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  • Locked thread
Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Loiosh posted:

This is likely. The Concierge and Subscriber chats both have people making plans for what they'll buy for the sale.

Sound strategy imho. I'd also have to hype myself up by getting my peers approval in an echochamber to justify future purchases of jpegs against my better judgement. Otherwise I might start to think about my senseless spending.


Aug 25, 2010

Marching Powder is objectively the worst poster known. He also needs to learn how a keyboard works.

Idea for the inevitable true story movie:

Name: The Longest Two Weeks

Synopsis: Affluent Jobless and aimless, Conrad Valmont Wulf Knight lives a life of leisure emailing dick pics in his parent's prestigious Manhattan Hotel parts unknown basement. In the span of one two weeks, he finds himself evicted, disinherited, and... in love divorced.

Jul 25, 2010

Hopper posted:

Sound strategy imho. I'd also have to hype myself up by getting my peers approval in an echochamber to justify future purchases of jpegs against my better judgement. Otherwise I might start to think about my senseless spending.

People do like their circle jerks and echo chambers :)

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


Loiosh posted:

People do like their circle jerks and echo chambers :)

Hey dude being in two simultaneous circlejerks is kinda gay

Sep 22, 2011

How's his widow holding up?

CrazyLoon posted:

Never actually played it. Just Deus Ex: HR, which I found mostly cool, but never the original. System Shock 2 though...ayup.

Though on a less known note, I miss Little Big Adventure from the mid 90s so drat much...that and the sequel were such fun things.

System Shock 2 was pretty great. The first Deus Ex is a bit of a marmite deal, has a very unintuitive starting level, atrocious voice acting and some very odd design decisions, but it is still got a lot of depth, replayability and some interesting story ideas. The wee chat you have with an AI called Morpheus is pretty great.

LBA has not aged well. What's that, damage for running in to walls? Isometric 3d platforming? Dr Funfrock?

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Loiosh posted:

People do like their circle jerks and echo chambers :)

There have been various Star Citizen threads here and the tone has changed over time to what it is now, so you could blame CIG for that too.

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

What if... what if the Vanduul Queen is the love interest?

well for one thing, this sounds potentially interesting and Chris Roberts really only writes derivative pap, so.

Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Loiosh posted:

People do like their circle jerks and echo chambers :)

True, I am just glad the one I chose doesn't cost me much, and provides free jpegs. Which reminds me: EONWE! More cattes please

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

ShredsYouSay posted:

System Shock 2 was pretty great. The first Deus Ex is a bit of a marmite deal, has a very unintuitive starting level, atrocious voice acting and some very odd design decisions, but it is still got a lot of depth, replayability and some interesting story ideas. The wee chat you have with an AI called Morpheus is pretty great.

LBA has not aged well. What's that, damage for running in to walls? Isometric 3d platforming? Dr Funfrock?

I just recently tried replaying the original Deus Ex, fueled by hazy memories of enjoying it basically forever ago. It certainly feeds into the whole "Back in my day games were better because they were harder and worse!" mentality.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


Hopper posted:

True, I am just glad the one I chose doesn't cost me much, and provides free jpegs. Which reminds me: EONWE! More cattes please

Jul 25, 2010

Hopper posted:

True, I am just glad the one I chose doesn't cost me much, and provides free jpegs. Which reminds me: EONWE! More cattes please

JPEGS, cats and gifs. And the best: cat gifs

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Ghostlight posted:

Derek simultaneously has nothing going on in his life and that's why he spends so much time posting about Star Citizen lol get a life Derek you jealous nerd - but also if Derek doesn't post about Star Citizen for a couple of days it's because his medication isn't balanced and he's dying for attention lol sort out your poo poo Derek you hot mess.
I like how "Mathilda2013" claims to be able to communicate with Karl, knows what Karl is up to, and knows Karl's familial status. They also both happen to be German auditors. Also, whatever "He is not Karl" means.

Aug 10, 2015


Beet Wagon posted:

What if Croberts voiced the love interest?

In that case, I'd probably just fall asleep while he droned on.

ShredsYouSay posted:

LBA has not aged well. What's that, damage for running in to walls? Isometric 3d platforming? Dr Funfrock?

Well yeah, not aged well for sure but...dangit, I played that game when I was 8 or 9 years old and onwards...was just perfect for me at that age anywho. :(

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

CrazyLoon posted:

In that case, I'd probably just fall asleep while he droned on.

Well yeah, not aged well for sure but...dangit, I played that game when I was 8 or 9 years old and onwards...was just perfect for me at that age anywho. :(

His/her only lines would be "Um," "Immersion," and "Fidelity."

Apr 4, 2014

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy

Everything from Neal Ashers Polity Universe is loving great.


Loiosh posted:

Technically, 3 of those are not aliens :D (#1 is a modified human, #4 is a cyborg/golem and Ian Cormic, #5 is an AI robot)

I don't know where #2 came from. #3 is my favorite, a Prador, which are hate-filled intelligent crab-like aliens who think humans taste yummy.

That series also has the best AI main character in the later books. Penny Royal <3

I didn't realize that Cormac had been confirmed as a bot (Maybe in a book I haven't read yet?). I knew that Blegg was, but with Cormac it was my understanding that he was just heavily modified with experimental tech possibly originally coming from Jain-tech.

McGiggins fucked around with this message at 23:06 on Nov 16, 2015

Tank Boy Ken
Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib

Mirificus posted:

I like how "Mathilda2013" claims to be able to communicate with Karl, knows what Karl is up to, and knows Karl's familial status. They also both happen to be German auditors. Also, whatever "He is not Karl" means.

I think it's about Derek Smart mentioning (in jest) that Loiosh is Karl. Which is rather apparently a joke. Since their posts have only one thing in common: A rather positiv view on CIG and their actions. They're quite far away from each other on the reasonable scale.

Jul 25, 2010

McGiggins posted:

I didn't realize that Cormac had been confirmed as a bot (Maybe in a book I haven't read yet?). I knew that Blegg was, but with Cormac it was my understanding that he was just heavily modified with experimental tech possibly originally coming from Jain-tech.

Cormac's an exceptional human, but just a human. The golem was the other guy.

And yes, Neal's stuff is amazing. He's one of my buy-anything authors. Him, Naomi Novick, Peter F. Hamilton, and Ann Leckie are authors who I will buy anything they produce.

Dec 29, 2005

Hindustan Electronics Employee of the Month, July 2008
Grimey Drawer

Hopper posted:

Sound strategy imho. I'd also have to hype myself up by getting my peers approval in an echochamber to justify future purchases of jpegs against my better judgement. Otherwise I might start to think about my senseless spending.

Sounds like the Steam sale threads

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

D_Smart posted:

1) people who get refunds, and their accounts closed, don't affect that count. We've actually tracked that, believe it or not

How could you possibly track that? It takes weeks for them to process a refund request, in the meanwhile their backer counter increased by 5000 people. How can you know it wasn't 5001 and they deduced one person who asked a refund?

it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

ShredsYouSay posted:

Does anyone still like the original Deus Ex? :corsair:

Best game ever.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

2.0 will be "close" to the sale, "soon"*

*336 hours

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless

ShredsYouSay posted:

Does anyone still like the original Deus Ex? :corsair:

I bought Deus Ex at release day, installed it around 7PM and the next thing I noticed it was 6AM, I hadn't had diner and it was time to take a shower and head to work.

Coincidentally the only two other games I ever bought at release day in my life were Half Life and... Battlecruiser 3000AD.

grimcreaper posted:

I hated that game with a passion. It was awful in every way.
You are awful and I hate you.

MeLKoR fucked around with this message at 23:32 on Nov 16, 2015

Lord of Garbagemen
Jan 27, 2014

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
After four weeks of waiting , I received my 20 dollar refund!!!!!!! It has been a pleasure citizens o7!

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Jan 23, 2006

I Saved PC Gaming

That 10 for the Chairman was just Croberts saying "no that won't be in 2.0" over and over.

Rad Russian
Aug 15, 2007

Soviet Power Supreme!
I'd play 2.0 if they make it free and someone mods a flyable space airhorn into it that can zoom around and annoy pubbies by loudly PAAAAAARRPPPing at their useless $3000 dollar pixels.

Sep 16, 2012
Grimey Drawer
1 year from now:

That 10 for the Chairman was just Croberts saying "no that won't be in 3.0" over and over.

Oct 15, 2012

woo woo


ShredsYouSay posted:

Does anyone still like the original Deus Ex? :corsair:

Original Deus Ex was fantastic. 2000 was a good year for video games: Icewind Dale, BG2, Red Alert 2, Quake 3, Soldier of Fortune.

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx
wrt to the escape pod question: Chris says the repercussion of not using an escape pod is that you "will lose a life", like it's an arcade game. What does losing a life mean in an MMO?

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

A Neurotic Jew posted:

wrt to the escape pod question: Chris says the repercussion of not using an escape pod is that you "will lose a life", like it's an arcade game. What does losing a life mean in an MMO?

A long time ago they wrote up an insane and confusing thing about how death is going to "work" in Star Citizen. Something about you die but there's a chance you can be revived with some negative side effects but if you can't then your 'next of kin' inherits all your poo poo and you play as that guy or something. I'd wager that's what he's referring to.

bird with big dick
Oct 21, 2015

Jesus, did BG2 really come out in 2000. I am old gently caress.

Dec 10, 2007


A Neurotic Jew posted:

wrt to the escape pod question: Chris says the repercussion of not using an escape pod is that you "will lose a life", like it's an arcade game. What does losing a life mean in an MMO?

lmao, Chris-R wants this to have permadeath?!? Does he have any clue-

Beet Wagon posted:

A long time ago they wrote up an insane and confusing thing about how death is going to "work" in Star Citizen. Something about you die but there's a chance you can be revived with some negative side effects but if you can't then your 'next of kin' inherits all your poo poo and you play as that guy or something. I'd wager that's what he's referring to.

Oh, so it's not permadeath at all, just a convoluted re-spawn mechanic. :rolleyes:

Jul 25, 2010

SirPhoebos posted:

lmao, Chris-R wants this to have permadeath?!? Does he have any clue-

Oh, so it's not permadeath at all, just a convoluted re-spawn mechanic. :rolleyes:

It's here if you want to read the entire thing:

But basically the summary at the time was you'd have a certain number of 'deaths' your character could have. Each time it would add a scare or damage, kinda like how the Nemesis System works for Shadow of Mordor (BTW, was that game great or what?) - I had one Orc who lost an eye and got an eyepatch. Then I killed him and he came back with some arrows in his back. Then I lit him on fire and killed him and he came back with a bag over his head and fire damage on his skin.

THEN he died for realsies.

Orc Trolling Sim is my favorite sim.

Jul 25, 2010
Oh, right I got distracted by Mordor memories.

Anyways, after enough death, your character would suffer a permadeath and you'd have to create a new one who would inherit your possessions. So death, but not really.

Apr 4, 2014

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy

Io_ posted:

Original Deus Ex was fantastic. 2000 was a good year for video games: Icewind Dale, BG2, Red Alert 2, Quake 3, Soldier of Fortune.

BG2 was great and I was sad that I never got to multiplayer it with anyone.

I could never finish it because I was a dumb kid at the time and it was too complex

Jul 22, 2007

Vancian Roulette
BG2 is so old, it circled back around and a new expansion is coming out soon.

Jul 15, 2005
The latest Descent Underground update has pimped Battlescape Infinity. I'm tempted. Is it bad? Help me bestthread.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Wonder if they'll sell the $400 Constellation phoenix again during this sale.

Also possibly adding some form of space magic.

AP fucked around with this message at 00:40 on Nov 17, 2015

May 8, 2005

TTerrible posted:

The latest Descent Underground update has pimped Battlescape Infinity. I'm tempted. Is it bad? Help me bestthread.

It is good. However, I'm one of the artists working on it so I'm a bit biased.


Jul 25, 2010

AP posted:

Wonder if they'll sell the $400 Constellation phoenix again during this sale.

Very much so. The Connie is a big part of the 2.0 release. It'll be that and the Retaliator bomber I think that'll be pushed.

Though not the specific phoenix package because they've said the variants are in progress since they've changed them to use the final modular system.

  • Locked thread