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Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Hopefully now with the holiday weekend over the news can return to ripping these retards apart.


basement jihadist
Oct 3, 2002

fat fuckabee

Aug 20, 2006

I Hate Huckabee's (fat poo poo garbage son)

Emanuel Collective
Jan 16, 2008

by Smythe
This thread reached page 30? Looks like the sanctimonious lib sjws don't know when to quit !

Emanuel Collective
Jan 16, 2008

by Smythe
I'm not saying incestual pedophilia isn't bad, but the folks who get all care mad about it are worse!

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Top City Homo posted:

i have murdered and dismembered a hobo and diddled my toddler child and you have dishonored your family by buggering a twink in the bathroom stall

we are all sinners

and equal before the lord

but you deserve to be stoned to death and JAYZUS told me that he forgives me

god bles

I've cheated on my wife with venal harlots but God forgave me!

I've tormented my children and viciously beaten my wife but God forgave me!

I've gotten dead drunk every day for weeks on end but God forgave me!

I've stolen and cheated and lied but God forgave me!

and I will continue to steal and fornicate and lie and beat my wife because God will forgive me!

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
From Cosmopolitan:

So you’ve never kissed anyone?

Jessa: Nope — well, I mean my brothers! I think all of us girls have really purposed to save our first kiss for our wedding day.

Okay, not that weird. Lots of people kiss their brothers. But this question is just a lead-up to this series of Qs.

Have you ever been curious about what it’s like?

Jessa: I can’t say I haven’t been, but it’s the anticipation, the suspense! It’s like Christmas morning, you know? Open this special package so it’ll be fun!

Are you going to ask anyone for advice?

Jessa: I’m sure I’ll be getting advice from people who are good kissers!

Like who?

Jessa: My parents are pretty good kissers! They very much like to show their kiss in public places, so they kiss in front of us all the time. [And I’d ask] my oldest brother. He’s been married for five years. And friends and people around me who I look up to. But I don’t think it’s too hard to figure out though.

Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

looks aryan to me

and the duggars

or is it this jesus

or is it Korean Jesus?

its actually this

Speaking as a history major, probably the Korean one. Probably.

Jan 19, 2007

Is it Godly for a woman to give her husband oral as long as she spits out his seed afterward and plants it up in her sin patch?

Jun 4, 2011

Whatev posted:

Is it Godly for a woman to give her husband oral as long as she spits out his seed afterward and plants it up in her sin patch?

wont work unless shes hella flexible

basically what im saying is shes gotta snowball her man or theyre both going to hell

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

loving lol

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Bring General Sherman back, give him nukes.

Automatic Slim
Jul 1, 2007

Jumpingmanjim posted:

Bring General Sherman back, give him nukes.

Gene Hackman Fan
Dec 27, 2002

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I still vote on giving Arkansas back to France. I'd even throw in $20 to sweeten the deal.

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Gene Hackman Fan posted:

I still vote on giving Arkansas back to France. I'd even throw in $20 to sweeten the deal.

Uh huh huh le incest cest magnifique. Le Huckabee est grande.

Aug 6, 2010

Wanamingo posted:

I went and checked if I could find any more details on this story, and

what the heck is ol' slick willy doing with these creeps

Why is Bill Clinton there, for real.

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

Anatharon posted:

Why is Bill Clinton there, for real.

something something arkansas :shrug:

May 1, 2002

Anatharon posted:

Why is Bill Clinton there, for real.
"this guy had 19 kids? I gotta see this poo poo, wonder if I have more"

Combine that with phoning in a favor for a friend or something probably.

Nov 4, 2009

huckabee is a disgusting piece of poo poo that hides behind his stupid affable face and his lovely hateful religion to make his egregious corruption and lack of morals palatable to the public. i hate him so much

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Huckabee is weird because his face isn't nearly punchable enough.

Luckily his sons are.

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Pook Good Mook posted:

The hosed up thing about Conservatives'/Christian zealots' persecution complexes is they don't realize that in reality the hurdle (though they're drawing a high jump?) is the same height for everyone. Christians pretend they jump 10 feet higher than that hurdle and when some of their number only manage to get 2 inches off the ground of course we point it out. They're the ones who've spent the last few decades criticizing how high the rest of us jump.

Well, not just that, but the the very people that set that hurdle and bitched that's the hurtle height are the ones that fail to get over it. It's not just some of their number, but the very mouthpieces that bitch and set the rules.
In this case it was the uber christian morals/abstinence/bible learning that tumbled over the same hurdle they set and continued to set for 12 years after

21st Cherry boy posted:

I mentioned this to my mom and she said they shouldn't have cancelled the show, which made me a bit... concerned. But then she said that since those people are such idiots TLC should have kept their show on, with the requirement that Josh and all the victims get heavy therapy and have the show talk about hotlines and resources for victims to come forward. Since obviously now none of them are going to get treatment and they're just gonna double down on the crazy.

Dude, this show fired a gay guy because it would upset the Duggars, they wouldn't do any of that therapy/conditions bullshit either

Twinty Zuleps
May 10, 2008

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy

Jumpingmanjim posted:

From Cosmopolitan:

So you’ve never kissed anyone?

Jessa: Nope — well, I mean my brothers! I think all of us girls have really purposed to save our first kiss for our wedding day.

Okay, not that weird. Lots of people kiss their brothers. But this question is just a lead-up to this series of Qs.

Have you ever been curious about what it’s like?

Jessa: I can’t say I haven’t been, but it’s the anticipation, the suspense! It’s like Christmas morning, you know? Open this special package so it’ll be fun!

Are you going to ask anyone for advice?

Jessa: I’m sure I’ll be getting advice from people who are good kissers!

Like who?

Jessa: My parents are pretty good kissers! They very much like to show their kiss in public places, so they kiss in front of us all the time. [And I’d ask] my oldest brother. He’s been married for five years. And friends and people around me who I look up to. But I don’t think it’s too hard to figure out though.

Jan 5, 2006

I am disrespectful to dirt! Join me or die! Can you do any less?

SocketWrench posted:

Dude, this show fired a gay guy because it would upset the Duggars, they wouldn't do any of that therapy/conditions bullshit either

The only thing that's funny instead of sad about that incident is how they didn't even realize the guy was gay until he told them. It's like something out of Borat.

Jan 5, 2006

I am disrespectful to dirt! Join me or die! Can you do any less?
It creeps me out how all these people say poo poo like, "well, everyone would (be gay/molest children/kill people) if God weren't here to say no! We all have to fight the temptation!"

Well, no, we don't. If you're tempted to have sex with someone of your own gender, you're gay. If you're tempted to molest a child, you're a loving disgusting piece of poo poo pedophile, and if you're tempted to kill people, you're a psychopath. Normal people aren't tempted to gently caress children, you creepy bastards!

Jun 14, 2005
WHOOOOO WHEE whatre them duggars gonna get imselves into now faras hot water n such goes?!??!

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
So I take it Josh will be keynoting CPAC next year?

1st AD
Dec 3, 2004

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: sometimes passing just isn't an option.

Top City Homo posted:

watching the highlights now


conclusion: burn the south down and salt the earth

William Tecumseh Sherman tried to do exactly that and tbqh Grant and the other Union generals should've let him keep going

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


also a gem from the father-in-law of one of the girls:


Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray that he would keep us and our children from falling.”

there you have it folks. if it weren't for those pesky anti-molestation laws, we'd all be indulging the fle...ugh can't even finish that

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup


“Since Josh molested girls, which could damage their trust of men, which could damage their future marriage, which could damage their future family, we should make Josh Duggar work the rest of his life to help families stay together and help them recognize how twisted the world is and how God offers instruction on how to live righteously!” said Hovind, who is affiliated with the Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida.

“He should be forced to push faith, family and freedom in the public showing the Christian worldview has the answers,” Hovind continued. “We should force him to get a job at the Family Research Counsel (whose) mission is ‘to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview.’ That would be a great punishment!”

Dumb gently caress says that Josh should be punished by making him do what he was doing already.

And Josh molesting proves God is real too.

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

happyhippy posted:

Dumb gently caress says that Josh should be punished by making him do what he was doing already.

And Josh molesting proves God is real too.

Wow I had no idea Kent Hovind was out of Jail.

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup

Jumpingmanjim posted:

Wow I had no idea Kent Hovind was out of Jail.

Thats his son, Eric.
Kent is still is the pokey.

Jan 5, 2006

I am disrespectful to dirt! Join me or die! Can you do any less?

happyhippy posted:

Dumb gently caress says that Josh should be punished by making him do what he was doing already.

Unless what he was already doing was dipping his cock and balls in a vat of acid, this is a wrong opinion.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Wulfolme posted:

im not cool with sex with horses either or dogs


Jun 26, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

I was went to a Jewish religious high school from 13 to 17. We read the Torah verse by verse, read commentary on them, then studied dissenting and current interpretations of its meaning and then debated it for an hour or more. This was alongside normal school work.

It had some odd elements to it but either case i took away certain things from the school like critical thought and research skills even if the religious portion of it didn't completely stick.

The idea of a fat woman chastising me about grace and righteousness and screaming in tongues is completely alien to me.

i think that the kids dont understand anything that is happening to them nor what they are doing nor the concepts behind the words they are hearing

the only thing they will take away from this is how to block out thought, institutionalize ignorance and conformity. I don't think an active participatory citizenry is compatible with these cults

source your quotes

Lucy Heartfilia
May 31, 2012

christian fundamentalists and republicans in general are evil

Lucy Heartfilia
May 31, 2012

this reminds me of republican politicians condemning all the gays who then promptly get caught having gay sex.

the lady doth protest too much methinks

Lucy Heartfilia
May 31, 2012

Emanuel Collective posted:

I'm not saying incestual pedophilia isn't bad, but the folks who get all care mad about it are worse!


Jumpingmanjim posted:

Bring General Sherman back, give him nukes.


Jan 5, 2006

I am disrespectful to dirt! Join me or die! Can you do any less?

Lucy Heartfilia posted:

this reminds me of republican politicians condemning all the gays who then promptly get caught having gay sex.

Well, you can't fault them for their moment of weakness, when they gave into the intense, universal desire we all hold within us (according to them), to suck a stranger's cock in an airport toilet.

They're really sorry now and are right with Jayzus about it, what more do you want?

The most disturbing part of this is their view that everyone has the urge to molest children or have some glory-hole fun, and it's just our fear of punishment that's stopping us.

Lucy Heartfilia
May 31, 2012

PT6A posted:

The most disturbing part of this is their view that everyone has the urge to molest children or have some glory-hole fun, and it's just our fear of punishment that's stopping us.

Seriously, what sick twisted evil people think that without the threat of punishment by god every normal person would rape and murder all the time. and then they call other people depraved and sinful.


Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup
I want to see the house the Josh built as his punishment to cure him of his sexual predatory nature.
Bet you it has phallic poo poo all over it.
Or titties.
A house covered in dicks and tits.

happyhippy fucked around with this message at 10:04 on May 26, 2015

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