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Nov 23, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Raskolnikov posted:

I pledge my life to Croberts. Life is grand living for a kickstarter! *falls on fake sword when game never comes out*

Pretty sure all these investors have real hanzo steel katanas.


May 10, 2015

Watch it all come crashing down on his head and wonder why any of us gave him money in the first place.

G0RF posted:

The toilet is right under the shower.

It's really convenient and futuristic, and since there's no toilet paper in there (and it would get wet and gross anyway), you can just stand on your hands and use the shower-head as a bidet after you do your business.

Dunno man, something not quite right about that toilet at all ?

Jan 17, 2008

It'sa me!

Nap Ghost

Agrajag posted:

wouldn't it make more sense for a studio to have concrete for flooring? that way you won't have to worry about damaging the floor from moving the equipment around all the time and when constructing new sets and what have you? and what's up with all the windows in this soon to be mocap studio?

Here's what a real mocap studio looks like:

I've been in there and it's kind of weird in terms of the flooring. There's all kinds of modular flooring they can put over top to get different surfaces, like high grip or padded surfaces, turf, or whatever. Here's a pic showing the modular flooring:

Notice there's no windows either. I don't know wtf CIG is trying to do with that mocap space, but I'd hope that it isn't even close to finished yet in that state. Space wise it doesn't seem ridiculous, but how much space do they really need?

Sep 10, 2012

Maybe this post will get me on your ignore list!

I just wanted freelancer 2.0, why is this a first person universe with 5 mocap studios?

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

jaegerx posted:

I just wanted freelancer 2.0, why is this a first person universe with 5 mocap studios?

because we are making a movie

Nov 25, 2003

Video game movies own

now just imagine this but 10 hours long okay thanks chris

so much cinema anime only it needs to be move like top gun

Nov 25, 2003

yeah we need more QTEs and 10 hour mocap / FMV games.

~golden age of gaming~

Nov 25, 2003

I regret nothing.

When Chris Roberts gets torn apart by cultists

Sep 10, 2012

Maybe this post will get me on your ignore list!

Why haven't you inserted "The Wulge" into any of these videos. I keep waiting for it.

fake edit e:if it's there and i keep missing it i really hate this thread.

May 8, 2004


DarkRefreshment posted:

This is actually pretty standard swindling; nothing specific to CIG. I ordered a full retail boxed dual Android and Windows boot tablet from China for $275. It came to me customs stamped as a "sample" and value was listed as 40 bucks.

Yes. I order hundreds of things from China and it's always valued at 10$ or around it and most times labelled as "gift". It never fools customs, but it's a practice of the chinese manufacturers.

Feb 25, 2014

Bootcha, when you get the rest of your money back you should post one question in this thread. You do not have to tell us that it is the question that you asked CIG and they didn't have an answer for... Don't comment on it, just ask the question. I need this.

A. Beaverhausen
Nov 11, 2008

by R. Guyovich
Are RSI/CIG out of business yet?

Dapper Dan
Dec 16, 2004
Can't post for 2 years!

OhDearGodNo posted:

They bought approx 50 Optitrack Prime 17w cameras - they run about $4,000 each.

However it was mentioned before that using Optitrack isn't the "top of the line" system. It wouldn't surprise me if they trashed it for something pricier.

Chris Roberts has been drooling over Vicon for years.

He said the Vicon is what they were going with for the new studio (I forget where), which is why the old studio stuff is either dumpstered or sold.

Young Freud posted:

So, we have actually five motion capture studios.

Oh come the gently caress on, how many motion capture studios do you need for a space ship game?

Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Incombibulator posted:

Also, meet the mocap studio 4.5... or could just be Sandi's new office. Unclear as of writing.

It's getting completely decorated for sure. Stupid. Waste. Of. Money.

That actually looks like they really BUILT it from the ground up, or alternatively rent a brand spanking new building which puts even more money on top of the already expensive area.
Also IANAREA (I am not a real estate agent) or movie producer but that room suggests 3 things:

1. That is no studio, it is far too small.
2. That flooring tells me it will be some sort of office space, it is not suited for rolling equipment around on it at all. Otherwise it would be resin flooring or whatever you call those liquid flooring material for industry floors (or that special modular stuff from the other guys post)
3. More money is being used to finance stuff that has no relation to the game here.

Just wait for the completed pic:
Chris, Sandi and Ben in 3 giant gently caress of desks coked-up-Croberts style smirking and enjoying their free luxury sponsored by idiot backers.

Jul 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

staberind posted:

Perhaps take a leaf out of Derek's book.

Don't, he will sue the gently caress out of you.

Or at least say he will.

Nov 13, 2005

Young Freud posted:

Actually, people forget there was another mocap studio called 3lateral between the Imaginarium and Cubic Motion. 3lateral was hired specifically for facial animation. OhDearGodNo found this out, scouring through RSI/CIG press releases.

So, we have actually five motion capture studios.

CIG should get out of the game business and just set up mocap studios. They seem quite good at that.

Sep 30, 2009

Berious posted:

CIG should get out of the game business and just set up mocap studios. They seem quite good at that.

CIG reach the point where their budget is so bloated their dream powered nerd blimp breaks loose from its moorings and start travelling round the country leaving nothing but mocap studios in its wake.


It's a beautiful image.

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo

The mocap space sex dungeon needs a tower of power in the corner, would really finish off the look.

Oct 5, 2003

by R. Guyovich
Nap Ghost
Around the Verse is so painfully telling.

Talk talk talk, interviews.

Absolutely no gameplay footage. None. "It's in QA."

Two 30 second clips from existing "demo" releases, one showing severe lagging.

Footage of "redesigned" ship. Sitting there. No footage whatsoever showing it implemented in game. None.

The ONLY footage of it doing anything shows the ship bathroom deploying a toilet and sink.

"Freelancer Rework Concept Art, Work-in-Progress".

EVERYONE talking like the game is working and assets are working and implemented. But no proof shown whatsoever.

It feels like everyone in the video is being told what to say.


Oct 4, 2015

Herald of the Stimpire

Pooned posted:

What is a parp? Sorry I haven't read all 10k posts.

It can be anything you want it to be.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
Using the crowd funding spreadsheet and assuming I didn't do anything stupid.

Amount per Month
October 2013 $5,128,356
October 2014 $3,837,894
October 2015 $4,283,915

November 2013 $7,880,937
November 2014 $6,123,928

November 2015 raised so far $352,297
6 days till sale start, very roughly assume 20k per day is $120,000 which would put them on around 94.4 million raised at sale start

In order for November 2015 to equal November 2014 the 12 day sale period (which should last the rest of November) needs to bring in around $5.6 million (almost half a million a day).

Which is more than the entire month of October, which is almost exactly what they need to reach 100 million and 100 million raised by the end of 2015 is one of the few goals I'm sure Chris Roberts is dedicated to achieving.

October 2015 had Citizen Con, a new LTI ship sale (maybe two I forget), a military ship sale, the new CCU system that allows you to upgrade to pretty much anything while keeping LTI, media attention for breaking 1 million backers forum accounts and a new exciting pyramid scheme.

I think they are going to throw everything at this sale, high value ship concept sales, alien ships the lot.

AP fucked around with this message at 13:59 on Nov 13, 2015

Sep 22, 2011

How's his widow holding up?
Have they started selling paint jobs for the buggies yet? Or upgrades for the wheels and engines?

Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Let the sale come, I have already done the sensible thing and set aside 100€ to spend on games this month.

~60 € for ED Horizons and ~40 for SW Battlefront

Oct 15, 2012

Here comes a new challenger!
Oven Wrangler
I bought two games this month and the only game I find myself playing is a free to play in beta. :|

People should try Total War: Arena, I suckered a bunch of friends into trying it and it has sunk its hooks into them.

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon

Lemon King posted:

I posted these on Twitter: and it shipped from Guangzhou, China by 4PX Worldwide Express.

If you could PM me the customs label as well I would appreciate it.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

AP posted:

Amount per Month
November 2013 $7,880,937
November 2014 $6,123,928

November 2015 raised so far $352,297

What were the Month-To-Date amounts in November 2013 and 2014? (Or, if that won't be apples to apples, what were the daily revenue averages in November 2013/2014 before their Anniversary sales kicked off?)

I'm just curious what the Baseline daily revenues were in the window prior to '13 / '14 anniversary sales.

Jun 25, 2010
How about a real Space Game?

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

G0RF posted:

What were the Month-To-Date amounts in November 2013 and 2014? (Or, if that won't be apples to apples, what were the daily revenue averages in November 2013/2014 before their Anniversary sales kicked off?)

I'm just curious what the Baseline daily revenues were in the window prior to '13 / '14 anniversary sales.

Crowdfunding Development Spreadsheet 2.0

Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.
I can't tell if it's us playing the game or the game playing us.

Feb 20, 2008

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe
If we are posting odd space games to scratch the itch, Grav is free for the weekend on steam, its an odd game, but i am kind of sucked in.

& get an ointment.

staberind fucked around with this message at 14:05 on Nov 13, 2015

Jul 25, 2010

Hopper posted:

Let the sale come, I have already done the sensible thing and set aside 100€ to spend on games this month.

~60 € for ED Horizons and ~40 for SW Battlefront

Waiting for the next Fig game here. Been holding onto $1k to try out the service for December (depending on the offering).

Apr 6, 2014

Lipstick Apathy
lol customs justice warriors

Like you, I hate it when confiscatory taxes go unpaid

Go get 'em! :downs:

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon

Gerbil_Pen posted:

lol customs justice warriors

Like you, I hate it when confiscatory taxes go unpaid

Go get 'em! :downs:

Spite is a powerful motivator.

Nov 13, 2005

Gerbil_Pen posted:

confiscatory taxes

How many bitcoins do you own?

Apr 6, 2014

Lipstick Apathy

Berious posted:

How many bitcoins do you own?

I used trigger words

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Maldoror posted:

Around the Verse is so painfully telling.

Talk talk talk, interviews.

Absolutely no gameplay footage. None. "It's in QA."

Two 30 second clips from existing "demo" releases, one showing severe lagging.

Footage of "redesigned" ship. Sitting there. No footage whatsoever showing it implemented in game. None.

The ONLY footage of it doing anything shows the ship bathroom deploying a toilet and sink.

"Freelancer Rework Concept Art, Work-in-Progress".

EVERYONE talking like the game is working and assets are working and implemented. But no proof shown whatsoever.

It feels like everyone in the video is being told what to say.


The funny thing is, if they actually did have a QA process and really were moving forwards towards some actual game content, it would be trivially easy for them to take this as a launching point for taking control of the message and reversing it completely.

Include a “blooper reel” segment that takes the funniest bug(s) discovered in QA and show it to the world. Have the programmers discuss what's happening and why — get really technical and nerdy. Steal the thunder from all the janky-glitch-GIFs and turn it into a “ha ha, that was funny… maybe we should keep that bug” piece of self-deprecating comedy (the forums would eat it up; I can see the polls to keep particularly hilarious screw-ups already). For bonus points, if development should accidentally happen at some stage, they could even do re-visits to see how “boring but pretty” it is when the bugs are fixed. It would demonstrate an interest, passion, humour, and level of… I don't know… gamer-ness that is woefully lacking at the moment. I have yet to meet anyone who likes a game who can't also laugh uproariously at the hidden broken details in that game.

Of course, that would require that they have a sense of humour, as well as the distance needed for that kind of self-deprecation — neither of which I believe they can pull off. Not even going into the pseudo-conspiracy theory of there being no development to show off, I think they're so hung up on preserving the image of The Perfect Game (and, somehow, The Perfect Game Development) that no mistakes are allowed to be seen. If they weren't, they could live up to the much-vaunted (but largely absent) idea of having an open development process, while at the same time pull the rug from under the feet of people who use bugs and similar jank as evidence of poor quality at this stage.

Tippis fucked around with this message at 15:07 on Nov 13, 2015

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
They had the top ten funniest bugs a few times on that lovely around the verse show, but that was a while back.

I can't help thinking that anyone with any sense at all would have decided 6 months ago that something just has to ship on November 19th, so even with their record of being absolutely horrible at releasing anything. I still sort of half think they might release 2.0 on the 19th, even with nothing in it apart from a couple of landing areas, being able to float around, the retaliator (obviously not the constellation as that's still being worked on) and terrible fps combat/animations, people will at least have something to do for a few days before they get bored with it.

Jan 11, 2014

Ask and ye shall receive.

Tippis posted:

The funny thing is, if they actually did have a QA process and really were moving forwards towards some actual game content, it would be trivially easy for them to take this as a launching point for taking control of the message and reversing it completely.

Include a “blooper reel” segment that takes the funniest bug(s) discovered in QA and show it to the world. Have the programmers discuss what's happening and why — get really technical and nerdy. Steal the thunder from all the janky-glitch-GIFs and turn it into a “ha ha, that was funny… maybe we should keep that bug” piece of self-deprecating comedy (the forums would eat it up; I can see the polls to keep particularly hilarious screw-ups already). For bonus points, if development should accidentally happen at some stage, they could even do re-visits to see how “boring but pretty” it is when the bugs are fixed. It would demonstrate an interest, passion, humour, and level of… I don't know… gamer-ness that is woefully lacking at the moment. I have yet to meet anyone who likes a game who can't also laugh uproariously at the hidden broken details in that game.

Of course, that would require that they have a sense of humour, as well as the distance needed for that kind of self-deprecation — neither of which I believe they can pull off. Not even going into the pseudo-conspiracy theory of there being no development to show off, I think they're so hung up on preserving the image of The Perfect Game (and, somehow, The Perfect Game Development) that no mistakes are allowed to be seen. If they weren't, they could live up to the much-vaunted (but largely absent) idea of having an open development process, while at the same time pull the rug from under the feet of people who use bugs and similar jank as evidence of poor quality at this stage.

The problem with that is you can't show the same bugs over and over again. If bugs stay unfixed for too long people can start questioning quality of the product.

LMAO, it's citizens we're talking about, of course no one would question anything. :gary:

Jul 25, 2010

AP posted:

They had the top ten funniest bugs a few times on that lovely around the verse show, but that was a while back.

I can't help thinking that anyone with any sense at all would have decided 6 months ago that something just has to ship on November 19th, so even with their record of being absolutely horrible at releasing anything. I still sort of half think they might release 2.0 on the 19th, even with nothing in it apart from a couple of landing areas, being able to float around, the retaliator (obviously not the constellation as that's still being worked on) and terrible fps combat/animations, people will at least have something to do for a few days before they get bored with it.

I seriously doubt they have it stable enough to release by then.


Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Paladinus posted:

The problem with that is you can't show the same bugs over and over again. If bugs stay unfixed for too long people can start questioning quality of the product.

LMAO, it's citizens we're talking about, of course no one would question anything. :gary:

Well, yeah. The whole thing kind of assumes that they're, you know, actually developing the game and moving to a releasable state. I'm guessing that CTDs in Photoshop when you run out of memory don't make for very varied or interesting TV. :D

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