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Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Wolverine vs Omega Red it is. Who surprisingly has the hardest time of this fight. The rest of the crew can range him to a degree (or in the case of Beast, endlessly head bop him).

Who gets to fight the Juggernaut bitch?


May 1, 2008
Well, we've had all the others I think, so it should be Cyclops' turn.

marshmallow creep
Dec 10, 2008

I've been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of a joke to make but I just realised the animators of Mass Effect already did it for me

Tindalos posted:

Well, we've had all the others I think, so it should be Cyclops' turn.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Cyclops vs Juggernaut. Not too bad.

Now it gets mechanically interesting again. We're back to all five characters having an individual stage (with a boss fight versus Exodus along the way). Clearing that stage takes you to Magneto with that character...who has a frankly absurd amount of health and is not meant to be fought with one person. Dying on Magneto however still leaves the character *at* him, and he does not regain health between fights. So essentially it's a mass gauntlet, any X-Man you can make it through with versus Maggy until you win or run out of lives.

Plan is to get all of the X-Men to him and whittle him down. Maybe I'll do a montage (also the characters have slightly different endings depending on who actually does Maggy in).

Jan 29, 2009

old school
This is turning out to be a much meatier game than I expected it to be when you started playing it.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Let's start with the simplest stage. Gambit to Magneto. It's kind of funny, usually Exodus whups my rear end (in spite of Gambit being the only one who can cheese him). This time I got by him rather harmlessly and the final boss (who should have been cake compared to Exodus) kicked my rear end.

Also I have no idea if those teleporting Acolytes are supposed to be any particular comic character. It's something I've wondered about.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

DeathChicken posted:

Also I have no idea if those teleporting Acolytes are supposed to be any particular comic character. It's something I've wondered about.

I certainly can't find anything about them.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
I finished this turd-tastic beat 'em up in a single morning, and I thought it was worth bringing to attention anyway.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

You should do Fighting Force at some point. That game was so very cool. Don't recall any other beat em up that let you rip up and use practically anything in the environment as a weapon.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

DeathChicken posted:

You should do Fighting Force at some point. That game was so very cool. Don't recall any other beat em up that let you rip up and use practically anything in the environment as a weapon.

Dynamite Cop, I compare the two often

Jan 29, 2009
There's something kinda cool about a fighting game where you can avoid most of the fights.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Cassa posted:

There's something kinda cool about a fighting game where you can avoid most of the fights.

I'd like to see it in a better game.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Stage 7 - Abigail Brand

Neato guns.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

I enjoy the Turtles in Time foe toss at the screen.

Beast to Magneto. What don't I enjoy? This boooooooooooooss

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

DeathChicken posted:

I enjoy the Turtles in Time foe toss at the screen.

Beast to Magneto. What don't I enjoy? This boooooooooooooss

Capcom is the reason I do this to every game I play.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Part 8 - Red Hulk

Red Hulk is the first result when searching "Rulk" in Google

Oct 14, 2012

i'm the heckin best
frig all the rest
One of my favorite genres. I tend to prefer the ones with bigger movesets. If the game is over at a brisk pace, I at least want to be able to hurt baddies in a variety of ways - one of the reasons I've always preferred SOR to FF. More grapples and special moves.

There was a program somewhat like MUGEN which let you create your own beat-em-ups. I played one with a staggering Dynamite Cop like movelist about vampire hunters and stuff. Good stuff.

E: Found it: . Also the MUGEN thing is called OpenBOR.

Firstborn fucked around with this message at 19:03 on Jul 13, 2017

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Firstborn posted:

One of my favorite genres. I tend to prefer the ones with bigger movesets. If the game is over at a brisk pace, I at least want to be able to hurt baddies in a variety of ways - one of the reasons I've always preferred SOR to FF. More grapples and special moves.

There was a program somewhat like MUGEN which let you create your own beat-em-ups. I played one with a staggering Dynamite Cop like movelist about vampire hunters and stuff. Good stuff.

You're probably thinking of the OpenBOR engine, and Night Slashers X?

Jan 29, 2009

old school
Finally got around to watching this:

DeathChicken posted:

Beast to Magneto. What don't I enjoy? This boooooooooooooss

Holy crap, who signed off on that boss.

Also, who signed off on the animation of Beast doing a normal parabolic jump and then coming to a sudden stop upside down, because that happened all over the place and it was hilarious every single time. That transition looks normalish if you're hopping down through the platform and then grabbing the ceiling, but "this is a platform, but you can only land on the ceiling" never stops being funny and wrong.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Firstborn posted:

E: Found it: . Also the MUGEN thing is called OpenBOR.

Clearly I am a savant.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Part 9 - War Machine

Bowman? More like "why, man?"

Jul 15, 2012

Something that has been bugging me about this game is that I could swear I'm seeing enemies that were in Streets of Rage 3 ( those jumping robots) sounds effects from Streets of Rage 3 (extra life) and sprites from comic zone (the bomb and the boom sound). This is a fan game correct? Did they just take/borrow things from these games and probably other games?

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

nonrev posted:

Something that has been bugging me about this game is that I could swear I'm seeing enemies that were in Streets of Rage 3 ( those jumping robots) sounds effects from Streets of Rage 3 (extra life) and sprites from comic zone (the bomb and the boom sound). This is a fan game correct? Did they just take/borrow things from these games and probably other games?

All of the enemies are from other games. "Ninja Warriors" and "Captain America and The Avengers" are a couple games used, but I'm sure there are more. Nothing in the game seems to be truly original sprite-work, though modifications were made.

And yes, those sound effects are from Streets of Rage 3.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Part 10 - Sub-Mariner Redux

Imperius Rex!

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Part Final - Wolverine

Evil can't escape my tiny fury

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

The classical Freudian anal sadistic character in its purest form.
Were there any branching paths that we didn't see?

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Discendo Vox posted:

Were there any branching paths that we didn't see?

No, which is odd, I understand. But the only branching path was at the start.

marshmallow creep
Dec 10, 2008

I've been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of a joke to make but I just realised the animators of Mass Effect already did it for me

Maybe they planned to do more. You did say they are still updating the game, yes? Perhaps they still intend to go back and add more paths.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

marshmallow creep posted:

Maybe they planned to do more. You did say they are still updating the game, yes? Perhaps they still intend to go back and add more paths.

I would assume that's the case, but I'll ask personally.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Pocket Dimensional Clash

And to top it off, a look at the developer's other beat 'em up

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Psylocke to Magneto. Thankfully this is much briefer than Beast's slog.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Cyclops to Magneto. This took me awhile, that boss can shoot you dead if you aren't precise.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Who knew it was so easy to kick rockets to death?

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

And Wolverine to Magneto. Time to figure out how I want to play this. The characters are all at Maggy. He has one health bar that doesn't regen between fights, they have all of their lives to run at him until he drops (dying just takes you back to character select, then straight back to Maggy). I intend to show off everyone, then their individual endings...somehow

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
I think Wolverine should lose first.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

He has the easiest and most boring time with Maggy. He can pretty safely just hang out beneath him and uppercut past all of Maggy's attacks, but it does minimal damage and takes forever.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

DeathChicken posted:

He has the easiest and most boring time with Maggy. He can pretty safely just hang out beneath him and uppercut past all of Maggy's attacks, but it does minimal damage and takes forever.

But his bones are made of metal.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Reminds me of his boss fight in Wolverine's Revenge where the gimmick was Maggy was nearly depowered. The moment he isn't he instantly kills you.

(I will get to finishing this soon enough, been busy)


Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
One Piece: Grand Adventure - All Rumble Battles

One Piece: Grand Adventure was a game I bought specifically under the pretense that it included beat 'em up missions. Hopefully this gives you an idea of how infatuated I am with the genre. As for the "Rumble Battle" segments in the game itself, they're surprisingly solid. The missions consist of your chosen player character combating a variety of repurposed "Support Characters" from the main One vs One game mode. The enemies get more health and deal more damage as you progress, but you also have the same benefit. One Piece: Grand Adventure is an action-RPG first and a fighting game/beat 'em up second. Your stats decide how nearly every game mechanic plays out.

This un-commentated video contains every beat 'em up mission, as played with adequately leveled characters. Enjoy.

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