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Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)
Introducing the MISC Reliant Robin

Original concept had 4 wheels, but we lost one somewhere along the way.

WhiskeyWhiskers fucked around with this message at 07:54 on Feb 26, 2016


Dec 5, 2015

Profoundly dull

Toops posted:

Although I'm not gonna get to hooking up the sound engine for Solar Plebeian until next week (just for basic ship sfx), I've been thinking a huge source of comedy could be the ship's computer voice. Here's a quick idea dump of some stuff the computer could say.

Please feel free to contribute your ideas.

If multiple ships are in, they should definitely each have a different cockpit voice command set, like the different manufacturers in Star Citizen. One could be stimperial ("Thrusters, on line. Nav System, on line. De-genitalizer, On line. Worst type of electricity enabled. Have a pleasant flight, citizen."), the PAARPrammer should be entirely air horn PAARPS subtitled as actual lines, and there could be one entirely cobbled together Operation: Flashpoint style from various D_Smart voice clips

Any time the D_Smart voice is speaking, there's a visible prompt to skip the dialogue. Pressing the indicated key will just play LET ME loving FINISH and then resume the line

Birds scattered around the map should sometimes spout backer ragetweets aimed at prominent critics into chat

HookedOnChthonics fucked around with this message at 08:08 on Feb 26, 2016

Oct 30, 2012

Eightace you are a loving boss, don't get fired yet.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Kakarot posted:

heres a preview, she cant take her hand off her face. I wonder why

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


orcinus posted:

LET ME loving FETCH!

PS: greetings from page 1738

Welcome friend

Lots of converts in the thread, warms my heart

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy
I'm not going to comment on Sandi's appearance. I'm not going to comment on Sandi's appearance.

gently caress it. Who wears outfits like that to work? Am I prude here? She shows up like she's going clubbing.

Feb 2, 2001
I am commando Shepard and this is my favorite thread on the internet. Have a cat for your troubles

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Omi-Polari posted:

gently caress it. Who wears outfits like that to work? Am I prude here? She shows up like she's going clubbing.
Clubbing seals.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
*looks down while talking*
*looks around while talking*
*touches face while talking*

I'd love to say those are her lying tells but just watching half of the interview so far those are her "I have no idea what I'm taking about" tells.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
Can either her or Ben go grab a proper mic from somewhere when they do these interviews? Their Skype interviews sound horrible.

Jun 2, 2006

Nov 25, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Toops posted:

Although I'm not gonna get to hooking up the sound engine for Solar Plebeian until next week (just for basic ship sfx), I've been thinking a huge source of comedy could be the ship's computer voice. Here's a quick idea dump of some stuff the computer could say.

Please feel free to contribute your ideas.

Somehow you need to work "dinks", "chargeback", and "refund" into the computer text. It just doesn't feel right without them.

Tank Boy Ken
Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib

Toops posted:

Although I'm not gonna get to hooking up the sound engine for Solar Plebeian until next week (just for basic ship sfx), I've been thinking a huge source of comedy could be the ship's computer voice. Here's a quick idea dump of some stuff the computer could say.
Please feel free to contribute your ideas.

SCANNING making GBS threads
Parpdrive []
-CHARGING (EDIT: Charged back)
- hosed UP (but true)

MedicineHut posted:

Thanks indeed, been watching and reading you good sirs for a few months now. I´m around $300 in and painfully aware my "investment" will probably not pan out at all as expected. I am also fighting the good fight in other non-English speaking SC forum communities but the level of cultism in those is several grades higher than what you see at CIG or reddit, I tell you. I already count a few bans under my belt, but I am trying to learn from the glorious Mr Crobblers and pgabz. You my heroes.

Go for a refund if you're from Europe. The 14 days return guarantee for online bought poo poo counts from the time of delivery. And if you bought a S42 package (if you pay money in a store it's a purchase not a pledge), then they haven't done that yet. But they are hurrying to get there.
If you need help with the email to CIG, we're here to help. Or to ruin everything*.

*not a promised feature

Jul 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
-We cannot make this stupid loving rotating bubble ship work!
-Make it bigger
-Still poo poo
-Remove the virtual display
-Less weapons
-Merely offensive
-Make it single-seat
-Don't worry! The suckers have always eaten our poo poo, I am sure they won't mind.

-Ok, now start working on all the animation work for the transformable wings.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


MeLKoR posted:

You know I was thinking about this second seat debacle and it might not have been a gently caress up by Ben. I mean, we are all agreed that this "disappeared" story is a load of poo poo, right? What happened is that CIG has finally realized they have a mountain of work to do and not enough money to do it at current rates so they are simplifying everything. Now the question is, did Ben came up with this PR nightmare of a story all on is own? Did he just come up with it on the spot without considering the implications or was he ordered by Chris to fall on his sword and make the whole thing look like a mistake that "will be fixed later"?

e: f;b

This might be a part of the plan to drip-feed cut content that EightAce hinted on

If so, they're very good at faking incompetence

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

This might be a part of the plan to drip-feed cut content that EightAce hinted on
And Ben is the drip.

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo

Then it's going to be pretty amusing seeing what else gets "forgotten". Sorry! We forgot this freighter thingy should have a cargo door at the back! Our bad!

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


BeefThief posted:

injected with insanity

Pro-tier account name

Sep 28, 2015

Ben is a fat idiot, he admit it

Yolomon Wayne
Jun 10, 2014

You call it "The Big Bang", but what really happened is
Grimey Drawer

trucutru posted:

-Make it single-seat

This is a chant intoned by a thousand spouses every second.

Dear Lord, make it single-seat so I dont have to play this stupid space game with him.

Feb 15, 2012

Io_ posted:

Then it's going to be pretty amusing seeing what else gets "forgotten". Sorry! We forgot this freighter thingy should have a cargo door at the back! Our bad!

oh poo poo, we forgot about everything that isnt squadron 42! doi!

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Io_ posted:

Then it's going to be pretty amusing seeing what else gets "forgotten". Sorry! We forgot this freighter thingy should have a cargo door at the back! Our bad!
I want to see that huge cargo hauler they scaled to make different "variants".
I mean, I want to see people get into the seat and suddenly watch their character become twice (or half) as large.

it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

If they can't even finish a small ship without losing a seat how the gently caress are they going to cope with building those enormous cargo haulers and capitals they've sold?

"whoops sorry there was a miscommunication and your giant $3000 capital ship only has a single seat in the middle"

Wise Learned Man
Apr 22, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Lipstick Apathy

alphabettitouretti posted:

If they can't even finish a small ship without losing a seat how the gently caress are they going to cope with building those enormous cargo haulers and capitals they've sold?

"whoops sorry there was a miscommunication and your giant $3000 capital ship only has a single seat in the middle"

And what about the whole Command & Control module thingie for capital ships? At one point Croberts was promising RTS-style command of a fleet from an idris or bigger. I haven't heard anybody even ask about that poo poo in ages.

Jun 2, 2006

RtV is going to be great today

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo


Wise Learned Man posted:

And what about the whole Command & Control module thingie for capital ships? At one point Croberts was promising RTS-style command of a fleet from an idris or bigger. I haven't heard anybody even ask about that poo poo in ages.

The command and control module will be a clone of Missile Command, the bonus feature will be that it has a 1:5 chance of causing your ships computer to CTD.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

doormat.txt :smith:

my girlfriend is Legos
Apr 24, 2013

alf_pogs posted:

given the terrible way the community has been managed and the way it's spiralling out of hand now, what are the odds that Lesnick's days in front of the camera / on the forums are numbered?

I dunno, they paid through the nose for that super-wide-angle lens

Jun 2, 2006

Io_ posted:

The command and control module will be a clone of Missile Command, the bonus feature will be that it has a 1:5 chance of causing your ships computer to CTD.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


MeLKoR posted:

doormat.txt :smith:

Ehh if he loving needs two seats he could buy another one like the rest of us :shepspends:

it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

Autism is my co-pilot and that doesn't need its own seat.

Aug 20, 2003

Not so jolly now
This video needs to be remade mentioning the fact they forgot to put in the right number of seats!

Feb 25, 2016

Tank Boy Ken posted:

Go for a refund if you're from Europe. The 14 days return guarantee for online bought poo poo counts from the time of delivery. And if you bought a S42 package (if you pay money in a store it's a purchase not a pledge), then they haven't done that yet. But they are hurrying to get there.
If you need help with the email to CIG, we're here to help. Or to ruin everything*.

*not a promised feature

Half of my "investment" is locked under an LTI returned gift by another player, actually a top head cultist and prima donna fanboy from one of the non-English communities I frequent.

This top head cultist has been the funnel for many such deals around the end of 2014 when the LTI deals where ending attracting an incredible amount of players to the game that way, I have been tempted to play the charge back card so to have him suffering the consequences a little bit by having CIG contacting him for the damages after an eventual successful chargeback , but that would automatically put a target to my name in that community, and wold prefer to maintain my online persona over there a bit more.

He also translates each and every damned AtV, RtV, Monthly Report and public event CIG does and then slaps his fanboist ideas on it. The community is only fed that garbage, day after day, as very few of them really go to the source and there are only a few critic voices raising, which are promptly hammered down to oblivion. It is a shame this top head cultist writes in another language. Otherwise he would be Mitrificus material for epic quotes all day long. Him and I have had many arguments over all kinds of issues re SC and I am really looking forward to the day SC is undone to see his reaction.

MedicineHut fucked around with this message at 10:08 on Feb 26, 2016

Aug 10, 2012

MedicineHut posted:

Him and I have has many arguments over all kinds of issues re SC and I am really looking forward to the day SC is undone to see his reaction.

He's just gonna blame you for not having faith in the Vision™.

Feb 18, 2016

I'm going to space!

:gary: :yarg:

MedicineHut posted:

Thanks indeed, been watching and reading you good sirs for a few months now. I´m around $300 in and painfully aware my "investment" will probably not pan out at all as expected. I am also fighting the good fight in other non-English speaking SC forum communities but the level of cultism in those is several grades higher than what you see at CIG or reddit, I tell you. I already count a few bans under my belt, but I am trying to learn from the glorious Mr Crobblers and pgabz. You my heroes.

Welcome and enjoy the stimpire!

Feb 2, 2016

My name is a trolling word

Dusty Lens posted:

Lol last chance before it's hangar ready. Anyways, June 2014 to Feb 25th 2016 (including a sale that ended just 3 weeks ago and a previous one in December) the ship had two seats.

Wew. The Video already showed the ship with only one seat. Did they still advertise it having 2? Wew.

Jul 15, 2005
Octopode please come back and explain the ship pipeline to us mere plebs,

Mr Fronts
Jan 31, 2016

Yo! The Mafia supports you. But don't tell no one. Spread the word.

darkarchon posted:

Wew. The Video already showed the ship with only one seat. Did they still advertise it having 2? Wew.

This is good for Star Citizen.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

MedicineHut posted:

Half of my "investment" is locked under an LTI returned gift by another player, actually a top head cultist and prima donna fanboy from one of the non-English communities I frequent.

This top head cultist has been the funnel for many such deals around the end of 2014 when the LTI deals where ending attracting an incredible amount of players to the game that way, I have been tempted to play the charge back card so to have him suffering the consequences a little bit by having CIG contacting him for the damages after an eventual successful chargeback , but that would automatically put a target to my name in that community, and wold prefer to maintain my online persona over there a bit more.

He also translates each and every damned AtV, RtV, Monthly Report and public event CIG does and then slaps his fanboist ideas on it. The community is only fed that garbage, day after day, as very few of them really go to the source and there are only a few critic voices raising, which are promptly hammered down to oblivion. It is a shame this top head cultist writes in another language. Otherwise he would be Mitrificus material for epic quotes all day long. Him and I have had many arguments over all kinds of issues re SC and I am really looking forward to the day SC is undone to see his reaction.

What's the value spent on the account? Minus physical items you have received (poor quality mouse mats, t-shirts etc).
What's the total melt value of ships/packages on the account?
Which country are you in?
When was the first purchase?

If the melt value > value spent, then sell giftable items to bring melt value < value spent. Then if in the EU get a full refund on the rest, they'll close your account, you may need to send them a letter before action via registered letter before they will agree (exactly how you go about this depends on the small claims process in your area). You can also do chargeback but then EU law isn't deciding outcome, your bank/credit card has their own procedure which is different.

All the stuff about not refunding gifted items is false, as long as your melt value is less than the amount you spent, you can get the full melt value back as it's credit for part of a purchase that has not as yet been delivered. You'll lose most of your rights to a refund 14 days after they push SQ42 out the door, so although following the small claims process may seem annoying/difficult, it's far better to do it now before the real rush starts.

AP fucked around with this message at 10:36 on Feb 26, 2016


Feb 2, 2016

My name is a trolling word

MedicineHut posted:

He also translates each and every damned AtV, RtV, Monthly Report and public event CIG does and then slaps his fanboist ideas on it. The community is only fed that garbage, day after day, as very few of them really go to the source and there are only a few critic voices raising, which are promptly hammered down to oblivion. It is a shame this top head cultist writes in another language. Otherwise he would be Mitrificus material for epic quotes all day long. Him and I have had many arguments over all kinds of issues re SC and I am really looking forward to the day SC is undone to see his reaction.

Is he german? I'm willing to translate those articles.

  • Locked thread