- peter gabriel
- Nov 8, 2011

Hello Commandos
post the blog derek
Nov 4, 2015 18:42
- Adbot
Feb 7, 2025 21:49
- peter gabriel
- Nov 8, 2011

Hello Commandos
oh right, sorry!
Nov 4, 2015 18:43
- big nipples big life
- May 12, 2014

I'm still confused on why a not game has such a huge backlog of support tickets that the owner's wife has to step in and help answer them.
Nov 4, 2015 18:52
- xanif
- Nov 2, 2010

Beer: Who was your first kill, not counting old men?
Eonwe: One of the outlaws in the Brotherhood.
Seraph84: I was there that day. You were only a squire, sixteen years old.
Eonwe: You killed Friendly Tumour with a counter-post. Best move I ever saw.
Oven Wrangler
Seriously why do people have Popsicle sticks under there avatars?
Nov 4, 2015 18:53
- Tank Boy Ken
- Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib
Seriously why do people have Popsicle sticks under there avatars?
They were dumb with money.
Nov 4, 2015 18:55
- peter gabriel
- Nov 8, 2011

Hello Commandos
Someone on the official forums just said that if people didn't keep going to customer service with their issues then maybe they wouldn't be so busy
Nov 4, 2015 18:56
- Wrath of the Bitch King
- May 11, 2005

Research confirms that black is a color like silver is a color, and that beyond black is clarity.
It was nice of lowtax to gift his contributors with a mark of shame.
Nov 4, 2015 18:56
- big nipples big life
- May 12, 2014

It was nice of lowtax to gift his contributors with a mark of shame.
I'm sorry that reality doesn't fall neatly into the personal narrative you've constructed where all people who choose to spend money on a forum of their choosing suffer from some mental disorder that you get to play the hero and save them from. The reality is that people see something in the forum that excites them, and they are willing to spend money because of that.
Nov 4, 2015 18:59
- Wrath of the Bitch King
- May 11, 2005

Research confirms that black is a color like silver is a color, and that beyond black is clarity.
I'm sorry that reality doesn't fall neatly into the personal narrative you've constructed where all people who choose to spend money on a forum of their choosing suffer from some mental disorder that you get to play the hero and save them from. The reality is that people see something in the forum that excites them, and they are willing to spend money because of that.
Nov 4, 2015 19:01
- Wrath of the Bitch King
- May 11, 2005

Research confirms that black is a color like silver is a color, and that beyond black is clarity.
When I donate to things I tend to do it anonymously, so I'm not big on the whole 'hey dudes, this guy decided to spend money' thing. I hope the popsicle sticks bring you endless joy.
Nov 4, 2015 19:03
- BastionPete
- Nov 4, 2015
Well, I lost access to my old account from 2007, so I thought I'd make myself a brand spanking new one to contribute to this discussion. I even bought premium so I could be privy to all the SuperSecretTM stuff going on.
Turns out that was a minor mistake, frikkin loled hard when I realised
You need a Platinum Upgrade to view this link.
As my first post in this thread, I'll try and keep it from being a complete shitpost.
Anyway, I'll give you some context of me. I'm about $60 deep in Star Citizen, backed in 2012 at the funding launch, and installed the game once every six months or so just to see what progress there is. There has been significantly less than I had hoped tbh. I saw this thread on Reddit where I am a semi active user. Anyway, while I appreciate some of the arguments for the game never being released, it does feel like one mighty echochamber in here.
My take on some of controversies surrounding SC.
On crazy obsessive/harassing WhiteKnight StarCitizens
Well, you have a community of 700K where the occasional individual is in for $20k. Yes they are dicks and I don't condone any of their actions. However, they do not reflect the wider starcitizen community. Personally I think they are insane for spending that much money on a videogame. Whatever, they are a few bad apples. I feel sorry for Derek that he has to put up with their harassment.
On never ending delays and how the project is being run.
This is one of my biggest frustrations with SC. The actual content being released (ArenaCommander/HangarModule/Planetside) is only a small part of what is needed for the finished game, and yet so much resources seem to be poured into them. Whole critical parts of the game, such as the databasing needed for persistence etc. not currently in development. While this is annoying, I don't think it's necessarily an indication of a project that's about to fail. Just poor project management. Also, I know very little about large scale game development and where developers spend most of their time. I agree that the project has been poorly managed in the past, as is shown by our current lack of a game. That said, just because there have been poor management decisions in the past, does not mean that the current development strategy is stupid, or that CIG are unable to produce a completed game. The current drive to make AC2.0 a platform to build out the rest of the PU game mechanics seems sensible enough to me.
Problems in one studio mean problems in all studios
There are currently four SC studios so far as I can tell. Santa Monica, Austin, ManchesterUK, and FrankfurtDE. Austin seems to be downsizing. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be growing. For some reason this is painted here as a reason for CIG being in trouble. Some people have complained of toxic work environments, but they seem to be fairly limited to Austin, and maybe a bit in Santa Monica. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be chugging along fine, and really helping to get the game moved along. The imminent release of AC2.0 is probably their doing. The fact that they are growing, I think, is a good sign for the project as a whole.
Money problems leading to the project shutting down
There is no evidence of this at all. Star Citizen raised $4.2m last month. Even if this was a one off, it still shows that the project has a huge number of people willing to spend money on it. The project has 700K preorders on the books, and a very generous community. If they need extra credit (and I don't hear any evidence beyond unfounded rumour) then I have zero doubt that investors will be lining up to get a piece of the action. Even before crowdfunding started, CR only needed to raise about $4m to get his investors interested and secure about $15m dollars in funding. I bet they'd be interested now.
Secondly, there is the unfounded number of $3m dollars being spent per month. Derek claimed with AbsoluteCertaintyTM that the company only had $8m dollars left and would be shutting down imminently. This is all BS. At the time of the claim, they had raised about $90m I think. (90-8)/3=27months of funding. Which is 2.33 (recurring of course) years of funding at that expenditure rate. Considering we're three years in now and there is now way whatsoever that CIG were spending that amount for even the first year and a half of operation, there is a very good chance that CIG still has a reasonable amount tucked away.
On Sandi
This is the biggest joke of the lot. There is a lot of 'evidence' thrown about on topics that really don't matter. Who gives a gently caress if she is married to CR, or is a jerk, or doesn't have a marketing degree. She oversaw a marketing strategy that has raised $94m which is all that matters. That was her job. If she hadn't done that then we would be right to start the criticisms, but that's clearly not the the case. Cries of nepotism are stupid. She wasn't appointed when the company was a multimillion dollar project, she was appointed at inception. If the director of marketing was just a random person (with a marketing degree) who raised $93m, and then they were fired and replaced with Sandi, then shout nepotism all you like. He using company property and time for personal projects is an unknown for me. They don't seem too credible and seem to be clutching at straws.
SC subreddit imgur posts getting bombed
The idea that this was a 'friendly fire' incident doesn't really hold any water IMO. The fact that every image without exception got taken down, leads me to believe that it was a deliberate attack. There were plenty of really obscure images taken down that were posted years ago that weren't originally posted in this thread. I say originally because after the news broke, some then started posting more links here to images to try and get them taken down by proxy. I could be wrong on this one, but I really don't think so.
Derek's claims in general, and refunds
Some of them have turned out to be true - Austin downsizing, a few perople quitting, maybe a couple of other things, but a lot of his claims seem to be unfounded beyond his mysterious sources. I dunno, maybe he is telling the truth, but he really doesn't come across as the most trustworthy/stable of guys. If all this drama had been raised by a more reputable character, I might have considered refunding, as it stands, Derek claiming something doesn't really worry me and I'll be keeping my game package till something a bit more concrete comes up.
Nov 4, 2015 19:04
- AP
- Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
When I donate to things I tend to do it anonymously, so I'm not big on the whole 'hey dudes, this guy decided to spend money' thing. I hope the popsicle sticks bring you endless joy.
If i'd know that was going to happen I'd have thought twice, not a fan either.
Nov 4, 2015 19:04
- Othin
- Nov 20, 2002

Hair Elf
If i'd know that was going to happen I'd have thought twice, not a fan either.
This is why Lowtax hates us all.
Nov 4, 2015 19:06
- The Saddest Robot
- Apr 17, 2007
As long as star citizen continues to promise poo poo we will post poo poo.
poo poo goes in, poo poo comes out.
Nov 4, 2015 19:08
- Wrath of the Bitch King
- May 11, 2005

Research confirms that black is a color like silver is a color, and that beyond black is clarity.
Are they still posting cats over in the subreddit? This is important.
Nov 4, 2015 19:09
- mormonpartyboat
- Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
As my first post in this thread, I'll try and keep it from being a complete shitpost.
Nov 4, 2015 19:10
- Starkk
- Dec 31, 2008

Well, I lost access to my old account from 2007, so I thought I'd make myself a brand spanking new one to contribute to this discussion. I even bought premium so I could be privy to all the SuperSecretTM stuff going on.
Turns out that was a minor mistake, frikkin loled hard when I realised
You need a Platinum Upgrade to view this link.
As my first post in this thread, I'll try and keep it from being a complete shitpost.
Anyway, I'll give you some context of me. I'm about $60 deep in Star Citizen, backed in 2012 at the funding launch, and installed the game once every six months or so just to see what progress there is. There has been significantly less than I had hoped tbh. I saw this thread on Reddit where I am a semi active user. Anyway, while I appreciate some of the arguments for the game never being released, it does feel like one mighty echochamber in here.
My take on some of controversies surrounding SC.
On crazy obsessive/harassing WhiteKnight StarCitizens
Well, you have a community of 700K where the occasional individual is in for $20k. Yes they are dicks and I don't condone any of their actions. However, they do not reflect the wider starcitizen community. Personally I think they are insane for spending that much money on a videogame. Whatever, they are a few bad apples. I feel sorry for Derek that he has to put up with their harassment.
On never ending delays and how the project is being run.
This is one of my biggest frustrations with SC. The actual content being released (ArenaCommander/HangarModule/Planetside) is only a small part of what is needed for the finished game, and yet so much resources seem to be poured into them. Whole critical parts of the game, such as the databasing needed for persistence etc. not currently in development. While this is annoying, I don't think it's necessarily an indication of a project that's about to fail. Just poor project management. Also, I know very little about large scale game development and where developers spend most of their time. I agree that the project has been poorly managed in the past, as is shown by our current lack of a game. That said, just because there have been poor management decisions in the past, does not mean that the current development strategy is stupid, or that CIG are unable to produce a completed game. The current drive to make AC2.0 a platform to build out the rest of the PU game mechanics seems sensible enough to me.
Problems in one studio mean problems in all studios
There are currently four SC studios so far as I can tell. Santa Monica, Austin, ManchesterUK, and FrankfurtDE. Austin seems to be downsizing. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be growing. For some reason this is painted here as a reason for CIG being in trouble. Some people have complained of toxic work environments, but they seem to be fairly limited to Austin, and maybe a bit in Santa Monica. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be chugging along fine, and really helping to get the game moved along. The imminent release of AC2.0 is probably their doing. The fact that they are growing, I think, is a good sign for the project as a whole.
Money problems leading to the project shutting down
There is no evidence of this at all. Star Citizen raised $4.2m last month. Even if this was a one off, it still shows that the project has a huge number of people willing to spend money on it. The project has 700K preorders on the books, and a very generous community. If they need extra credit (and I don't hear any evidence beyond unfounded rumour) then I have zero doubt that investors will be lining up to get a piece of the action. Even before crowdfunding started, CR only needed to raise about $4m to get his investors interested and secure about $15m dollars in funding. I bet they'd be interested now.
Secondly, there is the unfounded number of $3m dollars being spent per month. Derek claimed with AbsoluteCertaintyTM that the company only had $8m dollars left and would be shutting down imminently. This is all BS. At the time of the claim, they had raised about $90m I think. (90-8)/3=27months of funding. Which is 2.33 (recurring of course) years of funding at that expenditure rate. Considering we're three years in now and there is now way whatsoever that CIG were spending that amount for even the first year and a half of operation, there is a very good chance that CIG still has a reasonable amount tucked away.
On Sandi
This is the biggest joke of the lot. There is a lot of 'evidence' thrown about on topics that really don't matter. Who gives a gently caress if she is married to CR, or is a jerk, or doesn't have a marketing degree. She oversaw a marketing strategy that has raised $94m which is all that matters. That was her job. If she hadn't done that then we would be right to start the criticisms, but that's clearly not the the case. Cries of nepotism are stupid. She wasn't appointed when the company was a multimillion dollar project, she was appointed at inception. If the director of marketing was just a random person (with a marketing degree) who raised $93m, and then they were fired and replaced with Sandi, then shout nepotism all you like. He using company property and time for personal projects is an unknown for me. They don't seem too credible and seem to be clutching at straws.
SC subreddit imgur posts getting bombed
The idea that this was a 'friendly fire' incident doesn't really hold any water IMO. The fact that every image without exception got taken down, leads me to believe that it was a deliberate attack. There were plenty of really obscure images taken down that were posted years ago that weren't originally posted in this thread. I say originally because after the news broke, some then started posting more links here to images to try and get them taken down by proxy. I could be wrong on this one, but I really don't think so.
Derek's claims in general, and refunds
Some of them have turned out to be true - Austin downsizing, a few perople quitting, maybe a couple of other things, but a lot of his claims seem to be unfounded beyond his mysterious sources. I dunno, maybe he is telling the truth, but he really doesn't come across as the most trustworthy/stable of guys. If all this drama had been raised by a more reputable character, I might have considered refunding, as it stands, Derek claiming something doesn't really worry me and I'll be keeping my game package till something a bit more concrete comes up.
I read all of this.
lol j/k I didn't read any of that
Nov 4, 2015 19:11
- No Mods No Masters
- Oct 3, 2004

Well, I lost access to my old account from 2007, so I thought I'd make myself a brand spanking new one to contribute to this discussion. I even bought premium so I could be privy to all the SuperSecretTM stuff going on.
Turns out that was a minor mistake, frikkin loled hard when I realised
You need a Platinum Upgrade to view this link.
As my first post in this thread, I'll try and keep it from being a complete shitpost.
Anyway, I'll give you some context of me. I'm about $60 deep in Star Citizen, backed in 2012 at the funding launch, and installed the game once every six months or so just to see what progress there is. There has been significantly less than I had hoped tbh. I saw this thread on Reddit where I am a semi active user. Anyway, while I appreciate some of the arguments for the game never being released, it does feel like one mighty echochamber in here.
My take on some of controversies surrounding SC.
On crazy obsessive/harassing WhiteKnight StarCitizens
Well, you have a community of 700K where the occasional individual is in for $20k. Yes they are dicks and I don't condone any of their actions. However, they do not reflect the wider starcitizen community. Personally I think they are insane for spending that much money on a videogame. Whatever, they are a few bad apples. I feel sorry for Derek that he has to put up with their harassment.
On never ending delays and how the project is being run.
This is one of my biggest frustrations with SC. The actual content being released (ArenaCommander/HangarModule/Planetside) is only a small part of what is needed for the finished game, and yet so much resources seem to be poured into them. Whole critical parts of the game, such as the databasing needed for persistence etc. not currently in development. While this is annoying, I don't think it's necessarily an indication of a project that's about to fail. Just poor project management. Also, I know very little about large scale game development and where developers spend most of their time. I agree that the project has been poorly managed in the past, as is shown by our current lack of a game. That said, just because there have been poor management decisions in the past, does not mean that the current development strategy is stupid, or that CIG are unable to produce a completed game. The current drive to make AC2.0 a platform to build out the rest of the PU game mechanics seems sensible enough to me.
Problems in one studio mean problems in all studios
There are currently four SC studios so far as I can tell. Santa Monica, Austin, ManchesterUK, and FrankfurtDE. Austin seems to be downsizing. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be growing. For some reason this is painted here as a reason for CIG being in trouble. Some people have complained of toxic work environments, but they seem to be fairly limited to Austin, and maybe a bit in Santa Monica. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be chugging along fine, and really helping to get the game moved along. The imminent release of AC2.0 is probably their doing. The fact that they are growing, I think, is a good sign for the project as a whole.
Money problems leading to the project shutting down
There is no evidence of this at all. Star Citizen raised $4.2m last month. Even if this was a one off, it still shows that the project has a huge number of people willing to spend money on it. The project has 700K preorders on the books, and a very generous community. If they need extra credit (and I don't hear any evidence beyond unfounded rumour) then I have zero doubt that investors will be lining up to get a piece of the action. Even before crowdfunding started, CR only needed to raise about $4m to get his investors interested and secure about $15m dollars in funding. I bet they'd be interested now.
Secondly, there is the unfounded number of $3m dollars being spent per month. Derek claimed with AbsoluteCertaintyTM that the company only had $8m dollars left and would be shutting down imminently. This is all BS. At the time of the claim, they had raised about $90m I think. (90-8)/3=27months of funding. Which is 2.33 (recurring of course) years of funding at that expenditure rate. Considering we're three years in now and there is now way whatsoever that CIG were spending that amount for even the first year and a half of operation, there is a very good chance that CIG still has a reasonable amount tucked away.
On Sandi
This is the biggest joke of the lot. There is a lot of 'evidence' thrown about on topics that really don't matter. Who gives a gently caress if she is married to CR, or is a jerk, or doesn't have a marketing degree. She oversaw a marketing strategy that has raised $94m which is all that matters. That was her job. If she hadn't done that then we would be right to start the criticisms, but that's clearly not the the case. Cries of nepotism are stupid. She wasn't appointed when the company was a multimillion dollar project, she was appointed at inception. If the director of marketing was just a random person (with a marketing degree) who raised $93m, and then they were fired and replaced with Sandi, then shout nepotism all you like. He using company property and time for personal projects is an unknown for me. They don't seem too credible and seem to be clutching at straws.
SC subreddit imgur posts getting bombed
The idea that this was a 'friendly fire' incident doesn't really hold any water IMO. The fact that every image without exception got taken down, leads me to believe that it was a deliberate attack. There were plenty of really obscure images taken down that were posted years ago that weren't originally posted in this thread. I say originally because after the news broke, some then started posting more links here to images to try and get them taken down by proxy. I could be wrong on this one, but I really don't think so.
Derek's claims in general, and refunds
Some of them have turned out to be true - Austin downsizing, a few perople quitting, maybe a couple of other things, but a lot of his claims seem to be unfounded beyond his mysterious sources. I dunno, maybe he is telling the truth, but he really doesn't come across as the most trustworthy/stable of guys. If all this drama had been raised by a more reputable character, I might have considered refunding, as it stands, Derek claiming something doesn't really worry me and I'll be keeping my game package till something a bit more concrete comes up.
Nov 4, 2015 19:12
- notoriousman
- Nov 18, 2007

shitposts =/= lovely posts
Nov 4, 2015 19:14
- Adbot
Feb 7, 2025 21:49
- Romes128
- Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
Well, I lost access to my old account from 2007, so I thought I'd make myself a brand spanking new one to contribute to this discussion. I even bought premium so I could be privy to all the SuperSecretTM stuff going on.
Turns out that was a minor mistake, frikkin loled hard when I realised
You need a Platinum Upgrade to view this link.
As my first post in this thread, I'll try and keep it from being a complete shitpost.
Anyway, I'll give you some context of me. I'm about $60 deep in Star Citizen, backed in 2012 at the funding launch, and installed the game once every six months or so just to see what progress there is. There has been significantly less than I had hoped tbh. I saw this thread on Reddit where I am a semi active user. Anyway, while I appreciate some of the arguments for the game never being released, it does feel like one mighty echochamber in here.
My take on some of controversies surrounding SC.
On crazy obsessive/harassing WhiteKnight StarCitizens
Well, you have a community of 700K where the occasional individual is in for $20k. Yes they are dicks and I don't condone any of their actions. However, they do not reflect the wider starcitizen community. Personally I think they are insane for spending that much money on a videogame. Whatever, they are a few bad apples. I feel sorry for Derek that he has to put up with their harassment.
On never ending delays and how the project is being run.
This is one of my biggest frustrations with SC. The actual content being released (ArenaCommander/HangarModule/Planetside) is only a small part of what is needed for the finished game, and yet so much resources seem to be poured into them. Whole critical parts of the game, such as the databasing needed for persistence etc. not currently in development. While this is annoying, I don't think it's necessarily an indication of a project that's about to fail. Just poor project management. Also, I know very little about large scale game development and where developers spend most of their time. I agree that the project has been poorly managed in the past, as is shown by our current lack of a game. That said, just because there have been poor management decisions in the past, does not mean that the current development strategy is stupid, or that CIG are unable to produce a completed game. The current drive to make AC2.0 a platform to build out the rest of the PU game mechanics seems sensible enough to me.
Problems in one studio mean problems in all studios
There are currently four SC studios so far as I can tell. Santa Monica, Austin, ManchesterUK, and FrankfurtDE. Austin seems to be downsizing. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be growing. For some reason this is painted here as a reason for CIG being in trouble. Some people have complained of toxic work environments, but they seem to be fairly limited to Austin, and maybe a bit in Santa Monica. Manchester and Frankfurt seem to be chugging along fine, and really helping to get the game moved along. The imminent release of AC2.0 is probably their doing. The fact that they are growing, I think, is a good sign for the project as a whole.
Money problems leading to the project shutting down
There is no evidence of this at all. Star Citizen raised $4.2m last month. Even if this was a one off, it still shows that the project has a huge number of people willing to spend money on it. The project has 700K preorders on the books, and a very generous community. If they need extra credit (and I don't hear any evidence beyond unfounded rumour) then I have zero doubt that investors will be lining up to get a piece of the action. Even before crowdfunding started, CR only needed to raise about $4m to get his investors interested and secure about $15m dollars in funding. I bet they'd be interested now.
Secondly, there is the unfounded number of $3m dollars being spent per month. Derek claimed with AbsoluteCertaintyTM that the company only had $8m dollars left and would be shutting down imminently. This is all BS. At the time of the claim, they had raised about $90m I think. (90-8)/3=27months of funding. Which is 2.33 (recurring of course) years of funding at that expenditure rate. Considering we're three years in now and there is now way whatsoever that CIG were spending that amount for even the first year and a half of operation, there is a very good chance that CIG still has a reasonable amount tucked away.
On Sandi
This is the biggest joke of the lot. There is a lot of 'evidence' thrown about on topics that really don't matter. Who gives a gently caress if she is married to CR, or is a jerk, or doesn't have a marketing degree. She oversaw a marketing strategy that has raised $94m which is all that matters. That was her job. If she hadn't done that then we would be right to start the criticisms, but that's clearly not the the case. Cries of nepotism are stupid. She wasn't appointed when the company was a multimillion dollar project, she was appointed at inception. If the director of marketing was just a random person (with a marketing degree) who raised $93m, and then they were fired and replaced with Sandi, then shout nepotism all you like. He using company property and time for personal projects is an unknown for me. They don't seem too credible and seem to be clutching at straws.
SC subreddit imgur posts getting bombed
The idea that this was a 'friendly fire' incident doesn't really hold any water IMO. The fact that every image without exception got taken down, leads me to believe that it was a deliberate attack. There were plenty of really obscure images taken down that were posted years ago that weren't originally posted in this thread. I say originally because after the news broke, some then started posting more links here to images to try and get them taken down by proxy. I could be wrong on this one, but I really don't think so.
Derek's claims in general, and refunds
Some of them have turned out to be true - Austin downsizing, a few perople quitting, maybe a couple of other things, but a lot of his claims seem to be unfounded beyond his mysterious sources. I dunno, maybe he is telling the truth, but he really doesn't come across as the most trustworthy/stable of guys. If all this drama had been raised by a more reputable character, I might have considered refunding, as it stands, Derek claiming something doesn't really worry me and I'll be keeping my game package till something a bit more concrete comes up.
Nov 4, 2015 19:15