notoriousman posted:So they're suddenly claiming alpha 2.0 is right around the corner after outright refusing to give a date at CitCon? Do they seriously have made multicrew working when they can't even stop their golf carts from exploding and/or falling through the world? And I thought they also claimed Squadron 42 episode 1 was coming with 2.0 instead of being its own module. G0RF posted:We already discussed that. But I am curious, given your enthusiasm, if you can clarify what "Full product in a year" specifically refers to? mcjomar posted:I'm going to guess the answers to these based on what we've seen so far. notoriousman posted:From last month's Citizen Con presentation, for context he starts talking about the alpha 2.0 features around 19:12 or so. Given that, their website lists the alpha 2.0 features as only including the various IFCS flight models and makes no mention of the additions announced at their convention. So really my question is 1) what happened to the launch of multicrew, the FPS integration, the "large world" integration, etc., and 2) what about the upcoming patch (which now appears to be comprised solely of new flight models and bugfixes) warrants the bump to alpha 2.0 as opposed to, say, alpha 1.4? Meonekton posted:I'm actually surprised they're releasing something. I thought 2.0 would never see the light of day as CIG would put all their focus on SQ42. Remember what I said at the end of Aug 2015? Well that's precisely what is playing out atm.
And whatever they release as 2.0 is purely designed as more smoke and mirrors to show "progress". So it will be a buggy mess in PTU until well into 2016. Lest you forget, AC is still a buggy mess. And whatever it is they currently have in the PTU is best not even discussed. Remember, they still can't even get buggies to work right. Going into 2016, we'll be dealing with v2.0x builds; all of which will remain in the same buggy state that the current v1.xx builds are in. Four years. $94m+. 500+ people. Still talking pre-Alpha. And no game in sight 2016 is the mad rush to get a scaled down version of EP1 of SQ42 out. Depending on how much they want to cut, it probably won't happen. Which is why they are currently hiring more people at Foundry 42 because all bets are now being placed on SQ42. Then I hear today that, amid all this, Croberts is still doing mocap shoots. Seriously. In case you all have forgotten... ![]() ![]() ![]() D_Smart fucked around with this message at 21:47 on Nov 2, 2015 |
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 02:24 |
spacetoaster posted:Anybody know what rule 9 is on the RSI forum? Pretty sure that's the "catchall" rule they use whenever they can't really justify closing something.
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D_Smart posted:Probably won't support any new ships. And if it does, there will be maybe one multi-crew ship (still trying to find out which one is the likely candidate) Wouldn't the obvious answer be the Retaliator? It's the only one they've bothered to show off with any kind of "multi-crew" nonsense. It's also one of the only two(?) multi-crew ships that actually have models, and the other one is supposed to be undergoing yet another makeover.
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Holy cow. Ben just replied to me in the FPS catchall thread.![]()
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HAHAHA he's still pouring money into his hollywood movie director rp? nice
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Daztek posted:You know, Elon Musk succesfully launched something into orbit with 100 million bucks. Star Citizen only has a bunch of spaceship jpegs to show for their 92 million. Yeah but that project has been in development since the 50s/60s with the space program. It's a lot harder to make the BDSSE from scratch in just 1 year* *The clock has been reset because CIG said it's taking them a year.
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Daztek posted:You know, Elon Musk succesfully launched something into orbit with 100 million bucks. Star Citizen only has a bunch of spaceship jpegs to show for their 92 million. I always find it amazing that Croberts got enough money to get into actual space but wasted it all.
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Woah so he just basically promised fps game play in 2.0 which is coming in TEN DAYS. Well we won't have to wait long to see what's going on with that. Although that would be legitimately shocking if they were able to get that working with 64 bit. Unless 2.0 isn't 64 bit and is just the last of their 32 bit stuff cobbled together to stall for time to change everything to 64 haha. edit: Is it possible as well that when they switched over to 64 since everything had to be thrown out they got back the original stock fps stuff built into crysis so they would just use that instead? Don't know enough about crysis engine / any of that to say either way just an interesting idea that's probably wrong. Vire fucked around with this message at 21:55 on Nov 2, 2015 |
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spacetoaster posted:Holy cow. Ben just replied to me in the FPS catchall thread. Respond with that image of the "Alpha 2.0 is coming in 10 days" and ask if he's willing to bet his job on it. Vire posted:Unless 2.0 isn't 64 bit and is just the last of their 32 bit stuff cobbled together to stall for time to change everything to 64 haha. My money would be on this but knowing CIG they'll just claim they never made any hard dates and it'll be out in a few weeks more time.
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spacetoaster posted:Anybody know what rule 9 is on the RSI forum? No one knows. They change their forum rules on the fly to fit the charges.
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sincx posted:I always find it amazing that Croberts got enough money to get into actual space but wasted it all. You're thinking of Garriott. I met him with Lesnick and the WC CIC crew. Nice guy. And I would totally spend all my money to go into space and live on the ISS for a spell. As for his kickstarter project, dunno, haven't heard peep, but I keep getting build updates in my email. So something steady and good must be happening. EDIT: Oh, GOT enough money to go into space. nvm
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I don't trust Ben to deliver meat and potatoes without him nibbling first.
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Wanna bet the Illfonic poo poo will be released as a standalone disjointed abomination?
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Because the world needs another hallway shooter.
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I've been away for a few days and just caught up with like 75 pages.
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Beet Wagon posted:Wouldn't the obvious answer be the Retaliator? It's the only one they've bothered to show off with any kind of "multi-crew" nonsense. It's also one of the only two(?) multi-crew ships that actually have models, and the other one is supposed to be undergoing yet another makeover. Yes, but according to my sources, they are still having problems with the Retaliator and that if we thinking the shenanigans with the buggy in the hangar are hilarious, we should wait and see the poo poo that's supposed to be coming to the PTU as multi-crew ships. ps: As developer, it completely irks me that we're talking about multiple clients existing in a single object like it's some ground breaking thing. Every single multiplayer game with fps and vehicles/aircraft since the nineties, has that this.
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It was very worth it.
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D_Smart posted:
Something will be released in 2016. It will be Chris Roberts magnum opus digital film, Squadron 42. It will show Hollywood they were fools to reject him. He will put his brilliant storytelling on display. Maybe it will have a mission or two, but the film will be there. But seriously, if Rome were burning to the ground, what would Roberts care about more? Getting some hacked together piece of crap out or using that sweet sweet mocap footage to try and ply his way back into Hollywood? (Or even send them a laughable 'gently caress you') It is absurd to think about, but this whole loving thing is insane. Look at citcon, how much time was spent on mocap and that absurd script.
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Another thing what does it mean that they leapfrogged in a sense? Is that code word for someone else did all the work so thats why its actually done and not delayed forever? Didn't they get the stuff they paid for on time / late how is that leap frogging haha?
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Dark Off posted:Hes gotten feature bloated id feel bad for him if he wasnt an active participant in the scam i hope he dies from a heart attack when it fails
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spacetoaster posted:Holy cow. Ben just replied to me in the FPS catchall thread. poo poo. I called it. Again. FYI by "meat and potatoes" he means the underlying fps tech they're still pissing around with. Which means animations, physics etc.
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D_Smart posted:Yes, but according to my sources, they are still having problems with the Retaliator and that if we thinking the shenanigans with the buggy in the hangar are hilarious, we should wait and see the poo poo that's supposed to be coming to the PTU as multi-crew ships. What time are you releasing the blog post tomorrow?
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Booblord Zagats posted:Yo, Derek! You in Cleveland today LOL!! Damnit! I've been DOXXED!!
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how Derek Smart of all people managed to make the best thread in years is beyond all comprehension KEEP IT COMIN' ![]()
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Vire posted:Woah so he just basically promised fps game play in 2.0 which is coming in TEN DAYS. Well we won't have to wait long to see what's going on with that. Although that would be legitimately shocking if they were able to get that working with 64 bit. Unless 2.0 isn't 64 bit and is just the last of their 32 bit stuff cobbled together to stall for time to change everything to 64 haha. No, he didn't. See my previous post. There is no "fps game play"; as that would imply the Star Marine modes. They're not in this 2.0 release. Probably not until end of the year or sometime in 2016.
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Romes128 posted:What time are you releasing the blog post tomorrow? Around 2PM EST. Will post here when it goes live.
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D_Smart posted:poo poo. I called it. Again. Holy poo poo if that's the case. Doesn't that just come with cryengine though the physics and being able to walk around? What is even the difference then between that and walking around in the hangar / city footage we have seen?
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D_Smart posted:Yes, but according to my sources, they are still having problems with the Retaliator and that if we thinking the shenanigans with the buggy in the hangar are hilarious, we should wait and see the poo poo that's supposed to be coming to the PTU as multi-crew ships. Huh. That makes sense. I've seen a couple GIFs of it in arena commander where the interior shell completely breaks loose from the outer texture when it hits a rock and goes spinning away in the other direction, so maybe that's what's stopping them. That makes me wonder though, because the only other possible multi-crew ship they could use is the Constellation I think, right? And that's being reworked from the last thing I remember. Unless they are going to just dump the Cutlass back in with reworked animations or functional seats or something, since it's already in arena commander and you can technically put two people in it. Man if they did that it would be the dumbest thing they've ever done. All the white knights would have to acknowledge "multi-crew" being a farce.
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spacetoaster posted:Holy cow. Ben just replied to me in the FPS catchall thread. It's going to be a badly cobbled together piece of crap like "Arena Commander", just with maybe 10 dark hallways and horrible animations. They will call this a success and declare victory over Lord Derek Smart and his minions.
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Vire posted:Woah so he just basically promised fps game play in 2.0 which is coming in TEN DAYS. Well we won't have to wait long to see what's going on with that. It's very tricky wording. What I think he's saying is that the work Illfonic put in to the FPS will be there...he's not actually saying FPS gameplay will. Those are the "results" that came out of building the FPS. The FPS itself is what they "leapfrogged" over.
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Unfunny Poster posted:Respond with that image of the "Alpha 2.0 is coming in 10 days" and ask if he's willing to bet his job on it. Give me this image
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Vire posted:Holy poo poo if that's the case. Doesn't that just come with cryengine though the physics and being able to walk around? What is even the difference then between that and walking around in the hangar / city footage we have seen? Listen here it's extremely difficult to make a first person shooter out of a first person shooter engine when you've already had all of the assets sitting around for years because for one thing PARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP ![]() Chalks fucked around with this message at 22:11 on Nov 2, 2015 |
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A Neurotic Jew posted:It's very tricky wording. What I think he's saying is that the work Illfonic put in to the FPS will be there...he's not actually saying FPS gameplay will. But we saw them shooting in some demo footage and playing a match wouldn't that be fps gameplay that Illfonic did? I don't see how that wording gets out of it he said all the work? Key word all.
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Vire posted:Another thing what does it mean that they leapfrogged in a sense? Is that code word for someone else did all the work so thats why its actually done and not delayed forever? Didn't they get the stuff they paid for on time / late how is that leap frogging haha? It's exactly what Ben said. They were going to release Star Marine ages ago. I said it was on indefinitely hold. They denied it. Then it was. Then they totally poo poo-canned it as a stand-alone module. Then they said gently caress it, we're just going to leapfrog the whole thing and shove it into the "baby" PU as part of that release. Why? Well they went 64-Bit and so they can't exactly shove that into the current 32-Bit abomination that is AC 1.0x. Which is precisely why they can't release "game play" modes in this first release. It doesn't exist. They're still working on it. And will then tack it on top of 2.0x at some point down the road. Probably Dec if miracles are still a thing.
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Dapper Dan posted:Something will be released in 2016. It will be Chris Roberts magnum opus digital film, Squadron 42. It will show Hollywood they were fools to reject him. He will put his brilliant storytelling on display. Maybe it will have a mission or two, but the film will be there. *script drop* and walks away
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https://www.reddit.com/r/DerekSmart/comments/3qq0af/things_have_been_quiet/cwlda5s?context=3 lol karl doesn't know what year it is.
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CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK posted:holy gently caress ben got FAT yeah well that explains the massive dunkin donuts expenses
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 02:24 |
Fil5000 posted:https://www.reddit.com/r/DerekSmart/comments/3qq0af/things_have_been_quiet/cwlda5s?context=3 Holy poo poo I just noticed they removed the downvote button from that subreddit. Amazing.
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