Rollersnake posted:Speaking of Skate AND racism in beat 'em ups... On a scale of 1 to Bearable where is it?
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 18:22 |
GamesAreSupernice posted:On a scale of 1 to Bearable where is it? My understanding is it depends on the version you play. One, I forget which, has a boss who is a mad black mama caricature with a fart attack.
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marshmallow creep posted:My understanding is it depends on the version you play. One, I forget which, has a boss who is a mad black mama caricature with a fart attack. After looking it up, I think that's the arcade release
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OP, planning to do SoRR? That game manages to be simultaneously the best and worst thing ever in terms of fan beat em ups.
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In what ways is it the worst thing?
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Bloody Pom posted:In what ways is it the worst thing? There are design issues, a mary sue character, and some parts of the game added late were really wonky. It generally suffered from its desire to cram every single thing from the series, good and bad, into a single campaign structure. And then add volleyball on top of it.
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Even considering its issues, it's still got more polish than any of the original games, so it's all about context. But yeah I'd love to play it after the original 3.
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Discendo Vox posted:There are design issues, a mary sue character, and some parts of the game added late were really wonky. It generally suffered from its desire to cram every single thing from the series, good and bad, into a single campaign structure. And then add volleyball on top of it. If one of the design issues you're talking about is enemies constantly turtling offscreen, this was quietly fixed in a patch sometime after the "final" version was removed from the site, and made everything much more enjoyable. The Mary Sue character didn't really bother me that much (aside from being an unlockable character, she only shows up as a boss in one route), but the vehicle stages did—it's really obvious why they didn't make the cut for SoR3. There's some really tasteless poo poo like blood and dismemberment that can thankfully be turned off, and because there was absolutely no way to please everyone, you can fine-tune the mechanics to suit your idea of the perfect Streets of Rage game. Ultimately, holy poo poo, it's the entire Streets of Rage series remixed and reimagined as a branching path beat 'em up like Guardian Heroes or Revenge of Death Adder, and that's as close as any developer is going to come to giving me everything I ever thought I wanted in a game.
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I actually thought the gore was pretty snazzy and stylish, but it was a bit darker than the normal tone of SoR.
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Sounds like I need to give it another shot. Where can I get this updated version?
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Discendo Vox posted:Sounds like I need to give it another shot. Where can I get this updated version? http://www.sorrcommunity.com/t27-downloads-streets-of-rage-remake-v5-1-ports-and-soundtrack I haven't tried this link so I dunno if it's still good, but that's the file you want to search for anyway.
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Stage 6 It's like Snakes and Ladders but your input actually matters and it's really nothing like Snakes and Ladders
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I think those are pepper shakers, not smoke grenades.
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Discendo Vox posted:I think those are pepper shakers, not smoke grenades. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, with meat and apples lying around everywhere
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The conveyor belts aren't that bad with Blaze, since she can jump-kick her way around when needed. On the contrary, the section that has a two-way conveyor is quite fun to play if she stays between the belts. Most the enemies come in pairs from both sides, so it's easy for her to move around at immense speeds and throw baddies all over the screen. Axel's the one having a harder time here, really, with his awful jump-kick. Edit: That was some good level design talk this episode, by the way. It's kinda interesting how 90% of this game is just fully empty flat rooms, but here and in the next level, they show their engine could definitely handle more complex environments. Yet instead of using it as much as possible just because they could, they showed a surprising lot of restraint. Miacis fucked around with this message at 17:01 on Jan 13, 2017 |
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The link provided seems to be dead. I believe this copy still works, and just installed it, but use at your own risk, since it's from one of those sketchy rehosting sites. edit: oog, maybe I played this on normal last time...just game over'd to the Barbarian on level 3- after an Australian friend actually cost me some lives! I think I'll hold off on the mania run for a bit. Having complex AI makes this a real nightmare. edit2: I know- but last time I played it I'd managed to unlock everything. Discendo Vox fucked around with this message at 21:29 on Jan 13, 2017 |
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It's good, but expect the 'by experts, for experts' kind of difficulty. Not that there's anything wrong with that, exactly, but know what you're getting into. The people who made this and gave feedback over it all basically knew the game inside and out from what little I saw of the discussion site. Good for remaking, of course, but they also made it to challenge them. Their 'Normal' might be equivalent to 'Hard' or even 'Mania' from the regular games. Bloodly fucked around with this message at 21:29 on Jan 13, 2017 |
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Agh, gently caress me, ran out of continues on the last hit of the last boss on the hardest possible route(which I wound up on by accident) with all the optional characters unlocked in one run. On Normal. Bloodly's post is dead on.
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I wouldn't consider myself an expert player but I have finished Mania on I think the SoR1 and 3 path. I am absolute poo poo at the 2 path, mainly because the basketball guys can gently caress right off. Although I use the police assistance with extreme prejudice so that could be why I am at least passable at Remake ![]()
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What game option settings you choose play a huge role in how difficult the game winds up being.
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Aces High posted:I wouldn't consider myself an expert player but I have finished Mania on I think the SoR1 and 3 path. I am absolute poo poo at the 2 path, mainly because the basketball guys can gently caress right off. Police magic never felt quite right to me when you have other specials at your disposal, so I usually play with it disabled. But be sure to use it at least once when playing as Ash. And yeah, the difficulty levels in SoR Remake don't really correspond to their equivalents in other SoR games. Normal is just about right for me in Remake (as in, the difficulty where I can be reasonably sure I'll clear it on any route), and I usually play SoR2 on Hardest.
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When doing the back attack, I always found it easier to hold attack and then press jump. That way you don't have to worry about jumping or attacking accidentally by not pressing the buttons together. Also, I've always wondered why you never do the vault into the backdrop when grabbing. Is it just because you don't want to get surrounded by enemies? As for level 6, there are some more differences between the Megadrive and Master System versions. Firstly, the crushers are gone and are replaced with electricity pillars. Secondly, you don't have the double Souther boss at the end, but instead you get a new and exclusive boss which most call the Penguin. He's a small old hunchbacked man with a top hat and back mounted rocket launcher. He has a pattern similar to the first boss only with the missiles that somewhat home in on you before going off screen. He's not too hard to beat. Discendo Vox posted:There wouldn't have been space to include that many characters. And I'd agree that Adam would've been the least popular- the "big, slow strong" archetype usually is, because in the design approach used in a lot of BEUs, they're the hardest to use. This is definitely not the case in Streets of Rage 2, where I will adamantly stand by my opinion that Max is both the easiest and best character to use. Discendo Vox posted:I think those are pepper shakers, not smoke grenades. They definitely are pepper shakers. I always remember that from the manual. The shaking animation is the enemies sneezing.
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What pepper shakers are doing in the places you find them is anyone's guess ![]() I love in the second level for SoR1 in remake where you can find a hamburger in a trash can, kinda surprised our heroes haven't encountered any ecoli yet
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Hoss Corncave posted:instead you get a new and exclusive boss which most call the Penguin. He's a small old hunchbacked man with a top hat and back mounted rocket launcher. He has a pattern similar to the first boss only with the missiles that somewhat home in on you before going off screen. Oh my god what. And I never used the vault because I don't really find it to be necessary, that's all
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GamesAreSupernice posted:Oh my god what. I kid you not. A short old man with a top hat, white beard, purple coat, and a giant rocket launcher strapped to his back. I'll do a run of that game tomorrow and get you footage of him.
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Stage 7 You thought the outside elevator would have less security? Shows what you know.
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Hoss Corncave posted:I kid you not. A short old man with a top hat, white beard, purple coat, and a giant rocket launcher strapped to his back. I'll do a run of that game tomorrow and get you footage of him. Please do.
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Hoss Corncave posted:I kid you not. A short old man with a top hat, white beard, purple coat, and a giant rocket launcher strapped to his back. I'll do a run of that game tomorrow and get you footage of him. I too am curious- this isn't mentioned anywhere online and this guy doesn't show up in SoRR!
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![]() ![]() This right there is my favorite stage. Because it's a confined space, it removes a lot of Adam's mobility issues, or Axel's lackluster range, but it also lets Blaze ignore her low damage by chain-throwing the opposition back to the ground floor. Between that, the soundtrack, the slow rise until you can see the rest of the city at night and the satisfying gauntlet of fodder, all it's missing is a boss at the end... just so he can be thrown over the guard rail like his minions. You can even jump on that guard rail and do sweet plunging jump kicks (or play mind games). The game's engine does seem to react poorly to changes in elevation, like how that red Hakuyo failed his landing when you called the cops, or how slamming enemies next to the guardrail makes them fall through the floor. I imagine that's why this is only example of elevation being used in the game. Miacis fucked around with this message at 04:14 on Jan 15, 2017 |
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Miacis posted:The game's engine does seem to react poorly to changes in elevation The railing does seem more like a suggestion. It's ethereal
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quote:He's a small old hunchbacked man with a top hat and back mounted rocket launcher. ...That's straight out of Growl/Runark. I mean, literally that's the first form of the final boss, minus the tank he comes in with. The heck?
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I did a runthrough of the Master System version today and made a lot of notes about it. I need to record one next and I'll upload it after you've uploaded the final part. Abadede has an incredibly dumb bit of AI in it, and yes, the Penguin does still exist and I wasn't just making him up. Also, Signals throwing you about IS NOT AN ISSUE on any stage except 4 and 7 where they can throw you into a pit or off the elevator if you're positioned badly. You can be thrown by them and press and hold up on the d-pad and jump. You'll land on your feet taking no damage. This also works for Mona and Lisa doing the reverse throw to you. You can just land safely.
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Stage 8 and my final thoughts on the game, Analysis Looking forward to that master system recording.
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Late to the DJ Boy discussion, but if you play that, you absolutely also need to play the sequel, B. Rap Boys, which has much less racism only to be replaced by early 90s cheesy rap beat loops and occasional mech suits. It's bonkers. Plus, the three characters have different moves instead of being palette swaps.
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Choco1980 posted:Late to the DJ Boy discussion, but if you play that, you absolutely also need to play the sequel, B. Rap Boys, which has much less racism only to be replaced by early 90s cheesy rap beat loops and occasional mech suits. It's bonkers. Plus, the three characters have different moves instead of being palette swaps. But what about BeBe's Kids?
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GamesAreSupernice posted:But what about BeBe's Kids? well I'll be...the SNES game was a beat em up side scroller too.
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I watched a long play of DJ Boy out of curiosity, and they really ran out of ideas by the end. Just gently caress it, wild west level and make the final boss two clones of the first boss.
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Woof, after rewatching the SoR1 videos I am full of words about what SoRR does, designwise. Especially after getting the hardest ending in SoRR. I'm also looking forward to the MD version of SoR1, because that's gotta be the only enemy the dev didn't include.
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I played SoR1 over the weekend at my sister's since she has the family Genesis now. I decided to just play on hardest because, hey, I can do Mania in SoRR ![]() I only got to the end of level 4, I just was not used to the way he moved in comparison to remake so I just got destroyed ![]()
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 18:22 |
Aces High posted:I played SoR1 over the weekend at my sister's since she has the family Genesis now. I decided to just play on hardest because, hey, I can do Mania in SoRR Many good people have lost their lives to Big Ben.
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