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Sep 2, 2009

No. I work here. I manage operations for this and integration for this, while making sure that their stuff keeps working in here.

Hav posted:

What are you using as your point of 'began development'? The commodity engines aren't the only game in town, just the only 'single box' engine.

I question anyone that assumes that 32bit math would be enough for a space game. Don't you?

Whether you pick 2011, when Chris was selecting an engine, or 2012, when the prototype was demoed, it doesn't really matter. There were no suitable licensable high-performance game engines available, whether with 32-bit or 64-bit spatial positioning systems that would have met the necessary wickets without requiring similar or more re-engineering work in one area or another.


Jul 4, 2012

Octopode posted:

You realize at the point that Star Citizen began development, CryEngine and UE3 were the only games in town as far as licensable, high-end engines, right? And that developing an engine from scratch is orders of magnitude more difficult than adapting even a badly-suited engine to your needs, right? And that, given the choice between having to adapt two equally unsuited engines to the task, it makes much more sense to actually go with the one with a developer that's willing to commit significant engineering expertise to helping you do so, right?

it also makes much more sense to have a feature set defined before you start developing

but this isnt a story about professional developers, its a story of exploration and new horizons because no one has ever tried to punch code to make space ships fly and people walk let alone half the other poo poo they have promised

sorry buddy but you got a cowboy with a $90m budget and you are that enamored you cant tell the difference between sucking his dick and letting him piss on your lips

Sep 2, 2009

No. I work here. I manage operations for this and integration for this, while making sure that their stuff keeps working in here.

SquirrelGrip posted:

it also makes much more sense to have a feature set defined before you start developing

but this isnt a story about professional developers, its a story of exploration and new horizons because no one has ever tried to punch code to make space ships fly and people walk let alone half the other poo poo they have promised

sorry buddy but you got a cowboy with a $90m budget and you are that enamored you cant tell the difference between sucking his dick and letting him piss on your lips

None of that makes you any less wrong about your original point.

Sep 30, 2009

Octopode posted:

Whether you pick 2011, when Chris was selecting an engine, or 2012, when the prototype was demoed, it doesn't really matter. There were no suitable licensable high-performance game engines available, whether with 32-bit or 64-bit spatial positioning systems that would have met the necessary wickets without requiring similar or more re-engineering work in one area or another.

Do you believe that it took them 4 years to complete the 64 bit engine and simple incompetence caused them to develop incompatible modules that needed to be thrown away or do you think that they failed to realise the need for one until recently?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
Derek are you expecting cig to address anything in tomorrow blog post?

I really want to see another 8 hour coke binge product from Croberts

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Octopode posted:

You realize at the point that Star Citizen began development, CryEngine and UE3 were the only games in town as far as licensable, high-end engines, right? And that developing an engine from scratch is orders of magnitude more difficult than adapting even a badly-suited engine to your needs, right? And that, given the choice between having to adapt two equally unsuited engines to the task, it makes much more sense to actually go with the one with a developer that's willing to commit significant engineering expertise to helping you do so, right?

Yup. That's 100% correct.

And that's the problem with Croberts vision 1.0 vs vision 2.0 as I said in my first July blog, Interstellar Citizens. The CryEngine3 was quite capable of powering vision 1.0 with minimal customization. Then he went mad.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Romes128 posted:

Derek are you expecting cig to address anything in tomorrow blog post?

I really want to see another 8 hour coke binge product from Croberts

No. But I fully expect lots of phone calls, yelling, screaming and insults being hurled my way. It will, as always, be glorious.

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Octopode posted:

You realize at the point that Star Citizen began development, CryEngine and UE3 were the only games in town as far as licensable, high-end engines, right?
The phrase you're looking for is “long since obsolete and about to be replaced”, not “only game in town”.

Sep 2, 2009

No. I work here. I manage operations for this and integration for this, while making sure that their stuff keeps working in here.

Chalks posted:

Do you believe that it took them 4 years to complete the 64 bit engine and simple incompetence caused them to develop incompatible modules that needed to be thrown away or do you think that they failed to realise the need for one until recently?

Until sometime last year, they had planned to adapt CryEngine's environment streaming technology to solve the large-world problem, rather than requiring a 64-bit conversion at all. For whatever reason, likely due to difficulties in adapting such a solution to interactions between multiple clients, they changed tactics.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice
LOL!! It's so bad now that White Knights are actively trolling each other now.

A Stupid Baby
Dec 31, 2002

lip up fatty
Someone explain what the "parp" sound is. This is vital. I know it's gary oldman but where specifically does the "parp" noise come from

edit: :gary: parp

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice
Chris Roberts Details Squadron 42, Takes On Doubters


He noted, then, that the current Star Citizen/Squadron 42 release schedule is very tentative, and already some pieces are getting jostled by (so far) minor patches of turbulence. The dogfighting module, for instance, will launch at the end of 2013 no matter what, but it might not include multiplayer until early next year. Reason being, RSI has the option of either running CryEngine’s stock multiplayer code or implementing Star Citizen’s full MMO-ready backend. At the moment, Roberts is leaning toward the latter, as it’ll allow stress testing pretty much from the get-go. So long, launch day server troubles – at least, in theory.

Jun 10, 2009

A Stupid Baby posted:

Someone explain what the "parp" sound is. This is vital. I know it's gary oldman but where specifically does the "parp" noise come from

edit: :gary: parp

May 12, 2008

It's Hammer Time!
I thought the reason they used Cryengine was that Crytek basically built their first couple of concept demos for them in exchange for exclusive licensing.

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy

SquirrelGrip posted:

are we at peak stupid yet
We're not heading toward peak stupid, but rather a tear in the stupid-space-time continuum, when the very fabric of reality rips apart and plunges the thread into a universe of infinite stupidity.

It's a universe of pure Star Citizen.

Jul 4, 2012

Octopode posted:

None of that makes you any less wrong about your original point.

lol knowing what the gently caress you are going to build before you start doing it?

Feb 5, 2003

D_Smart posted:

LOL!! It's so bad now that White Knights are actively trolling each other now.
I've never seen one of these methods work reliably. It makes perfect sense some dude on reddit who has no idea what he's linking would link it.

Jun 30, 2012

There is no peak stupid. The internet is the only thing in the world that gets more amazing every day, instead of wrinkly and smelly. Each new day is a new peak in stupid

Feb 5, 2003

thatguy posted:

I've never seen one of these methods work reliably. It makes perfect sense some dude on reddit who has no idea what he's linking would link it.

Dolvak 1 point 3 minutes ago posted:

Removed but not a ban able offences. Also that's a cool rear end website.


Sep 28, 2015

Ben is the exact human represention of Star Citizen's scope

Star Citizen 2012 Scope

Star Citizen 2015 Scope

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

alarumklok posted:

There is no peak stupid. The internet is the only thing in the world that gets more amazing every day, instead of wrinkly and smelly. Each new day is a new peak in stupid

Yeah, each new day brings more stupid, the petition didn't seem to help, there's at least 2,592 of them out there.

Sep 7, 1997

Good Morning!
Sunday Morning!

EminusSleepus posted:

Ben is the exact human represention of Star Citizen's scope

Star Citizen 2012 Scope

Star Citizen 2015 Scope

money does crazy things to people

if he isn't a poster boy for avarice and sloth, god knows what

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

EminusSleepus posted:

Ben is the exact human represention of Star Citizen's scope

Star Citizen 2012 Scope

Star Citizen 2015 Scope

scientists of the world need to study the seemingly unbreakable power of that bottom button.


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

AP posted:

Yeah, each new day brings more stupid, the petition didn't seem to help, there's at least 2,592 of them out there.

i should put up a petition because ben is getting too damned fat

Feb 5, 2003

Romes128 posted:

scientists of the world need to study the seemingly unbreakable power of that bottom button.

I always notice this too. Also, that his arm creases look like hairy butts.

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
the way they tape up posters like it's some teen nerd loser's bedroom is hilarious. at the very least use framea for a more professional look if you're so proud of all those concept jpegs.

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx
I am starting to get the impression that this game will not be very good.

Aug 8, 2007

None so deprived

SquirrelGrip posted:

lol knowing what the gently caress you are going to build before you start doing it?

Clearly you don't understand visionary triple A game development m8

Jun 30, 2012

AP posted:

Yeah, each new day brings more stupid, the petition didn't seem to help, there's at least 2,592 of them out there.

2593 now :smugdog:

it didn't post my reason though. comedy averted

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

EminusSleepus posted:

Ben is the exact human represention of Star Citizen's scope

Star Citizen 2012 Scope

Star Citizen 2015 Scope

holy fck, someone pulled the ripcord on that guy

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

thatguy posted:

I always notice this too. Also, that his arm creases look like hairy butts.

look at how short his arms are compared to the rest of his body

now imagine him trying to wipe his butt

now imagine the smell radiating off that moon sized human being that cant wipe his butt and probably sweats when he expends too much energy lifting a 128oz mountain dew off his desk

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

EminusSleepus posted:

Star Citizen 2015 Scope

Oh so there's more of that aircraft furniture...

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Romes128 posted:

look at how short his arms are compared to the rest of his body

now imagine him trying to wipe his butt

now imagine the smell radiating off that moon sized human being that cant wipe his butt and probably sweats when he expends too much energy lifting a 128oz mountain dew off his desk

now imagine the smell of that person with swamp rear end

Good Dumplings
Mar 29, 2011

Excuse my worthless shitposting because all I can ever hope to accomplish in life is to rot away the braincells of strangers on the internet with my irredeemable brainworms.

Octopode posted:

You realize at the point that Star Citizen began development, CryEngine and UE3 were the only games in town as far as licensable, high-end engines, right? And that developing an engine from scratch is orders of magnitude more difficult than adapting even a badly-suited engine to your needs, right? And that, given the choice between having to adapt two equally unsuited engines to the task, it makes much more sense to actually go with the one with a developer that's willing to commit significant engineering expertise to helping you do so, right?

All of his prior projects were done on from-scratch engines; it's not like people blame the engine for Freelancer taking so long, though. Even if we assume they had to use a kit engine, why did they pick CryEngine over Unreal? CryEngine was used in a couple of FPSes and mods, while Unreal was used by huge chunks of the industry and independent developers; even if they were equally unsuited, it'd be vastly easier to find staff that could work with Unreal, reducing training and debugging time. Hell, UT2004 had a level that was a big space battle where you board an enemy mothership, doing one of Star Citizen's big draws 8 years before it was even announced:

But no, they go with the engine nobody in their industry uses or knows how to use, then jump in with no plan for the project whatsoever, then add on new features in the middle of development. It's nice that CryTek came in to help them, but enthusiasm isn't going to save you when you're that keen on loving yourself over.

Dec 10, 2007


One thing that has been confusing me is a few of you complained that So-and-So nerfed or hosed over the Cutlass. I mean most if not all of us posting here are in agreement that SC isn't going to come out, so the relative value of a particular .jpeg spaceship is just as much an illusion as everything else.

I would :gary: if one of the vets can explain this gripe, and why it keeps being brought up in light of all the other issues that imo make it academic.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

SirPhoebos posted:

One thing that has been confusing me is a few of you complained that So-and-So nerfed or hosed over the Cutlass. I mean most if not all of us posting here are in agreement that SC isn't going to come out, so the relative value of a particular .jpeg spaceship is just as much an illusion as everything else.

I would :gary: if one of the vets can explain this gripe, and why it keeps being brought up in light of all the other issues that imo make it academic.

they need something to talk about cause there's no game.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

EminusSleepus posted:

Ben is the exact human represention of Star Citizen's scope

Star Citizen 2012 Scope

Star Citizen 2015 Scope


Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
bens eyelids are fat lolllllllllllllllll

i also find it hilarious that post broke my tables.

Romes128 fucked around with this message at 00:22 on Nov 3, 2015

Sep 11, 2001

EminusSleepus posted:

Ben is the exact human represention of Star Citizen's scope

Star Citizen 2012 Scope

Star Citizen 2015 Scope

that poor shirt :(

are we sure that people are being laid off and ben isnt just eating them?


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot


that poor shirt :(

are we sure that people are being laid off and ben isnt just eating them?

he's eating their paycheques

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