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  • Locked thread
Nov 9, 2005

It may not be interracial, but it is black and white.

Dingleberry posted:

if the last episode of season two's finale doesn't make your dong go diamond-cutter then you have erectile disfunction...

I was really really hoping that the season would end that way. Now I can't wait for the next season in January.


Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Duzzy Funlop posted:


Actually, if you invade my apartment, you'll find a pair of Mexicans, sooooo if that's your jam...

Some of the best lays in my life were mexicans.

Also invading any random apartment in arizona is more likely than not to yield at least a mexican so it's not like that should be a surprise.

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Anyone want a digital HD copy of Star Trek into the darkness?

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

Anyone want a digital HD copy of Star Trek into the darkness?

only if it's the one with ricardo montalban

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Am I supposed to know what any of that means

Feb 19, 2010


Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

Am I supposed to know what any of that means

Sorry you're an uncultured swine who doesn't know the value of soft Corinthian leather

May 27, 2003

iyaayas01 posted:

Sorry you're an uncultured swine who doesn't know the value of soft Corinthian leather


Feb 15, 2005

SquirrelyPSU posted:



Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
God I was over two minutes late.

May 27, 2003

Mr. Nice! posted:

God I was over two minutes late.


Sep 1, 2011

by Hand Knit
Out drinking with the girlfriend. We're both ready to call it a night at 930. gently caress I feel old

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

Bolow posted:

Wait are you talking about Koreans or Marines?

actually hes talking about a good time

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Where are all the Black Friday '15 Brawling videos

Nov 9, 2005

It may not be interracial, but it is black and white.

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

Where are all the Black Friday '15 Brawling videos

Edit: I can't even watch the entire video. It just makes me sick to my stomach.

Delizin fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Nov 29, 2015

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

There's always a bunch of those but usually it's just footage from the 90s. Need some fresh stuff. I'll check it out tho

Jun 1, 2006


i went to target quick on saturday and it wasnt bad at all

sales this year are down again at retail stores

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
I was dragged to the mall Friday around lunchtime. I didn't have to wait in line anywhere, though, and got some decent deals on things. :lol: at places like Spencer's that had "sales" on items where new higher priced stickers were just slapped on top of the lower ones. Felt like I was at a circuit city bankruptcy same.

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

I had to go to Best Buy in the afternoon because going home also means spending 12 hours doing mom tech support. It was crowded but nothing too terrible. Didn't see any spectacular deals but picked up some random bits. Logitech G710+ keyboard was $70

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer

Mar 29, 2004

Hey, does your planet have wiper fluid yet or you gonna freak out and start worshiping us?

There's a hashtag here somewhere I can feel it. Always a hashtag.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Untagged posted:

There's a hashtag here somewhere I can feel it. Always a hashtag.

Hash tags always make things funnier dude

Force de Fappe
Nov 7, 2008

I dunno man personally I prefer the 38 likes and wondering how many snickered

Force de Fappe fucked around with this message at 20:04 on Nov 29, 2015

Nov 9, 2005

It may not be interracial, but it is black and white.

There is absolutely no evidence that her baby daddy ran off just because he isn't pictured in the second photo. Everyone wants to take this to a racial place. I won't let them.

Edit: Too obscure?

Delizin fucked around with this message at 20:19 on Nov 29, 2015

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

pack it up everyone the no fun guy is here

Feb 15, 2005

Delizin posted:

There is absolutely no evidence that her baby daddy ran off just because he isn't pictured in the second photo. Everyone wants to take this to a racial place. I won't let them.

Edit: Too obscure?

If he was good at running he wouldn't be in jail

Aug 21, 2011

Delizin posted:

There is absolutely no evidence that her baby daddy ran off just because he isn't pictured in the second photo. Everyone wants to take this to a racial place. I won't let them.

Edit: Too obscure?

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Dominoes has half of all pizzas. Yeah yeah poo poo pizza now you guys can measure dicks about real East Coast deep dish pizza and the best spots

Feb 15, 2005

East coast AND deep dish beep boop does not compute

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!
Rather walk my happy rear end to CVS for a Digornio's than eat Dominoes.

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!
Deep dish is not real pizza FYI.

Nice and hot piss
Jan 31, 2004

More like deep dicked pizza from dominos

Feb 15, 2005

MurderBot posted:

More like deep dicked pizza from dominos

that burn was about as good as your decision to join the marines

Sep 25, 2008

I had the opportunity to change literally anything about the world and I used it to get a new av

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

holocaust bloopers posted:

Rather walk my happy rear end to CVS for a Digornio's than eat Dominoes.

just ordered a thin crust dominoes hail satan

Rough Lobster
May 27, 2009

Don't be such a squid, bro
Pizza huts stuffed crust pizza is one of the greatest inventions of this or any generation.

Whip Slagcheek
Sep 21, 2008

The Gasoline And Dynamite
Will Light The Sky
For The Night

holocaust bloopers posted:

Rather walk my happy rear end to CVS for a Digornio's than eat Dominoes.

I thought this way too, but Dominos has actually gotten a lot better than they used to be. Its still not NYC/Chicago, but its good in a pinch.

Feb 19, 2010


Rough Lobster posted:

Pizza huts stuffed crust pizza is one of the greatest inventions of this or any generation.

How do you feel about the hot dog pigs in a blanket stuffed crust

stuffed crust is pretty good if absolutely greasy and fattening

Whip Slagcheek posted:

I thought this way too, but Dominos has actually gotten a lot better than they used to be. Its still not NYC/Chicago, but its good in a pinch.

Yeah new Dominos isn't that bad. I mean it's not GOOD but it's not the Dominos of my college. Also their sandwiches aren't terrible. Again, not GOOD but not mid-2000s Dominos bad.


Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

iyaayas01 posted:

How do you feel about the hot dog pigs in a blanket stuffed crust

stuffed crust is pretty good if absolutely greasy and fattening

Can you point to the item on the Pizza Hut menu that isn't?

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