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  • Locked thread
Jan 7, 2012

EightAce posted:

namefag edglord/ Seraph .... whatever

Which one are you in this picture ?

Hes obviously the old guy, look at those shifty rear end eyes, looking at the camera AND the other guy at the same time. Hes watching for Chris Hansen.


Justin Tyme
Feb 22, 2011

As much as I like to hate on SC I am legitimately impressed that they got local physics grids working in 64-bit large worlds in Cryengine, that video of the Retaliator spinning like crazy is funny in a "lol lovely buggy game" way but it's also impressive that the physics can hold up even spinning around like that. Now if they can only get more than 32 people into once instance...

Jan 7, 2012

Justin Tyme posted:

As much as I like to hate on SC I am legitimately impressed that they got local physics grids working in 64-bit large worlds in Cryengine, that video of the Retaliator spinning like crazy is funny in a "lol lovely buggy game" way but it's also impressive that the physics can hold up even spinning around like that. Now if they can only get more than 32 people into once instance...

Quite frankly, the only thing ive seen is 64jpegbit space.

Ayn Randi
Mar 12, 2009

Grimey Drawer
meatspin physics

Apr 11, 2005

Rat Enthusiast
Dick Tubes

Oct 5, 2003

by R. Guyovich
Nap Ghost
I have some extra thousands of dollars, I am going to spend it on this imaginary spaceship game to get the best ships, then I can own noobs right from the start!

Can't wait to spend all my time owning noobs!

Owning noobs is my basic need!



May 10, 2015

Watch it all come crashing down on his head and wonder why any of us gave him money in the first place.

EightAce fucked around with this message at 07:37 on Apr 8, 2016

Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Maldoror posted:

I have some extra thousands of dollars, I am going to spend it on this imaginary spaceship game to get the best ships, then I can own noobs right from the start!

Can't wait to spend all my time owning noobs!

Owning noobs is my basic need!



I bolded the minor flaw in this train of thought.

May 18, 2012

Grimey Drawer

Namefag Edgelord posted:

Seriously though you guys I was really funny on page 317 and I feel strongly that I should get a reconsideration of my permaban, clearly I am capable of quality posting. Imagine if you accepted me as one of your own instead of continuing to reject me over and over again like an unwanted ginger stepchild with PTSD.... wait... wh...

err but yeah, think it over, because I could totally take that positive energy, and like put it into my heart and stuff and then make good and funny posts. If I wasn't banned.

Protip: No one in the history of ever has started a sentence with "I was funny" and was right. Now sit back and take my negative energy like a man

Mar 7, 2014

Slava Ukrayini

Clapping Larry
Metal Business Cards idea:

SA Logo on left side of card: Classic SA Grenade within white oval

Motto in top right of card: Ditiores fiunt per abstinentiam (Richer Through Abstinence)

middle and bottom right have a background/image of a spaceship similar to the normandy orbiting a planet (Earth?)

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
I think you'd be mad paying for a pointless metal card just to laugh at people who pay for pointless metal cards. You can do that for free, though I wouldn't mind seeing a jpg of the design.

May 18, 2012

Grimey Drawer

AP posted:

I think you'd be mad paying for a pointless metal card just to laugh at people who pay for pointless metal cards. You can do that for free, though I wouldn't mind seeing a jpg of the design.

A JPG would be better yes, considering that motive would need to be really stylised to prevent looking like poo poo on metal. Better to just look at the design. Or hell, just fire up Mass Effect again. :v:

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Jobbo_Fett posted:

Metal Business Cards idea:

SA Logo on left side of card: Classic SA Grenade within white oval

Motto in top right of card: Ditiores fiunt per abstinentiam (Richer Through Abstinence)

middle and bottom right have a background/image of a spaceship similar to the normandy orbiting a planet (Earth?)

Comes printed on rolls of cheap and sturdy toilet paper.

Mar 19, 2015

Justin Tyme posted:

As much as I like to hate on SC I am legitimately impressed that they got local physics grids working in 64-bit large worlds in Cryengine, that video of the Retaliator spinning like crazy is funny in a "lol lovely buggy game" way but it's also impressive that the physics can hold up even spinning around like that. Now if they can only get more than 32 people into once instance...
That's because the people actually doing things are very talented. It's the people at the top telling everyone what to do who are idiots.

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo

They needed the awesome physics so they could sell a working space toaster for many spacebucks.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches
Neurotic Jew had it about perfect if y'all are going to go off to stupidland with it. Just make exact dupicates of the uber card and sell them to non-concierge people.


Jun 14, 2006

E:\FILES>quickfli clown.fli

Sushi in Yiddish posted:

Tie fighter was pretty neat when you get a few campaigns in, and you're not just fighting against rebels and pirates, but getting caught up in Imperial intrigue.
Also the designers tried to keep the missions interesting and mix things up a bit over replays. Inspecting certain things could potentially trigger a new wave of ships, or if you wre getting on top of the odds more ships came in to give a bit of a challenge. Or now and then a mission might have a curve-ball hidden that would randomly trigger.
And as mentioned before uncovering all sorts of hidden bonus objectives and getting to know the secret order.

Sep 22, 2011

How's his widow holding up?

Aesaar posted:

That's because the people actually doing things are very talented. It's the people at the top telling everyone what to do who are idiots.

Lions led by donkeys.

We need a photoshop of Chris Roberts as Field Marshall Haig, in time for Armistice Day.

"They shall not grow fat, as those that are left grow fat."

And now, The Last :gary: PAAAAARRRRPPPP

May 8, 2004

The FM problems are indicative of a problem that I have been critical of CIG for some time now. CIG (CR) have lots of ideas, the problem is that they are just independent ideas and are not merged together to create a cohesive whole. Many of these ideas run counter to each other, "realistic" physics but "rule of cool" ships, "realistic" physics but physics will be different for each ship( same size engine is different across the ships), delayed ship replacement but short TTK, limited game resources but selling power for real money, just to name a few. But lets look at the FM.

So the reason you use control systems is because you have to, no one wants to use control systems but that is how it works in the real world (its a lot easier to fake it). A PID controller (when compared to a PI controller) is faster, and more precise, but it is much more finicky and requires a lot more upfront work to get stable in a system. While a PI controller is easier to implement and has more tolerance and requires less upfront work. The early AC showed classic signs of being underdeveloped and ultimately underdamped. This got "better" when CIG started putting other controls on top of their original system in order to compensate for the fact they could not get the PID control to be critically damped. This is why the ship are impossible to handle using fixed weapons, and why the thruster values are so high, they are trying to compensate for problems in their PID control system.

So CIG want to have a Control system for each ship, that means each ship will have a different control system with different weighted values, nvm the thruster placements. This means each ship will have to be set up individually just for the stock fitting, then you have to change that control system each time you change the thrusters and other equipment, its a nightmare. The new system is going to make the system easier to set up but it will still require a ton of unneeded work.

So why implement a PID? There is no good reason, it does not make any since when you are talking about the number of ships CIG are creating and the number of changing variables, and because it does not add anything. One excuse that I have seen as to why have a control system is so that when you lose a thruster you will feel its effect. The problem with this is that a Control system is designed to not do that, the most you will feel is that everything will be sluggish, you will have no idea what happened or what you lost, just that you lost power. For a space craft, every action has to be met with an equal and opposite action in order to hold steady. So lets say you apply thrust to pitch up, you have to apply the same amount of thrust down to stop. So lets say you lose a thruster, the action will be the same, its just that now the control system will force more power to be applied in order to achieve the same steady state. Lets say that to make a specific pitch up at the desired rate it takes 10N of force from each nozzle (4 total, with each nozzle capping out at 20N for a max deflection), and the same then for stopping that action. If you lose a nozzle then all that will happen will be that each of the remanding three will apply more thrust, up to the max point. The pilot will not even tell anything has happened, because the controller (if working correctly) will change everything behind the scene so that the operators actions have the same effect, the only effect will be that the max pitch rate will be lower due to the now lower max thrust available.

The idea that you have to fight the controls is also a work of fantasy, because that is not now a control system works. Lets say that the ship is listing to the right and so you have to correct this problem with the stick, well in the real world that would not happen because the control system is able to input the exact same amount as you the operator is doing and the control system will do it faster and instantly. The control system will just compensate for that action and you will continue to fly straight with the stick centered. The idea that you could turn faster in one direction then another also makes no since, as the force applied to stop the faster spin has to be available in the opposite direction to stop the spin. Now if you want to set up a scenario were you can spin faster one direction but it takes longer to slow down, ok but then its the player that is now the control system (again because SC has fixed rates, and speed caps), and is no different then ED's AF system (using this you are the control system).

What CIG are implementing runs counter to what they appear to want flight to be like.

Namefag Edgelord
Nov 10, 2015

by Cowcaster

LastCaress posted:

The FM problems are indicative of a problem that I have been critical of CIG for some time now. CIG (CR) have lots of ideas, the problem is that they are just independent ideas and are not merged together to create a cohesive whole. Many of these ideas run counter to each other, "realistic" physics but "rule of cool" ships, "realistic" physics but physics will be different for each ship( same size engine is different across the ships), delayed ship replacement but short TTK, limited game resources but selling power for real money, just to name a few. But lets look at the FM.

So the reason you use control systems is because you have to, no one wants to use control systems but that is how it works in the real world (its a lot easier to fake it). A PID controller (when compared to a PI controller) is faster, and more precise, but it is much more finicky and requires a lot more upfront work to get stable in a system. While a PI controller is easier to implement and has more tolerance and requires less upfront work. The early AC showed classic signs of being underdeveloped and ultimately underdamped. This got "better" when CIG started putting other controls on top of their original system in order to compensate for the fact they could not get the PID control to be critically damped. This is why the ship are impossible to handle using fixed weapons, and why the thruster values are so high, they are trying to compensate for problems in their PID control system.

So CIG want to have a Control system for each ship, that means each ship will have a different control system with different weighted values, nvm the thruster placements. This means each ship will have to be set up individually just for the stock fitting, then you have to change that control system each time you change the thrusters and other equipment, its a nightmare. The new system is going to make the system easier to set up but it will still require a ton of unneeded work.

So why implement a PID? There is no good reason, it does not make any since when you are talking about the number of ships CIG are creating and the number of changing variables, and because it does not add anything. One excuse that I have seen as to why have a control system is so that when you lose a thruster you will feel its effect. The problem with this is that a Control system is designed to not do that, the most you will feel is that everything will be sluggish, you will have no idea what happened or what you lost, just that you lost power. For a space craft, every action has to be met with an equal and opposite action in order to hold steady. So lets say you apply thrust to pitch up, you have to apply the same amount of thrust down to stop. So lets say you lose a thruster, the action will be the same, its just that now the control system will force more power to be applied in order to achieve the same steady state. Lets say that to make a specific pitch up at the desired rate it takes 10N of force from each nozzle (4 total, with each nozzle capping out at 20N for a max deflection), and the same then for stopping that action. If you lose a nozzle then all that will happen will be that each of the remanding three will apply more thrust, up to the max point. The pilot will not even tell anything has happened, because the controller (if working correctly) will change everything behind the scene so that the operators actions have the same effect, the only effect will be that the max pitch rate will be lower due to the now lower max thrust available.

The idea that you have to fight the controls is also a work of fantasy, because that is not now a control system works. Lets say that the ship is listing to the right and so you have to correct this problem with the stick, well in the real world that would not happen because the control system is able to input the exact same amount as you the operator is doing and the control system will do it faster and instantly. The control system will just compensate for that action and you will continue to fly straight with the stick centered. The idea that you could turn faster in one direction then another also makes no since, as the force applied to stop the faster spin has to be available in the opposite direction to stop the spin. Now if you want to set up a scenario were you can spin faster one direction but it takes longer to slow down, ok but then its the player that is now the control system (again because SC has fixed rates, and speed caps), and is no different then ED's AF system (using this you are the control system).

What CIG are implementing runs counter to what they appear to want flight to be like.
An effortpost? Here? :siren: :gas: :siren:

This is completely inappropriate behaviour, mods please do your fuckin job and permaban this serious-tryfag.

Namefag Edgelord
Nov 10, 2015

by Cowcaster
Thanks in advance mods

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches
gas challenge huh.

well ok then.

Cao Ni Ma
May 25, 2010

drat gas challenge and being Seraph at the same time

Jul 25, 2010

Good Dumplings posted:

What is the big deal with TIE Fighter's missions, anyway? I remember the dynamic music and the nicer flight model and AI, but not the missions.

The missions had an interesting complexity and depth because of their narrative complexity combined with a robust design. On a technical level, FreeSpace 2 was more capable (it had branching mission paths), but in the moment-to-moment combat, their design was so simplistic that it lowered the complexity.

One of the most irritating things about FreeSpace is that essentially each group of enemies would just respawn x times and have the same mission objectives each time. It was a problem with the mission design. In Tie Fighter each group had different goals and what the player had to do is adjust to those changing circumstances. Alpha wing would be fighter harass, beta would be anti-capital bombers, delta would be fighter/bomber missile boats, etc. The mission team for Tie Fighter was excellent and would make effective use of their limited mission editor to create interesting circumstances.

The one time FreeSpace 2 managed to pull this off was the stealth mission where you had to inspect one of the super capital ships. That sequence of missions (stealth through the gate observation, returning with the data, planning for the attack, and the two-mission fight against the Juggernaut were great. Everything else was kinda bleh).

As to them not being memorable, that's not surprising. Most people played it over a decade ago, the missions were long and involved a lot of steps. Interestingly, the missions that stick with me the most were the series in X-Wing where you had to hunt down, cripple, and then destroy a Star Destroyer, and the DIVE DIVE DIVE!!! HIT YOUR BURNERS PILOT!!! mission from FreeSpace 2:

Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.
Seraph, kill self, imo.

Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.
Hope this type of posting is more up to your speed.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Paladinus posted:

Hope this type of posting is more up to your speed.

you might need more pictures or cryptocurrencies

or maybe pictures OF cryptocurrencies.

Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.

SneakyFrog posted:

you might need more pictures or cryptocurrencies

or maybe pictures OF cryptocurrencies.


Here's a coin with the Queen in her human and lizard forms.

Namefag Edgelord
Nov 10, 2015

by Cowcaster
Why do we not already have our own cryptocurrency? Gooncoin with the grenade, it's so obvious. You could start tipping each other for particularly funny or helpful posts.

It might actually even gain a semi-respectable market cap if it gets a critical mass of use here. Early adopters of Gooncoin could even get a little but rich if you can get a couple of whales like me to buy a bunch of em.

Aug 10, 2013

go away,
spooky skeleton,
go away

Namefag Edgelord posted:

Why do we not already have our own cryptocurrency? Gooncoin with the grenade, it's so obvious. You could start tipping each other for particularly funny or helpful posts.

It might actually even gain a semi-respectable market cap if it gets a critical mass of use here. Early adopters of Gooncoin could even get a little but rich if you can get a couple of whales like me to buy a bunch of em.

Your gimmick is tired. And you are a pedophile.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Namefag Edgelord posted:

Why do we not already have our own cryptocurrency? Gooncoin with the grenade, it's so obvious. You could start tipping each other for particularly funny or helpful posts.

It might actually even gain a semi-respectable market cap if it gets a critical mass of use here. Early adopters of Gooncoin might even get a little but rich if you can get a couple of whales like me to buy a bunch of em.

I hope you are using we imperially.

I'm too much of a poor to be lumped in with such kanye-koin royalty.

Jul 25, 2010

grimcreaper posted:

Quite frankly, the only thing ive seen is 64jpegbit space.

Which is, admittedly, an impressive change, but as everyone says, the engineering side is not the problem. I keep hearing that there is a problem with management, but outside of one employee and Derek Smart, I have not heard anyone else give actual data on why Chris is a problem. I've heard a great deal about Sandi, including both that she is completely inept at marketing (here) yet at the same time have been told she came up with the concept sales idea (also here and Derek Smart's blog). That seems like effective marketing, and the fact they're still pulling in revenue seems to indicate that the effort is competent.

I guess the latter is a bit of sore point for me. I have a number of friends, I mentioned this earlier, who are either unemployed looking for their first job, or underemployed, and the #1 issue they're having is interviewers telling them they do not have enough experience. Well... of course, someone has to take that chance and let them prove their skills.

Anyways, as to Roberts, I have no information on how bad of a boss he is. Even the CIG group that split off to make that Descent clone: - I haven't heard anything negative from. At worst, from the threads here, I hear he is a micromanager when it comes to details.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Loiosh posted:

Which is, admittedly, an impressive change, but as everyone says, the engineering side is not the problem. I keep hearing that there is a problem with management, but outside of one employee and Derek Smart, I have not heard anyone else give actual data on why Chris is a problem. I've heard a great deal about Sandi, including both that she is completely inept at marketing (here) yet at the same time have been told she came up with the concept sales idea (also here and Derek Smart's blog). That seems like effective marketing, and the fact they're still pulling in revenue seems to indicate that the effort is competent.

I guess the latter is a bit of sore point for me. I have a number of friends, I mentioned this earlier, who are either unemployed looking for their first job, or underemployed, and the #1 issue they're having is interviewers telling them they do not have enough experience. Well... of course, someone has to take that chance and let them prove their skills.

Anyways, as to Roberts, I have no information on how bad of a boss he is. Even the CIG group that split off to make that Descent clone: - I haven't heard anything negative from. At worst, from the threads here, I hear he is a micromanager when it comes to details.

the old "no experience" line is always a fun one and bridges quite a bit across industries.

"gently caress you unless you want to work for free" is usually what it seems to mean especially at my company.

Dec 9, 2001

Wry and wise,
but also very sexual.

Paladinus posted:


Here's a coin with the Queen in her human and lizard forms.

Queen Elizardbeth rules

Namefag Edgelord
Nov 10, 2015

by Cowcaster

SneakyFrog posted:

I hope you are using we imperially.

I'm too much of a poor to be lumped in with such kanye-koin royalty.
Just do a little premining before you launch the coin.. no one has to know (until it's too late), and then when adoption goes parabolic you'll be rich. Look at the Litecoin guy, literally no innovation whatsoever, just a pretty good marketing campaign convincing retards that Bitcoin is "environmentally heavy", as if that's a thing anyone gives a gently caress about outside of a Starbux checkout counter. Anyway now he's rich because people are dumb.

Jul 25, 2010

SneakyFrog posted:

the old "no experience" line is always a fun one and bridges quite a bit across industries.

"gently caress you unless you want to work for free" is usually what it seems to mean especially at my company.

Friend with design degree - So true it hurts :/

I feel terrible for him. He was part of a new program at his school, and once graduated the school had no job placement for their art design grads. He's been looking for work for a year now. Likely he's going to end up doing warehouse work at a Wal-Mart.

Namefag Edgelord
Nov 10, 2015

by Cowcaster

Loiosh posted:

Friend with design degree - So true it hurts :/

I feel terrible for him. He was part of a new program at his school, and once graduated the school had no job placement for their art design grads. He's been looking for work for a year now. Likely he's going to end up doing warehouse work at a Wal-Mart.
Guys this thread is getting dark, and I don't mean fun playful Seraph84 despression post dark, just regular old :yikes: dark.

Also I'm a two time college dropout and I made about $900 yesterday. The system works! Just follow your dreams, grow a pair, take some risks, and most of all believe in yourself! !

Namefag Edgelord fucked around with this message at 13:47 on Nov 10, 2015

Mar 19, 2015

LastCaress posted:

The FM problems are indicative of a problem that I have been critical of CIG for some time now. CIG (CR) have lots of ideas, the problem is that they are just independent ideas and are not merged together to create a cohesive whole. Many of these ideas run counter to each other, "realistic" physics but "rule of cool" ships, "realistic" physics but physics will be different for each ship( same size engine is different across the ships), delayed ship replacement but short TTK, limited game resources but selling power for real money, just to name a few. But lets look at the FM.

So the reason you use control systems is because you have to, no one wants to use control systems but that is how it works in the real world (its a lot easier to fake it). A PID controller (when compared to a PI controller) is faster, and more precise, but it is much more finicky and requires a lot more upfront work to get stable in a system. While a PI controller is easier to implement and has more tolerance and requires less upfront work. The early AC showed classic signs of being underdeveloped and ultimately underdamped. This got "better" when CIG started putting other controls on top of their original system in order to compensate for the fact they could not get the PID control to be critically damped. This is why the ship are impossible to handle using fixed weapons, and why the thruster values are so high, they are trying to compensate for problems in their PID control system.

So CIG want to have a Control system for each ship, that means each ship will have a different control system with different weighted values, nvm the thruster placements. This means each ship will have to be set up individually just for the stock fitting, then you have to change that control system each time you change the thrusters and other equipment, its a nightmare. The new system is going to make the system easier to set up but it will still require a ton of unneeded work.

So why implement a PID? There is no good reason, it does not make any since when you are talking about the number of ships CIG are creating and the number of changing variables, and because it does not add anything. One excuse that I have seen as to why have a control system is so that when you lose a thruster you will feel its effect. The problem with this is that a Control system is designed to not do that, the most you will feel is that everything will be sluggish, you will have no idea what happened or what you lost, just that you lost power. For a space craft, every action has to be met with an equal and opposite action in order to hold steady. So lets say you apply thrust to pitch up, you have to apply the same amount of thrust down to stop. So lets say you lose a thruster, the action will be the same, its just that now the control system will force more power to be applied in order to achieve the same steady state. Lets say that to make a specific pitch up at the desired rate it takes 10N of force from each nozzle (4 total, with each nozzle capping out at 20N for a max deflection), and the same then for stopping that action. If you lose a nozzle then all that will happen will be that each of the remanding three will apply more thrust, up to the max point. The pilot will not even tell anything has happened, because the controller (if working correctly) will change everything behind the scene so that the operators actions have the same effect, the only effect will be that the max pitch rate will be lower due to the now lower max thrust available.

The idea that you have to fight the controls is also a work of fantasy, because that is not now a control system works. Lets say that the ship is listing to the right and so you have to correct this problem with the stick, well in the real world that would not happen because the control system is able to input the exact same amount as you the operator is doing and the control system will do it faster and instantly. The control system will just compensate for that action and you will continue to fly straight with the stick centered. The idea that you could turn faster in one direction then another also makes no since, as the force applied to stop the faster spin has to be available in the opposite direction to stop the spin. Now if you want to set up a scenario were you can spin faster one direction but it takes longer to slow down, ok but then its the player that is now the control system (again because SC has fixed rates, and speed caps), and is no different then ED's AF system (using this you are the control system).

What CIG are implementing runs counter to what they appear to want flight to be like.

SC is half-assed reality. They replicate issues that exist in real-life, but don't add the things we do in real-life to mitigate those issues. Cockpit visibility is something we have to deal with IRL, so CIG makes it an issue, but then goes and designs ships for appearance, so the navy's main space superiority fighter has a cockpit with massive struts and no rear visibility at all.

A full face helmet obcures vision is real life, so CIG makes it an issue, but then designs a stupid helmet that completely destroys peripheral vision just so its edges show up on the edge of the screen. They also conveniently forget the glass their fighter canopies are made of, which they say is as strong as the hull because while the thrusters need to be individually modeled because of realism, pilot snipes are taking realism too far.

When you walk, your head moves up and down, so CIG add that, but they forget that IRL your brain filters it out so headbobbing is imperceptible. Instead they code some complex eye stabilization system that doesn't actually help.

The end result is that they end up making something less realistic and believable than if they hadn't tried to be "realistic" at all.

Aesaar fucked around with this message at 13:51 on Nov 10, 2015

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Loiosh posted:

Friend with design degree - So true it hurts :/

I feel terrible for him. He was part of a new program at his school, and once graduated the school had no job placement for their art design grads. He's been looking for work for a year now. Likely he's going to end up doing warehouse work at a Wal-Mart.

yeah my g/f works in computer modelling & character design.. feel ya. She became a literal ditch digger before she could get a job back in the industry


Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.

Namefag Edgelord posted:

Why do we not already have our own cryptocurrency? Gooncoin with the grenade, it's so obvious. You could start tipping each other for particularly funny or helpful posts.

It might actually even gain a semi-respectable market cap if it gets a critical mass of use here. Early adopters of Gooncoin could even get a little but rich if you can get a couple of whales like me to buy a bunch of em.

Buy me an avatar and I'll send you five billion doodoos via mindchain.

  • Locked thread