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  • Locked thread
Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

D_Smart posted:

2) The Nov date had nothing to do with a lawsuit.

It had to do with the month-end expiration of the ToS v1.1 of 08/29/13 which I documented in my The Long Con blog post.

ToS v1.1 of 08/29/13

ToS v1.2 of 02/01/15

This TOS is material and key to legal action (which has been in the works since August when we first sent them a letter of notice). The last thing we need is for it to get tossed because the date hadn't even expired.

3) Lawsuits are not the sort of thing you just file on a whim.

Ok, I get that sending letters back and forth is part of a legal process that is followed before there's actually something filed in court. I understand if you don't want to answer as this is in public but if CIG don't comply with your three requests, when roughly do you expect this to reach the "lawsuit" stage?

Edit, I just think some warning would be nice so I can book the day off to watch the reaction.

AP fucked around with this message at 21:23 on Nov 1, 2015


Taco Duck
Feb 18, 2011

Star Citizen: Lawsuits are not something you file on a whim. It's a dance.

Oct 15, 2012

Here comes a new challenger!
Oven Wrangler
Anyone know when the big civilian ship sale comes around? I just can't wait to invest more in this universe.


Jan 7, 2012

Eonwe posted:

Did you guys know in Texas everyone basically calls all soft drinks coke?

Ex. "Do you want a coke?" "Yeah, what kind?"

Doesn't matter if its coke, Dr pepper, fanta, whatever

P weird

Never heard that one but I'm from arizona. Coke is a catch all for any cola drink here and 'soda' is the catch all for everything else.

Jun 4, 2012

"For the Emperor."

There was a terrible noise.
There was a terrible silence.

I gotta ask, since I can't picture ever having that kind of money to spend on something like this -

Why is arguing with a failing computer company worth spending 100,000 dollars?

Dec 10, 2007


I had a thought: If CIG does get something out the door, and somehow it technically satisfies all the promises despite being a turd, even then Chris-R isn't out of the woods, because of the VCs like Bootcha. If CIG releases something and claims to be done, then all the $94M is now realized revenue, and they would have to start paying the VCs their share of all of that amount.

I have a feeling that they haven't been setting money aside to satisfy the VCs.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Justin Tyme posted:

goonspeed good sir

Thanks. If you could, please remove your excerpt, and just link to the edited post which contains a link to my website version (with more detail). Thanks!

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

LowellDND posted:

I gotta ask, since I can't picture ever having that kind of money to spend on something like this -

Why is arguing with a failing computer company worth spending 100,000 dollars?

Supporting the dream with the Space Warlord package.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.
Frontier responds to tickets in hours, CIG in weeks.

Why this isn't a source of outright shame at CIG I have no idea...

Feb 21, 2007

This looks a lot like suffering.

Stanko-Prussian posted:

Star Citizen: The Next Generation of gaming isn't as good as TOS

pity quote

I see what you did there

Dec 20, 2006

by Cyrano4747

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
Hey Karl, remember the next time when you're going to be mean to Derek, he intends to spend more on Star Citizen than you.

Feb 21, 2007

This looks a lot like suffering.

AP posted:

Supporting the dream with the Space Warlord package.

I would only need one question for CR:

"Can I cuck you while you watch?"

Crimson Harvest
Jul 14, 2004

I'm a GENERAL, not some opera floozy!

Dongattack posted:


no man knoweth.

Sep 2, 2015

Fun Shoe

DoctorStrangelove posted:

Does buttchuggin MtnDew Code Red count?

Mmmhm, the best MtnDew - except whiskey.

Sep 17, 2009

You know, there is a game featuring multiple flight modes, ship boarding and capturing, the ability to command fleets, land on (and subjugate) planets.

It was called motherfucking Escape Velocity Nova and it came out in 2002. For Mac.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Wyld posted:

Mmmhm, the best MtnDew - except whiskey.

Passionfruit Frenzy is better.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008

Star citizen budget breakdown


  • Wages: $19m
  • Non-executive wages: $9m
  • Coke: $12m
  • Rent St Monica: $9m
  • Rent Austin: $2m
  • Rent :godwinning:: €4m
  • Rent GB: £3m
  • :retrogames:: $3m
  • Crack: $4m
  • Lol rehab: $1m
  • Photoshop license fees: $9m
  • 3ds Max license fees: $1m
  • Sandi's acting "career": $4m
  • "I wanna direct because I'm a big shot Hollywood director": $4m
  • Crystal meth: $2m
  • Non-crystal meth: $1m
  • :chillpill: every time Derek drops a blog: $50k
  • Mocap poo poo: $2m
  • :gary:: $10m
  • Qualuudes $???m
  • Coffee machines: $1m
  • Coffee: $400
  • Ben's food allowance: $1m
  • Ben's girl's food allowance: $1m
  • Space court legal fees (estimated): $8m
  • Refunds: $7m

  • Sum: :iiam:


  • Jpg sales: $94m
  • VAT fraud: £3m
  • Bootcha: $1m

  • Sum: :reddit:

Tijuana Bibliophile fucked around with this message at 22:18 on Nov 1, 2015

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Bootcha please invest in paying off my student loans tia

Oct 1, 2015

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

AP posted:

Supporting the dream with the Space Warlord package.
Is that $100,000 a typo?

Jul 26, 2013

Oh You'll Love My Toxic Love
Grimey Drawer

Mirificus posted:

Is that $100,000 a typo?


Dec 27, 2008

Do you feel it, Zach?
My coffee warned me about it.

I still can't stop laughing at Reddit thinking that Derek Smart was behind the fake imgur reports that took SC's pictures down because he wrote about burning down JPG ships. Yes, obviously that was meant literally. How stupid can autists be, it's beyond me, fucken :gary:.

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup

Mirificus posted:

Is that $100,000 a typo?

I would be tempted to fork out 100k if I could decide who lived and who died on the space court.

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week

Eonwe posted:

Bootcha please invest in paying off my student loans tia
Eonwe, M.F.A. Shitposting 2008

but the sad state of our lack of funding for the Arts drives you to seek patronage from the rich

Mirificus posted:

Is that $100,000 a typo?
did you read the words after it?

Sep 9, 2012

My command, your wish is

Really this whole thing pisses me the gently caress off. if you are going to take $93mil of nerd cash and squander it, at least buy a loving kuratas or two. If he bought a Kuratas and modified it with a real Gatling gun and maybe some craycray 10ft custom made ff7 type sword, you could actually defend yourself in style against the hordes of angry backers. :goonsay:

it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

A reminder that failing to file accounts is a criminal offence.

Karl and the rest of the faithful, what's your opinion on Foundry 42 breaking the law and having to spend backer money on fines because they cannot or do not want to follow simple laws? Does this make you think they have something to hide re finances or is it simply incompetence and/or laziness?

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Palpek posted:

I still can't stop laughing at Reddit thinking that Derek Smart was behind the fake imgur reports that took SC's pictures down because he wrote about burning down JPG ships. Yes, obviously that was meant literally. How stupid can autists be, it's beyond me, fucken :gary:.

Oh that's new. I haven't seen that accusation yet. If it's true, that's some seriously messed up poo poo right there. I mean seriously, why would I even go after imgur?

Note that they aren't even looking in the direction of, you know, Dolvak, who automagically had a competing site ready to roll less than 24hrs after that farce. Coincidence? I think not.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

A Neurotic Jew posted:

Derek predicted they were closing down the Austin studio. CIG denied it. Turns out they were.

Derek predicted they were cancelling the FPS module. CIG denied it. Turns out they were.

CIG have been lying about release dates all year, when they've known otherwise. They refuse to offer even a basic breakdown (no details, just basics) of how money is being spent, which would summarily destroy Smart's initiative. Their behavior isn't just poor PR marketing. It is shady and on occasion deceptive.

I would never trust Derek Smart on his word alone, but so far Smart has been making claims and CIG has been making responses that later turn out to be lies. It only goes one way. Not the other way.

Omi-Polari posted:

The caveat is that October and November is when CIG makes most of its money for the year *and* they're still down 20% compared to 2014 and we're not factoring in refunds (which may be relatively small, but still). Last November they made $6 million and I don't see them topping it.

I agree with your larger point though. They're still bringing in ... quite a lot of money. They're probably going to stick around for awhile.

I have predicted quite a number of things. I had a list somewhere. I will dig it up and post later.

Sep 26, 2011

A remarkable example of a pathetic species.
Lipstick Apathy
I still hope they make the game. I got my eighty bucks out for the initial $60 bounty hunter tier and the $20 to bring it from a 300 to a 325 because I'm intensely skeptical that this is going to succeed instead of crashing and burning everyone's money. But that said, I still want them to actually pull through and provide what was promised back in the initial crowd fund: Privateer 3 done on the scale of Elite. If they'd never embarked on trying to bolt on the kitchen sink and hiding in cargo containers and a hold your breath while shooting button, I think they'd probably already have something playable on the market and things would be great.

Oct 4, 2015

Herald of the Stimpire

Pogue Ma Hoon posted:

I pretty much said this exact same thing on reddit and was downvoted. They have met their funding goals several times over;



I hope repeating the message will wake up some more people.
It's been eleven months since I first read it:
Derek Smart has been patient for a long time before he started writing about this.

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Klyith posted:

did you read the words after it?
Yes, I did. I didn't put two and two together initially though.

Jun 11, 2001

by vyelkin

happyhippy posted:

I would be tempted to fork out 100k if I could decide who lived and who died on the space court.

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Valatar posted:

I still hope they make the game. I got my eighty bucks out for the initial $60 bounty hunter tier and the $20 to bring it from a 300 to a 325 because I'm intensely skeptical that this is going to succeed instead of crashing and burning everyone's money. But that said, I still want them to actually pull through and provide what was promised back in the initial crowd fund: Privateer 3 done on the scale of Elite. If they'd never embarked on trying to bolt on the kitchen sink and hiding in cargo containers and a hold your breath while shooting button, I think they'd probably already have something playable on the market and things would be great.
It doesn't look like that was ever in the cards. Chris' (and Sandy's) dreams aren't so pedestrian.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

alphabettitouretti posted:

Karl and the rest of the faithful, what's your opinion on Foundry 42 breaking the law and having to spend backer money on fines because they cannot or do not want to follow simple laws? Does this make you think they have something to hide re finances or is it simply incompetence and/or laziness?

All three UK companies now overdue.

Aug 1, 2014
Soiled Meat

OWLS! posted:

You know, there is a game featuring multiple flight modes, ship boarding and capturing, the ability to command fleets, land on (and subjugate) planets.

It was called motherfucking Escape Velocity Nova and it came out in 2002. For Mac.

but did it have super physics and buggies and switching movies mid-flight in space?!?!?!

Aug 19, 2008

Take some advice Chris.

Fun Shoe

alphabettitouretti posted:

A reminder that failing to file accounts is a criminal offence.

Karl and the rest of the faithful, what's your opinion on Foundry 42 breaking the law and having to spend backer money on fines because they cannot or do not want to follow simple laws? Does this make you think they have something to hide re finances or is it simply incompetence and/or laziness?

I had to check that again, yep, still not filed. I made excuses about late filing a while back but it's November now and still no accounts filed. They will definitely eat fines now as there must be a massive accounting gently caress up that either the Foundry 42 accountant or their external accountant must be trying to clean up.

Will Derek's spacecourt filing be the event that pulls the pin on the whole thing? My conclusion :gary:paaaarrrrrrrrrrrpppppppp :shepface:

Oct 21, 2015

D_Smart posted:

Oh that's new. I haven't seen that accusation yet. If it's true, that's some seriously messed up poo poo right there. I mean seriously, why would I even go after imgur?

Yeah, the original post about it mentioned "burning down our JPEGs", suggesting it had been meant literally.

Tank Boy Ken
Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib

Raticus79 posted:

Yeah, the original post about it mentioned "burning down our JPEGs", suggesting it had been meant literally.

You can't literally burn .jpgs. The most you can do is to burn the file storage device that contains the .jpgs. Or delete them. But you can not burn the actual file. :colbert:


Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup

This still would allow me to make space autists dance for a favorable judgement, yes?

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