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  • Locked thread
Apr 28, 2008

Trade, sir! Discover it! This is you, this is a clue. Get a clue, discover trade!

DreadLlama posted:

:gary: Handling Sewage and Fecal Matter Safely

University employees in many areas occasionally face exposure to human or animal fecal matter or sewage. Plumbers, custodians, groundskeepers, even the casual pedestrian can come in contact with fecal matter unexpectedly. Sewage spills, plumbing malfunctions, people relieving themselves in inappropriate places, and inconsiderate pet owners are some of the causes of this problem.

:gary: Dangers of Exposure to Fecal Matter

The greatest danger of exposure to fecal matter is the possibility of it entering your mouth and then getting into your digestive system. While most people would never knowingly ingest this matter, not using proper hygiene after contact with fecal matter or sewage can create a path for microorganisms to enter.
Hand-to-mouth exposure to fecal matter can cause illnesses such as salmonellosis and hepatitis A. Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease whose symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and somtimes vomiting. Hepatatis A symptoms include fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, followed within a few days by jaundice. It can be a mild illness lasting 1-2 weeks or a disabling disease lasting several months.
The possibility of contracting life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis B or AIDS is extremely remote as neither hepatitis B nor HIV can be transmitted by the fecal-oral route.

:gary: How to Protect Yourself from Fecal Matter

The two main ways of protecting yourself from fecal matter are following good hygiene practices and using personal protective equipment.

:gary: Good Hygiene
  • Do not touch fecal matter with bare hands. If you need to remove it, wear waterproof gloves and use an instrument such as tongs or a spade for picking it up.
  • Do not smoke, eat, drink, apply lip treatments, or chew gum while cleaning up fecal matter.
  • Reduce exposure by keeping those who are not properly protected from coming in contact with the material. Close the area to any use pending clearance.
  • Clean everything, including clothes, tools, and footwear, that came in contact with the fecal matter. Use a mild bleach solution made of two tablespoons of household bleach per gallon of cool water. (Chlorine is more effective in cool water.) Contaminated building floors should be scrubbed with the same solution. Be sure there is good ventilation for the chlorine fumes.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly even if you were wearing gloves the whole time. Use plenty of soap, scrub for at least 30 seconds, and rinse thoroughly with warm water. The California Department of Health Services states that "frequent, routine hand washing is the most important safeguard in preventing infection by agents present in sewage."

:gary: Clearance
Clean the site using the cleaning methods described above until all visible sewage has been removed and no sewage odor is present. The area can then reopened for use.

:gary: Personal Protective Equipment
If your work duties are such that encountering fecal matter is a possibility, always be prepared by carrying waterproof gloves and washable footwear. Coveralls can also come in handy. Such work clothes should not be worn home or outside the immediate work environment.
Another way to protect yourself against illness is by keeping your tetanus-diphtheria (Td) immunization current. "Current" means a booster shot within the last ten years (for those who have completed the basic series of three immunizations, usually given in childhood).

:gary: The Bristol Stool Chart

Upon encounter of fecal matter, it is important to identify the classification of such matter to promote better handling safety. The Bristol Stool Chart is provided here for assistance.



Dec 10, 2007


Incombibulator posted:

Can we make a game that lets us play as Dragon Derek who goes around eating White Knights?
Kind of an Reverse-Skyrim?

We can call the final boss Dolvakiin or something.


So like the Trogdor game on homestarrunner?

Sep 12, 2011
New currency. Parp points.

Full Metal Boxers
Feb 20, 2007

Friends, please steward the :gary: wisely, lest we run it into the ground :ohdear:

I want this to stay funny for a long time.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Unfunny Poster posted:

I quoted a redditor, Derek Smart thought it was me being serious, then bought me a AV making it seem I was a SC Cultist, then realized it was a mistake and sent me a $5 coupon.

^this. It was gloriously hilarious. And cost me $15 in cold hard cash. :gary:

Beluga Snail
Jul 26, 2013

D_Smart posted:

^this. It was gloriously hilarious. And cost me $15 in cold hard cash. :gary:

You are the hero we deserve. :gary: is the hero we need.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
btw, Lowtax is in a time of great need

he is moving away from hamster powered storage toward :siren: THE CLOUD :siren: and is accepting donations

you will get a mystery prize next month if you donate

just remember that many of you recently got star citizen refunds and $5 could go to papa lowtax to keep this drama machine alive

Dec 4, 2013

by Reene
Toilet Rascal

Eonwe posted:

btw, Lowtax is in a time of great need

he is moving away from hamster powered storage toward :siren: THE CLOUD :siren: and is accepting donations

you will get a mystery prize next month if you donate

just remember that many of you recently got star citizen refunds and $5 could go to papa lowtax to keep this drama machine alive

I donated, it's similar to giving to Star Citizen, except I get something tangible for my effort.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Kimsemus posted:

I donated, it's similar to giving to Star Citizen, except I get something tangible for my effort.


May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

pftc posted:

Everyone in CIG from Cloud Imperium Texas, that's currently working there.

Ali Seiffouri:
Andrew Hesse:
Andrew Nguyen:
Andrew Rexroth:
Billy Lord:
Bryan Brewer
Chad Garyet:
Chris Graves:
Cort Soest:
Dan Craig:
David Peng:
David Swofford
Emre Switzer:
Evan Manning
Gerard Manzanares:
Jake Ross:
James Wright
Jason Ely:
Jason Hutchins
Jay Brushwood:
Jeff Clark:
Jeff Uriarte:
Jeffrey Pease:
Jeremy Smasker
John Erskine
Joseph Holley:
Josh Coons:
Justin Binford:
Keegan Standifer:
Ken Fairclough:
Lee Amarakoon:
Marissa Meissner:
Mark Skelton
Melissa Estrada:
Mike Pickett:
Miles Lee:
Nannetta Wade:
Patrick Thomas:
Paul Vaden:
Paul Waggonner:
Pete Mackay
Sean Tracy
Ted Beargeon: https://
Todd Raffray:
Tom Sawyer:
Tony Zurovec:
Tyler Witkin:
Vanessa Landeros:
Will Leverett:

Most of these are no longer there. They just haven't updated LinkedIn yet.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Fooma posted:

Derek: When you file the action, can you use a PACER archive service (free) like: so all PACER filings are available for free public view through the Internet Archive?

I would also recommend keeping Ken White at involved as this may be of worthy mention for many in the legal community to follow as it involves TOS/EULA issues and developing crowdfunding kickstarter law and rights

Edit: Apparently Ken already did a post on Star Citizen on Oct. 4: He kidna shits on you but only on reputation, but also CIG as to the merits, so at least it's fair to everyone.

Yeah, that's what I did with the last two lawsuits I was involved in couple years back.

As for Ken, he's an odd fellow; but yeah.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Dark Off posted:

hey derek would you want to participate in goon projects like leading goons to build their very own star shitizen. With you leading goons to make a game. If you start a thread everyone would participate, Because it would be Derek Smart making a awesome game.

Or maybe you could participate in sagdcXI a game jam where you get 1 month of time to make a functional game. (next one is in december I think)
seriously everyone should check out the games that got made during the summer jam. most of these games are better than star citizen

Sounds like it could be fun. I need more details!


Oct 5, 2003

by R. Guyovich
Nap Ghost

jaegerx posted:

This isn't weird or creepy at all.

omg i know right!!? i bet he posted that list because he really wants to find and rape all of those people!!! :mad:

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Berious posted:

Did they fire the PU staff? That's what most of the biggest cultists are really looking forward to. A life replacement in the Verse. If Chris just shits out his bad 10 hour movie and calls it a day there will be lots of sad shitizens.

Yeah, they fired all the PU staff awhile back, aside from Tony. And of course the entire Foundry 42 character design team apparently upped and quit.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
dmsart said paaaarp :toot:

The Pi dude
Oct 19, 2013

D_Smart posted:


Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

Yeah, they fired all the PU staff awhile back, aside from Tony. And of course the entire Foundry 42 character design team apparently upped and quit.

D_Smart posted:

Holy poo poo.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

D_Smart posted:

Most of these are no longer there. They just haven't updated LinkedIn yet.
it would be interesting to see who shows up for the Austin Bar Citizen get together in a week or so. Most of the attendees listed on the announcement were LA people-- "and some Austin devs" (or whatever they said).

Congrats to Sandi and Chris on a masterfully executed plan. It really adds a special touch when Austin gets gutted at the same time that CIG Santa Monica gets the royal treatment like $20k coffee machines and a brand new even bigger office in some prime rear end real estate in a tax-heavy, high cost of living state.

Sure, you could've moved somewhere less expensive, avoided the luxuries, and kept more talent employed-- but where would the fun be in that?

You're worth it, baby-- and now the rest of CIG knows it!

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon

G0RF posted:

it would be interesting to see who shows up for the Austin Bar Citizen get together in a week or so. Most of the attendees listed on the announcement were LA people-- "and some Austin devs" (or whatever they said).

Congrats to Sandi and Chris on a masterfully executed plan. It really adds a special touch when Austin gets gutted at the same time that CIG Santa Monica gets the royal treatment like $20k coffee machines and a brand new even bigger office in some prime rear end real estate in a tax-heavy, high cost of living state.

Sure, you could've moved somewhere less expensive, avoided the luxuries, and kept more talent employed-- but where would the fun be in that?

You're worth it, baby-- and now the rest of CIG knows it!

They could have stayed in TX. I still don't know why the LA studio was even created.

Sep 10, 2012

Maybe this post will get me on your ignore list!

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

They could have stayed in TX. I still don't know why the LA studio was even created.

They don't make movies in Austin duh. Sandi needs to live her dream.

Jul 15, 2005

Eonwe posted:

btw, Lowtax is in a time of great need

he is moving away from hamster powered storage toward :siren: THE CLOUD :siren: and is accepting donations

you will get a mystery prize next month if you donate

just remember that many of you recently got star citizen refunds and $5 could go to papa lowtax to keep this drama machine alive

If you've got a refund because of this thread, pass some of it on to this head goon.

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy
What Berious said. The cult really wants the PU and it's always just. around. the. corner. They talk about it constantly. But they've got nothing! There's no PU. They can focus on Squadron 42 but the team designing that ... quit. This is heading for a total collapse. Holy poo poo holy poo poo.

Edit: Give Lowtax money!

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

They could have stayed in TX. I still don't know why the LA studio was even created.

Because Sandi and Chris wanted to stay close to the Hollywood bigwig lifestyle.

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

They could have stayed in TX. I still don't know why the LA studio was even created.

Dec 9, 2014

I'm ready for my close-up
Ms. Gardiner...

Grimey Drawer

SirPhoebos posted:

So like the Trogdor game on homestarrunner?

Yeah, but gud.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Omi-Polari posted:

What Berious said. The cult really wants the PU and it's always just. around. the. corner. They talk about it constantly. But they've got nothing! There's no PU. They can focus on Squadron 42 but the team designing that ... quit. This is heading for a total collapse. Holy poo poo holy poo poo.

Edit: Give Lowtax money!

I already predicted what they were doing. Here it is again for posterity.

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
hello derek what is your favorite alcoholic refreshment

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

mormonpartyboat posted:

hello derek what is your favorite alcoholic refreshment

I am a champagne or sparkling (not Proseco) wine kinda guy. No hard liquor, beer, regular wine or anything of the sort. I do drink wine coolers once in awhile and sometimes hard lemonade if there's nothing else.

I Greyhound
Apr 22, 2008

MusicKrew Dawn Patrol

G0RF posted:

Sure, you could've moved somewhere less expensive, avoided the luxuries, and kept more talent employed-- but where would the fun be in that?

:gary: With Sandi, they have all the talent they need.

Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice

D_Smart posted:

I am a champagne or sparkling (not Proseco) wine kinda guy. No hard liquor, beer, regular wine or anything of the sort. I do drink wine coolers once in awhile and sometimes hard lemonade if there's nothing else.

Shame, I'd totally buy you a beer if you were ever in the area. Despite your whole online persona, you seem like a relatively chill dude to hang with :)

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

3 posted:

Shame, I'd totally buy you a beer if you were ever in the area. Despite your whole online persona, you seem like a relatively chill dude to hang with :)

Thanks man. Yeah, I'm pretty chill actually. At least that's what everyone who has ever met me in person, say. And no, I didn't pay them. btw, did you catch my SPJAirplay impromptu coverage? A bunch of people came down to Miami for that and we had a blast.

Sep 7, 1997

Good Morning!
Sunday Morning!

D_Smart posted:

I am a champagne or sparkling (not Proseco) wine kinda guy. No hard liquor, beer, regular wine or anything of the sort. I do drink wine coolers once in awhile and sometimes hard lemonade if there's nothing else.

hosed up if true

Aug 24, 2004

In relating the circumstances which have led to my confinement within this refuge for the demented, I am aware that my present position will create a natural doubt of the authenticity of my narrative.
Nap Ghost

D_Smart posted:

^this. It was gloriously hilarious. And cost me $15 in cold hard cash. :gary:

Hmm...I just realized we openly mock people who buy jpeg space ships yet buying jpeg avatars is socially acceptable and encouraged. Where do we stand on buying jpeg space ship avatars?

Aug 10, 2013

go away,
spooky skeleton,
go away

RVWinkle posted:

Hmm...I just realized we openly mock people who buy jpeg space ships yet buying jpeg avatars is socially acceptable and encouraged. Where do we stand on buying jpeg space ship avatars?

Depends how good the fanfic is that comes with it.

Sushi in Yiddish
Feb 2, 2008

RVWinkle posted:

Hmm...I just realized we openly mock people who buy jpeg space ships yet buying jpeg avatars is socially acceptable and encouraged. Where do we stand on buying jpeg space ship avatars?

Jpegs here make you laugh. CIGs Jpegs make you cry

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

Sushi in Yiddish posted:

Jpegs here make you laugh. CIGs Jpegs make you cry

They both make me laugh but i got a refund.

Jul 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
I don't know about you guys but I see a lot of progress being made

Past and Current Releases of Star Citizen

Alpha 2.0 is the next planned release for Star Citizen

The 'End Goal' of Star Citizen

After all's said and done, these are all the parts of SC that have been promised to be completed, hopefully by 2017.

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

hey cool, more funny jegs

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy
Sir, I am interested in acquiring your JPEGs, perhaps for a reasonable fee. Let us meet to discuss such an opportunity.


A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx

woah a game within a game? Sounds like a good value.

Wait what's the first game again?

  • Locked thread