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  • Locked thread
Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh

Nickiepoo posted:

Oh poo poo, I actually never saw the 'sort by' button. Thanks friend!

edit: But it'll still hide downvoted comments, welp!

This is why downvoting is seriously the worst idea ever.


Sep 2, 2009

No. I work here. I manage operations for this and integration for this, while making sure that their stuff keeps working in here.

Nickiepoo posted:

Oh poo poo, I actually never saw the 'sort by' button. Thanks friend!

edit: But it'll still hide downvoted comments, welp!

It's configurable somewhere whether that happens or not. It may require an account, though.

May 6, 2005

Games I have bought and am still far from finishing...

Witcher 2+3
Pillars of Eternity
Dragon Age Inquisition
Wasteland 2 Director's Cut
Civ Beyond Earth: Rising Tide
Rome II: Attila
Rebel Galaxy
MGS V (still missing some missions)
Mad Max
Kingdom (seriously buy this, it's so drat good)
Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition
Endless Legend

Actual, real games, for less than an Endevaor jpeg.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Unfunny Poster posted:

Dr. Smart, that was me quoting a Redditor. I even linked the post two posts below that original quote. Please give me a new bitchin' avatar. Thanks.

God bless.

Yeah, you posted instead of citing the source. Hence the friendly fire.

Regardless, I am sending you a $5 gift token to change your avatar back if you want. So that gig cost me $15 already. :)

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy

It was an accident, but you still got owned and that's funny.

BrutalistMcDonalds fucked around with this message at 19:40 on Oct 30, 2015

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Dark Off
Aug 14, 2015

D_Smart posted:

Yeah, you posted instead of citing the source. Hence the friendly fire.

Regardless, I am sending you a $5 gift token to change your avatar back if you want. So that gig cost me $15 already. :)

Hey derek can i have avatar. that promotes LOD since its a great game and since i want to belong to your gang of awesome internet warlords. while your at it can you add this to LOD?

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
This thread owns for so many reasons.

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week

D_Smart posted:

Regardless, I am sending you a $5 gift token to change your avatar back if you want. So that gig cost me $15 already. :)

If Derek Smart had bought me a troll avatar, based on an unsourced quote no less, I would never change it ever.

Hell, I'd have it cast in bronze.

Jun 23, 2013

Unfunny Poster posted:

This thread owns for so many reasons.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

pics of my catte

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Shoot blues, always.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Dark Off posted:

Hey derek can i have avatar. that promotes LOD since its a great game and since i want to belong to your gang of awesome internet warlords. while your at it can you add this to LOD?

You can only be initiated into the gang if you paaaaaarrrrrrrrrrpppp :gary:

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Sarsapariller posted:

So content complete that they haven't been able to produce the "Media Version" of that singleplayer tutorial video they promised weeks ago. So content complete that we haven't seen anything about it except for some screenshots that basically were just stills from the video demo. So content complete that their two-live-shows-a-week continue to show photoshopped concept art and lighting passes instead of the game. Two weeks. Two more weeks. Just... just two weeks.

It's bullshit. My sources tell me that if comes out before the end of Dec, it will be a rushed miracle. And in dev speak "content complete" just means that all the assets (not to be confused with tech, bug fixes etc) for the scenes are done.

If it were content complete, it would be in the PTU for testing by now. It's Nov. And what they have in the PTU at this point is still one buggy (see what I did there?) mess.

Jun 23, 2013

Eonwe posted:

pics of my catte

Downvote this filth!

Octopode posted:

It's configurable somewhere whether that happens or not. It may require an account, though.

Hiding dissent is still the default option though, which is pretty :(

I don't care about turning it off myself though because it still shows which posts I should actually be reading (i.e. the funny ones which have made people mad).

Tank Boy Ken
Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib
Imagine someone having this conversation:

Q: Who's Derek Smart ?
A: It's him, in the lawsuit!

Also: Mr. Smart please post how many times you had to change your Avatar. I guess some of us would like to know how many :10bux: flow through your Avatar.

Would you be willing to answer technical / background questions about LoD ?


Octopode posted:

It does, after all, take a solid two mouse clicks to change to a chronological view of things instead of a score-based one if that's what you want.

Hi Octo welcome back. I hope your wife is well.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

mormonpartyboat posted:

derek please send vilerat a pm detailing the hullaballoo surrounding the avatar mixup and he'll take care of it

Thanks man. No need. I bought Unfunny Poster a $5 gift cert. And I don't need a refund of my $9.95 purchase of his avatar. So it's all good. No worries. $15 is small price to pay for LOLs :)

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

mormonpartyboat posted:

derek please send vilerat a pm detailing the hullaballoo surrounding the avatar mixup and he'll take care of it

christ, man

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

Thanks man. No need. I bought Unfunny Poster a $5 gift cert. And I don't need a refund of my $9.95 purchase of his avatar. So it's all good. No worries. $15 is small price to pay for LOLs :)

just so you know, this is Vilerat

He was a bigshot goon diplomat in EVE and also the foreign service officer killed in Benghazi (also a pretty nice guy)

Technically Vilerat is still a moderator on one of the subforums despite PMing him would not do you any good anyway.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
You can buy gift certificates?

May 5, 2015

Nothing is funnier than a dog in a formal outfit. Look it up on the internets.
Who needs a marketing department when a bunch of nerds can dream up their own poo poo? Luckily they don't need to list Space Farmer and Cocktail Mixer because that's already coming SOON™

[–]DragonTHCGolden Ticket 8 points 16 hours ago
My ideas:
Drake Man-o-war, a pirating corvette. Smaller than a frigate. Heavily armed and armored.
Drake Ketch, a ballistic gunboat. This is not a ship at all, but a trailer of ballistic guns made to tow behind Hull C.
Drake Swivel. Made in secret from Xi'An technology, this ship is a ball turret around which multiple heavy guns rotate. Useful when you need to loiter in an area and just harass anything passing by.
Drake Axe, a Boarding vessel made to carry troops and an armory.
Drake Fang, a militia fighter. Smaller than a 300i, just as scrappy as a hornet. Formerly known as the Drake X-5. Didn't win the contract that Anvil did for the Hornet.

Jun 23, 2013

D_Smart posted:

Thanks man. No need. I bought Unfunny Poster a $5 gift cert. And I don't need a refund of my $9.95 purchase of his avatar. So it's all good. No worries. $15 is small price to pay for LOLs :)

That's, like, half a star citizen for twice the amusement!

Or maybe not I don't know how money works.

Dirty Hairy
Oct 18, 2015

Lipstick Apathy


As much as they want to get the design deep dives out, they have to make sure they’re saying the right information first; to make sure that they’re going to be able to implement the stuff in game. They can’t only tell you want the want to do anymore, they have to tell us what they CAN do. Source:

Be careful of what you say. They're listening.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Unfunny Poster posted:

This thread owns for so many reasons.

Yes, it does.

Check your PM btw :)

Jun 23, 2013

Eonwe posted:

just so you know, this is Vilerat

He was a bigshot goon diplomat in EVE and also the foreign service officer killed in Benghazi (also a pretty nice guy)

Technically Vilerat is still a moderator on one of the subforums despite PMing him would not do you any good anyway.

Oh wow. Stone cold, mormonpartyboat, stone cold.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Eonwe posted:

just so you know, this is Vilerat

He was a bigshot goon diplomat in EVE and also the foreign service officer killed in Benghazi (also a pretty nice guy)

Technically Vilerat is still a moderator on one of the subforums despite PMing him would not do you any good anyway.

Thanks for letting me know. Man, that's stone cold.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

D_Smart posted:

Yes, it does.

Check your PM btw :)

A PM from Derek Smart :swoon:

Kilmers Elbow
Jun 15, 2012

Unfunny Poster posted:

A PM from Derek Smart :swoon:

You have been served.

Apr 8, 2004

8.2 M.P.G.
lol this thread forever, grats unfunny poster and your new friendly fire rear end avatar

Sep 26, 2011

A remarkable example of a pathetic species.
Lipstick Apathy

Eonwe posted:

i wish there was a way to disable reddit altogether

No. We need reddit. Humanity as a species is better off if there's a place for the lowest common denominator to congregate so they don't poo poo up everything else. Twitter and Facebook alone are insufficient to contain them.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Awwww it got rid of the avatar.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Unfunny Poster posted:

A PM from Derek Smart :swoon:

Dude your new av owns so hard.
e: aw crap, you lost it! :smith:

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
honestly I haven't had an avatar bought for me in like, a month

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week
"Shoot blues tell Vile Rat" is a lighthearted way to memorialize him, not a joke at his expense.

Sep 2, 2009

No. I work here. I manage operations for this and integration for this, while making sure that their stuff keeps working in here.

Tank Boy Ken posted:

Hi Octo welcome back. I hope your wife is well.
She is doing well. I've been recovering from PRK, now, though, limiting the amount of time I can waste reading things on the Internet.

Apr 6, 2009

I'm not loyal to anything, General... except the dream.
Hm, interesting, but on another note, Kewpuh should gas this thread.



Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Klyith posted:

"Shoot blues tell Vile Rat" is a lighthearted way to memorialize him, not a joke at his expense.

yea i dont think anyone went too overboard

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Dan Didio posted:

Hm, interesting, but on another note, Kewpuh should gas this thread.

Just because it's about game that will probably never come out and has since devolved into multiple posts with a cgi Gary Oldman head going PAAAAAAAAAAARP?

Why do you hate freedom?

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Nickiepoo posted:

I love when people block here too because it just gives their posts a big 'CLICK HERE, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!' button that they always do.

I used to think the same but then one day My Imaginary GF visited my village and my life changed forever.


Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Dan Didio posted:

Hm, interesting, but on another note, Kewpuh should gas this thread.


  • Locked thread