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Cao Ni Ma
May 25, 2010

2.0 is probably going to have like 3 more ships and the revamped flight mechanics and maybe a few more bells and whistles but other than that I dont expect any big additions


Oct 2, 2011

It feels so good to be so posting.

AP posted:

Star Citizen, I would rather believe in Santa Claus

CrazyTolradi posted:

Next up, Karl tells us Santa is actually real.

Karl believes in Santa, I loving knew it.

Aug 14, 2015

Occasional vampire queen

2.0 isn't going to have anything because it's never coming out

Aug 14, 2015

Occasional vampire queen

Even the redditors don't believe it.

Oct 21, 2015

Chalks posted:

Hey guys it looks like there's a new project coming up that we should all get behind. :gary:

Paywalling the Star Citizen threads and giving Derek a cut?

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

CrazyTolradi posted:

Give us some loving examples of why CIG having money in reserve is bad business practice, even if it's in German. German speaking goons can at least translate it for us. Otherwise you're just a walking joke, who refutes everything with "You are wrong because I say you are wrong."

I don't disagree that having 94 million dollars "just lay around" is a bad idea, when you could be making interest off it, instead of having inflation slowly eat it up. At that kind of money, the difference between the two can easily be >10 million dollars in 3 years.

Supposedly, they're spending money on the game, though, so :shrug:

Nov 13, 2005

Don't know why. Sure Rome wasn't built in a day, it took two weeks.

Dec 31, 2008


Refund has been 'actioned' and account has been closed, only took a month!

I'm freeeeeeee

Oct 2, 2011

It feels so good to be so posting.

Truga posted:

I don't disagree that having 94 million dollars "just lay around" is a bad idea, when you could be making interest off it, instead of having inflation slowly eat it up. At that kind of money, the difference between the two can easily be >10 million dollars in 3 years.

Supposedly, they're spending money on the game, though, so :shrug:

Oh, they'd easily be getting some interest off it, unless the majority of backer money is in a big cash pool that Croberts likes to go bathing in now and then (which would be pretty gross).

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Another Star Citizen auditor.

Hey Karl, I'm no expert but given that
A: - You said here on SA that you no money in and you have a RSI Space Marshal account
B:- You said you weren't that crazy reddit Star Citizen auditor who was trying to troll me from there of all lovely places.

I'm going to go with
C:- You're a nut. :gary:

Jul 2, 2010

~ shameful ~

Soiled Meat

Chalks posted:

Hey guys it looks like there's a new project coming up that we should all get behind. :gary:

:siren: IT'S HAPPENING :siren:

Derek Smart's Desktop Citizen

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Berious posted:

Don't know why. Sure Rome wasn't built in a day, it took two weeks.

They make a good point, though: maybe the people at CIG are just so high that they're experiencing relativistic effects. Time compression makes it difficult to communicate time frames, after all…

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo


Hopper posted:

The Something Awful Forums > Discussion > Games > Star Citizen: I would rather believe in Santa Claus

Can we make this the December thread title please?

At least Santa Clause brings you cool poo poo (or socks (plaid socks are also a better gift than a jspeg)) and only charges milk + cookies.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

AP posted:


Another Star Citizen auditor.

Hey Karl, I'm no expert but given that
A: - You said here on SA that you no money in and you have a RSI Space Marshal account
B:- You said you weren't that crazy reddit Star Citizen auditor who was trying to troll me from there of all lovely places.

I'm going to go with
C:- You're a nut. :gary:

Seems Karl has been a busy bee.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Tippis posted:

Aside from having problems imagining Microsoft, specifically, as one of those “funny” companies, yes. That sounds just like the kind of desperate attempts at executive humour that appear at company rallies to motivate the troops.

If that was comedy no wonder she can't get a job acting.

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

I was in Tampa all weekend at a Taylor Swift concert.

Did I miss anything other than Karl being a lunatic and more :gary:?

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Beet Wagon posted:

I was in Tampa all weekend at a Taylor Swift concert.

Did I miss anything other than Karl being a lunatic and more :gary:?

:yarg: unbiggified..

were you a hostage or just a big tay tay fan

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Beet Wagon posted:

Did I miss anything other than Karl being a lunatic and more :gary:?

The next Smart Bomb is dropping tomorrow apparently.

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week

notoriousman posted:

I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, just genuinely curious as to the state of this game.

Truga posted:

when you could be making interest off it, instead of having inflation slowly eat it up
Interest & inflation have both been close to zero for the last 5 years. Sure, when you've got millions you get access to better investment returns than my local bank, but you can't take any kind of risk with it. "We lost a bunch of backer money in out stocks & bonds portfolio, oops."

(Not that it matters all that much in this case, I don't think there would be that much difference in results if Croberts threw a couple million on red in vegas.)

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

AP posted:


Another Star Citizen auditor.

Hey Karl, I'm no expert but given that
A: - You said here on SA that you no money in and you have a RSI Space Marshal account
B:- You said you weren't that crazy reddit Star Citizen auditor who was trying to troll me from there of all lovely places.

I'm going to go with
C:- You're a nut. :gary:


Karl is the new seraph as far as crazy people go

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

SneakyFrog posted:

:yarg: unbiggified..

were you a hostage or just a big tay tay fan

Oh neat, so development on Gary Citizen is progressing pretty smoothly then.

I am unashamed to say I'm actually a big Tay-Tay fan. The show was "off the chain" I think the kids call it.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Beet Wagon posted:

Oh neat, so development on Gary Citizen is progressing pretty smoothly then.

I am unashamed to say I'm actually a big Tay-Tay fan. The show was "off the chain" I think the kids call it.

Brave beet.

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

AP posted:

The next Smart Bomb is dropping tomorrow apparently.

He said his next one is about the TOS timeline right? I'm sure it'll probably be good but I'm waiting for his "Sue on Sight" post about all the sperglords who have been trying to screw with him. That one's gonna be amazing.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

AP posted:


Another Star Citizen auditor.

Hey Karl, I'm no expert but given that
A: - You said here on SA that you no money in and you have a RSI Space Marshal account
B:- You said you weren't that crazy reddit Star Citizen auditor who was trying to troll me from there of all lovely places.

I'm going to go with
C:- You're a nut. :gary:

Joke's on you, that's his father.

Amun Khonsu posted:

Seems Karl has been a busy bee.

Hahaha Karl you dirty rat. I hope you stick around, I want you close when this thing goes belly up.

MeLKoR fucked around with this message at 15:15 on Nov 2, 2015

Jun 23, 2013


So what happens now that the project has passed $2,500,000? Will we add additional funding goals and make the game even larger in scope?


As we said in our first Live Stream Twitch Q&A session, after Stage 4 is unlocked, additional funding will go towards polishing the features and content we’ve already committed to. After that, any additional funds will go toward funding a Post-Launch Live Team that will continue developing additional features and content.

Thanks Harebrained Schemes!

Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer

This is the kind of pathetic person who gets their rear end kicked and is mocked mercilessly in school for ratting others out to the teachers and then cries and whimpers "but I don't understand why everyone is mean to me".
The only reason pathetic losers like that can safely gloat is because a) they cowardly hide on the internet and b) going to their house and smashing their teeth in is a punishable offence for some reason.

Dark Off
Aug 14, 2015

someone's refund money is needet

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

MeLKoR posted:

Joke's on you, that's his father.

Or wife or brother-in-law, that's right Star Citizen is doing so well that Karl pretends to be four different people to defend it.

Karl some internet security tips:-
1. Using the same username + year it was registered is not a good plan if you want to deceive people, it's not exactly the enigma code.
2. Putting your full date of birth every"loving"where, including writing it in a text field when you don't have to, is not that bright either.

If I was you I'd go delete that reddit account before Derek has some time free and sees the German legal system as a new challenge.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Hahaha Karl you're an idiot and everyone knows it. Please post a selfie. I want to laugh in your face.

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

SneakyFrog posted:

Brave beet.

Eh, I'm well beyond the age where I have to worry about whether or not the things I like are cool, so I just roll with it. Besides, all my friends are into black metal, so there's not a lot of "Swiftie" jokes I haven't heard already.

It was kind of funny though, there was a cowboy hat wearing dadbro sitting in the row in front of us and after the show was over he turned to my girlfriend and me and said something like "I gotta give you credit, I thought I was gonna be the only guy here who knew any of the words," and sort of shrugged in the direction of his daughters. When I told him I was the reason we were there he looked at me funny and then said "Hey man, good for you. Whatever floats your boat."

Oct 1, 2015


Only registered members can see post attachments!

Sep 30, 2009

Hey Karl did you get a refund yet? You can still spend your money in the game once it launches so it's really only insulating yourself from potential failure with no downside.

Also it means you can discuss this game sensibly without being massively emotionally invested in its success and having said success directly tied to you not being a dumb.

Good all round really, set yourself free!

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Beet Wagon posted:

Eh, I'm well beyond the age where I have to worry about whether or not the things I like are cool, so I just roll with it. Besides, all my friends are into black metal, so there's not a lot of "Swiftie" jokes I haven't heard already.

It was kind of funny though, there was a cowboy hat wearing dadbro sitting in the row in front of us and after the show was over he turned to my girlfriend and me and said something like "I gotta give you credit, I thought I was gonna be the only guy here who knew any of the words," and sort of shrugged in the direction of his daughters. When I told him I was the reason we were there he looked at me funny and then said "Hey man, good for you. Whatever floats your boat."

its cool beet, Must be nice to not give any fucks about what strangers say about your musical tastes.

did he make an awkward turtle face?

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

MeLKoR posted:

Does this make it an official goon jihad? When does conscription start? I wanna be there when they go for the E&Ns.

allahu snackbar

Yolomon Wayne
Jun 10, 2014

You call it "The Big Bang", but what really happened is
Grimey Drawer
Long after all of this has been forgotten by man, children will sit around a wrinkled old man in a wheelchair and ask "Grampa, what is this Star Citizen we found pictures of on your old laptop?"

And he will say "Well kids, we gave this man 90million dollars"

Feb 14, 2005

a glass case of emotion

Fallen Rib
this guy sounds smart, maybe he left the company on his own, chasing the dragon of another kickstarted project
I like that he authored an sph fluid simulation for a loving mini-game, seems like a solid use of smartguy's time

wyoak fucked around with this message at 15:37 on Nov 2, 2015

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

DreadLlama posted:

Hahaha Karl you're an idiot and everyone knows it. Please post a selfie. I want to laugh in your face.

Karl posts are good when I am catching up on the thread though cause I can quickly scroll past them to get to the present.

Dec 10, 2007


Wait, is he by any chance related to James Nguyen of Birdemic fame?

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

SneakyFrog posted:

its cool beet, Must be nice to not give any fucks about what strangers say about your musical tastes.

did he make an awkward turtle face?

Yeah there was a little pause where he scrunched up his nose all funny and you could almost see him readjusting his worldview to allow for the existence of dudes like me. Admittedly he was super cool about it, I half expected him to call me a homo or something. Florida rednecks aren't exactly the most accepting type.

And I mean I totally get it too. I'm an adult male belting out Taylor Swift lyrics in an audience that had to have been at least 85% made up of 13 year old girls. I very much felt like a fish out of water, and probably would have looked at me a little funny if I was him, too. But I'm really glad I was brave enough to go, the concert was unreal. They gave everybody these wristbands as we walked in, but didn't tell us what they were for, so we assumed they were some sort of tracking thing to keep us out of the parts of the stadium we weren't allowed to go in or something. It turns out they all had LEDs in them and they were programmed to the music or something, so the very first time the bass hit the entire stadium of like 55,000 people lit up in this huge light show. It was really cool.


Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Beet Wagon posted:

Yeah there was a little pause where he scrunched up his nose all funny and you could almost see him readjusting his worldview to allow for the existence of dudes like me. Admittedly he was super cool about it, I half expected him to call me a homo or something. Florida rednecks aren't exactly the most accepting type.

And I mean I totally get it too. I'm an adult male belting out Taylor Swift lyrics in an audience that had to have been at least 85% made up of 13 year old girls. I very much felt like a fish out of water, and probably would have looked at me a little funny if I was him, too. But I'm really glad I was brave enough to go, the concert was unreal. They gave everybody these wristbands as we walked in, but didn't tell us what they were for, so we assumed they were some sort of tracking thing to keep us out of the parts of the Stadium we weren't allowed to go in or something. It turns out they all had LEDs in them and they were programmed to the music or something, so the very first time the bass hit the entire stadium of like 55,000 people lit up in this huge light show. It was really cool.

yeah i'm in FL as well, dont have to tell me about those folks. crazy.

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