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Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

what about that one unit what was it 3/5? Took over from the Brits and lost a poo poo ton of dudes and then pretty much what was posted above


Sangin District of Helmand Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom between September 2010 and April 2011. Twenty-five of the battalion's Marines were killed in action and 200 were wounded, many losing limbs.

gently caress

Actually not a terrible Mil video but the positive twist at the end kind of falls flat on itself nowadays and that's the real kick in the dick

Nostalgia4Dogges fucked around with this message at 04:34 on Dec 15, 2015


May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

what about that one unit what was it 3/5? Took over from the Brits and lost a poo poo ton of dudes and then pretty much what was posted above

3/7 sangin

but, the story is the same across afghanistan.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Yep that's how it felt when ISIS rolled up Mosul and Rawah. Wonder if that's how dad felt watching the NVA take over 'Nam.

Slim Pickens
Jan 12, 2007

Grimey Drawer
I wouldn't be surprised if even larger fobs like jbad and Salerno are gone now. You can look for any smaller fob on Google maps these days and find nothing left but gravel and hescos.

Feb 19, 2010


Slim Pickens posted:

I wouldn't be surprised if even larger fobs like jbad and Salerno are gone now. You can look for any smaller fob on Google maps these days and find nothing left but gravel and hescos.

Salerno has been gone (as far as US presence goes) since 2013, Jbad is still around barely, and KAF is a loving ghost town (still have a presence there but it's not much compared to a few years back). About the only major foreign mil presence left in the country is BAF and then the associated poo poo in/around Kabul/KAIA.

It's not even the smaller fobs that are gone, pretty much all the big ones are shut-down (from a US/NATO/foreign mil perspective) outside of whatever SOF dudes are running around as part of the CT portion of RSM.

Feb 15, 2005

Must be interesting to be top SOF officer on KAF.

"The King of Kandahar decrees that all reflective belts will be burned in a bonfire tonight. Alcohol will be mandatory."

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
burned in a bonfire at the center of the poo poo pond

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Mike-o posted:

burned in a bonfire at the center of the poo poo pond

I heard they cleaned up poo poo pond back in '12. That's when I knew for sure we lost the war.

Feb 19, 2010

/\ It was most definitely still there at the end of '13, but that's when I talked with the NSPA guy and he swore up and down that it was going to happen very I'm pretty sure it finally got shut down in '14 /\

Mike-o posted:

burned in a bonfire at the center of the poo poo pond

poo poo pond's gone dawg

no seriously, NSPA (the NATO version of DLA that ran the base, except actually sort of competent unlike DLA) installed full on sewage systems and a treatment plant. It was supposed to happen a bunch of years back but they kept running into issues. However, they finally did it a year or two back and apparently remediated the whole pond

e: apparently it was the fact that they couldn't separate out kitchen oil/grease at the treatment plant (lol) which was why the poo pond stayed open even past when the treatment plant opened

iyaayas01 fucked around with this message at 05:56 on Dec 15, 2015

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
that stench will forever be burned into my mind

so KAF is basically deserted now? i know that eventually that would happen, but it was only five years ago that i was there and it seems so weird.

Feb 19, 2010


Mike-o posted:

so KAF is basically deserted now? i know that eventually that would happen, but it was only five years ago that i was there and it seems so weird.


boardwalk's gone, only chow halls left open are the north line and I think far east (definitely not the lux or cambridge :(), all the gyms are closed, foreign enclaves are like Losano, the south side of the flightline from TLS over to Quebec I think, and then a couple of the ramps on the north side, everything else is Afghan foreign troop presence there is like maybe 1,000 probably less

Jan 24, 2005

iyaayas01 posted:


boardwalk's gone, only chow halls left open are the north line and I think far east (definitely not the lux or cambridge :(), all the gyms are closed, foreign enclaves are like Losano, the south side of the flightline from TLS over to Quebec I think, and then a couple of the ramps on the north side, everything else is Afghan foreign troop presence there is like maybe 1,000 probably less

Holy poo poo I remember rolling through there 5 years ago after spending like 7 months out on the border living in shitholes and eating MREs, it was like disney land.

Force de Fappe
Nov 7, 2008

Time Crisis Actor
Apr 28, 2002

by Hand Knit

The Rat posted:

Yep that's how it felt when ISIS rolled up Mosul and Rawah. Wonder if that's how dad felt watching the NVA take over 'Nam.

Yep. I was in Tajikistan when they announced that in Summer 2014. Felt bad, man.

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!


US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


the big boss of my heart

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006

My calculus final got cancelled for weather, email says grades will be based on work-to-date. Looks like I'm taking home an 81. Good enough. Time to bongrip myself to death

see all you pussies on the other side

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
I've got a grand in my amazon shopping cart and 9 people left to get things for. I'm just getting gifts for immediate family and their kids but gently caress buying for 21 people gets crazy.

I am also smoking like a chimney so people are getting some goofy poo poo. One step sis is getting wonder woman socks that have little capes on them, while I got my older sister a full bob ross set. My dad is a fat gently caress so I got him gift cards to places he likes to eat. Step mom is a bee fanatic so I got her a bee blanket. Got mom some jewelry. Little sis some blue steel pegboards for her crafts. One nephew some nike air maxes because he's addicted to loving shoes, another some beats headphones, and another the jurassic park collection set on blueray. Youngest nephews are getting a split gift. I got the older of the two an iPad mini a couple years ago before the youngest was born. Getting them another so they don't have to fight over one anymore. My youngest brother in law is getting some nice darts.

I've still got to figure out my step dad, oldest brother in law, three step sisters, and my second oldest nephew. He just plays xbox all day but I want to get him something tangible not loving gift cards.

Mr. Nice! fucked around with this message at 19:22 on Dec 15, 2015

Feb 15, 2005

Love can bloom on a battlefield

Jun 1, 2006


Mr. Nice! posted:

I've got a grand in my amazon shopping cart and 9 people left to get things for. I'm just getting gifts for immediate family and their kids but gently caress buying for 21 people gets crazy.

I am also smoking like a chimney so people are getting some goofy poo poo. One step sis is getting wonder woman socks that have little capes on them, while I got my older sister a full bob ross set. My dad is a fat gently caress so I got him gift cards to places he likes to eat. Step mom is a bee fanatic so I got her a bee blanket. Got mom some jewelry. Little sis some blue steel pegboards for her crafts. One nephew some nike air maxes because he's addicted to loving shoes, another some beats headphones, and another the jurassic park collection set on blueray. Youngest nephews are getting a split gift. I got the older of the two an iPad mini a couple years ago before the youngest was born. Getting them another so they don't have to fight over one anymore. My youngest brother in law is getting some nice darts.

I've still got to figure out my step dad, oldest brother in law, three step sisters, and my second oldest nephew. He just plays xbox all day but I want to get him something tangible not loving gift cards.

Sisters and I all agreed to not buy for one another, just for our kids. I still bought one sister a wake and bake mug since she's been through some rough times lately and would get a kick out of it

gotta buy my mom a new mailbox since it's all she really wants/needs

Bought the kids a wii-u with mario kart, smash, and splatoon

wife is tough to buy for, so i bought her some new headphones and i need to go to ikea sometime to get her a new desk. ugh.

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!
What did you get Roscoe???

Jun 1, 2006


holocaust bloopers posted:

What did you get Roscoe???

a bigass rawhide that he'll kill in a couple days

Jun 2, 2014

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

Sisters and I all agreed to not buy for one another, just for our kids. I still bought one sister a wake and bake mug since she's been through some rough times lately and would get a kick out of it

gotta buy my mom a new mailbox since it's all she really wants/needs

Bought the kids a wii-u with mario kart, smash, and splatoon

wife is tough to buy for, so i bought her some new headphones and i need to go to ikea sometime to get her a new desk. ugh.

Holy gently caress. Where can I buy this mug.

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!

Jun 1, 2006


Nostalgia4Murder posted:

Holy gently caress. Where can I buy this mug. is where i got mine. they're pricey though

Jun 2, 2014

Definitely buying one.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

Sisters and I all agreed to not buy for one another, just for our kids. I still bought one sister a wake and bake mug since she's been through some rough times lately and would get a kick out of it

gotta buy my mom a new mailbox since it's all she really wants/needs

Bought the kids a wii-u with mario kart, smash, and splatoon

wife is tough to buy for, so i bought her some new headphones and i need to go to ikea sometime to get her a new desk. ugh.

That mug looks loving awesome.

And my sisters and the husbands of the three that are married have old told me not to get them anything but my response to that is tough loving poo poo you're getting something.

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

DownByTheWooter posted:

My calculus final got cancelled for weather, email says grades will be based on work-to-date. Looks like I'm taking home an 81. Good enough. Time to bongrip myself to death

see all you pussies on the other side

We got maybe 6 inches of snow yesterday and some of my friends had their finals coming up on Thursday turn into online basically open book, take anytime between now and Friday, and noone can keep you from teaming up with as many of your classmates as you want to work through it. Caveat: To compensate for it basically being a take-home-test, some lecturers reduced the total time available from 2 hours to...wait for hour and 40 minutes.

Because that will keep college kids from cheating their loving dicks off.


Education here is loving weird.

Jun 1, 2006


everyone here who has snow can go to hell

it's 60 goddamn degrees here in december and all i want is a goddamn blizzard

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Nah undergrad just doesn't give a gently caress for most programs/classes. When you're actually in a program or graduate school that cares about grades/cheating/etc it changes. For example, I had an online final last friday. It involved being connected with a proctor who had access to my desktop, webcam, and mic via some citrix program to make sure I didn't cheat.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
I had my fill of snow going to eastern Washington and the mountain passes. I'm fine with it just being grey and cloudy like usual. Also I don't want to deal with idiot Washington drivers when they panic because 1" of snow fell.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Its a beautiful sunny day here in florida.

Jun 1, 2006


I just love the gently caress outta snow and i am very mad about global warming

Jun 1, 2006


Also el niņo

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u

Mr. Nice! posted:

Its a beautiful sunny day here in florida.

82 degrees right now. Might turn the air con off a bit later.

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

I just love the gently caress outta snow and i am very mad about global warming

Nov 9, 2005

It may not be interracial, but it is black and white.
It started snowing early Monday morning and hasn't fully stopped yet. Up to about 6-7 inches now.

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009
heres the view of the back lot of my shop for all you snow fetishists to jack it to or whatev


Jun 1, 2006


Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

heres the view of the back lot of my shop for all you snow fetishists to jack it to or whatev

pretty decent accumulation 7/10

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