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Orcs and Ostriches
Aug 26, 2010

The Great Twist

The Saddest Robot posted:

I really would like to know how much Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner are paying themselves. Salaries, benefits, all of it.

I want to know how many different salaries Sandi's getting from each of her job titles.


May 4, 2006

Dirty Sanchez

Good lord this is awkward to watch.

Apr 28, 2006

Grimey Drawer

Nation posted:

lol im the backer funded film studio

Love the posters.

May 2, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
Grimey Drawer

SirPhoebos posted:

Hey, a goon just released a remastering of Manos, so I guess it's not unheard of.

Wait, really? That's something I actually want to see.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

G0RF posted:

Alexis is being asked why the Concierge VIP cards are not customized. She says it's too hard

They don't even bother hiding their contempt anymore.

Jun 11, 2001

by vyelkin

Nation posted:

lol im the backer funded film studio




GEM Productions
Gregory Mantell, casting dir.


Casting a table read for "The Traitor," a powerful independent World War II film set in France. The table read will use a provisional cast to see how the script flows at this point. Those who are standouts will be kept in mind as this progresses.

Table read will be held Aug. 23 (afternoon) at an office on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, CA.

Jul 14, 2011

I'm just exploding with mackerel. This is the aji wo kutta of my discontent.

D_Smart posted:

No. If and when it crashes, the Feds will most definitely be involved. And once that happens, there is no way they get to hide money anywhere. That's what RICO is for.

I just don't have that much faith in fraud investigations. My experience is that these transactions happen before assets are frozen and so on. But there's plenty of time for me to be proven wrong on the Fed front.

If the Feds do get involved, RICO charges aren't too unlikely, though.

My state is still paying for 38Studios. With that in mind, I'm glad that all the backers participated in this voluntarily.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

theultimo posted:

Sorry Christ Roberts, Blizzard beat you to the movie biz

That's Ragnar Lothbrok from that Vikings show right?

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

SneakyFrog posted:

no. you shouldnt.

Its not worth it.

if you must, read the long rear end monologue.

even then dont.

Wait the monologue isn't the worst of the book? :psyduck:

Salt n Reba McEntire
Nov 14, 2000

Eh, the money'll be in Germany, or the UK, or basically 'wherever is not being investigated right now'. And as for the rest; it'll be legitimately explained by perfectly valid costs and salaries.

There's a reason this is being run by a liar, a salesperson and a lawyer. One dreams, one sells, and one hides.

a whole buncha crows
May 8, 2003

does anyone have the pic of cr on stage with that huge script i need it to help me laugh some more

Cao Ni Ma
May 25, 2010

Right now I hope that when everything goes tits up Chris Roberts actually manages to keep all the motion studios and goes into full time 3D animation business just to see the reaction from all the loyal citizens.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

peter gabriel posted:

Well, Line of Defence has menus that I can't get past and doors I can't open so it's about the same

Oh? Which menus? All of them do work.

The game has no doors. Aside from the airlock in the Arkangel and Starguard carrier where you can grab an HAIS-MK2 suit and jump to the planet below.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Because people who ask relevant questions get banned from the community, silly!

Jun 11, 2001

by vyelkin

MrDorf posted:

Love the posters.

There is a video of the reading.

Dec 10, 2007


Meta-Mollusk posted:

Wait, really? That's something I actually want to see.

You can get it now on Amazon:

Here's the thread where it all began: tHerE iS NO waY OUt of hERe. IT'lL bE DArk sooN. There IS nO waY oUt oF here

Aug 19, 2002

There's a whole bunch more here too:


Jul 6, 2013

No bond but to do just ones

Cao Ni Ma posted:

Right now I hope that when everything goes tits up Chris Roberts actually manages to keep all the motion studios and goes into full time 3D animation business just to see the reaction from all the loyal citizens.

They'll probably convince themselves that Chris is just playing the long con and will come out with an ultra-realistic-full-vr-immersion-smell-o-vision version of SC eventually.

Jan 3, 2014

G0RF posted:

Because people who ask relevant questions get banned from the community, silly!

This is the first time I've been in this Twitch chat, and honestly these questions are just terrible.

However at the same time I'm currently playing another game in alpha that actually works.

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

Cao Ni Ma posted:

Right now I hope that when everything goes tits up Chris Roberts actually manages to keep all the motion studios and goes into full time 3D animation business just to see the reaction from all the loyal citizens.

They will blame Derek and goons for SC's failures and still lap up anything CR says without question.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

OhDearGodNo posted:

I'd like to see The Escapist update on some of the newer revelations.

To wit:

- The realization that CIG is currently building a second MOCAP studio, to being about the 4th actual MOCAP iteration.

- Continuing to expand in the most expensive market, and this is now the 2nd major office move.

- A lack of any actual progress beyond the concept stage being shown, and in many cases completely regressing in progress.

- To add to the above, the complete loss from working with multiple code branches that not only deviate beyond the ability to merge, but to develop in 32-bit and try to merge somehow into 64? What?

- The decimation of the Austin house, which was designated the hub of the completed product (persistent universe). this includes the laying off of all development personnel and leaving only IT and management.

- Continued turnover of senior leadership in the middle of projects. This has been downplayed as "in the industry" however in my 16 years in IT I have never seen multiple people leave in the middle of a project.

- The firing of CS staff, and the open knowledge that they have a 30+ day backlog of not just general customer service, but also the exclusive "concierge" service.

- Billing Sandi Roberts over more established names. Many people don't realize this but billing in Hollywood is a huge thing. Having a C-list actress over an A-lister is a proverbial kick in the oval office.

- The SQ42 "intro" video, which was buggy, was promised to be released as a high-res press version a few days after however somehow it's available. Why?

- On that note, the FPS Baby PU Star Citizen 2.0 reveal during Citizen Con was a scripted event (both press release and live event went through the same exact motions) and still many assets are completely missing. For example, the Shubin Mining Station from 2 years ago. The Ender Arena? Gold Horizon? These were assets and maps that were almost completely done and have essentially been scrapped. CIG has insisted that "almost all assets are ported over" and yet there is zero indication that they actually are.

- On a strong look back, there is still extremely little progress in the game. It is now 3 years into development and the basics of the engine are still completely unfinished. When you try to rationalize it against games that took 4-6 years to develop it is still hauntingly suspicious. This isn't about finished levels, or even completed assets. It's about the basic models and stability.
I'm part of the Naval Action alpha, and it uses the remnants of the old PotBS engine from 2006. This tiny dev studio has created new assets, new UI (although lacking form it has full function), updated graphics, and even ported it from 32 to 64 bit (mind you they did it just recently). I've watched this thing grow from "Sea Trials" (think Arena Commander) to the Open World (Star Citizen Equiv is the PU) within the span of months. I believe the dev studio has about 5-7 people working out of Ukraine.
Or one just needs to look at Elite: Dangerous, who has gone from a Single system alpha that was roughly functional during the release of Arena Commander, to now having planet landings, and even structures. And all of this was developed AFTER Arena Commander. Oh, I should mention that half of Frontier is making a new Roller Coaster Tycoon.

- They recently changed all starter packages retroactively. Not only did they sell "limited" quantities of the Star Citizen alpha/beta, they also were selling the same limited access to the SQ42 beta. This has been retroactively removed. I can only tell this from the store as I no longer have an active account/package however I'm sure those who are sill bought in can confirm this. I'm not sure the legality of this, but promising early access and removing it to be released during the general release date seems like false advertising.

I think I'll ask them.

....that's only the half of it.

ps: I hear they are - again - shopping around for another FPS studio. This is unconfirmed btw. Still waiting to hear back from a very trusted source.

Doctor Butts
May 21, 2002

So, Derek Smart, have you made a link between Gem Productions/Gregory Mantell and Roberts/SC yet? proof trying to funnel SC money into a feature film?

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Wafflz posted:

They will blame Derek and goons for SC's failures and still lap up anything CR says without question.

getting undeserved credit for bringing down a 100 million dollar company? i'll take it.

i brought down a multi-million dollar company, bitch! what did you do?

Kurr de la Cruz
May 21, 2007

Put the boots to him, medium style.

Hair Elf

SirPhoebos posted:

As a reminder to anyone that got their refund from Twin Bros, Dear Leader wants to have a chat with you:

usually I'm a lazy shitbird who doesn't ever want to do anything but what the hell I mailed my info to derek smart so maybe something funny will happen

please get my name right in the credits of the upcoming lifetime TV special

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

....that's only the half of it.

ps: I hear they are - again - shopping around for another FPS studio. This is unconfirmed btw. Still waiting to hear back from a very trusted source.

I love that when you say something they go out of their way to make it obvious that "Derek Smart is wrong and actually its completely the opposite. We aren't naming the ship X, we are naming it Y (Potato). We aren't closing the Austin office, we are totally keeping some of them (we're just quietly restructuring aka firing everyone).

No degree? WELL GOSH LOOK AT THIS LETTER I FOUND RANDOMLY TODAY. Hate black people? Look at all the black people on our stream now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 11, 2001

by vyelkin
Sandi read for the same guy in March for a different movie, and it looks like it's the same office (same table/window size).

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
its the Star Shitizen Uncertainty Principle

you can never know what CIG is doing, because as soon as Derek Smart observes it the result changes

Jan 3, 2014

D_Smart posted:

....that's only the half of it.

ps: I hear they are - again - shopping around for another FPS studio. This is unconfirmed btw. Still waiting to hear back from a very trusted source.

I don't see how they could spin that in a positive light.

Then again none of the cult really questions anything CIG does, even when you beat them over the head with actual facts.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Will Sandi Claws personally hand out refunds on Christmas?

Jan 3, 2014

Eonwe posted:

I love that when you say something they go out of their way to make it obvious that "Derek Smart is wrong and actually its completely the opposite. We aren't naming the ship X, we are naming it Y (Potato). We aren't closing the Austin office, we are totally keeping some of them (we're just quietly restructuring aka firing everyone).

No degree? WELL GOSH LOOK AT THIS LETTER I FOUND RANDOMLY TODAY. Hate black people? Look at all the black people on our stream now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This could easily be taken advantage of. they are so amazingly thin-skinned about any criticism.


poo poo guys I think I'm lost. I thought I hit Puerto Rico but I think I'm heading into the Atlantic now. Turned S/SW. Still more gameplay than Star Citizen.

OhDearGodNo fucked around with this message at 20:09 on Nov 6, 2015

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Good thing my AV software stopped this done dead its tracks. What was it?

Feb 13, 2007

OhDearGodNo posted:

This is the first time I've been in this Twitch chat, and honestly these questions are just terrible.

However at the same time I'm currently playing another game in alpha that actually works.

What is that, sailing ships rule

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy
What the gently caress are these movies.

What the gently caress are these mysterious production companies.

What the gently caress is going on!?!

Jul 15, 2005
I cannot believe how blatant they're being about the gearshift to movie production. :yarg:

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Agrajag posted:

getting undeserved credit for bringing down a 100 million dollar company? i'll take it.

i brought down a multi-million dollar company, bitch! what did you do?

Jan 3, 2014

CLAM DOWN posted:

What is that, sailing ships rule

Naval Action... like a reboot of PotBS but with more competent devs.

e: I'm lost. poo poo.

Doctor Butts
May 21, 2002

SelenicMartian posted:

Will Sandi Claws personally hand out refunds on Christmas?

That's not all she's gonna hand out!!!!!

She'll also hand out pink slips and movie scripts.

turn off the TV
Aug 4, 2010

moderately annoying

Omi-Polari posted:

What the gently caress are these movies.

What the gently caress are these mysterious production companies.

What the gently caress is going on!?!

The movies are just a side project for fun but they will be good for Star Citizen because they'll allow more money to be funneled into hiring interns to photoshop the jpegs.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

Kurr de la Cruz posted:

usually I'm a lazy shitbird who doesn't ever want to do anything but what the hell I mailed my info to derek smart so maybe something funny will happen

please get my name right in the credits of the upcoming lifetime TV special

Did you just admit you are helping D_Smart doxx Chris Roberts?


Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

OhDearGodNo posted:

This could easily be taken advantage of. they are so amazingly thin-skinned about any criticism.

A hallmark trait that a lot of people have when statements hit a little too close to home in their truth.

And Sandi doing that read in their offices with Mantell is just priceless. They really are just throwing the Star Citizen ruse out the window now and going full on "We are a movie studio!!".

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