Also spotted dick and custard is legit, but I actually like having it with ice cream. The idea of putting "salad cream" on salad is terrifying though.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 18:53 |
I understand now. The new mocap studio was for hidden features. It converts an actor's movements directly into ship designs and procedurally prices them.
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no_recall posted:Everyone who backed this game, is backing a internet series studio. A lot of insight into a game that doesnt exist!
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Does anyone have the posts saved by the gimmick croberts poster? The one about him having his friend lesnick being his turtle and he just wanted to raise enough cash to bang some cosplay groupies.
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Yo for real though, can we just take a second to acknowledge that the best genre of sandwiches are fat sandwiches and anyone who denies that is loving incorrect? Best sandwich is one from the hole in the wall down the road where I grew up. Bacon + Lettuce + Tomato + Chicken Fingers + French Fries + Honey Barbeque sauce. I had to starve myself all day to eat it, but gently caress it was worth it. ![]() If y'all are ever in north NJ loving grab one of them. And eat it while questioning why you were in NJ.
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uhh...even Doobies looks better than that!
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Spaced God posted:Yo for real though, can we just take a second to acknowledge that the best genre of sandwiches are fat sandwiches and anyone who denies that is loving incorrect? I dont know... a hotdog and some ketchup are pretty hard to beat when you want something fast.
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grimcreaper posted:I dont know... a hotdog and some ketchup are pretty hard to beat when you want something fast. Ketchup? On a hot dog? Are you a heathen?
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jaegerx posted:Ketchup? On a hot dog? Are you a heathen? Ok, heres how you make the best damned hotdog. thin strips of bacon, wrap em around the hotdog. Cook till bacon slightly crispy (not in the microwave) add a line of ketchup, a decent chunk of spicy relish, and a couple dabs of mustard. done. Ketchup and hot dogs were meant to go together.
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jaegerx posted:Ketchup? On a hot dog? Are you a heathen? Love Watties on a hotdog ![]() ![]()
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grimcreaper posted:Ok, heres how you make the best damned hotdog. umm you forgot to garnish with sprinkles and cheetos
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Kakarot posted:umm you forgot to garnish with sprinkles and cheetos what the hell... i just gave out the recipe for Arizonas most revered Diamond Dogs... and this is the mockery i receive as payment. ![]() I oughta buy SC now just to spite people like you. That will show you.
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Spaced God posted:Yo for real though, can we just take a second to acknowledge that the best genre of sandwiches are fat sandwiches and anyone who denies that is loving incorrect? I would like to try Disco Fries from NJ sometime.
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Sushi in Yiddish posted:I would like to try Disco Fries from NJ sometime. Disco fries are beautiful
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OhDearGodNo posted:You're a bona-fide goddamn loving moron. Yes I'm actually insulting you now. I know I am late to this party since i haven't had time to check the thread since I last posted but holy poo poo ![]()
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you loving heathen
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peter gabriel posted:I've come to realise all space games are poo poo bingo bango bongo
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I ventured into the rest of reddit today. In the first thread I found this delightful comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/3t3w70/the_dalai_lama_on_terrorist_attacks_we_cannot/cx30fvl Hope Reddit's mods realize they have a potential serial killer commenting. Guy is one school bully short of going Columbine.
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Croberts posted:I think there will be more freeform from space down to planets than we were originally planning, and it will all stream Aaaaand there it is. One sentence implying gigantic scope creep because Croberts noticed that Elite and Space Engineers and Inifinity were all doing it, and Star Citizen was no longer the "Best." gently caress it! All those landing zones you did in the last three years- throw em away! We're doing seamless now!
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Sarsapariller posted:Aaaaand there it is. One sentence implying gigantic scope creep because Croberts noticed that Elite and Space Engineers and Inifinity were all doing it, and Star Citizen was no longer the "Best." gently caress it! All those landing zones you did in the last three years- throw em away! We're doing seamless now! I love how the game will never get done because games will keep implementing newer better things. SCOPE CREEP!!!!!
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no_recall posted:Everyone who backed this game, is backing a internet series studio. I have never figured out what "Reverse the Verse" means.
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It's like poetry. It rhymes.
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Spaced God posted:Bacon + Lettuce + Tomato + Chicken Fingers + French Fries + Honey Barbeque sauce. Hrm, I'd have to figure out the french fries part, but I suppose I could replace chicken fingers with chicken fries. Maybe a mozzarella stick or two. Could be one of those weekend homemade food coma sandwiches.
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kordansk posted:I love how the game will never get done because games will keep implementing newer better things. SCOPE CREEP!!!!! And it's not just that! He implied seamless planetary landings and limb-based armor selection and in-game voice commands and interactive cockpit switches and full escape sequences and none of it, none of it is supported by the game as it exists today. At the same time he couldn't answer basic loving questions like "What will the starting planets be" in the portion of the game that was supposed to be out and finished right now, end of 2015. They haven't even started planning for the persistent universe and he's already expanding the scope in his head. They've reached the point where development has delayed for so long that a bunch of indie games caught up and started to make Star Citizen look like the lukewarm poo poo that it actually is, and he's racing to get his promises out ahead of the actual state of games again. He did not put thought one into how to actually deliver any of it, because he doesn't plan to actually deliver any of it. It's really evident if you read between the lines of his statements in that video. God it pisses me off.
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sincx posted:I have never figured out what "Reverse the Verse" means. It's the show that comes on after "Around" and "Reverse" is sort of a vaguely location-related like "Around" but also implies backing up which sort of sounds like "Comes After" if you squint and "Reverse" is assonant with "Verse" and people who are really quite stupid but who want to sound clever might mistake it for a great title.
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Sarsapariller posted:It's the show that comes on after "Around" and "Reverse" is sort of a vaguely location-related like "Around" but also implies backing up which sort of sounds like "Comes After" if you squint and "Reverse" is assonant with "Verse" and people who are really quite stupid but who want to sound clever might mistake it for a great title. They should rebrand it "Reverse the Hearse," since they're so desperate to convince everybody that the game isn't dead.
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Sarsapariller posted:Aaaaand there it is. One sentence implying gigantic scope creep because Croberts noticed that Elite and Space Engineers and Inifinity were all doing it, and Star Citizen was no longer the "Best." gently caress it! All those landing zones you did in the last three years- throw em away! We're doing seamless now! You know, the list that starts with that "Fix Crosshairs" thing that's been eluding them for months?
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Sarsapariller posted:It's the show that comes on after "Around" and "Reverse" is sort of a vaguely location-related like "Around" but also implies backing up which sort of sounds like "Comes After" if you squint and "Reverse" is assonant with "Verse" and people who are really quite stupid but who want to sound clever might mistake it for a great title. Every time they make some progress in the game Croberts comes out of his cocaine vault to tell them to scrap it all because there's a new vision, so they have to "reverse the verse" and start over. The title is a cry for help.
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sincx posted:I have never figured out what "Reverse the Verse" means. It's where they take a complete disaster and turn it into something that sounds good on paper.
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G0RF posted:Every time Frontier previews an upcoming improvement to the game, I feel sorry for CIG's Dev Team. Because they just got more crap added to their already insurmountable "To Do" list by a surely quite frustrated Chris Roberts. Also, remember that Frontier are also working on a loving Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 defacto sequel. By the time Star Citizen failed miserably, Frontier will have released two ENTIRE loving GAMES and an expansion pack. And gently caress knows how many improvements to Elite. I suppose this is what happens when you Kickstart an estaliblshed developer who wants to make their dream, or a lunatic who got thrown out of Hollywood.
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lmfao @ croberts sorry cant post im playing elite dangerous a space game in space with space ships
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RagnarokZ posted:Also, remember that Frontier are also working on a loving Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 defacto sequel. Frontier has not deviated from their roadmap since KS (with exception a few minor things). They have nailed every deliverable, for that alone, they've earned my trust.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tyWUT0UsZE Srsly. no_recall fucked around with this message at 08:55 on Nov 17, 2015 |
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sincx posted:I have never figured out what "Reverse the Verse" means. Some days I wish Fox and/or Joss Whedon (whomever owns the Firefly propery) would just sue the poo poo out of him for blatantly stealing.
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AP posted:Anvil Aerospace Crucible – A so-called “flying toolbox,” the Crucible is the ship you want on your side when you suffer an asteroid collision or survive a pirate attack! Structurally, the Crucible consists of a cockpit, drive unit and workshop. The Crucible’s workshop is versatile: it can be used as a base for conducting EVA repairs (complete with requisite tool storage) or it can use magnetic grapplers to attach directly to a ship hull. In this situation, the workshop actually opens to space and allows a repair crew direct access to a damaged ship. The workshop can either maintain artificial gravity or allow for zero-g repair operations, depending on the needs of the mission. The Crucible’s cockpit is also outfitted with an array of repair tools, including dual purpose mounts that can exchange weapons for tractor beams and remote manipulator arms. The Crucible is also part of a larger planned repair system. For larger projects, independent sections of support struts and drive units, called the Miller ERS (External Repair Structure), can be locked together to form a sort of scaffolding around a damaged starship, the next best thing to an orbital drydock. A standard ERS unit includes a small drive, thrusters, magnetic attach points and modular hardpoints for mounting tractor beams, repair tools or weapons. ERS segments each have a code defining their shape (P1 = Straight section, P2= Left turn, P3 = Right turn, etc.) with the multiple layouts allowing extensive zero-gravity construction as necessary. In the case of damaged capital ships, like the Navy’s Bengal carriers, hundreds of ERS units might be formed into a latticework serviced by a dozen or more Crucibles. Holy poo poo this sounds like an entire game in itself.
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no_recall posted:Frontier has not deviated from their roadmap since KS (with exception a few minor things). They have nailed every deliverable, for that alone, they've earned my trust. They cut offline mode and that wasn't minor then they stalled on refunds before finally giving in. Now you could take the fact that they dropped a feature as a positive sign of firmer commitments to deliver the other features, as they took a lot of grief for it. It would have been easier just to promise it for later and never do it like CIG does for everything but Frontier should have refunded people immediately and probably didn't because so many people believe kickstarter promises somehow aren't binding (they are). Star Citizen will at least likely sort out all the misconceptions around crowdfunding when this is over.
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AP posted:They cut offline mode and that wasn't minor then they stalled on refunds before finally giving in. Now you could take the fact that they dropped a feature as a positive sign of firmer commitments to deliver the other features, as they took a lot of grief for it. It would have been easier just to promise it for later and never do it like CIG does for everything but Frontier should have refunded people immediately and probably didn't because so many people believe kickstarter promises somehow aren't binding (they are). How would that game have ever worked in offline mode anyway? There's 400 billion stars. Even with procedural generation that would be a huge set of files.
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celewign posted:There's 400 billion stars. Even with procedural generation that would be a huge set of files. vvv I definitely can't argue with the technical reasons, they did leave the announcement very late though which was a bit of a lovely thing to do. I personally wasn't that bothered about offline anyway, but I can see how it'd piss some people off vvv tooterfish fucked around with this message at 09:39 on Nov 17, 2015 |
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AP posted:They cut offline mode and that wasn't minor then they stalled on refunds before finally giving in. Now you could take the fact that they dropped a feature as a positive sign of firmer commitments to deliver the other features, as they took a lot of grief for it. It would have been easier just to promise it for later and never do it like CIG does for everything but Frontier should have refunded people immediately and probably didn't because so many people believe kickstarter promises somehow aren't binding (they are). Valid point. However looking at the commodity markets, now powerplay, and how the data driven it is, I'm of the opinion that the cut just had to be done. It was a conscious business decision which they had to do. The experience right now is by far the best I've had for a long time. But thats just me. Also I play solo a lot on my LTE network and a game session of 2 hours only takes off several megabytes (to compare d3 takes around 200-300 megabytes for the same amount of gaming time). Elite is becoming Diablo in space, and it isn't really a bad thing at all.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 18:53 |
Loiosh posted:I'll totally admit to ME 2 and Witcher III being the games I had the most fun with. ICO remains the 'best game' to me, but I had more fun with ME 2. Add me on steam! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Yorda/ Yeah I might be an ICO fan? Just a little.
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