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Nov 25, 2003

Solomonic posted:

The Void owns and now we need a photoshop of Brother Triumphator going :gary: PAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRP

I played and beat the game but for the people that are not masochists here is a really good Let's play by SA's CannibalK9.

edit: I would post about Star Citizen, but seeing as the latest video is a cobbled together video from a year ago, well :gary: PHAARRRP!

Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 06:54 on Nov 6, 2015


Jun 11, 2008

Didn't read this or the last couple threads. I didn't miss anything funny, did I? Game's still humming along right on schedule?

Dapper Dan
Dec 16, 2004
Can't post for 2 years!

Good Dumplings posted:

Jesus, it's like the little rumble you feel right before an earthquake knocks everything over. They're not even trying to hide what they're doing anymore; do they seriously want Hollywood that bad? They already have a bad rep there, who would work with them?

A mocap studio is like a lateral slide back, but there are two things Hollywood doesn't forgive or forget: Antisemitism and breaking a contract. It is a futile dream, much like Star Citizen.

The best they can hope for is famous faces in their mocap studio. Forget acting, producing, directing or writing. It ain't gonna happen.

Hefty posted:

Didn't read this or the last couple threads. I didn't miss anything funny, did I? Game's still humming along right on schedule?

Crobert's game has 10 hours of cutscenes, more than any Hideo Kojima game. He also bought 2 mocap studios and rented 2 for his space sim.

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

Remember how your favorite part of Freelancer was the cut scenes?


Dec 11, 2014

Dusty Lens posted:

Please keep in mind that I am a barely functioning idiot and so the course I followed should be considered a guideline at best.

Initial email

They then ask me to blame the escapist or Smart. To both parties I imagine I owe my refund, in one way or another. My response:

Everything else that was exchanged were variations of "Hello where are we with this" and "Yes, cancel everything give me my money, no I do not care if I cannot use this account to post on your forum."

Mostly it was just a lot of waiting. Mentioning chargebacks will probably shorten your wait. I didn't do that. CS never attempted to convince me to not request a refund, as they have others. I can't imagine anyone was sorry to see me go.

That was a lot of words I am sorry everyone.

Your leaving will be a devastating loss to Cutlass owners in particular.
Don't forget to leave a kind parting message, will you?

Nov 25, 2003

Trent is a douche. Trent. TRENT!

edit: trent



Sep 28, 2015

Jethro_E7 posted:

Your leaving will be a devastating loss to Cutlass owners in particular.
Don't forget to leave a kind parting message, will you?

I don't know about the Cutlass, it was the only ship that mattered to me.

I think it might be beyond help now.

it has been passed on to too many artist/designers/community managers that anyone touches it losses their job.

Patrick Thomas - the first one who molested the Cutlass
3rd party company - created those hobbits cell with
James Pugh - touched the Cutlass
UK - ......

Oct 4, 2002
Slippery Tilde

Aug 8, 2007

New in-game Star Citizen footage released tonight shows progress on the planetside module as well:

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

I'm looking forward to when "planetside progress reports" in CIG will mean walking around the movie studio under construction.

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy

SelenicMartian posted:

I'm looking forward to when "planetside progress reports" in CIG will mean walking around the movie studio under construction.

Nov 13, 2012

Truly, the pinnacle of goaltending
Grimey Drawer
The old, bad, Hollywood habits are coming home to roost.

Kilmers Elbow
Jun 15, 2012

BeefThief posted:

New in-game Star Citizen footage released tonight shows progress on the planetside module as well:

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy

Please do a crash to desktop variant. tia

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me


Nov 25, 2003

Bootcha posted:

The old, bad, Hollywood habits are coming home to roost.

Coke benders?

Aug 10, 2015


Raskolnikov posted:

edit: I unironically love the void and it is a good game if you like buggy Russian games that like to take a poo poo on you.

I agree that it is a cool game, even though I always have to convince myself to get started with its second half...and then stop playing for a long while again after like 1 hour or so.

And holy poo poo...congrats, Jared - you just admitted that the 'promo' material for new work was actually all old stock footage - fine community management there, pal! Great job working on new stuff, CIG - I'm so glad I got my money out from under you!

4 inch cut no femmes
May 31, 2011

Oct 4, 2015

Herald of the Stimpire

jaffyjaffy posted:

Died in a housefire along with the family's dog about a year ago. She went back inside after all the family was out and was found underneath what was a bed with the dog. :smith:
This makes me sad and lost for words... My condolences.

Aug 10, 2013

go away,
spooky skeleton,
go away

Feb 25, 2014

Concerning the new Studio. They have said they wanted to rent out the mocup stuff from the beginning. I was just assuming that idea was cancelled. Guess not.

However a more interesting question is: Under which legal entity is this new studio? Assuming the CIG financial state really is as lovely as we think it is, CR would certainly try and insulate his secondary projects from the eventual bankruptcy of the Star Citizen fiasco.

Dec 11, 2014

Can't sleep.

Nov 25, 2003

Poe's law

Asylum1408 1 point 8 hours ago
Wow you just imagined about 3 years of dev work to create ;)

[–]RedrunGun 1 point 8 hours ago
I know, but SC is already so ambitious that it stimulates my creativity and makes me wonder how far they'll take it. I'm sure there's plenty of gameplay mechanics that they've been working on for a while and we just haven't heard about it yet.

Salt n Reba McEntire
Nov 14, 2000

It would be nice if something legal stuck; if only to prove that in a very small and largely irrelevant way sometimes the world works like poor schmucks fervently believe it should.

'cause if not, then all they've been doing is peeling off healthy double and triple wages, investing that and their other ill-gotten gains in as much as they can cut and run away with, and all the silly shut-ins who poured cash into this can get hosed.


The Kins
Oct 2, 2004
Going through the 400+ daily posts...

happyhippy posted:


Does even CoD have an inhouse mo cap part? did their DLC.
CoD uses multiple studios, including Activision's internal Capture Studio. I'm guessing that's based on scheduling, convenience and specialties. Amusingly, one of the Advanced Warfare capture studios (Cubic Motion) is currently all over Gary Oldman's face for Squadron 42.

Dapper Dan posted:

My question is: why do they have an in house mocap studio? They spent millions upon millions of dollars mocapping actors for two months and god knows how many man hours loving around with the data and models to make them functional. They also hired a studio in Manchester to do this for them.

Are they going to be taking on work for other studios for more revenue? Will they offer movies mocap services? If not and it is just for SC, then loving why do you have so much mocap in a space sim and what is the point of having one in house when you hired a studio in Manchester which is probably loving cheaper than making your own from scratch?

The mind truly boggles.
Becoming a third-party performance capture vendor with all their insane equipment would probably be a pretty smart move - it's what the ARMA guys do! - but there isn't exactly a lack of motion capture vendors in California...

thatguy posted:

"Chris Gets Cucked: The Movie"
So that's where the Witcher guys are going to get the requisite 16 hours of mo-capped humping for their next game...

Dapper Dan posted:

Hahaha, holy gently caress they did:

This is their fourth foray into motion capture. For a space ship simulator. Four motion capture studios. For a space ship simulator. Four. What the loving gently caress, I think this broke my loving brain.
Well, you know what they say, fifth time lucky...?

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot


Oct 15, 2012

woo woo


Agrajag posted:

my eye opening moment was back in school when I trusted the fucker who sold Spore.

Rise of the Robots. Now that was a very shiny turd.

Salt n Reba McEntire
Nov 14, 2000

Black and White was so hyped up, and was so bleedin' awful. Unless you liked throwing flaming poo at people, and really, who doesn't.

Nov 13, 2012

Truly, the pinnacle of goaltending
Grimey Drawer
I think the worst, most telling barometer in this whole thing is who Chris Roberts has chased away from his old Origin/DA posse.

Eric Peterson, with him at the beginning at Origin, at DA, with CIG. Left.
Travis Day, son of the Elder Day, long time Origin and DA and CIG. Left.
Martin Galway, Origin and DA. Forced to leave.
George Oldziey, Origin, didn't even get so much as a sideways glance after 6 months.
Rob Irving, Origin, left shortly after Eric.

These were the guys that backed CR and his project, or at least signed on slightly later saying "I'm sure we can do this".

I never really talked to Tony, he was always busy when I was at the Austin office. I can't imagine what's going through his head, should the downsizing/obsolescence of the Austin office come true.

As I've been finding out, the echoes of my own investigation got around and I've been hearing from other ex-Origin folks who knew CR to be a Hollywood wanna-be and what's happening is kinda close to what development went through with WC4.

Beyond actors looking for work, I can't think of any Hollywood-era CR folks backing him up.

Lesnick is the only one I can think of from Origin days that still stands beside CR. Considering how much of his life he's dedicated to keeping Wing Commander semi-relevant, both in material preservation and the CIC site itself, I'm not sure he can tear himself away from the project. He moved from Maryland to Austin to LA in the span of 3 years, all while getting married. I can't imagine Ben and Alexis are comfortable. Honestly, I think he's as fed up with this project as I am. But he's the nerd jester in CR's court, being told to dance. And he will, it's a job.

It's all just... poo poo.

The Kins
Oct 2, 2004

Io_ posted:

Rise of the Robots. Now that was a very shiny turd.
I read a making-of about that game a few years ago. If I remember it correctly, it was a small, inexperienced team behind it... but one of them knew 3D Studio MAX and the publisher decided to basically pin vast amounts of marketing expense upon it purely for that reason.

Sep 11, 2001

Bootcha posted:

I think the worst, most telling barometer in this whole thing is who Chris Roberts has chased away from his old Origin/DA posse.

Eric Peterson, with him at the beginning at Origin, at DA, with CIG. Left.
Travis Day, son of the Elder Day, long time Origin and DA and CIG. Left.
Martin Galway, Origin and DA. Forced to leave.
George Oldziey, Origin, didn't even get so much as a sideways glance after 6 months.
Rob Irving, Origin, left shortly after Eric.

These were the guys that backed CR and his project, or at least signed on slightly later saying "I'm sure we can do this".

I never really talked to Tony, he was always busy when I was at the Austin office. I can't imagine what's going through his head, should the downsizing/obsolescence of the Austin office come true.

As I've been finding out, the echoes of my own investigation got around and I've been hearing from other ex-Origin folks who knew CR to be a Hollywood wanna-be and what's happening is kinda close to what development went through with WC4.

Beyond actors looking for work, I can't think of any Hollywood-era CR folks backing him up.

Lesnick is the only one I can think of from Origin days that still stands beside CR. Considering how much of his life he's dedicated to keeping Wing Commander semi-relevant, both in material preservation and the CIC site itself, I'm not sure he can tear himself away from the project. He moved from Maryland to Austin to LA in the span of 3 years, all while getting married. I can't imagine Ben and Alexis are comfortable. Honestly, I think he's as fed up with this project as I am. But he's the nerd jester in CR's court, being told to dance. And he will, it's a job.

It's all just... poo poo.

So is Lesnick the last true believer buddy from the old days?

Sep 28, 2015


So is Lesnick the last true believer buddy from the old days?

I bet if chris will say, leave your wife. ben will without question follow that command

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy

Bootcha posted:

It's all just... poo poo.

How's the morale in the studios? I mean if all this is true, and things are still "fine" in the studios, the management is doing a good job keeping everyone ill informed.

Either that or everyone still thinks they're making the game?

Dec 11, 2014

Bootcha posted:

I think the worst, most telling barometer in this whole thing is who Chris Roberts has chased away from his old Origin/DA posse.

Eric Peterson, with him at the beginning at Origin, at DA, with CIG. Left.
Travis Day, son of the Elder Day, long time Origin and DA and CIG. Left.
Martin Galway, Origin and DA. Forced to leave.
George Oldziey, Origin, didn't even get so much as a sideways glance after 6 months.
Rob Irving, Origin, left shortly after Eric.

These were the guys that backed CR and his project, or at least signed on slightly later saying "I'm sure we can do this".

I never really talked to Tony, he was always busy when I was at the Austin office. I can't imagine what's going through his head, should the downsizing/obsolescence of the Austin office come true.

As I've been finding out, the echoes of my own investigation got around and I've been hearing from other ex-Origin folks who knew CR to be a Hollywood wanna-be and what's happening is kinda close to what development went through with WC4.

Beyond actors looking for work, I can't think of any Hollywood-era CR folks backing him up.

Lesnick is the only one I can think of from Origin days that still stands beside CR. Considering how much of his life he's dedicated to keeping Wing Commander semi-relevant, both in material preservation and the CIC site itself, I'm not sure he can tear himself away from the project. He moved from Maryland to Austin to LA in the span of 3 years, all while getting married. I can't imagine Ben and Alexis are comfortable. Honestly, I think he's as fed up with this project as I am. But he's the nerd jester in CR's court, being told to dance. And he will, it's a job.

It's all just... poo poo.

And those are exactly the guys that I found the most likeable, personally. I believe one leaving. Even two. But streams of top talent leaving tells me that they can't work with Chris. And when scores of people tell you they can't work with someone, there's smoke. Add that to the ex-employees, and I have little doubt about what is happening behind all the smiley faces. Martin is a little more outspoken about the issues compared to the other guys.

Jun 2, 2006

It's okay guys, we're getting really cool stuff today


It's just because you're getting the Weekly Update AND the Monthly Updates tomorrow.

Basically, there's X amount of information/assets that can go out each week.

We do a webshow on Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and at least one comm-link every week, so we try to spread the wealth is all. =)

Look for some very cool stuff in tomorrow's dual post.

Jan 3, 2008


EminusSleepus posted:

I bet if chris will say, leave your wife. ben will without question follow that command

Like John Dee and Edward Kelley, Ben hears "we must share our wives", looks into his scrying crystal, and...

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Warcrimes seems pissed.

Jun 1, 2001


Shimrra Jamaane posted:

What was the preview with the stupid mongoloid looking fucker looking out into space while drinking his coffee?

There was a great post a thread or two ago how the one scene basically encapsulates the dreams of all these autistic backers who want to abandon their real lives and live through this game. After spending a grueling 10 hour shift working at a space control panel in the space mine it just feels so good to kick back with a cup of joe.


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

AP posted:

Warcrimes seems pissed.

who the gently caress is warcrimes

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