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Dec 10, 2007


Jimb posted:

After the dust settles there had better be some kind of tragic breakdown of where the money went.

:byodood: B-B-BUT WHAT IF THE LAW IS UNJUST!!1! #jpeglivesmatter


Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Dapper Dan posted:

That speaks wonderfully to their long term plans. Anyone stonewalling regulators is surely doing legal things and making sure their entire operation is completely clear and easy to follow.

The guy they hired works at Harbottle & Lewis, which bungled their investigation of their client NewsCorp in the phone hacking scandal. It's pretty clear that they tend to give bad advice to their clients.

Oct 15, 2012

Here comes a new challenger!
Oven Wrangler
I like your avatar.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

BluestreakBTHR posted:

Why don't you explain what you mean to this rear end in a top hat?

No, you know what? GFY.
I've been dealing with poo poo from CIG and their White Knights for at least a year, and have been permabanned/deleted from the forums for pulling all my funds out of that sinkhole.

If anyone wants to question my problem with CIG/Sandi/Chris/Ben, all they need to do is look at my posts here, FB, and twitter.

I came here because I shouldn't have to censor or mince words, unlike the RSI forums.
I might be an rear end in a top hat, but that's just because some people don't like hearing the Truth.


A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx

Oct 15, 2012

Here comes a new challenger!
Oven Wrangler

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot
lets see


e: I cant even see smilies right now
e2: not there yet

Kakarot fucked around with this message at 03:50 on Nov 2, 2015

Oct 23, 2010

by LadyAmbien

SirPhoebos posted:

:byodood: B-B-BUT WHAT IF THE LAW IS UNJUST!!1! #jpeglivesmatter

Hello, it is I, Dr. Ricky Smart esq., here to answer your questions after a long period of absence.

The law in fact enables CIG's seemingly unlawful tax canoodling under the tax canoodling act of 1883, an act that originated from conservative anglo-saxons in European congress attempting to emulate the famous economist Lorde Jesus's action to redistribute the wealth of the rich to all including the poor. Economist Jesus did not take from the poor, instead giving more unto them. Thus CIG's choice to canoodle with their tax money, instead of letting it go, is completely okay because they are nearly bankrupt, and lorde knows that Christ Roberts needs that dough.

Regarding You Fondly,
Dr. Ricky Smart, esq.

Jul 14, 2011

I'm just exploding with mackerel. This is the aji wo kutta of my discontent.

Devian666 posted:

I'm expecting to see obfuscation of what is actually going on with unusual transactions between the companies. There may be a number of off balance sheet activities that probably aren't supposed to be off balance sheet. Having less money than they're supposed to or significantly more than they're supposed to would be quite interesting.

Their balance sheets are probably full of PAAAAARRP.


The complicated transaction scheme was the worrisome sign that made me switch my thinking from "oh these guys are inept" to "huh, fraud."

The Pi dude
Oct 19, 2013


Dec 9, 2014

I'm ready for my close-up
Ms. Gardiner...

Grimey Drawer

Related reddit thread writes....

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

D_Smart posted:

Wow Gorf, you're freaking scary.
We're all just pretenders by comparison.

G0RF fucked around with this message at 09:08 on Jul 20, 2016

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx
here is a smoking crater of a game with almost none of the features you were promised, but filled to the brim with good intentions please enjoy.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Maybe in the terrible drudgery of a typical redditor job it's taken as a given that the boss is a sociopath who'll poo poo on you for fun. You don't have to look much further than the "Reasons I hate to work in Retail Thread XVII" to get an idea.

Sometimes, large organizations need to be run more efficiently than a convenience store. When trained professionals are micromanaged, it is not good management. It is conceivable that a typical retail worker might need to be aggressively reminded not to slack off in order to do their job within the terms defined by their contract. But when the same management principles are applied to educated people passionate about their jobs, productivity declines.

Christ loving Roberts isn't even just micromanaging people. He keeps redefining goals. Nothing can get done when someone does that. You have to start, do all the middle stuff, and then finish. You can't just keep starting things without finishing anything. But there is no point in finishing something if what it's supposed to be keeps changing. Dude needs to stop whatever he's doing, set poo poo in stone and get everyone working towards a single, cohesive goal. But he's not doing that. He is not leading his team towards a readily discernible goal. At least, not one that involves making Freelancer 2. But if you pretend that his goal is, "sell concept art to people who like to look at concept art and then imagine all the cool things they'll do with it and then give Christ Roberts their life savings for .jpegs, then Chris Roberts has made very clear and definite progress towards achieving his goal. In fact he maintains a graph charting his progress on his website.

Sep 10, 2012

Maybe this post will get me on your ignore list!

Hey my ships are in my hangar. That means they're real. I sit in then and make space ship sounds. At night when I close my eyes to my shabby apartment and the hunger that I couldn't afford food because I absolutely needed that fish tank I know that Christ Roberts is making my dream game.

2 weeks.

E: also please check out my new internet radio station. It's called "I don't have a clue"

Cpt Underpants
Nov 19, 2008

Simply Irresistible
Grimey Drawer

:lesnick: could do with a boost as well...


Oct 23, 2010

by LadyAmbien

jaegerx posted:

E: also please check out my new internet radio station. It's called "I don't have a clue"

Edit: For anyone that wants this in avatar form (or wants to buy it for me! :gary:)

Ravane fucked around with this message at 04:49 on Nov 2, 2015

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

Cpt Underpants posted:

:lesnick: could do with a boost as well...


gently caress yes! get that done

doctor iono
May 19, 2005


14:35 - The amount of smugness contained in the following 30 seconds is painful.
18:15 - Does someone have this reddit post/tweet? Lesnick Thor :catstare:
23:35 - Host spends 45 seconds describing how call-ins work on a radio show. i want to die. this show is 2 hours long.
25:30 - hey it's that part i was looking for. in response to "is there space karate?"

"Let me go ahead and give this blanket answer for everything that you hear about in 10 for the Chairman and ATV and everything. These are - they're intentions. There's the things we would like to do. There's the things that we sign our people to explore, to figure out - you know, go and see about making this happen. Then there's the challenge. Then there's - going through and figuring out how to make all this happen. Not everything's going to become a reality exactly the way we spoke about it; not everything's going to work with every other system; it's an exploration - that's what development is. So that's probably why I don't know anything about it because we haven't actually done any work on it yet."

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx

doctor iono posted:

"Let me go ahead and give this blanket answer for everything that you hear about in 10 for the Chairman and ATV and everything. These are - they're intentions. There's the things we would like to do. There's the things that we sign our people to explore, to figure out - you know, go and see about making this happen. Then there's the challenge. Then there's - going through and figuring out how to make all this happen. Not everything's going to become a reality exactly the way we spoke about it; not everything's going to work with every other system; it's an exploration - that's what development is. So that's probably why I don't know anything about it because we haven't actually done any work on it yet."

:gary: :lol:

He has been trying to temper peoples expectations with this kind of talk for a couple weeks now. This is good for Star Citizen.

Mar 8, 2004

But I remember the fella who told me. Big lad. Arms as thick as oak trees, a stunning collection of scars, nice eye patch. A REAL therapist he was. Er wait. Maybe it was rapist?

I like that the baron guy very obviously just had a last minute outfit idea due to twitch

Sep 7, 1997

Good Morning!
Sunday Morning!
Development is tinkering

not developing

hth :milk:

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Hey-- we got some new dates from CIG! (Sorry if this was already posted...)


G0RF fucked around with this message at 05:24 on Nov 2, 2015

Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh
"So that's probably why I don't know anything about it because we haven't actually done any work on it yet."


G0RF posted:

Hey-- we got some new dates from CIG! (Sorry if this was already posted...)

So its coming in 2 weeks can't wait~

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

G0RF posted:

Hey-- we got some new dates from CIG! (Sorry if this was already posted...)

2 weeks

Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh

Eonwe posted:

2 weeks

Was thinking the same thing and giving them even the benefit of the doubt not counting weekends. Won't hold my breath though because then I would be dead.

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx
does alpha 2.0 have anything fun in it

Nov 15, 2007

doctor iono posted:

"Let me go ahead and give this blanket answer for everything that you hear about in 10 for the Chairman and ATV and everything. These are - they're intentions. There's the things we would like to do. There's the things that we sign our people to explore, to figure out - you know, go and see about making this happen. Then there's the challenge. Then there's - going through and figuring out how to make all this happen. Not everything's going to become a reality exactly the way we spoke about it; not everything's going to work with every other system; it's an exploration - that's what development is. So that's probably why I don't know anything about it because we haven't actually done any work on it yet."

i really love the "this is normal AAA game dev" defense of the missed milestones and loss of senior staff. But here they need to be told like children that bullshit promises and hype do not mean a real workable system.

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx
like when I try to find out about alpha 2.0 on the CIG website I get a lot of aspie technical information about precision thrusters or something, and a 20 minute video of monotone pasty people talking about who knows.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

Eonwe posted:

2 months

Aug 14, 2015

Occasional vampire queen

A Neurotic Jew posted:

like when I try to find out about alpha 2.0 on the CIG website I get a lot of aspie technical information about precision thrusters or something, and a 20 minute video of monotone pasty people talking about who knows.

Alpha 2.0 should be the thing they keep showing the videos about- the ones where a bunch of people jump in a ship and fly around to do missions. But I'm willing to bet nothing like that will be coming to the PTU any time this year.

Here, this one:

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

A Neurotic Jew posted:

does alpha 2.0 have anything fun in it
For us, surely.

For players, no.

Mar 8, 2004

But I remember the fella who told me. Big lad. Arms as thick as oak trees, a stunning collection of scars, nice eye patch. A REAL therapist he was. Er wait. Maybe it was rapist?

they should make this [proposed] game even more pay to win or i will ask for a full refund

Jun 10, 2009

G0RF posted:

For us, surely.

For players, no.

I expect there will be a fresh crop of videos of poo poo clipping through other things and/or exploding in comedic fashion.

Oct 2, 2011

It feels so good to be so posting.

Solarin posted:

i really love the "this is normal AAA game dev" defense of the missed milestones and loss of senior staff. But here they need to be told like children that bullshit promises and hype do not mean a real workable system.

The funny thing about "normal AAA game development" is you have a publisher backing you and not operating on a model where you collect product sales before there's actually a product.

Good Dumplings
Mar 29, 2011

Excuse my worthless shitposting because all I can ever hope to accomplish in life is to rot away the braincells of strangers on the internet with my irredeemable brainworms.

CrazyTolradi posted:

The funny thing about "normal AAA game development" is you have a publisher backing you and not operating on a model where you collect product sales before there's actually a product.

Isn't that how preorders work? Though I guess they're not usually what fuels a AAA game's sales.

Random Integer
Oct 7, 2010

Is every episode near 2 hours long? Because thats almost 200 hours of their lives spent talking about a computer game which doesn't even exist. I can't imagine anyone would be able to look back on their life and think 'yes, that was time well spent'.

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy

Eonwe posted:

2 weeks

I wonder how many different ways they're thinking up to rebrand "2 Weeks TM"

Random Integer posted:

Is every episode near 2 hours long? Because thats almost 200 hours of their lives spent talking about a computer game which doesn't even exist. I can't imagine anyone would be able to look back on their life and think 'yes, that was time well spent'.

They're already playing it. You were watching the game!


Jan 7, 2012

Good Dumplings posted:

Isn't that how preorders work? Though I guess they're not usually what fuels a AAA game's sales.

pre-orders are considered actual sales and the money is divied out to the respective publishers/VC/etc.

Starcitizen is not doing this as far as anyone knows. Unless Bootcha can confirm otherwise, they are using the JPEG sales as essentially donations to fund the project and nothing is being considered "realized" sales. Therefor, VCs are not being paid.

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