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Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

:rock: awesome news


Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Aces High posted:

:rock: awesome news

Don't you mean, "Good news, everyone"?

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer
I just remembered that my brother once almost bought Streets of Rage or Fatal Fury (2 or 3 I guess). I don't remember which. The reason I remember it at all is that for some reason they asked me if it was okay, as if I should have had any say in the matter. I'm pretty sure I said 'yeah, sure, sounds cool', or something like that, but in the end he didn't get it.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Zanzibar Ham posted:

I just remembered that my brother once almost bought Streets of Rage or Fatal Fury (2 or 3 I guess). I don't remember which. The reason I remember it at all is that for some reason they asked me if it was okay, as if I should have had any say in the matter. I'm pretty sure I said 'yeah, sure, sounds cool', or something like that, but in the end he didn't get it.

You should give him a ring and tell him to play Fatal Fury Final.

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer

GamesAreSupernice posted:

You should give him a ring and tell him to play Fatal Fury Final.

Nah, pretty sure he's not into hardcore games anymore. He hadn't played games for many years until recently, and now he plays relatively non-twitchy games here and there.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Disney Infinity 3.0 Level: Urban Brawler

One of the levels that comes packaged with the game, fashioned after an old side-scrolling beat 'em up. This is mostly just to tide you over until January 1st when the first SoR video will be posted.

get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

At its height, it felt like Disney Infinity released a ton of DLC sets per year. All things must come to an end, I guess.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

get that OUT of my face posted:

At its height, it felt like Disney Infinity released a ton of DLC sets per year. All things must come to an end, I guess.

The main culprit in Disney Infinity's downfall seemed to be overstocking for 2.0 and 3.0, due to unrealistic sales projections, but I couldn't find any official statements.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Let's Play Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage is the beat 'em up I have played the most. It was practically my introduction to the genre, and it set a high bar. It had intelligent enemies, three vastly different characters, a relatively nuanced combat system, and spectacular boss design. It made pretty much every competitor look like they weren't trying, even SEGA's own Golden Axe. There was just no comparison: Streets of Rage had won out the early-genre shuffle.

We're going to be playing as Adam, my personal favorite of the three protagonists. He's completely missing from the second and third games, as well, so this works out just fine.


Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8


The End

GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 05:11 on Jan 19, 2017

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

no mention of the soundtrack? I guess you'll get around to that :)

Man Dancer
Apr 22, 2008
Good, this is what I come to GamesAreSupernice threads for: minute examination of the atomic interactions between punchin' dudes and punched dudes.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Aces High posted:

no mention of the soundtrack? I guess you'll get around to that :)

I'll mention the soundtrack when we get to Moon Beach, as that's my favorite track.

Man Dancer posted:

Good, this is what I come to GamesAreSupernice threads for: minute examination of the atomic interactions between punchin' dudes and punched dudes.

Thanks, that actually made me feel pretty good about what I do.

Nov 4, 2006
Wielder of the Soup Spoon
So how do you balance it for two players? Well, give them two bosses to fight obviously.

I don't think any other game has ever done that.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

magikid posted:

So how do you balance it for two players? Well, give them two bosses to fight obviously.

I don't think any other game has ever done that.

Normally I would praise the game for that, but there are some bosses that you always fight two of.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Accidental post whoops

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

magikid posted:

So how do you balance it for two players? Well, give them two bosses to fight obviously.

I don't think any other game has ever done that.

I thought Final Fight sometimes did that? Especially in the Sodom fight.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Speaking of Beat-em-ups, guess what's getting a new title? Done in the style of the best game of the series even?

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Fabricated posted:

Speaking of Beat-em-ups, guess what's getting a new title? Done in the style of the best game of the series even?

I am actually a little disappointed that Arc System Works didn't make more detailed sprites, since they have a very talented art team, but I'm sure the game itself will be great

get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

Good to see them keep it basic. Never forget Capcom's attempt to make Final Fight more current....

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

get that OUT of my face posted:

Good to see them keep it basic. Never forget Capcom's attempt to make Final Fight more current....

Streetwise's original form -Seven Sons- probably would've been a fine update. The change to Streetwise was apparently a huge misunderstanding

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Stage 2

Souther is my favorite bad guy name

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Stage 3


Jan 29, 2009
I only ever made it to the final boss in Streets of Rage once, with a mate. Still didn't see the ending. I never got around to the sequels tho.

Love the vids.

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

Abadede is just such a bitch to fight in remake that you're pretty much forced to cheese him like here. And even then if you're playing on Mania you have to have your timing juuuuuuust right or he'll keep swatting you out of the air

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Aces High posted:

Abadede is just such a bitch to fight in remake that you're pretty much forced to cheese him like here. And even then if you're playing on Mania you have to have your timing juuuuuuust right or he'll keep swatting you out of the air

I'm not entirely convinced you're not supposed to cheese him

Hoss Corncave
Feb 13, 2012
Ah yes, Streets of Rage. Such a fine series... well, 1 and 2 are great. 3 isn't bad, but is kind of a letdown in certain areas. Anyway, there's something about Streets of Rage's story that makes me realise how kinda spoiled we are as gamers now. Back in those days, you didn't have full cinematic stories. You had a block of text explaining what was going on, who was involved, and what needed to be done, and damnit, it worked. Hell yes I want to destroy the evil criminal syndicate! Those scoundrels!

You commented on the knife and being unsure about the stabbing and throwing thing. I'm pretty sure it depends on two things. The first is if it's the first attack you do with it or not. I think if it's the first attack, it will always be a stab. The second thing is the location of enemies on screen. If there's an enemy in stabbing range, it'll be a stab. If not, then it'll be a throw. There might also be something to do with if the last attack was a missed stab or not (if it was a successful stab, it'll be a stab regardless, but if it was a missed stab, it'll be a throw provided there are no enemies in stab range), but I'm not sure about that.

I played the Master System version of this game before the Megadrive one and there were a few obvious changes which I won't say for spoiler reasons, but two that I can cover. Firstly, there was only one baseball bat in the entire game on the MS version, and it was hidden in tires on Moon Beach. Garcias could only hold knives and pipes in that version.

Secondly was a small change to Blaze's flurry. In the MD version, her flurry was two chops, a kick, and a kick with a backflip, which meant you couldn't use it on Souther at all because the backflip's jump frames would activate before he got knocked down, turning him invincible and causing Blaze to lose some life. In the MS version, it was considered a backflip kick and would knock down before the flip. Plus, Blaze's chops seemed to be faster and have longer reach than Souther's claws, so he was easy prey.

As for cheesing Abadede (which I've always thought was pronounced as "A-bad-eh-dee"), yeah, I'm pretty sure he and a few other bosses (especially the next one) had to be cheesed to be beaten successfully.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Hoss Corncave posted:

I played the Master System version of this game before the Megadrive one

Your insights are interesting, as I couldn't bring myself to finish the Master System version at all. All I really remember is that the Yellow Signals do the slide kick way more

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Stage 4

Big Ben is a very clever name for a large person

Hoss Corncave
Feb 13, 2012
After going back and playing Streets of Rage for the first time in ages, it took me a while to work out why I wasn't landing safely from the Signal's throws. You can't just hold up and jump at any time like in 2. You have to press them after you've been thrown and before you hit the ground. It makes them (and the next boss) a lot less dangerous.

I always found the easiest way to beat Big Ben is to get in front of him before his fire breathing act starts, grab him, knee him twice, then move away from him for a split second then back towards him to grab him again and knee him twice again, before repeating the process over and over. It works best when he's on his own because the Garcias can screw you over if you're not careful.

And I did mess up when I got to Big Ben when I last played because I forgot that he's not like Big Ben in 2 and none of the playable characters are Max.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Stage 5

Mona and Lisa look a lot like our good friend Blaze.

Oct 9, 2012

Get off my lawn!!
This game is a little pleasure I like to come back to at least once a year. It and Sonic 1 were the first two games I had as a kid, and I spent hours playing it with my dad or my best friend. Still, those two ladies were always the hardest bosses, and whatever few lives remained after them were swallowed by Stage 6. I think I only reached the end of the game once, back then, heh.

They're not that bad once you figure them out, though. The one that walks slow and does spin jumps is invulnerable in the air, and will grab you on the ground but, since she can't throw airborne targets she doesn't like jump-kick spam; the one that walks fast does jump kicks that hurt really bad, but she is pretty vulnerable to grabs when she lands. With Blaze, it's fairly easy to dodge the jump-kicks and beat her up while her slow sister is catching up.
... Or exploiting their AI with back attacks, that does seem to work really well too.

I did not remember Adam having that much range, though. :stare: Maybe I oughta give him a try this year.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Miacis posted:

I did not remember Adam having that much range, though. :stare: Maybe I oughta give him a try this year.

It can be hard to adjust to Adam if you're used to using maneuverability to your advantage, but his range makes up for it

marshmallow creep
Dec 10, 2008

I've been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of a joke to make but I just realised the animators of Mass Effect already did it for me

Why do you think they didn't bring Adam back for the sequels?

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

because they replaced him with Max :black101:

why they opted to put him in...whatever you would call his role in SOR3 instead of making him playable again is beyond me, never was a fan of Zan

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

marshmallow creep posted:

Why do you think they didn't bring Adam back for the sequels?

I personally think it's because he was the least popular of the three playable characters in the original game, but I don't have any evidence to back that up or anything.

May 9, 2005

Please, please don't let me end up in a threesome with the lunch lady and a gay pirate. That would hit a little too close to home.
Unlockable Ben

marshmallow creep posted:

Why do you think they didn't bring Adam back for the sequels?

I hate to project possible racist motivations on Sega when I could be completely wrong here, but for all we know it might have been that two black characters in a cast of four didn't look right to them. Skate was just cooler, and his presence in the main cast is explained by Adam's absence, so in that context what motivation did they have to bring Adam back?

Aces High posted:

why they opted to put him in...whatever you would call his role in SOR3 instead of making him playable again is beyond me, never was a fan of Zan

In terms of how he actually plays, Zan is one of my favorite SoR characters—especially in SoR Remake where every weapon he picks up isn't replaced with a joyless energy ball. I can't help but feel that "old man cyborg" feels oddly out of place with the aesthetics of the series, though, and he's in a game where you can also be a boxing kangaroo. I've never enjoyed playing as Max and I still think they should have kept him in, because he's just that cool.

Rollersnake fucked around with this message at 06:11 on Jan 12, 2017

marshmallow creep
Dec 10, 2008

I've been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of a joke to make but I just realised the animators of Mass Effect already did it for me

Speaking of Skate, are you planning to play DJ Boy?

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

The classical Freudian anal sadistic character in its purest form.
There wouldn't have been space to include that many characters. And I'd agree that Adam would've been the least popular- the "big, slow strong" archetype usually is, because in the design approach used in a lot of BEUs, they're the hardest to use.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

marshmallow creep posted:

Speaking of Skate, are you planning to play DJ Boy?

I just looked that up and it seems interesting and kinda crazy, but not exactly polished. I don't see why I can't at least give it a try.


May 9, 2005

Please, please don't let me end up in a threesome with the lunch lady and a gay pirate. That would hit a little too close to home.
Unlockable Ben

marshmallow creep posted:

Speaking of Skate, are you planning to play DJ Boy?

Speaking of Skate AND racism in beat 'em ups... :v:

DJ Boy is kind of interesting as an entry in the "American culture as seemingly interpreted by aliens" genre, but holy poo poo does it not play well.

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