 on Mar 31, 2015

Mar 30, 2003
A) what was with Ru's makeup?

B) Mrs. Kasha Davis won that. What the gently caress is going on with this show?

Moist von Lipwig
Oct 28, 2006

by FactsAreUseless
Tortured By Flan
kasha's singing had me in tears it was wonderful

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

overseer07 posted:

A) what was with Ru's makeup?

B) Mrs. Kasha Davis won that. What the gently caress is going on with this show?

Honestly the calls have been so bad I'm not feeling this season as much.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
No Snatch Game next week. :( This season is going nowhere fast.

Dec 2, 2005

Did I misread all the signs?
I thought for a second that Pearl was going to quit and that was going to make way for a Trixie return. Oh well, at least we got a nice really tense moment in the work room.

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
Who knows where they're going this season. I guess Snatch Game is going to be ep 7 from the discussion on Reddit.

Spoiler alert: Untucked involves Kennedy talking a lot and the return of the message from home, wheeled in on a grade 3 A/V stand.

May 26, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.
The best thing about tonight's episode was Miss Fame talking about her chickens.

Aug 11, 2004


CaptainScraps posted:

Honestly the calls have been so bad I'm not feeling this season as much.

I honestly think that it's because the queens are all pretty much on the same level this season. In previous seasons there were always a few obvious duds who were definitely going home the first couple episodes. Then a several middle of the pack girls, and then one or two absolute standouts. Really, since season 3, pretty much every season the ultimate winner was getting a winner's edit the entire season. Raja, Sharon Needles, Jinx Monsoon, Bianca del Rio, I don't think any of us had any doubt that any of them were at the very least for sure going to be in the final three. But this season, I have no clue. Maybe Ginger? But even she isn't that much of a standout compared to the winners of seasons past.

Mar 22, 2009

I think some of this stems from wanting to mix it up a bit. They are worried about the format becoming stale but instead might of broken a winning formula.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch

DapperDinosaur posted:

The best thing about tonight's episode was Miss Fame talking about her chickens.

I think that's probably the goddamn season highlight.


Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

DapperDinosaur posted:

The best thing about tonight's episode was Miss Fame talking about her chickens.
Seriously, that was just amazing when I watched it this morning. "It's eight in the morning and I'm watching a drag queen do a chicken impression."

Nihonniboku posted:

I honestly think that it's because the queens are all pretty much on the same level this season. In previous seasons there were always a few obvious duds who were definitely going home the first couple episodes. Then a several middle of the pack girls, and then one or two absolute standouts. Really, since season 3, pretty much every season the ultimate winner was getting a winner's edit the entire season. Raja, Sharon Needles, Jinx Monsoon, Bianca del Rio, I don't think any of us had any doubt that any of them were at the very least for sure going to be in the final three.
Honestly this is kind of what I thought when I was watching the critiques and such. I didn't agree with the winners or the elimination but just in terms of looks, they are all pretty amazing. There's no Raja just slamming it in terms of runway looks or what have you over everyone else, no one just monopolizing challenges. It's a much more even playing field it feels like, at least now that Jasmine is gone. My idea of who might be in the top three eventually keeps changing each week.

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