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Dec 27, 2008

Do you feel it, Zach?
My coffee warned me about it.

G0RF posted:

The red one apparently has a built in compass... So that's pretty nifty.

Ok, there are a couple differences. They would take like half a day for somebody fluent in 3ds max.


Mar 29, 2008

G0RF posted:

The red one apparently has a built in compass... So that's pretty nifty.

The red one also has a blue flash light. Very useful in space, as everything is dark!

Jan 10, 2012

I love my Cutlass
I love big stompy mechs
I love my HOTAS
I love to salvage wrecks
I love Star Citizen, and all it's craziness
College Slice

Plankalkuel posted:

The red one also has a blue flash light. Very useful in space, as everything is dark!

They should just put a red one on the other side and call it a police scout and sell it for twice as much money in limited quantities.

peter gabriel
Nov 8, 2011

Hello Commandos

Palpek posted:

Ok, there are a couple differences. They would take like half a day for somebody fluent in 3ds max.

Now you've done that gif I can see they are totally different
*throws money at screen*

Jun 24, 2015

pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss

Gravy Boat 2k

Valatar posted:

I heard that :gary: is embarrassed by Fifth Element. That makes me really sad, it was a great movie. Not in the all-time classics that expanded the art of cinema or anything, but fun and very unique. And :gary: as Zorg was arguably the best performance in the movie.

I can't wait to hear how embarrassed :gary: is about to be about Shart Citizen. That, coupled with the fact that Team Christ Roberts released some really awkward jaypegs of him must be making him go :gary: PAAAAAAARRP

May 20, 2001

I might have discovered the pre-pre-pre-pre alpha of squadron 42's final level.

(W and S to move the ship, space to shoot)

edit: arrows instead of W/S evidently.

ether fucked around with this message at 19:40 on Oct 29, 2015

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015


May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

wyoak posted:

Has dsmart ever actually successfully sued anyone or is it all :gary:

Yup. Several times in fact over the years. Publishers and individuals alike.

peter gabriel
Nov 8, 2011

Hello Commandos

D_Smart posted:

Yup. Several times in fact over the years. Publishers and individuals alike.


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
:gary: :gizz: paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarp

Aug 25, 2010

Marching Powder is objectively the worst poster known. He also needs to learn how a keyboard works.

ether posted:

I might have discovered the pre-pre-pre-pre alpha of squadron 42's final level.

(W and S to move the ship, space to shoot)

edit: arrows instead of W/S evidently.


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Xaerael posted:


might i recommend the idris paaarp hull? its got limited lti only 20 to be sold. :gary: :gizz:

Aug 20, 2007

Am I too late

Oct 22, 2010

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

Yup. Several times in fact over the years. Publishers and individuals alike.



Jun 24, 2015

pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss

Gravy Boat 2k

SneakyFrog posted:

Look at what you did peter.

you post one OP (original parp)

and now this magic happens.

I am happy that :gary: PAAAARRP has become a thing. I will be forever grateful to the dancing cat.

Matlock Birthmark
Sep 24, 2005

I wanted this to happen!!
Soiled Meat

ether posted:

I might have discovered the pre-pre-pre-pre alpha of squadron 42's final level.

Nice, I got a high :gary: Paaaarp

turn off the TV
Aug 4, 2010

moderately annoying

G0RF posted:

The red one apparently has a built in compass... So that's pretty nifty.

Hey can someone explain what anything in this picture is to me? I know that Star Citizen has a pretty serious problem with horribly over designing its models, but what the gently caress is even going on here?

Mar 29, 2008

Wulfling posted:

They should just put a red one on the other side and call it a police scout and sell it for twice as much money in limited quantities.

Shush! Don't spoil the concept sale for next week! Sandi will find out who you are and ban you from SC :(

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.
Frankfurt's new office is bigger. As will Santa Monica's be.

Doesn't exactly seem like a company running on vapor fumes, Derek. How sure are you about a company out of cash in Q1?

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Fish Fry Andy posted:

Hey can someone explain what anything in this picture is to me? I know that Star Citizen has a pretty serious problem with horribly over designing its models, but what the gently caress is even going on here?

chris roberts happened

Mar 29, 2008

Fish Fry Andy posted:

Hey can someone explain what anything in this picture is to me? I know that Star Citizen has a pretty serious problem with horribly over designing its models, but what the gently caress is even going on here?

Imagine several high-end sports bikes with carbon fiber frames. Now imagine the aftermath of a multi-vehicle high-speed collision of said bikes sans rider remains and tires.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Fish Fry Andy posted:

Hey can someone explain what anything in this picture is to me? I know that Star Citizen has a pretty serious problem with horribly over designing its models, but what the gently caress is even going on here?
I think it's the product of Ship Designers aping the Reapers from Mass Effect, and then Chris pulling a George Lucas and telling them to "wedgie 'em out" (overcomplicating everything to obscure the appropriation and put the master's fingerprints on the mess...)

G0RF fucked around with this message at 20:00 on Oct 29, 2015

Dec 10, 2007



Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Don Dongington posted:

I went looking for a good pubbie quote to use for a dumb meme and stumbled upon this shitshow:


I.. just... :negative:

The comments. The absolutely blind optimism... the cognitive dissonance is just...

Some psyche PHD should do a thesis on these assholes.


You'll see, once you go over $1000 before you know it you're an SC druggie and you'll be $5000+ in! See you in the Verse. :holy:

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

G0RF posted:

Frankfurt's new office is bigger. As will Santa Monica's be.

Doesn't exactly seem like a company running on vapor fumes, Derek. How sure are you about a company out of cash in Q1?

Get out of here with your actual questions and curiosity.

This is the land of :gary: PAAAAAARRRRRRRP now

Welcome to the Garydome.

Jun 24, 2015

pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss

Gravy Boat 2k

G0RF posted:

They had Dave Thomas on the Interview segment. He's looking well.


Jan 26, 2012

im judjing all goons cause they have bad leader, so a noral member is associated whith thoose crasy one

Personaly i would quit the goons if i was in cause of thoose crasy ppl
Clapping Larry
Someone needs to make a PacMan thing with this poo poo:

:gary: :lesnick: :lesnick: :lesnick: :lesnick: :lesnick: :lesnick: :lesnick: :lesnick: :ghost: :lesnick: :lesnick:

Ursine Catastrophe
Nov 9, 2009

It's a lovely morning in the void and you are a horrible lady-in-waiting.

don't ask how i know

Dinosaur Gum


Dec 12, 2005


Fish Fry Andy posted:

Hey can someone explain what anything in this picture is to me? I know that Star Citizen has a pretty serious problem with horribly over designing its models, but what the gently caress is even going on here?
It's like that phase some kids go through where they're trying to draw airplanes and spaceships and they start adding random wings and tailfins. Only this is a jpeg people pay thousands of dollars to own and not a piece of construction paper.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

I'm constantly impressed by how little they talk about how the game will work in Star Citizen on their show that's about talking about their game.

Sep 16, 2012
Grimey Drawer
all of this is better then doobie.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Kilmers Elbow
Jun 15, 2012

Kilmers Elbow fucked around with this message at 20:17 on Oct 29, 2015

Jul 13, 2013

That's him in the wheelchair.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Unfunny Poster posted:

I'm constantly impressed by how little they talk about how the game will work in Star Citizen on their show that's about talking about their game.
Yeah-- Frontier has pretty much done the exact opposite of CIG at nearly every step. The game isn't perfect but it's getting better at such an impressive (and quiet) pace. Meanwhile CIG can't shut up about what is coming yet delivers mediocrity in small portions so very, very slowly.

One day, I hope RedLetterMedia will give us the After Action report on this gigantic mess. Because dammit, the very best thing that came out of the prequels was his 8 hour takedown of them.

And Chris Roberts could one day star in a scene very much like this one

Jun 20, 2012


Aug 10, 2011

So I haven't gotten my money yet and when I emailed to complain I got an automated email which means my old ticket was closed. It wasn't paid for through paypal so how do I get the Derek in on this? My refund was supposedly actioned on October 6th.


Thank you for your patience thus far. I am happy to confirm that I have actioned the refund for $250.00 USD via PayPal Send Money. This can take 5-10 working days for the funds to appear. Should you have any further questions or concerns let me know. :)

As this was a complete refund your account has been permanently de-activated. Should you wish to return in the future you can create a new account with the same details.

Dec 10, 2007


^^^Go to your bank. It's chargeback time :black101:^^^

G0RF posted:

Yeah-- Frontier has pretty much done the exact opposite of CIG at nearly every step. The game isn't perfect but it's getting better at such an impressive (and quiet) pace. Meanwhile CIG can't shut up about what is coming yet delivers mediocrity in small portions so very, very slowly.

One day, I hope RedLetterMedia will give us the After Action report on this gigantic mess. Because dammit, the very best thing that came out of the prequels was his 8 hour takedown of them.

And Chris Roberts could one day star in a scene very much like this one

Well, they already have an appropriate reaction to :gary:


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Demiurge4 posted:

So I haven't gotten my money yet and when I emailed to complain I got an automated email which means my old ticket was closed. It wasn't paid for through paypal so how do I get the Derek in on this? My refund was supposedly actioned on October 6th.

omg CHARGEBACK how many times do we have to say this?

:gary: :gizz:

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