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Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh
haha wow Karl is getting chaos dunked on so hard I almost feel bad for him.


Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

D_Smart posted:

Since we're in the process of burning Klueless Karl, my turn.

Remember when he said some nonsense about my "non existent" legal action as per what I posted here and later moved to my blog?

Well, I went to our archives and randomly dug up some invoices (1, 2, 3)from the named legal firms in that last action. In fact, my calculations were off. When I
looked at our Quickbooks ledger, the amount for just that action across 4 law firms, a PI firm, a forensics imaging firm etc was $609, 738.86

There you have it.


Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy


holy gently caress ben got FAT

Ben is the project in human form. starcitizen.jpg , if you will

Jul 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
I run my sleeve across my forehead, but it barely makes a dent in the sweat that is pouring down my face. Was it warm in here or just me? Glancing at the calm and comfortable face of the elderly gentlemen in the neighboring seat, it is painfully clear that it’s just me.

The ship was almost full now, all the seats near me holding excited passengers. At the ticket counter I had debated if it was worth springing for one of the deluxe berths with a bed, but had opted to go with one of the main cabin seats instead and save the creds for when I landed. The thickly cushioned chair is probably pretty comfortable, but I am too nervous to really tell.

The elderly gentleman leans over and smiles at me, “First time flying offworld?”

I nod.

“You got nothing to worry about. These new Genesis are about as good as they come. You barely feel the jumps.”

“Thanks,” I manage to reply.

His eyes narrow slightly, “You’ll tell me if you’re going to hurl, right?”

Before I can reply, a flight attendant stands at the head of the aisle.

“Greetings, and thank you for choosing to travel the stars with Meridian Transit! Today’s flight will feature a complimentary beverage and meal service about two hours after take-off, but snacks and drinks are available at all times in the Observation Lounge. We’re moments from launching, but before we do, we’d like everyone to use this time to familiarize themselves with our brand new Crusader Industries Genesis-Class starliner and review our safety protocols on their mobiGlas.”

Glancing up from my mobi, I ask my seat companion, “How often do these things actually get attacked by outlaws?”

“Not as often as they used to, that’s for sure,” he replies with a completely non-comforting wink.

The loudspeaker chirps to life, “Attention all crew, prepare for launch.”

A deep vibrating rumble causes my arm hairs to stand on end, as the starliner’s engines roar to life. It is clear to me now that this is a mistake. I don’t care what I promised Shelley. I start to fumble out of my seat, but it’s too late. A burst of inertia forces me back as the thrusters push us out of the hangar.

I was doing it. I was leaving Earth.

With some difficulty, I manage to swallow.

Weren’t vacations supposed to be relaxing?

Out the window, the blue midday sky turns quickly to black.

Justin Tyme
Feb 22, 2011

Hey retards: it's because the branch they developed their part on was different than the branch CIG was converting to 64 bit, and the two couldn't be merged without starting 100% from scratch. Illfonic made a perfectly serviceable game, but because of mismanagement from CIG it couldn't be used.

And guess what happened? FPS stuff was started again from scratch. That's why it was delayed indefinitely, they realized they had to completely redo it and it wasn't because it was Illfonic's fault.

Dec 11, 2009

Fun Shoe

Agrajag posted:

whatever happened to the fig startup poo poo? i want to laugh at that also

They have a couple of projects on the table, but considering that it's like crowdfunding, but with venture money, there's a lot more care and examination of the projects themselves, and whether they'll return anything other than drama and confirming what games publishers have been saying for a decade.

Give it a few more months before they do something more interesting.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Justin Tyme posted:

Hey retards: it's because the branch they developed their part on was different than the branch CIG was converting to 64 bit, and the two couldn't be merged without starting 100% from scratch. Illfonic made a perfectly serviceable game, but because of mismanagement from CIG it couldn't be used.

And guess what happened? FPS stuff was started again from scratch. That's why it was delayed indefinitely, they realized they had to completely redo it and it wasn't because it was Illfonic's fault.

Yup, pretty much. I have posted many times about this due to my first hand sources close to that, but those Reddiots would rather ignore that.

Jun 1, 2006

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

Since we're in the process of burning Klueless Karl, my turn.

Remember when he said some nonsense about my "non existent" legal action as per what I posted here and later moved to my blog?

Well, I went to our archives and randomly dug up some invoices (1, 2, 3)from the named legal firms in that last action. In fact, my calculations were off. When I
looked at our Quickbooks ledger, the amount for just that action across 4 law firms, a PI firm, a forensics imaging firm etc was $609, 738.86

There you have it.

Teehee, I randomly came across some diplomas invoices when I was cleaning my desk! I'm such a card!

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

I hope Karl read this whole thread and then just curled up with his CR plushie and cried himself to sleep. Dude's getting smashed in here.

Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh

Justin Tyme posted:

Hey retards: it's because the branch they developed their part on was different than the branch CIG was converting to 64 bit, and the two couldn't be merged without starting 100% from scratch. Illfonic made a perfectly serviceable game, but because of mismanagement from CIG it couldn't be used.

And guess what happened? FPS stuff was started again from scratch. That's why it was delayed indefinitely, they realized they had to completely redo it and it wasn't because it was Illfonic's fault.

It's incredible the things that are getting posted in there. For such experts on AAA game dev its kinda funny to see how all of them are missing something this obvious. CR hosed up wasted millions and had to throw it all out because it was 32 bit the end.

Jul 26, 2013

Oh You'll Love My Toxic Love
Grimey Drawer

Beet Wagon posted:

I hope Karl read this whole thread and then just curled up with his CR plushie and cried himself to sleep. Dude's getting smashed in here.

He probably went one step further and decided to become the first SC suicide.

Nov 13, 2012

Truly, the pinnacle of goaltending
Grimey Drawer

Dark Off
Aug 14, 2015


holy gently caress ben got FAT
Hes gotten feature bloated

but really i kinda pity ben. Having his dream turn into disaster must be taking its toll.

Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh

What woah this might be heavy!

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches
My main deflector is ready..

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
I pretty much glaze over Karl's posts as "ethics in games journalism" poo poo :shrug:

Nov 15, 2005


Who cares, tell us how the cupcakes turned out! :btroll:

seriously they looked cool, good job

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

Skoll posted:

He probably went one step further and decided to become the first SC suicide.

Maybe he got a refund and is just to embarassed to admit it.

Karl did you get a refund?

Apr 4, 2015

Pork Pro

Justin Tyme posted:

Hey retards: it's because the branch they developed their part on was different than the branch CIG was converting to 64 bit, and the two couldn't be merged without starting 100% from scratch. Illfonic made a perfectly serviceable game, but because of mismanagement from CIG it couldn't be used.

And guess what happened? FPS stuff was started again from scratch. That's why it was delayed indefinitely, they realized they had to completely redo it and it wasn't because it was Illfonic's fault.

Agreed 100% I used to share the sentiment that Illfonic was to blame for dropping the ball, then listened to that Beyond The Horizon (Oct 17) podcast where DS touched on this. It blew my mind how easily people get brain washed into believing CIG's development problems are anyone's fault besides CIG and CIG certainly hasn't done the ethical thing by coming clean and stating the obvious in this respect to at least wipe clean the massive poo poo stain they left on Illfonic's integrity as a company. Regardless of Illfonic's reputation preceding Star Marine, they have released their games and absolutely don't deserve some of the poo poo critics that are delusional Star Citizen fanatics.

What is the worse that would happen by simply coming out and saying "We're apologizing to Illfonic for immersing them in a frustrating scenario for which we've decided as a company and on behalf of the backers and Illfonic to part ways and keep development in house so they can work on other things"?. Now it only appears anybody who touches this project is going to get burned, and it's Hollywood all over again for CR.

to0terfish fucked around with this message at 21:21 on Nov 2, 2015

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro
Yo, Derek! You in Cleveland today

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
hahah who are you kidding i bet karl is still balls deep into cig or vice versa

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014


Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh

Agrajag posted:

I pretty much glaze over Karl's posts as "ethics in games journalism" poo poo :shrug:

They were pretty much the only true believer post we have had in a long time I was kinda looking forward to actually getting to have a back and forth with one in a place where post wouldn't get deleted or downvoted into oblivion by the cultist.

Too bad his entire last post was just I'm right you're wrong because I said so. Thats boring.

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

Vire posted:

They were pretty much the only true believer post we have had in a long time I was kinda looking forward to actually getting to have a back and forth with one in a place where post wouldn't get deleted or downvoted into oblivion by the cultist.

Too bad his entire last post was just I'm right you're wrong because I said so. Thats boring.

I like it when they come here to argue their case as if anybody actually cares. Also it saves me from having to go to reddit to get my daily dose of SC insanity. I always feel gross when I do.

Sep 30, 2009

I think it would be genuinely really interesting for Karl to get a refund then continue to defend SC here with us.

I'd take what he has to say much more seriously if I didn't think he was posting these things out of desperately trying to justify his expenditure.

Oct 23, 2010

by LadyAmbien
This is a video of a redditor watching some dude watch the nyan cat video for ten hours:

I have a job and a life, but even if I was immortal, I wouldn't waste my time doing this.


Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy


turn off the TV
Aug 4, 2010

moderately annoying

Has anyone ever bothered to report the Star Citizen reddit for brigading Seraph's own sub? That's a big no no in the reddit rulebook and could get people banned, which would be funny.

Dec 11, 2014

Justin Tyme posted:

Hey retards: it's because the branch they developed their part on was different than the branch CIG was converting to 64 bit, and the two couldn't be merged without starting 100% from scratch. Illfonic made a perfectly serviceable game, but because of mismanagement from CIG it couldn't be used.

And guess what happened? FPS stuff was started again from scratch. That's why it was delayed indefinitely, they realized they had to completely redo it and it wasn't because it was Illfonic's fault.

Again, his is what infuriates me about "open development" as CIG sees things. Plenty of positive PR which they call open, and the real issues are swept under the carpet, along with mismanagement.

Feb 10, 2014

Anybody know what rule 9 is on the RSI forum?

I had my thread closed for violating it.

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week

trucutru posted:

Glancing up from my mobi, I ask my seat companion, “How often do these things actually get attacked by outlaws?”

“Not as often as they used to, that’s for sure,” he replies with a completely non-comforting wink.

"Young whippersnapper, the tales I could tell you about getting cornholed by pirates out in the Outer Rim. They'd chill your blood like you just drank a Blue Nebula! But don't worry, that kinda think doesn't happen since the pilots got the PVP-PVE slider installed."

Im_drunk posted:

Agreed 100% I used to share the sentiment that Illfonic was to blame for dropping the ball

CIG being terrible and Illfonic being terrible aren't mutually exclusive...

But in this case we can assume that it's more CIG's problem since they're not going after Illfonic for failure to perform.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


Im_drunk posted:

Agreed 100% I used to share the sentiment that Illfonic was to blame for dropping the ball, then listened to that Beyond The Horizon (Oct 17) podcast where DS touched on this. It blew my mind how easily people get brain washed into believing CIG's development problems are anyone's fault besides CIG and CIG certainly hasn't done the ethical thing by coming clean and stating the obvious in this respect to at least wipe clean the massive poo poo stain they left on Illfonic's integrity as a company. Regardless of Illfonic's reputation preceding Star Marine, they have released their games and absolutely don't deserve some of the poo poo critics that are delusional Star Citizen fanatics.

What is the worse that would happen by simply coming out and saying "We're apologizing to Illfonic for immersing them in a frustrating scenario for which we've decided as a company and on behalf of the backers and Illfonic to part ways and keep development in house so they can work on other things"?. Now it only appears anybody who touches this project is going to get burned, and it's Hollywood all over again for CR.

Posting link since BS seems to be hiding atm. Well worth a listen: BTH Radio 17 october

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Skoll posted:

He probably went one step further and decided to become the first SC suicide.

He's just not posting here.

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie
Who the gently caress is Karl?

Jun 11, 2001

by vyelkin
Hi Karl. I made a poster for your bedroom wall:

Jun 2, 2006

You know, Elon Musk succesfully launched something into orbit with 100 million bucks. Star Citizen only has a bunch of spaceship jpegs to show for their 92 million.

Nov 4, 2005

Like a Bosh

Klyith posted:

"Young whippersnapper, the tales I could tell you about getting cornholed by pirates out in the Outer Rim. They'd chill your blood like you just drank a Blue Nebula! But don't worry, that kinda think doesn't happen since the pilots got the PVP-PVE slider installed."

CIG being terrible and Illfonic being terrible aren't mutually exclusive...

But in this case we can assume that it's more CIG's problem since they're not going after Illfonic for failure to perform.

I would agree with that if the FPS module came out but was just bad you could blame that on Illfonic but the fact that they had to trash it and it doesn't exist anymore after we saw Illfonic make it is a CIG problem.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Antoine Silvere
Nov 25, 2008

Are these soap bubbles?
Grimey Drawer

Decrepus posted:

He is clearly the young guy who makese 7 figures and remembers an old videogame fondly.



Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Daztek posted:

You know, Elon Musk succesfully launched something into orbit with 100 million bucks. Star Citizen only has a bunch of spaceship jpegs to show for their 92 million.

but is elon saving pc gaming? i think not. :colbert:

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