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Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


Please check your screen resolution privilege.


Reign Of Pain
May 1, 2005

Nap Ghost

A fun activity for the whole family on Ramadan:

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006

I am also white-passing, except for hijab

Edit: Also, loves Disney

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

pleas dont post pics from my tumblr without my permission, i am insanely tr*ggered right now

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u
Is there somewhere I can sign up to be a shitlord? Because by the time I got halfway through all the special unique snowflake ways she wants to be thought of/referred to I had already forgotten the first ones.

Shitlording is just so much easier, really.

Feb 15, 2005

not caring here posted:

Is there somewhere I can sign up to be a shitlord? Because by the time I got halfway through all the special unique snowflake ways she wants to be thought of/referred to I had already forgotten the first ones.

Shitlording is just so much easier, really.

Whip Slagcheek
Sep 21, 2008

The Gasoline And Dynamite
Will Light The Sky
For The Night

1/16th Native American. Self-diagnosed Asperger's.

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!

e: Your privilege level is SHITLORD with a score of 180

You may qualify for membership at ThePatriarchy


Naked Bear fucked around with this message at 20:37 on Jun 20, 2015

Whip Slagcheek
Sep 21, 2008

The Gasoline And Dynamite
Will Light The Sky
For The Night

Comedy option: see who can get the least privileged score

Nov 9, 2005

It may not be interracial, but it is black and white.

Whip Slagcheek posted:

Comedy option: see who can get the least privileged score

I may have lied about some (all) of my answers.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers


never oversell your bait

yeah after two-spirit it was kinda obvious

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!

Whip Slagcheek posted:

Comedy option: see who can get the least privileged score


Genocide Tendency
Dec 24, 2009

I get mental health care from the medical equivalent of Skillcraft.

Actual honest answers:

Apparently being legally deaf tanks your privilege.

Comedy answers:

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009
i just checked every box :shrug:

Feb 27, 2007

My privilege score is 0 :crossarms:

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

I'm apparently from "Meh-Europe"

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009
finally saw american sniper. it loving sucks

if clint somehow lives long enough to direct another movie, he should be limited to the following:

1. gritty detective drama/mystery

2. gritty cowboy revenge flick

3. movie about being an old racist

Feb 27, 2007

grand torino was excellent

Reign Of Pain
May 1, 2005

Nap Ghost
Bridges Over Madison County had some nice bridges and man-bracelets in it.

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

grand torino was excellent

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

3. movie about being an old racist


Reign Of Pain
May 1, 2005

Nap Ghost
So whose into yoga?


Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

how did you get access to my private photobucket?

Feb 15, 2005

Reign Of Pain
May 1, 2005

Nap Ghost

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

how did you get access to my private photobucket?

I work IT for the IRS, duh

Reign Of Pain
May 1, 2005

Nap Ghost

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

how did you get access to my private photobucket?

I work IT for the IRS, duh

and the cardinals

Feb 27, 2007


don't any of you act like you wouldn't do this if you could

Jun 2, 2014

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

don't any of you act like you wouldn't do this if you could

I give myself awesome handies all the time.

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

don't any of you act like you wouldn't do this if you could

not all of us are comfortable with a dick in our mouths

Sep 25, 2008

I had the opportunity to change literally anything about the world and I used it to get a new av

Nostalgia4Murder posted:

I give myself awesome handies all the time.

I can confirm that zombie does give awesome handies.

Feb 15, 2005

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

don't any of you act like you wouldn't do this if you could

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Your privilege level is SHITLORD with a score of 190

You may qualify for membership at ThePatriarchy


Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
i am enjoying the fancy vest with a tie, and a cutoff shirt

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009
ah yes, the fancy realtree vest

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
the quality is so bad i couldn't even tell it was one of those

Feb 24, 2007

Everything is garbage except Nina Hartley. I wish I had a MILF angel to molest the bejesus out of me in high school.


No but for real everything is poo poo. I am not a vet but I grew up on AF bases, that doesn't mean a goddamn thing but I like this forum.

Dead Reckoning
Sep 13, 2011
Have you considered enlisting?

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Potential BFF posted:

Everything is garbage except Nina Hartley. I wish I had a MILF angel to molest the bejesus out of me in high school.


No but for real everything is poo poo. I am not a vet but I grew up on AF bases, that doesn't mean a goddamn thing but I like this forum.

She was born in 1959. That's 56, for the arithmetically challenged. That's firmly beyond MILF and into GILF or maybe even GGILF territory.

Edit: Credit where credit is due, that's a HELL of a 56. But still, older than the parents of most GIP posters.

Feb 15, 2005

My dad is 60


Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

Godholio posted:

She was born in 1959. That's 56, for the arithmetically challenged. That's firmly beyond MILF and into GILF or maybe even GGILF territory.

Edit: Credit where credit is due, that's a HELL of a 56. But still, older than the parents of most GIP posters.

uh yea i think youre in denial about how old we all are. gramps

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