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  • Locked thread
Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
Is he an auditor?


Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

MeLKoR posted:

doormat.txt :smith:

Avenger owners, were you mad when CIG spread their asscheeks and took a huge dump in your mouth or did it not bother you?

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Nov 13, 2005

Hillary Clintons Thong posted:

the thing is to the whales man is not the loving around with shields thing, its flying side by side with their best friends or NPC waifus and gaze at the universe in wonder while exploring the vast universe of Star Citizen.

The dreams are being crushed.

or their half naked anime sisters

Jul 13, 2013

Kakarot posted:

heres a preview, she cant take her hand off her face. I wonder why

At a guess, it's because she's been playing with the superglue again.

BeefThief posted:

  • Failure to watch or cheer results in imprisonment
What, no maiming? No torture? loving progressives and their softly softly approach to crime. No wonder the Stimpire's going to the dogs!

Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)

They really are horribly derivative aren't they?

Tank Boy Ken
Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib

WhiskeyWhiskers posted:

They really are horribly derivative aren't they?

They've asked the "community" to post reference pics for 2 new ships. I mean if your job is to: "Make it like this, with a bit of that, but make it more ... hmf .... ahhh... VISIONARY", it's going to show. Though you'll certainly be also able to find similar design to those found in Elite Dangerous.

Sep 30, 2009

Just want to say thanks to the classy goon who bought me platinum as a result of my hardships at the hands of CIG and condolences to the equally classy goon who also bought me platinum 6 hours after the first guy did - I hope you can get your money back and/or find another use for the voucher code.

G0RF posted:

Sooner or later the backers are going to realize they've been shouting "You clearly know nothing about Game Development!" at the wrong people...

This is the greatest thing.

Wise Learned Man
Apr 22, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Lipstick Apathy

Tank Boy Ken posted:

They've asked the "community" to post reference pics for 2 new ships. I mean if your job is to: "Make it like this, with a bit of that, but make it more ... hmf .... ahhh... VISIONARY", it's going to show. Though you'll certainly be also able to find similar design to those found in Elite Dangerous.

Do we know Croberts whereabouts at the time of the infamous "Make it more... psssshhh" incident with the dead WoD MMO at CCP?

Feb 2, 2016

My name is a trolling word

Chalks posted:

I hope you can get your money back and/or find another use for the voucher code.

I'll take it gladly :)

Feb 15, 2012

hahahaha the one thing they had that backers wanted was spaceship designs. now theyve lost that and nothing is sacred. its beautiful

Jul 11, 2001

Wow, not having an actual game to play makes people care way more about stupid dumb poo poo. Last I checked in on this thread like 2 months ago there was drama with like Derek Smart lawsuits and poo poo. I tune back in and people are loving complaining about how many seats their JPEG has.

What the gently caress. I guess if this is the thing that finally causes people to stop throwing good money after bad then whatever, but jesus.

Aug 27, 2015

Spent my walletfull, on a jpeg, desolate, will croberts make a whale of me yet?

Ohh someone should totally photoshop that into a giant middle finger :D

Feb 25, 2016

AP posted:

What's the value spent on the account? Minus physical items you have received (poor quality mouse mats, t-shirts etc).
What's the total melt value of ships/packages on the account?
Which country are you in?
When was the first purchase?

If the melt value > value spent, then sell giftable items to bring melt value < value spent. Then if in the EU get a full refund on the rest, they'll close your account, you may need to send them a letter before action via registered letter before they will agree (exactly how you go about this depends on the small claims process in your area). You can also do chargeback but then EU law isn't deciding outcome, your bank/credit card has their own procedure which is different.

All the stuff about not refunding gifted items is false, as long as your melt value is less than the amount you spent, you can get the full melt value back as it's credit for part of a purchase that has not as yet been delivered. You'll lose most of your rights to a refund 14 days after they push SQ42 out the door, so although following the small claims process may seem annoying/difficult, it's far better to do it now before the real rush starts.

Interesting. I haven't melt anything or done any funny stuff with my spent amounts (other than the original returned LTI´ed gift). I am in EU land.

At the moment I also still want to keep my current account at CIG intact as I am enjoying some of the discussions especially in some of the subforums behind the paywall, but I may go ahead with something like this soon (tm).

Feb 25, 2016

darkarchon posted:

Is he german? I'm willing to translate those articles.

Heh, thanks, prefer to keep that confidential. You never know, they may be reading SA aswell. But I may go ahead and translate a few myself from time to time to give you a flavor of what is going on in other communities.

Nov 13, 2005

Toops posted:

Although I'm not gonna get to hooking up the sound engine for Solar Plebeian until next week (just for basic ship sfx), I've been thinking a huge source of comedy could be the ship's computer voice. Here's a quick idea dump of some stuff the computer could say.

Please feel free to contribute your ideas.

I suggest the ships computer always sounds either bored or sarcastic. Like Holly in Red Dwarf

If you want a stupid british rear end in a top hat with a bad mike to record some lines let me know

Berious fucked around with this message at 11:22 on Feb 26, 2016

Feb 25, 2016

This is something I wanted to post on before I joined the forum. I see a lot of gifs and references to a weak year start.

"Dont be too proud of this technological set of stats you have pulled out"

If you look into previous years Q1s you ll see most year starts are very weak aswell. All spergs will confirm as much and will easily handwave this chart. No real surprises there. The challenge for CIG this year is to replicate the steady growth following all those weak Q1s.

Nov 13, 2005

Wise Learned Man posted:

Here you go:

If you're having trouble spotting it, the ship is the ugly, dark-colored blob in the middle of the frame that appears to be made out of black hole or some futuristic light-absorbing material.

More here:

LMAO that's remarkably ugly compared to the jpeg. Backers eat poo poo all day every day and call it icecream

Aug 27, 2015

Spent my walletfull, on a jpeg, desolate, will croberts make a whale of me yet?

Toops posted:

Although I'm not gonna get to hooking up the sound engine for Solar Plebeian until next week (just for basic ship sfx), I've been thinking a huge source of comedy could be the ship's computer voice. Here's a quick idea dump of some stuff the computer could say.

Please feel free to contribute your ideas.

"This is major tom"

"Would you like a box of Krispy Kremes?"

"Dinks incoming"

"Sorry am I annoying you?"

"That's funny, I thought this ship had two seats?"

"destination set : arrival, two weeks"

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Sep 30, 2009

MedicineHut posted:

This is something I wanted to post on before I joined the forum. I see a lot of gifs and references to a weak year start.

"Dont be too proud of this technological set of stats you have pulled out"

If you look into previous years Q1s you ll see most year starts are very weak aswell. All spergs will confirm as much and will easily handwave this chart. No real surprises there. The challenge for CIG this year is to replicate the steady growth following all those weak Q1s.

I disagree. Lets take a trip back through time:

It's been a LONG time since their funding has been this low, even comparing like for like statistics.

To anyone with mild OCD: sorry that the highlighted cell on the first screenshot is in a different place to all the others. I cannot be hosed to fix it so you're just gonna have to deal with it. :P

Chalks fucked around with this message at 11:35 on Feb 26, 2016

Feb 2, 2016

My name is a trolling word

Why is there dust, I don't see any downward thrusters? :confused:

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

MedicineHut posted:

Interesting. I haven't melt anything or done any funny stuff with my spent amounts (other than the original returned LTI´ed gift). I am in EU land.

At the moment I also still want to keep my current account at CIG intact as I am enjoying some of the discussions especially in some of the subforums behind the paywall, but I may go ahead with something like this soon (tm).

The melt value is useful because that's the price CIG believes the item is worth, so it doesn't matter if you've melted or not, click the "exchange for store credits" button in the hangar to see what value they give on the prompt that pops up, then cancel the prompt. If you've spent $300 on the account, shown under billing, and your total item melt value is $240, you can only get $240 back. You can't get more than the total you've spent back from CIG, so sell any giftable extra.

Jul 13, 2013

darkarchon posted:

Why is there dust, I don't see any downward thrusters? :confused:

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


WhiskeyWhiskers posted:

They really are horribly derivative aren't they?

That's not even close to the worst example of it. Some day I'd like for someone else to read through the lore on and post some of the really poo poo stuff so we can laugh at it. I' do it, but I've tried and I get a boredom stroke after about one paragraph.

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo


Tank Boy Ken posted:

They've asked the "community" to post reference pics for 2 new ships. I mean if your job is to: "Make it like this, with a bit of that, but make it more ... hmf .... ahhh... VISIONARY", it's going to show. Though you'll certainly be also able to find similar design to those found in Elite Dangerous.

Crobbles hand waving while he says this is also a critical part of the design process and communicates key information non-verbally.

Feb 2, 2016

My name is a trolling word
News From Around The ‘Verse

Los Angeles

LA working on getting PTU pushed out, playtesting bugs and crashes.
Lots of focus on the 2.2 push.
Why do they even have a two-staged Alpha at this point? Is an Alpha not enough yet? I don't understand the decision to make an Alpha of an Alpha at all
Gurmukh is working on the Caterpillar concept with Mark Skelton.
Wew, only now they actually work on the concept for the Caterpillar? Didn't they say last year some time that they will release the Caterpillar?
Wrapping up heavy marine armour.
Medium marine approved and undersuit.
Nice, first edition of Stimpire clothing upcoming, looking forward to that and even more restricting viewports by the new stimpire helmet technology


All hands on deck working on getting 2.2 live.
Nice to see that two studios trying to push out a buggy 2.2 release. So am I seeing this right, Austin tries to get 2.2 live and Los Angeles to PTU? How does this even work I don't even
Talking about the first release of persistence, and what things will persist. Shopping and bought items, but also things like player health, item health, ship health, player reputation, etc…
Ok cool shopping will persist. Through where? So I can buy something on the planet instance and use it in Crusader? Again I have to buy items with UEC, so that's real world money spent at this point. Great. I don't even want to start about the rest. Player reputation? My bet this will be one of the first things to 'persist' between sessions given their track record right now
The Lighting Artist has moved on to work on the Aeroview and Asteroid Hangar to bring them more in line with the R&Y and Selfland hangars.
Yeah about those hangars… how exactly are they again in the game aside from being a separate level? Especially with the asteroid hangar I'm pretty confused how this will work out at all

Foundry 42 UK

Taking a look into the New User Experience.
So, CIG is actively reading this thread and using it as a feedback
Looking into simplifying the controls for EVA,flight and FPS.
Better late than never I guess, I don't see it happen personally that fast though
Idris is slowly coming into the engine and has started testing.
So they have finally a model of the Idris that can be used in-engine. I guess it's necessary for their SQ42 push. I wonder how multicrew will work here :3:
Someone works full time on ship balancing.
Right, this is a good place to start. Balancing unready and unfinal ships this early is top priority
Looking at Mobi-Glas layout and a military style one for Sq.42.


Big push on AI
Given that we haven't seen any real AI behavior yet asides ships flying in circles that is fine, anything can be called a big push here
More focus on smaller characters and their roles and behaviour
More focus on unnecessary detail features, priorities well managed
AI will react to player made noises and react differently to different noises
We haven't seen any AI react to anything yet so that's good. Or AI at all yknow.
Push against bugs in Crusader and Arena Commander
It seems Frankfurt is working on everything and nobody else is doing anything really
Level Design working on piping prototype
Level 8 pipes achieved
Started building a new landing zone
Who said again that landing zones will be now able to pushed out real quick again? 0.5 down, 700 to go
System Design working on loot prototype
I can't even. Now they're working on the prototype of a loot system. So I guess there's at least a final design document to that? Where is it?
System Design also working on quantum and interdiction
My last information about interdictions was "stand in the way of someone and it will interdict someone" but hey, even here, see loot prototype, where's the design document once again? Open development?
System Design also started work on player oxygen system
Now EVA will be even limited in time, will be great once you run out of oxygen because your ship disappeared under your rear end.
Weapon art has been given a pass on metrics with the goal of making attachments easier in the future.
I can't even imagine the clusterfuck they have to work with right now
New railgun gone through concept phase
Good, more non-functional weapons are built
Ship weapons indexed and given metrics
Again, more refactoring on something that should be properly designed from the start
Continued work on physical EVA, controls and collision detection
I love floating into a ship and die because I fall from the physical EVA, so please, more of that
Continued work developing out the procedural tech
So they finally started on procedural texture generation for planets, good. Let's see how their planets will look, they have to compete with Elite here which does a great job

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Chalks posted:

I disagree. Lets take a trip back through time:

It's been a LONG time since their funding has been this low, even comparing like for like statistics.

To anyone with mild OCD: sorry that the highlighted cell on the first screenshot is in a different place to all the others. I cannot be hosed to fix it so you're just gonna have to deal with it. :P

This is difficult to do, 21st Feb 2015 with the start of the mining ship sale

You can compare sales to each other, but a space bus doesn't do as well as a long range fighter (Vanguard). You can compare daily income to daily income for non sale weeks, but a LTI concept sale will boost daily figures for 2-3 weeks even after the sale ends. There is a constant need to keep the buzz about the game going and keep people excited, that's why lying during the sales is so important, promise anything and they'll believe you.

I think the hype is starting to wear off as reality sets in but that's a guess, logically there has to be a limit to how stupid Citizens are at some point, but I've thought in the past that point was approaching and been wrong.

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon

Toops posted:

Although I'm not gonna get to hooking up the sound engine for Solar Plebeian until next week (just for basic ship sfx), I've been thinking a huge source of comedy could be the ship's computer voice. Here's a quick idea dump of some stuff the computer could say.

Please feel free to contribute your ideas.

The ship computer should be nothing but Sandi quotes.

Nov 15, 2005


Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

The ship computer should be nothing but Sandi quotes.

"ALERT: Incoming butthurt special snowflakes"

Fidel Cuckstro
Jul 2, 2007

darkarchon posted:

News From Around The ‘Verse

As a Project Manager my ears always perk up when someone reports they're "doing a big push" or "are all hands on deck" for something. I don't know if there's a way I can explain my reaction- aside from just thinking the word 'horseshit' over and over- but it always seems like a way to make project work sound like a function of effort instead of intelligent planning. It's throwing the coders and individual designers under the bus and making them pay for the mistakes of bad planning or poor leadership/management.

edit- especially when it's used regularly in updates or status reports. Wasn't Austin "all hands on deck" for something like finishing a concept ship a week or two ago? At some point all hands on deck means you're just in permanent crisis mode.

Fidel Cuckstro fucked around with this message at 12:06 on Feb 26, 2016

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

The ship computer should be nothing but Sandi quotes.

Using Sandi's voice.

Nov 15, 2005


Slime Bro Helpdesk posted:

As a Project Manager my ears always perk up when someone reports they're "doing a big push" or "are all hands on deck" for something. I don't know if there's a way I can explain my reaction- aside from just thinking the word 'horseshit' over and over- but it always seems like a way to make project work sound like a function of effort instead of intelligent planning. It's throwing the coders and individual designers under the bus and making them pay for the mistakes of bad planning or poor leadership/management.

I'm surprised at this summation, I thought all software development at one point or another suffered from some sort of "push" simply because no project is ever 100% perfectly planned and managed. Am I wrong?

I mean obviously in this case it is stupid as gently caress because usually the "push" comes at the 11th hour when they're about to hit a deadline or milestone. Since Star Citizen has neither, I don't see why they'd even bother lying about being in some sort of "crunch mode". They have no one to answer to, so why would anyone think they're working especially hard? The whales have repeatedly said that if Crobbers takes decades to complete his magnum opus, they'll be happy with that.

Io_ posted:

At CIG hearing that from Shitloaf just means you shouldn't go near the lavatory for a while.

On the contrary, I think if Ben says "all hands on deck" and "big push coming", that means everyone heads to the bathroom, probably with gloves on.

KiddieGrinder fucked around with this message at 12:08 on Feb 26, 2016

Dec 23, 2015

Fidelity. Wait, was I'm working on again?

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

Using Sandi's voice.

I assume he wants people to actually play the game.

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo


Slime Bro Helpdesk posted:

As a Project Manager my ears always perk up when someone reports they're "doing a big push"

At CIG hearing that from Shitloaf just means you shouldn't go near the lavatory for a while.

Feb 15, 2012

the ship computer should be called Major Tom

also can there please be a spaceship designed to look like a wheelchair and when it gets in vicinity Major Tom says "thats him in the wheelchair"

Apr 4, 2002

Wretched Harp

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

Every time Ben gets frustrated, he talked about how "bored" he is with something. As if we're supposed to give a poo poo that his attention span has failed him. It's his standard line whenever he's directly confronted with something.

i'm not a fan of Penny Arcade but you're quite correct, makes me think of this comic.

Dec 23, 2015

Fidelity. Wait, was I'm working on again?

KiddieGrinder posted:

I'm surprised at this summation, I thought all software development at one point or another suffered from some sort of "push" simply because no project is ever 100% perfectly planned and managed. Am I wrong?

In the environment I work in, the summation is pretty dead-on. If an architect has incomplete building plans, no amount of extra effort on the part of the construction workers is going to suddenly fill in that gap. If a project is managed well, even if not 100% perfectly, then you can still usually expect some delays, and some extra programming hours here and there to make up for unforeseen problems in the code. But if it's poorly managed, the managers very frequently will tell clients "the developers are all hands on deck" as a passive-aggressive way to imply that those are the people at fault. In the meantime the managers are scrambling to cobble together the half-assed design documents they failed to provide in the first place, and the devs are sitting there with their dicks in their hands waiting for their marching orders.


Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

  • Locked thread