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  • Locked thread
Jan 4, 2001

by Lowtax
Jerm Bib


Hollis Brownsound
Apr 2, 2009

by Lowtax

King of Bees
Dec 28, 2012
Gravy Boat 2k

Jim bob...

Dec 2, 2001
Bib Job.

Say Nothing
Mar 5, 2013

by FactsAreUseless

Lord of Pie posted:

If the Duggar family tree doesn't look like this I'll be shocked

Inbreeding gave Charles II a face like a foot, the Duggars on the other hand all look like someone drew a tiny face on a potato. Genetics is weird.

Mr. Pumroy
May 20, 2001

i shall name him.....

jim bob

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Say Nothing posted:

Inbreeding gave Charles II a face like a foot, the Duggars on the other hand all look like someone drew a tiny face on a potato. Genetics is weird.

Twinty Zuleps
May 10, 2008

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy

Say Nothing posted:

Inbreeding gave Charles II a face like a foot, the Duggars on the other hand all look like someone drew a tiny face on a potato. Genetics is weird.

i was bored, here be disgusted more efficiently

Number of Grandparents you should have(# he had):
Parents: 2(2)
Grand: 2(4)
1 Great: 8(8)
2 Great: 16(14)
3 Great: 32(18)
4 Great: 64(26)
5 Great: 128(34)

Twinty Zuleps fucked around with this message at 03:28 on May 30, 2015

Oct 29, 2012

I wish all of these kids had a chance.

Dec 15, 2008

Wedemeyer posted:

Same. My second thought was that wow, this kid probably has zero time to himself ever. No wonder he's in a bathroom for hours. They all have no privacy whatsoever, and I don't even mean that regarding time to masturbate. They don't even have their own rooms, do they? Granted there's nothing wrong with sharing a room with one other sibling [same sex I mean, just not girl/boy unless they can agree on decor]. No wonder he's hosed up among other reasons.

One of the few episodes I remember watching, they had just built this giant house and some of the older girls were going to get their own rooms, but they decided they didn't want their own rooms. The teenage girls chose to keep sharing a bedroom.

They had become so used to constantly being around other people that the thought of sleeping in a bedroom alone terrified them.

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo

Selena is bi polar FYI

Two Free Toppings
Jul 1, 2007


man 'ye promised he wouldnt mention about using my jizzum for their rap baby

E: my jizzum my right! my jizzum my right!

Oct 28, 2009

I know what you did last summer, and frankly I am displeased.
Those are some ugly children.

Two Free Toppings
Jul 1, 2007


CPL593H posted:

Those are some ugly children.

i used to work at a place where dick and jerry van dyke came in a couple times a year and jerry van dyke makes a much more handsome baby than any of the duggars.

Jan 23, 2008

Mr. Pumroy posted:

jim bob ooks like that triangle mouthed dollfucker
Didn't the idea come up there that doll-haver's face might be the result of FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome)?

Oct 13, 2001

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.

Crusty Nutsack posted:

The girls all share one room, and presumably the boys share one room too. So yes the chicks who are 20+ share with the little girls who are like 3. Weirdly enough, you always see the girls room on the show, but I don't ever remember seeing the boys room.

They're probably afraid the camera crew would shine a black light in the boys room and have it light up like a life size Jackson Pollock painting.

Has anyone said Mike Cuckabee yet?

Apr 30, 2008


Xlorp posted:

Didn't the idea come up there that doll-haver's face might be the result of FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome)?

He has a cleft palate. Pretty common birth defect that's usually fixed right away or in early childhood unless you're a poor redneck

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo
It's not weird to sleep on the floor in your sister/brothers room when one is 10 or 12 for fucks sake. Tingling is diff.

Say Nothing
Mar 5, 2013

by FactsAreUseless

The sheer asymmetry of that face is disturbing.

And yes, it is a sign of inbreeding.

May 21, 2008

In the end, his dominion did not touch a single poster.

Josh Duggar is that poster that said Doobie's son had dick sucking lips but either ironically or unironically depending on if he meant it or not.

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo

Say Nothing posted:

The sheer asymmetry of that face is disturbing.

And yes, it is a sign of inbreeding.


Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the next layer to this story is that Duggarmom has only had like 6 kids tops and the rest are incest babies

value-brand cereal
May 2, 2008

Nessa posted:

One of the few episodes I remember watching, they had just built this giant house and some of the older girls were going to get their own rooms, but they decided they didn't want their own rooms. The teenage girls chose to keep sharing a bedroom.

They had become so used to constantly being around other people that the thought of sleeping in a bedroom alone terrified them.

And it's easier to not get raped if there's someone to help you fight off your brother. :smith:

Two Free Toppings
Jul 1, 2007


Wedemeyer posted:

And it's easier to not get raped if there's someone to help you fight off your brother. :smith:

that's why top bunk is best bunk. and you remember that next time you bash your head into the ceiling fan.

Top bunk gotta climb; bottom bunk got no hym

Turtle Sandbox
Dec 31, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Wedemeyer posted:

And it's easier to not get raped if there's someone to help you fight off your brother. :smith:

If you get separated from the herd, you become easy pickings for predators. Just like life in the Serengeti, in the Duggar house you need the strength of numbers.

Oct 28, 2009

I know what you did last summer, and frankly I am displeased.

Say Nothing posted:

The sheer asymmetry of that face is disturbing.

And yes, it is a sign of inbreeding.

His face looks like someone did that thing with the newspaper and silly putty and then they stretched one side of the image a little bit. All their family photos look like derp face galleries.

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012

Malkof posted:

Has anyone said Mike Cuckabee yet?


Cory and Trevor
Feb 22, 2006
Jim Billy Ray-Roy Bobby Lee Jo Hogg Bob

Jim Bob

Synthwave Crusader
Feb 13, 2011


Code Jockey
Jan 24, 2006

69420 basic bytes free
Tabernacle Jim has a wrong face

PTSDeedly Do
Nov 24, 2014


Jim Bob

Uncle Wemus
Mar 4, 2004

James Robert

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

rich white faglord posted:

I'm not saying not to shun the Duggar boy I guess so much as why dont you take a look at todays society and how a liberal womyn is forgiven and defended for commiting the same crime as a conservative man who is vilified

Yeah, entirely same situation because the conservative one and his family have repeatedly beaten everyone over the head with their religion and held the moral bar while found to be skirting under it.

Aren't you the same shill from a few hundred posts back that was chased out for trying to defend the Duggars by crying "librul media"?

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012

Jim Bob a loo bop a lop bam boom

Say Nothing
Mar 5, 2013

by FactsAreUseless

CPL593H posted:

His face looks like someone did that thing with the newspaper and silly putty and then they stretched one side of the image a little bit. All their family photos look like derp face galleries.

May 9, 2009

Holy poo poo! Just looked this up and the kid actually looks like this, I thought it was some weird magazine misprint.

Its getting harder and harder to tell what's real in this thread. :sigh:

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

Is this title about the family or the mother's vagina?

Say Nothing
Mar 5, 2013

by FactsAreUseless

crackton posted:

Holy poo poo! Just looked this up and the kid actually looks like this, I thought it was some weird magazine misprint.

Its getting harder and harder to tell what's real in this thread. :sigh:

Kind of like looking in a funhouse mirror, isn't it?

And Jim Bob (lol) has weird mismatched nostrils as well!

Feb 15, 2011

She should get a zipper installed in her midsection so she can just have a c-section birth whenever.


Jul 1, 2007

Say Nothing posted:

The sheer asymmetry of that face is disturbing.

And yes, it is a sign of inbreeding.

crackton posted:

Holy poo poo! Just looked this up and the kid actually looks like this, I thought it was some weird magazine misprint.

I don't know, the kid doesn't look that...


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