Recorded the Master System run and did probably my best run ever. Only disappointments were the Souther fight in the factory and the single lost life due to me being dumb. Debating whether to voice my notes over the video or just post them in the thread.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 09:28 |
Hoss Corncave posted:Recorded the Master System run and did probably my best run ever. Only disappointments were the Souther fight in the factory and the single lost life due to me being dumb. I think voice commentary would better preserve the playthrough, and it would be a lot easier to link to other people.
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The Shadow An unreleased beat 'em up based on... well, The Shadow.
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I thought the Shadow movie with Alec Baldwin was the coolest poo poo as a kid.
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marshmallow creep posted:I thought the Shadow movie with Alec Baldwin was the coolest poo poo as a kid. Now you can play the licensed videogame!
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Oh, I see you also did/are doing VR Troopers. That's another one that I remember as a kid that caught me at just the right time to engage me despite being kind of terrible. I can't remember enough about it to really say why I liked it at the time, but I didn't stick with it long.
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marshmallow creep posted:Oh, I see you also did/are doing VR Troopers. That's another one that I remember as a kid that caught me at just the right time to engage me despite being kind of terrible. I can't remember enough about it to really say why I liked it at the time, but I didn't stick with it long. I already finished it, only took a single video. I enjoy it because I really like older fighting games in the vein of Fatal Fury, but that doesn't mean it's good. Unless you mean the show. The show is god-awful. GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 05:34 on Feb 3, 2017 |
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New beat 'em up incoming shortly. This one is decidedly more modern.
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Let's Play “Power Rangers: Mega Battle” Mega Battle is a traditional side-scrolling beat 'em up released in January of 2017. It was developed by folks who traditionally go un-credited in all the games they create: Bamtang. For some reason, this time their name does actually appear on the work, so that's good for them and their publicity I would imagine. What's the game like? It's.. weird, but not really in an interesting way. It shares some similarities with modern side-scrolling beat 'em ups like Sacred Citadel and Double Dragon Neon, but lacks the polish and nuanced design. There are a lot of mechanics at play, but so many of them feel unnecessary, verging on afterthoughts that have hardly any bearing on player strategy. It's also not nearly difficult or arcadey enough to mimic more classic titles in the genre, so what we end up with is something that doesn't feel like it belongs anywhere. So do you hate it? Not at all. Mega Battle may not be a lot of things, but it tries to be a few. I have a small amount of admiration for any beat 'em up that tries to include upgrades and level progression. While this ends up being one of the game's largest downfalls, it's still a cute idea. Unlocking more interesting moves would be a highlight if any of them affected the gameplay like the developer's seemed to think they would. And when we get into upgrades with some actual utility -like health and defense increases- the whole thing falls completely apart. I also want to give Bamtang credit for trying to incorporate pieces of the license into the design. The end result of requiring two separate energy bars is a little weird, but not as weird as playing a Power Rangers game without a blaster or saber would be. Aside from those few mechanics though, there's very little about the gameplay that reflects the license. Boring QTE Megazord battles notwithstanding. Do you have a reaction image you could use to convey your feelings about the game? Videos GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 03:56 on Apr 1, 2017 |
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Wow, they made Bulk look surprisingly good looking. Something about that warm, inviting smile.
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Tuxedo Ted posted:Wow, they made Bulk look surprisingly good looking. Something about that warm, inviting smile. Bulk's redesign is one of the best reasons to own the game.
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I swear my commentary is more interesting than the gameplay.
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GamesAreSupernice posted:I swear my commentary is more interesting than the gameplay. ![]()
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GamesAreSupernice posted:
I'm pretty sure the "crows" are supposed to be Tenga Warriors.
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whitehelm posted:I'm pretty sure the "crows" are supposed to be Tenga Warriors. Or Tengu Warriors as they were called in the 90s Movie.
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whitehelm posted:I'm pretty sure the "crows" are supposed to be Tenga Warriors. I've barely watched Power Rangers, I am only aware the other ones are called putties through pop-cultural osmosis.
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The boss is okay though.
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I find it hilarious that you're beating up Tommy as the Green Ranger with Tommy as the White Ranger, partially because the Green and White Rangers actually do fight each other in the episode "Return of the Green Ranger" from season two which is also the season that introduced Lord Zedd. I assume that the White Ranger in this game is an alternate skin of the Green Ranger, correct?
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Chimera-gui posted:I find it hilarious that you're beating up Tommy as the Green Ranger with Tommy as the White Ranger, partially because the Green and White Rangers actually do fight each other in the episode "Return of the Green Ranger" from season two which is also the season that introduced Lord Zedd. The White Ranger has better stats and some of his special attacks have different graphical effects.
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Aggressively average, in a way that's not even interesting. So the issue is it's too 'safe'. It's not even tried especially to be interesting, despite the looks. One can say there are few mistakes, but it's about as cookie cutter as you can get.(Which is odd, because there haven't been many walk-along beat-em-ups lately. Though I'm sure I'm wrong.) It is good, in that they've avoided flaws and problems. But there's no desire for it too be more. I find it funny that Goldar doesn't end up being a true threat till he's nearly dead. Would have been interesting if his rage mode started earlier.
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Will you play this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdWOWLeCL7Q
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SelenicMartian posted:Will you play this one? The problem is that there's ostensibly a hidden item somewhere in the game to give you a good ending, and no one knows where to find it. Until such a day it is uncovered, I would feel guilty LPing it.
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As the doofy magee who did a no-death run of Maximum Carnage, I would love to see your take on Maximum Carnage.
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DeathChicken posted:As the doofy magee who did a no-death run of Maximum Carnage, I would love to see your take on Maximum Carnage. I have a lot of respect for that LP and I still watch it from time to time. I highly doubt I could do it more justice, and some of the tactics you employed are things even I wouldn't have thought of! Now Separation Anxiety on the other hand.
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Sensible conclusion.
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I like the monster redesigns since they now look like actual monsters instead of people in suits. I recognize a few of them but I'll let someone more well versed in Mighty Morphin identify all of them.
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GamesAreSupernice posted:The problem is that there's ostensibly a hidden item somewhere in the game to give you a good ending, and no one knows where to find it. Until such a day it is uncovered, I would feel guilty LPing it. Supposedly you have to play the game a second time and collect hidden gems scattered throughout each level.
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Chimera-gui posted:I like the monster redesigns since they now look like actual monsters instead of people in suits. I recognize a few of them but I'll let someone more well versed in Mighty Morphin identify all of them. All I remember is that Serpentera was the only enemy they could never actually destroy because it was so huge and powerful, plus it showed up after Zedd had already pretty much destroyed the Dinozords, and the Thunderzords stood no chance against it. Even the turtle carrier Tor which was supposed to be indestructible got stomped by it. The only reason that Zedd never won with it was because it always conveniently ran out of energy before he could finish them off.
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Hoss Corncave posted:All I remember is that Serpentera was the only enemy they could never actually destroy because it was so huge and powerful, plus it showed up after Zedd had already pretty much destroyed the Dinozords, and the Thunderzords stood no chance against it. Even the turtle carrier Tor which was supposed to be indestructible got stomped by it. The only reason that Zedd never won with it was because it always conveniently ran out of energy before he could finish them off. From what I've heard, the reason Serpentera ran out of energy is because the thing apparently runs on AAA batteries.
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Let's Play Beats of Power Something to get the taste of Power Rangers: Mega Battle out of the world's collective mouth. Beats of Power is a short, sweet tribute to 16-bit action games with respectable design and presentation. I mean, yeah, it may use a lot of resources from other games, but it's more fun than plenty of the professionally made games it's inspired by. I still end up breaking the hell out of the design, but I would easily recommend it to any fan of the genre. Videos Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6/7 Extra Rangers End GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 06:22 on Apr 28, 2017 |
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Area 2 Nimrod is an intelligent fellow
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How the heck has Saban not called for a cease and desist on Beats of Power? I remember Bandai (Well Namco Bandai now) did the MMPR games on SNES, so they should want a piece.
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HR12345 posted:How the heck has Saban not called for a cease and desist on Beats of Power? I remember Bandai (Well Namco Bandai now) did the MMPR games on SNES, so they should want a piece. First and foremost, you have to understand that Saban doesn't actually own the Power Rangers franchise since it's technically an English adaptation of Toei's Super Sentai. Because of this, Saban is very lenient towards fan projects. When Linkara uploaded his HoPR series onto Youtube, it was Toei that hit him with copyright strikes rather than Saban as the latter does not mind History of Power Rangers – seeing it as promotion and as long as Linkara doesn't try to sell anything, it’s all good. In fact, the only other notable rule Saban has is as part of a contract for the fan promotion “The Power Force”. That rule being that any videos relating to Power Rangers need to have footage from official sources, AKA DVDs.
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Even if Saban did care and had the authority to unquestionably take legal action regarding the license, they'd have to know Beats of Power existed. That alone seems unlikely.
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... was that the Sectoid Death Scream as D. Zord was summoned?
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Area 3 More like Greenhorn. ManxomeBromide posted:... was that the Sectoid Death Scream as D. Zord was summoned? I spent a brief minute googling Sectoid Death Scream and then got distracted.
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GamesAreSupernice posted:I spent a brief minute googling Sectoid Death Scream and then got distracted. I spent a bit more trying to find a decent example of it on YouTube and came up empty; mostly I just found hints for extracting it from your 1994 floppy discs. It does seem to be the case that it's a stock sound effect like Doom's door-opening sound, though. ETA: Since I was hilariously vague at first: the sound it made when you selected it on the menu reminded me of the sounds Sectoids and similar smallish aliens made when killed in the 1994 X-COM: UFO Defense. And to go more on-topic: I love how the enemies apparently are so eager to get at you that they don't notice there's a hole in the bridge and just dive en masse to their doom. ManxomeBromide fucked around with this message at 03:15 on Apr 19, 2017 |
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 09:28 |
ManxomeBromide posted:I love how the enemies apparently are so eager to get at you that they don't notice there's a hole in the bridge and just dive en masse to their doom. The first guy is actually scripted to do that for humorous purposes, it looks like. I dig it.
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