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Rockman Reserve
Oct 2, 2007

"Carbons? Purge? What are you talking about?!"

Jonny 290 posted:

this very jurisdiction, springdale PD, paid my half-cambodian buddy a large settlement because they pulled him over like 20 times in one year for driving while brown. they could not fathom how a 20 year old nonwhite kid could legally buy a huge late model bmw (full time hvac earned every penny)

they are the exact opposite of liberal

lookit this poor guy missing glaringly obvious sarcasm in 2015



Jun 6, 2004

Cybernetic Crumb

Do It Once Right posted:

When crazy conservative cults figure out that there exists kinky femdom fetish gear to keep guys from getting erections, quiverfulls will undergo a renaissance. A very weird, uncomfortable renaissance.

poo poo, print a cross on the leather in rhinestones and market it using their creepy language patterns, and you'll make a mint.

This will be marginally less sexually perverse than what the quiverfulls are today.
This website was posted on SomethingAwful a while back and it still remains one of the more hosed up things I've ever read.

Yeah, fit your kid with a chastity cage. burn humanity to the ground.

yes i know it is satire

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

So people can watch this amazing interaction

Oct 29, 2012

at 5 minutes on. But all of it, really. gently caress every conservative christian into the earth forever.

e: gently caress

Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post
Summed up "It's none of your business and how dare you criticize them about child rape when I can deflect the entire conversation to you attacking them for their religious values and the number of children they have, instead of staying on topic about the child rape being condoned in their house to the point where they had to build a new one to stop people from molesting."

Sep 11, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe

ha ncie try this is one of those animatronic things at disneyworld

I Dunno
Apr 6, 2014

These interviews are having the exact effect I predicted they would have. I knew these weirdos were so disconnected from reality that there was no way they wouldn't say things to make themselves look worse. Did these idiots actually think these interviews would help? Or are they taking advantage of interviewing to grab the last bits of money they can before their show is cancelled?

Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post

I Dunno posted:

These interviews are having the exact effect I predicted they would have. I knew these weirdos were so disconnected from reality that there was no way they wouldn't say things to make themselves look worse. Did these idiots actually think these interviews would help? Or are they taking advantage of interviewing to grab the last bits of money they can before their show is cancelled?

Sep 11, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe

I Dunno posted:

These interviews are having the exact effect I predicted they would have. I knew these weirdos were so disconnected from reality that there was no way they wouldn't say things to make themselves look worse. Did these idiots actually think these interviews would help? Or are they taking advantage of interviewing to grab the last bits of money they can before their show is cancelled?

they have a literal severe mental disorder so

Jan 21, 2001


Chinatown posted:

ha ncie try this is one of those animatronic things at disneyworld

The Draco-Reptilian drone operator responsible for operation of the Duggar clan has now assumed direct control of Michelle. If the interview had gone any worse, her venom glands would grown turgid.

Nov 7, 2012

"It's none of your business!"

There's that insularity the pedophiles enjoy so much

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
TLC is just biding its time til it can find another 20 child family and throw the Duggars under the bus.

Code Jockey
Jan 24, 2006

69420 basic bytes free

Jumpingmanjim posted:

TLC is just biding its time til it can find another 20 child family and throw the Duggars under the bus.

I hope it's a big fuckin' bus

Nov 14, 2007


Code Jockey posted:

I hope it's a big fuckin' bus

idk i hear it'll actually be kinda short

Jun 26, 2009

witcher 3 dlc: into the duggarsden

Sep 27, 2012

you irl posted:

what do the duggars think of wet dreams? if they can't jerk off they must be exploding in their sleep


1) demons/succubi/Lilith
2) ones own hidden impure thoughts/lusts

Sheng-Ji Yang
Mar 5, 2014

jime bobe

Code Jockey
Jan 24, 2006

69420 basic bytes free

The White Dragon posted:

idk i hear it'll actually be kinda short

... yet long enough to adequately separate the boys from the girls, to avoid incestual conduct

what a paradox

Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004

Nap Ghost
drat that Hannity interview is a pro rear end click.

Idiot Kicker
Jun 13, 2007
Did Hannity tow the line again?

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Ryoshi posted:

lookit this poor guy missing glaringly obvious sarcasm in 2015


nah i get it, im tired and played it too straight

i may be approaching duggar burnout and need to pull out for a bit

Sheng-Ji Yang
Mar 5, 2014

watching all the baptists and fundies scramble to defend a pedophile on fox is pretty sweet. that robert jeffress is a big preacher in dallas

Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004

Nap Ghost

Idiot Kicker posted:

Did Hannity tow the line again?

Nah he's silent for most of it surprisingly.

I literally lol'd when the preacher dude called the Duggar girls "well adjusted."

jenny jones fan
Dec 24, 2007
More child rape apologists:

Hey you know what most guys Josh's age were jerking their meat-whistles to when they were 15? Jenna Jameson, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Demi Moore, Carmen Electra, etc. All women (at the time) ranging in ages from 25 to 40. Not a loving 5 year old. Oh yeah and the only genitals they were touching were their own. Jesus loving Christ I hate Sarah Palin.

Even if he didn't so much as have access to a Sear's catalog bra section, do what other normal 15 year olds do with no access to TV, magazines, or internet, and flog your hog while thinking about the hot chick who rang you up at Dairy Queen. Ya know, instead of your sister who is 60 months old. jfc

Josh is a pedophile. I see so many people defending this sick gently caress saying "pedophiles are defined as being over 18 years of age....". No. Shut the gently caress up. A 15 year old is never jerking his gherkin to a loving literal baby. It's not even an option. Goddamn it I really loving despise pedo-defenders. And most of them seem to be women in this case rather than creepy dudes trying to justify their sick thoughts.

jenny jones fan fucked around with this message at 07:54 on Jun 6, 2015

Feb 15, 2012

It's-a me, motherfucker

no tuggers in the house of duggar

pedo is okay though

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Melmac posted:

More child rape apologists:

Hey you know what most guys Josh's age were jerking their meat-whistles to when they were 15? Jenna Jameson, Jennifer

Oh god those sound like Duggar names.

jenny jones fan
Dec 24, 2007
and :lol: @ Palin for still using the :qq: the real crime is the illegally obtained police report that was taken by a child-porn enthusiast :qq: because she can't even be arsed to take 10 loving minutes to research that it was legally obtained by a FOIA request. :cripes:

Can't even her numerous employees and clerical staff so the 10 minutes of research for her?

Sep 27, 2005

by Fluffdaddy
im confused by the quiverfull endgame.

ok now youve outbred all the worldly jew liberals and control the government. but now youhave a buncha inbred uneducated poor morons with no real skills and also you think government aid is bad so you cant uplift your white trash kingdomo f christ. you have a third world situation but with white christians sonow what? is the guy who hosed the most babies into existence king or somethign? what does he do now?

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Why does she still get attention? She's not even on fox anymore.

Idiot Kicker
Jun 13, 2007

Jumpingmanjim posted:

Why does she still get attention? She's not even on fox anymore.

Once you're famous/infamous in America, it never goes away. Even if you're a piece of human trash like a George Zimmerman you can go on a big redemption PR stunt and get a reality show and be financially set

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013

cumshitter posted:

im confused by the quiverfull endgame.

ok now youve outbred all the worldly jew liberals and control the government. but now youhave a buncha inbred uneducated poor morons with no real skills and also you think government aid is bad so you cant uplift your white trash kingdomo f christ. you have a third world situation but with white christians sonow what? is the guy who hosed the most babies into existence king or somethign? what does he do now?

Evangelical Americans largely believe that they're either living in or at the cusp of the End Times so the long term future is not worth thinking about. Jesus is coming back to to snatch them up into heaven and punish all the sinners that laughed at them.

Sep 27, 2005

by Fluffdaddy
makes sense. just watched that video witht he duggars priest who wrote some apocalypse book and i figure anyone writing a book like that would half rear end their child counseling.

its real hosed up if you believe that and arent shooting up heroin and loving whores on payday loans and credit card cash advances right now

Mar 12, 2012

This is loving hilarious, holy poo poo.

Apr 1, 2012

Now with brine shrimp!

Jonny 290 posted:

pull out for a bit

Not the duggar way

Apr 26, 2008

by Hand Knit

cumshitter posted:

im confused by the quiverfull endgame.

ok now youve outbred all the worldly jew liberals and control the government. but now youhave a buncha inbred uneducated poor morons with no real skills and also you think government aid is bad so you cant uplift your white trash kingdomo f christ. you have a third world situation but with white christians sonow what? is the guy who hosed the most babies into existence king or somethign? what does he do now?

the lord provides

Apr 26, 2008
I am incredibly stupid
i just hope the younger gayer children are able to flee the compound before the standoff with the fbi

Aug 1, 2004


cumshitter posted:

im confused by the quiverfull endgame.

ok now youve outbred all the worldly jew liberals and control the government. but now youhave a buncha inbred uneducated poor morons with no real skills and also you think government aid is bad so you cant uplift your white trash kingdomo f christ. you have a third world situation but with white christians sonow what? is the guy who hosed the most babies into existence king or somethign? what does he do now?

Military service isn't considered government aid by these people so you just start righteous holy wars and send the poors to go die in some desert or jungle or some poo poo. Market it as service to God and country and they'll enlist in droves.

Mr. Pumroy
May 20, 2001

Melmac posted:

and :lol: @ Palin for still using the :qq: the real crime is the illegally obtained police report that was taken by a child-porn enthusiast :qq: because she can't even be arsed to take 10 loving minutes to research that it was legally obtained by a FOIA request. :cripes:

Can't even her numerous employees and clerical staff so the 10 minutes of research for her?

lol people like her are never going to back off on that because it fits into their narrative of big liberal media picking on good honest american family values. values such as molesting little girls and telling them that it was their fault

Mr. Pumroy fucked around with this message at 09:54 on Jun 6, 2015

Say Nothing
Mar 4, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
Number 20.


The Bible
May 8, 2010

This is a normal precaution normal families take all the time. Normal.

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