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  • Locked thread
Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

TTerrible posted:

EDIT: Beaten massively while looking for chumming images. Nevermind.

Google: About 303,000 results (0.31 seconds)


Damn Dirty Ape
Jan 23, 2015

I love you Dr. Zaius

Unfunny Poster posted:

Google: About 303,000 results (0.31 seconds)

I hope you had safe search on.

Jan 26, 2012

im judjing all goons cause they have bad leader, so a noral member is associated whith thoose crasy one

Personaly i would quit the goons if i was in cause of thoose crasy ppl
Clapping Larry

mormonpartyboat posted:

doesnt amazon web servicing basically directly interface with your bank account so if, say, some idiot decided to burn through a mountain of your bandwidth they go "oh ok" and just bill you for it and let you figure it out later

Yep, that's exactly what S3 does.

The usual malware-peddlers will be all over this 'stargur' thing like flies on poo poo if it's half as badly put together as, let's face it, it will be.

Just sit back, wait for the inevitable Reddit meltdown, and blaming of "Smart's goon army" for...doing gently caress all but watching & laughing!

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

drat Dirty Ape posted:

I hope you had safe search on.

I like to live dangerously.

Jul 15, 2005

Unfunny Poster posted:

Google: About 303,000 results (0.31 seconds)

I was looking for the right chumming image. :colbert:

I didn't want the jaws scene, or someone in a bikini posing with a bucket of chum. I want the mid-air chum trail. I want the extended arm. I want the act of chumming.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

TTerrible posted:

I was looking for the right chumming image. :colbert:

I didn't want the jaws scene, or someone in a bikini posing with a bucket of chum. I want the mid-air chum trail. I want the extended arm. I want the act of chumming.

You're the Chris Roberts of Chumming Pics.

Miss Mowcher
Jul 24, 2007

So... they made millions selling ship jpegs and will probably get some more with fps-module related (guns, vehicles, armor, skins ?). Anyone think they'll sell the deed to planets? Space Stations, or even, local space in space stations "Tired of your space pirate life? Buy your very own pub in Polaris-IV ! Become a bartender for your fellow citizens" ?

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

TTerrible posted:

I was looking for the right chumming image. :colbert:

I didn't want the jaws scene, or someone in a bikini posing with a bucket of chum. I want the mid-air chum trail. I want the extended arm. I want the act of chumming.

here ya go

Jul 15, 2005

Unfunny Poster posted:

You're the Chris Roberts of Chumming Pics.


Ground Pilchard fish or bait fish
Anchovy Oil
Fine Beach Sand


Stirring implement
Scoop cup


Mullet fish make great bait and can only be caught with cast nets. To get the mullet in casting range, throw these Mad Mullet sand balls in the water. When the balls hit the water the sand makes an irresistible cloud in the water and the resulting oil slick stays on the surface.

Mush up all ingredients except sand, then add sand until the mixture can be formed into a ball. Add some water if too dry.

Jun 30, 2012

yeah you're not gonna catch anything with that, shark chicks dig guys who can hold their liquor

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Imagine if all that money went towards say, the development of Space Station 13 or even charity.

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie

Unfunny Poster posted:

Imagine if all that money went towards say, the development of Space Station 13 or even charity.

Don't donate donate it to kids in wheelchairs though. Those fuckers are bullies.

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie
Star Citizen FPS Scenes by Ian Runnels - 3D Artist at Illfonic

Star Citizen aspires to bring bland hallway shooters to the next generation!
Also some arena thing that is going to be really terrible.

Apr 2, 2009

a neckbeard elemental
Grimey Drawer
Guys i pinged a server then posted screenshots of an empty terminal with the rm command.

Thats so cool, the power glove

May 2, 2009

Finishing the game with everyone else's continues

ZZZorcerer posted:

So... they made millions selling ship jpegs and will probably get some more with fps-module related (guns, vehicles, armor, skins ?). Anyone think they'll sell the deed to planets? Space Stations, or even, local space in space stations "Tired of your space pirate life? Buy your very own pub in Polaris-IV ! Become a bartender for your fellow citizens" ?

I'm genuinely surprised they haven't done that yet, to be quite honest. Maybe even they realised creating a system for things to do when you're burned out on the main game is a bad idea when there's no main game to be burned out on.

Jegan Ace
May 6, 2014

Every non-lethal catapult launch is a triumph


joats posted:

Star Citizen FPS Scenes by Ian Runnels - 3D Artist at Illfonic

Star Citizen aspires to bring bland hallway shooters to the next generation!
Also some arena thing that is going to be really terrible.

That actually looks alright, what the gently caress are you on about?

I hate the concept of JPEG oil salesmen as much as anyone, but there are some legitimately good artists and designers getting whipped by Sandi at CIG.

Full Metal Boxers
Feb 20, 2007


LoL, they actually think there are still goons who log into Arena Commander anymore

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie

Jegan Ace posted:

That actually looks alright, what the gently caress are you on about?

I hate the concept of JPEG oil salesmen as much as anyone, but there are some legitimately good artists and designers getting whipped by Sandi at CIG.

The level design is poo poo and something out of early 2000's. Online hallway shooters are garbage tier fps.

The art is ok though.

Jun 1, 2006

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

You DO realize that I, you know, PAY people to DO this work right?

A worse waste of money than Star Citizen.


Some WILL face legal action, others will face a strongly worded legal letter (if you've seen how my attorney smacked Ortwin around, then you get the idea).

Also :laffo:

Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice

Jegan Ace posted:

That actually looks alright, what the gently caress are you on about?

I hate the concept of JPEG oil salesmen as much as anyone, but there are some legitimately good artists and designers getting whipped by Sandi at CIG.

Everything other than the Ender's Game arena is dull as gently caress. The art is technically proficient, but grimy industrial hallways are a dime a dozen and you have to work real hard to make that kind of environment stand out (see Alien Isolation for a good example on how to make it work).

EDIT: also apparently it's impossible to properly light an industrial facility in the far-flung space future. hope you like tripping over poo poo in your barely powered space station!

Dusty Lens
Jul 1, 2015

All Glory unto the Stimpire. Give up your arms and legs and embrace the beautiful agony of electricity that doubles in pain every second.

joats posted:

The level design is poo poo and something out of early 2000's. Online hallway shooters are garbage tier fps.

The art is ok though.

The in engine shots look like a Doom 3 mod.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

I dream of a future where every environment is designed with the aesthetic and lighting of a WW2 submarine.

May 2, 2009

Finishing the game with everyone else's continues

Ghostlight posted:

I dream of a future where every environment is designed with the aesthetic and lighting of a WW2 submarine.

A future so bright I gotta wear night vision goggles.

Raised by Hamsters
Sep 16, 2007

and hopped up on bagels
Woo hoo! My refund is "actioned", and actioned against traded ships no less.

Not sure if this is a thing anyone else has had luck with yet or not, but I waited a week after our last communication before I brought up the traded ship issue myself. I basically just pointed out how much their flexible store credit/melting/trading functions made it pretty ridiculous to not offer refunds against credit still on the account, especially since they initially were allowing the grey market stuff to happen on their own forums... It may have also helped that the single ship I still had was an exact match for the original transaction that I was requesting the refund on, who knows. Anyway this post probably identifies me as having :tinfoil: dangerous GOON influences :tinfoil: so we'll see if I actually get my money, in 5 to 10 working days.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Feb 13, 2011

Dsmart egotrippin aside, I still think it's really funny that Karl Rumsmeier guy comes in here once a day to basically drive-by-tough-guy at him.

Jegan Ace
May 6, 2014

Every non-lethal catapult launch is a triumph


T.G. Xarbala posted:

Dsmart egotrippin aside, I still think it's really funny that Karl Rumsmeier guy comes in here once a day to basically drive-by-tough-guy at him.

*Writes strongly worded letter*

Let me rephrase that:

*Pays attorney to write strongly worded letter*
*Really sticks it to the man*

Aug 19, 2008

Take some advice Chris.

Fun Shoe

xiansi posted:

Yep, that's exactly what S3 does.

The usual malware-peddlers will be all over this 'stargur' thing like flies on poo poo if it's half as badly put together as, let's face it, it will be.

Just sit back, wait for the inevitable Reddit meltdown, and blaming of "Smart's goon army" for...doing gently caress all but watching & laughing!

This is the great thing we don't have to do anything as the entire SC trainwreck will destroy itself without any outside interference. The only person who bothered writing a script was a retarded redditor not realising his script could be exploited simply by posting links in this thread.

The badly configured S3 instance will probably lead to a hilarious invoice for bandwidth through normal use. I'd feel sorry for the guy if he wasn't such a prick.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Devian666 posted:

I'd feel sorry for the guy if he wasn't such a prick.

"I happen to know he's not a good person." --- Dolvak

Dec 8, 2009
Hair Elf

e: Also because the old video owns:

Gwaihir fucked around with this message at 01:12 on Oct 29, 2015

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

T.G. Xarbala posted:

Dsmart egotrippin aside, I still think it's really funny that Karl Rumsmeier guy comes in here once a day to basically drive-by-tough-guy at him.
Their style of posting is amazingly similar to Matilda2013's.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

G0RF posted:

"I happen to know he's the one in the wheelchair" --- Dolvak

Good Dumplings
Mar 29, 2011

Excuse my worthless shitposting because all I can ever hope to accomplish in life is to rot away the braincells of strangers on the internet with my irredeemable brainworms.

Gwaihir posted:


e: Also because the old video owns:

God, I'm so glad this went up in flames. All the propaganda was so insufferable, had that "ha ha I'm being funny" tone to it.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

Good Dumplings posted:

God, I'm so glad this went up in flames. All the propaganda was so insufferable, had that "ha ha I'm being funny" tone to it.


Good Dumplings
Mar 29, 2011

Excuse my worthless shitposting because all I can ever hope to accomplish in life is to rot away the braincells of strangers on the internet with my irredeemable brainworms.

drat, I killed the conversation :stare: I'm a little chubby, so I could be a stand in, I guess.

Jun 11, 2001

by vyelkin
Gary Coleman

Dec 8, 2009
Hair Elf

Good Dumplings posted:

God, I'm so glad this went up in flames. All the propaganda was so insufferable, had that "ha ha I'm being funny" tone to it.

Thanks for being a complete and total fun sponge, jeeze.

Dec 3, 2004
Welcome to the Danger Zone

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie


Feb 13, 2011

Mirificus posted:

Their style of posting is amazingly similar to Matilda2013's.

I have no idea if they're the same person or not, I just thought it was hilarious that Karl_Ramsmeier or whoever they are in the SC community thinks it's a good idea to proudly and publicly threaten dsmart's kids by threatening to release info about them from dsmart's parental petition.

This right after the thread got done saying shame on you Derek for name-and-shaming some dumb rear end in a top hat with muscular dystrophy.

  • Locked thread