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  • Locked thread
Dec 9, 2001

Wry and wise,
but also very sexual.

Skyl3lazer posted:

So I pledged 30$ in 2012 for a cool looking spaceship game what the gently caress happened

Do you know how if you get a lot of hydrogen together it ignites an explosion that will last a billion years radiating enough light and heat to power the wildest dreams of its brightest children? It turns out if you sell enough spaceship jpegs, the same thing happens, only the explosion radiates schadenfreude.


Dec 10, 2007


Skyl3lazer posted:

Idk according to ebay idiots will pay like 200 bucks for my account because its #622?

Btw as a side note they invited the first 1,000 accounts to a special "League of Extraordinary Citizens" guild or whatever on the website

Well you could do that too.

Either way, :frogout: (of Star Citizen)

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless
In before the lawsuit.

May 2, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
Grimey Drawer

pftc posted:

I've been talking with BoredDellTechnician.

Dolvak is no longer a moderator at r/DerekSmart.

I assume he wanted me to pass the message along.

New thread off to a great start already. Give 'em hell, Derek!

That fan art is some really disturbing psycho poo poo and the Citizen who made them needs serious help. :stonklol:

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy
Star Citizen's who haven't requested refunds in general need help.

Those that are continually pledging to the greater good of the Church need even more. But its a fantastic show from the pews here.

Damn Dirty Ape
Jan 23, 2015

I love you Dr. Zaius

Lord_NeckBeard posted:

I was watching Fart Shitizen off and on from 2012 to 2014, holding off on building a gaming rig for it and never bought any ships. I got married and bought a couple watches to go with my $20 wedding ring with the money I would have spent on a decent gaming pc. My interest was reignited by all the drama that was bubbling up since the summer. I've been lurking for a while on the old thread, after seeing an @dsmart tweet with a link to it, and today's drama finally pushed me over the edge. The old thread and its baby are the most entertaining threads I've ever read on a forum. Here is my goddamn :10bux:

See you in the 'verse!

Sep 10, 2012

Maybe this post will get me on your ignore list!

The dolvak posts are my favorite. He dares the great one to come after him and he does then starts crying when it happens.

Oct 23, 2010

by LadyAmbien

Skyl3lazer posted:

So I pledged 30$ in 2012 for a cool looking spaceship game what the gently caress happened

I want to say it was Uncle Derek opened my eyes, but really it was dickwulf who saved me from a bad purchase. Thanks dickwulf for all the insanity. :)

Apr 28, 2007

Fun Shoe
that's no typo

Aug 17, 2015

Lipstick Apathy

The writer is a goon.

A Neurotic Jew
Feb 17, 2012

by exmarx

jaegerx posted:

The dolvak posts are my favorite. He dares the great one to come after him and he does then starts crying when it happens.

and then almost instantly gets thrown under the bus by the reddit admin. It's beautiful.

Ursine Catastrophe
Nov 9, 2009

It's a lovely morning in the void and you are a horrible lady-in-waiting.

don't ask how i know

Dinosaur Gum

jaegerx posted:

The dolvak posts are my favorite. He dares the great one to come after him and he does then starts crying when it happens.

Oct 26, 2015

Kegslayer posted:

Actually most of us are just here for the recipes.

I made meatballs last night for dinner. Too much drat oil to deal with:(. I'll go back to sausage and peppers for my pasta. I'll spend the extra time just on the sauce. And drinking wine.

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy

Lord_NeckBeard posted:

I made meatballs last night for dinner.
were they swedish

clone on the phone
Aug 5, 2003

Is CIG out of money yet?

Jan 10, 2012

I love my Cutlass
I love big stompy mechs
I love my HOTAS
I love to salvage wrecks
I love Star Citizen, and all it's craziness
College Slice

Feb 5, 2003
Space Court in our time.

May 20, 2001

Taco Defender

Potato Salad posted:

Derek Smart

Derek Smart


What happened that gave Derek Smart the keys to the kingdom?

I'm just as confused as you are.

Nov 25, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Rasmussen posted:

Is CIG out of money yet?

I don't know if they're completely out of money yet, but it seems like they're stalling more and more on issuing refunds.

Henry Winklers balls
Aug 2, 2006
Slightly Agravic
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


Dapper Dan
Dec 16, 2004
Can't post for 2 years!

Potato Salad posted:

Derek Smart

Derek Smart


What happened that gave Derek Smart the keys to the kingdom?

He basically brought the whole thing into the public sphere that were simmering the whole time. Derek Smart wrote a thing on his blog, newsites went 'lol look at this Derek Smart says poo poo', Escapist then went and published something with their own sources which went 'hey, this might be true'. Then, Chris Roberts sent a long, rambling public rant about Derek Smart and The Escapist, threatening to sue. Basically what CR did was prove the project was in trouble, because a healthy company doesn't let its CEO do that. Also they are never going to sue because their financials would be part of discovery and that is the last thing they want.

Oct 2, 2013

The brown sea is dark and full of terrors, but the paywall burns them all away.


Coconut Tofu
:lesnick: Block of Tofu. 1lb. Extra firm.
:lesnick: Corn starch.
:lesnick: 3 or 4 egg whites.
:lesnick: Panko/Japanese breadcrumbs. They provide the finished product with a nicer texture I feel.
:lesnick: Italian blend breadcrumbs. They taste nice.
:lesnick: Sweetened shredded coconut. We'll need probably a third of one of the bags that you see in the supermarket.

:lesnick: Pina Colada mix. Powder. Mine came in a 35g pouch.
:lesnick: Crushed pineapples in juice. Pictured below is a 20oz can. I only had a can of chunks which I broke up myself, crushed is what you want.
:lesnick: Like 3 tablespoons of sugar.
:lesnick: 12 oz cream cheese.

:lesnick:Get the block of tofu. Extra firm, as illustrated by Alton Brown. Freeze this solid, then thaw it out. This will serve to give it a meatier consistency than if you did not. We like meaty.

:lesnick:Slice it like Alton is demonstrating here, but a lot thinner. Like a lot. Like in the area 1/8" or so. The thinner they are without going overboard, the less we will notice that it is tofu instead of shrimp.

:lesnick:Lay your thin slices out on paper towels and throw a heavy cutting board on top or something. Leave it there for an hour or so. If you're feeling impatient just press on the board yourself till it seems pretty squeezed. Whatever.

:lesnick:Now while your tofu is being pressed, we will make the Pina Colada dipping sauce. This is modeled after Applebee's and after reading a couple of recipes decided that I'd mix the ingredients listed above until tasty to get what I needed.

:lesnick:It may not look like much but it tastes good. I used a hand blender to mix the cream cheese, pina colada mix, sugar, and almost the entire can of pineapples with juice. You may want to hold back on the pineapples a bit and do it to taste but they're my favorite part. That's all. If I had more pineapples around they'd probably go in there too. I like pineapples.

:lesnick:Now you could probably marinate the tofu in some excess pineapple juice for like 15 minutes, which I plan on doing next time. After this optional step, get the oil going. Get a big enough steep-walled pan going with like 1/8"-1/4" of peanut oil or something else with a high smoke point. We want that to be like 325 degress F. If you lack a thermometer like I do at the moment, just drop some coconut shreds in there and see if they take a minute or two to turn brown. That's the temperature we want.

:lesnick:Now I set up the corn starch, egg whites, and coconut/breadcrumbs(both types) combo as pictured. The breadcrumb mixture probably came out to 3 parts coconut, 2 parts panko, 1 part italian breadcrumbs. Go in order from left to right, dipping the pressed strips of tofu into each item. Make sure you get plenty of the breading on the strips.

:lesnick:Drop them into the hot oil, let them go for a couple of minutes till the underside is golden brown and delicious, as pictured. Then flip and wait for the other. You'll have to do this a few times if you made the whole block of tofu.

:lesnick:When they finish in the pan, drop them onto a rack or paper towels or a brown paper bag or something and let them lose some oil and cool off a tiny bit.

:lesnick:Then plate them with the dip(which you have had chillin like a villian in the fridge) and eat. Enjoy. If it sucks, it's not my fault.
Attempted this recipe recently and found the flavor to be a little lackluster. Any advice on how to add a little more excitement?

Nov 25, 2003

Seriously? Seriously?

Feb 10, 2014

Everyone is talking about this cult and all. Reminded me of this scene from conan:

Oct 1, 2015

Who is Kimsemus ?

Apparently he was supposed to go to Space Court and was kicked out of Goon poo poo.

I'm too new here to understand what the gently caress he's talking about so I'll just pass the message along.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Sep 16, 2012
Grimey Drawer

this poo poo is loving amazing. Is this the first posting of these or did I just miss it?

Feb 5, 2003

pftc posted:

Who is Kimsemus ?

Apparently he was supposed to go to Space Court and was kicked out of Goon poo poo.

I'm too new here to understand what the gently caress he's talking about so I'll just pass the message along.

Haha, awesome.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

pftc posted:

Who is Kimsemus ?

Apparently he was supposed to go to Space Court and was kicked out of Goon poo poo.

I'm too new here to understand what the gently caress he's talking about so I'll just pass the message along.

Does he not know that there are multiple groups of Goons?

cl_gibcount 9999
Aug 15, 2002

Unfunny Poster posted:

Does he not know that there are multiple groups of Goons?

no we're all derek smart parachute accounts

Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice


Feb 5, 2003
If a bunch of random reddit nobodies start asking for Space Court that'll be pretty funny in my opinion.

Sep 11, 2001

cl_gibcount 9999 posted:

no we're all derek smart parachute accounts

I'm Smartacus!

Feb 14, 2005

cl_gibcount 9999 posted:

no we're all derek smart parachute accounts

Or Seraph, who the gently caress knows

Oct 2, 2013

The brown sea is dark and full of terrors, but the paywall burns them all away.

Jimb posted:

Or Seraph, who the gently caress knows
He lurks in the dark part of all men's hearts, he is the shadow that walks with us all.

Sep 16, 2012
Grimey Drawer

Unfunny Poster posted:

Does he not know that there are multiple groups of Goons?

People don't understand chaos in motion.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Derek, has anyone ever told you that your lawyer looks like Putin?

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
Star Citizen is dead, Goonrathi is dead and even if it wasn't Kimsemus would prob join Starfleet Dental

Even after being Kimsemsus'd himself Beer didn't let him back in

May 2, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
Grimey Drawer
Started going through that weird Star Citizen fan comic and it just goes on forever and I have no idea what's going on. :psyduck:


Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
He is free in my heart because of this dead game and in future games Kimsemus and I will not be as harsh to the people who did not treat him kindly

Forgive and forget



Imaginary Friend
Jan 27, 2010

Your Best Friend
So.. let me get this straight;

Angry disillusioned racist space nerds following a pube-hating b-actress who's secretly married to a washed out space game developer from the 90's that sells dreams in jpeg-format with Gary Oldman's face on them while laundering money through horse racing with the Swedish mafia and a guy named Fat Steve start an internet war with another Space Game developer that proceeds by threatening to sue everybody while leaking letters made by people who work at a company that dislikes everybody with a Something Awful account, pubes and a mind of their own.. also food recipes and funny gifs of broken space physics.


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