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Lascivious Sloth
Apr 26, 2008

by sebmojo

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

um, condolences on your broken husband/wife to be? (i'm confused)


Shimrra Jamaane
Aug 10, 2007

Obscure to all except those well-versed in Yuuzhan Vong lore.
I want a Satan Fortress in my heart.

Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

prenup, before it's too late

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Satan Fortress in my heart.

I would like to see a drawing of this.

Aug 12, 2013

Decrepus posted:

He was 15 years young and they were 4 years old so it isn't as bad as it sounds.

Aug 8, 2007

None so deprived

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

Don't listen to the other guys, she's saying it's okay for you to get some strange every now and then, sounds like you won the lottery!

Hollis Brownsound
Apr 2, 2009

by Lowtax

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

Sounds like you just got permission bro, grats.

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

I've probably watched enough porn to give myself brain damage and I still haven't ever cheated on anyone, or done any of the other bad things he's done.

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
Someone make an Oblivion mod for battling Satan for control of the Duggar's compromised sex lives.

Feb 25, 2014

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

didnt know the duggars had SA accounts

Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004

Nap Ghost

Hollis Brownsound posted:

Sounds like you just got permission bro, grats.

I'm not some cheating scumbag even with permission, also I know she's full of poo poo and would leave the second she found out.

Hollis Brownsound
Apr 2, 2009

by Lowtax

happyhippy posted:

His two usernames on the site were 'Josh_the_man' and 'ready4thisdc'.

dc stands for Duggar cock

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

That's a real sweet sentiment. You should thank her kindness by taking her on an ankle-length denim skirt shopping spree.

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007


We tell our children, “Welding metal together is an incredible process. It is interesting to watch, but if you don’t protect your eyes, you will go blind! Similarly, if men, young and old, do not have internet protection and accountability, they will scar their eyes, which are the windows to the soul.” For that reason, we have set up multiple safeguards on our Mac computers, creating parental controls that strictly limit Internet access.


Last year we acquired a few iPhones. They are handy and fun to use; we can check the bank balance or the ten-day weather forecast in an instant. But because they are Internet enabled, they also need to be password protected. The ones used by Dad and the boys don’t have Safari or any other application that leads to a search engine.

Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post
Josh Duggar was having an extra marital gay relationship with that Dentist who killed that lion :lol:

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight

BrigadierSensible posted:

She was arranged marriaged off to a worthless paedophile loser that her family chose from the same isolated fundie community as her. But he had TV money, so at least she and the kids she would be forced to spawn would be cared for. Now he has lost all that TV money, and all potential Right Wing Committee money, so you have this poor woman, who has never been schooled, has been told that it is sinful for her to work, having to take care of a paedophile who doesn't care about her's kids all the while probably blaming herself and praying/self flaggelating.

Can we start a Kickstarter that pays for a college education at a legitimate University and buys her a house on the condition that she disowns her family and Josh kills himself?

Shimrra Jamaane
Aug 10, 2007

Obscure to all except those well-versed in Yuuzhan Vong lore.
Who will be the first Duggar to kill themselves? Aside from the miscarried fetuses I mean.

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

Three Olives posted:

Can we start a Kickstarter that pays for a college education at a legitimate University and buys her a house on the condition that she disowns her family and Josh kills himself?

What are the backer rewards?

Denim Dude
Feb 21, 2006
i didn't buy shit. i don't know what the fuck is going on.

Demon Of The Fall posted:

I'm not some cheating scumbag even with permission, also I know she's full of poo poo and would leave the second she found out.

she just threw that out there so when you catch her cheating she can claim she never thought cheating was even that bad. sorry bro.

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Who will be the first Duggar to kill themselves? Aside from the miscarried fetuses I mean.

Jim Bob.
He'll do a Jonestown on the clan but with a shotgun.

Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Who will be the first Duggar to kill themselves? Aside from the miscarried fetuses I mean.

josiah obviously

this guy dreams of drowning in dick

Oct 29, 2012

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Who will be the first Duggar to kill themselves? Aside from the miscarried fetuses I mean.

One of the gay ones, and that's probably the only way any member of this horrible family can create a net loss to humanity by dying.

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Who will be the first Duggar to kill themselves? Aside from the miscarried fetuses I mean.

Josiah assume he decides not to find a nice black man and run off to NYC to study musical theatre.

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight

Jumpingmanjim posted:

What are the backer rewards?

She lets Josh knock her up one last time, gets a late term abortion and you get a tiny little jar with a piece of the fetus.

Stretch Goal (0 of 1) $20,000

One intact fetal head with a certificate of authenticity signed by the doctor and Anna.

Jan 12, 2001
Grimey Drawer
You posters know too much about the childmolesting quiverfull adulturerous Duggars. It is kind of weird. Just enjoy the schadenfreude.

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all

Pastor Perineum posted:

josiah obviously

this guy dreams of drowning in dick

I think he could do alright. Not hideous. minor celebrity, looks good in purple and his repressive upbringing
means he's gonna be into some major kinks before long. Seems like a power bottom to me.

Lowtechs posted:

You posters know too much about the childmolesting quiverfull adulturerous Duggars. It is kind of weird. Just enjoy the schadenfreude.

We are. We just enjoy gloating about it, too.

Feb 25, 2014
Jim Bob

big business man
Sep 30, 2012

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao


Feb 21, 2007

This looks a lot like suffering.
I know what a bottom is but what's a power bottom? I know I could look it up but I think everyone needs to know.

Oct 21, 2008

Amarcarts posted:

I know what a bottom is but what's a power bottom? I know I could look it up but I think everyone needs to know.

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo

Amarcarts posted:

I know what a bottom is but what's a power bottom? I know I could look it up but I think everyone needs to know.

Pm me

Jul 1, 2007
Josh's turn on's: women_with_children.

Affe mk2
Mar 9, 2004

Chicks dig giant robots

afterhours posted:

Josh's turn on's: women_with_children.

you mean women_and_children

Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post

Affe mk2 posted:

you mean women_and_children


Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you


During their free time, our kids can go to more than seventy-five prescreened websites for fun and educational information and activities. Some of their favorites are and

I had to look. Life at the Pond is awesome, I mean look at this.


Feb 25, 2014
please no GodTube dumps

Nov 7, 2012

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Roll Tide

Demon Of The Fall posted:

"Anna loves him despite his flaws. She takes their vows seriously. She's a good woman. I'd probably be the same way."

My fiancé tonight lmao

she's trying to tell you she wants an open relationship

Dec 30, 2001

Jumpingmanjim posted:

What are the backer rewards?

I'm assuming she has ridiculously long a strand of that

Nov 3, 2012

happyhippy posted:

If you think about it, if demons could penetrate the Fort Knox level of Christian mentality that is the Duggar family us lesser plebs are hosed royally trying to protect ourselves against Satan.

Not just penetrated, built a fortress inside! If Satan can play Carpenter inside such pious frito pie-eating worshippers as the duggars, God is screwed.

Might as well take all the drugs and do all the gay sex while we still have our free will


Nov 3, 2012

Amarcarts posted:

I know what a bottom is but what's a power bottom? I know I could look it up but I think everyone needs to know.

Imagine a black hole squished between two hero sandwich subs

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