https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3qf69x/psa_help_imgur_to_understand_that_rstarcitizen/ Guys this might be the new go to thread for laughs.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:47 |
# ? Dec 13, 2024 02:29 |
joats posted:https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3qf69x/psa_help_imgur_to_understand_that_rstarcitizen/
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:49 |
So I'm guessing r/starcitizen took friendly fire from that random redditor's imgur autoreporting bot then?
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:51 |
Vire posted:This image is from jan 2015 Philmography 5 points 44 minutes ago I've said it before and I'll say it again: anyone who expected SC to come out before 2016 was clearly delusional about the realities of game development, both in terms of production times for such a huge project and regarding the necessity for studios to low-ball their delivery estimates in order to keep consumers and investors interested. I backed the game 2 years ago and will be very happy to wait another year, or even two, if it means we'll get the game that we're all hoping for. edit : https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3qf3g1/who_else_has_seen_this_sc_isnt_the_only_ones_with/
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:52 |
T.G. Xarbala posted:So I'm guessing r/starcitizen took friendly fire from that random redditor's imgur autoreporting bot then? Because half the stuff we post here comes directly from them because it's so hilariously stupid.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:53 |
Fantastic. Have fun and take care of yourselves out there, reddit.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:54 |
Hooded Reptile posted:Philmography 5 points 44 minutes ago Clearly the people are delusional for trusting CIG. Oh wait.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:55 |
Who said it was reddit or star citizens burning all the jpgs
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:56 |
T.G. Xarbala posted:So I'm guessing r/starcitizen took friendly fire from that random redditor's imgur autoreporting bot then? Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:56 |
In a few
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:57 |
Vire posted:This image is from jan 2015 I believe their plan is to continue to slide backwards, until they hit negative development and eventually overflow to a completed game.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:57 |
Reddit / SC accidentally reporting their own images and getting them taken down is the best thing so far
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:58 |
Vire posted:Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well. Reddit. you are true citizen heroes.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:58 |
Nuclearmonkee posted:I believe their plan is to continue to slide backwards, until they hit negative development and eventually overflow to a completed game. I hope it ends up as dune buggies in space with missile launches, I'd play star citizen if it was just this.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 14:58 |
Hooded Reptile posted:I hope it ends up as dune buggies in space with missile launches, I'd play star citizen if it was just this. so... the expansion to elite dangerous then?
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:00 |
Vire posted:At best they could buy him out probably IIRC there were like half a dozen VCs, and out of those, 2 or 3 got bought out very early on, probably because they were asking real questions. Also,
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:00 |
Hey reddit, archive this:
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:01 |
Truga posted:IIRC there were like half a dozen VCs, and out of those, 2 or 3 got bought out very early on, probably because they were asking real questions. thank you for your service. Saved. one day when this is all over. all the pictures will be unleashed... again.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:02 |
Karl_Ramseier posted:Warum hatte ich instinktiv mit einem Bayern gerechnet? Mach Dir mal keenen Kopp, ohne Drama wär das alles doch nur halb so lustig. Pfft Kopp? Meine 35 Euronen sind gut angelegt und mein passives Erlebnis als Zuschauer war bisher unterhaltsamer als Kino. Und mal ehrlich, auf Bairisch kann man so schön fluchen, ohne es bierernst zu meinen ;-)
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:02 |
Vire posted:Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:02 |
won't somebody think of the pork chops????
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:04 |
Vire posted:Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well. loving lmao
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:05 |
thatguy posted:The recipe posts being an integral part of determining the culprit is absolutely hilarious to me.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:05 |
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:05 |
Goons rush in where Angels fear to tread
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:05 |
hi star citizen redditors reading this thread whatever redditors were reporting the images with a bot, that was a pretty sick self own please keep doing those because we honestly really enjoy it when you self own that badly
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:06 |
Vire posted:Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well. lmbo This is like some bugs bunny bullfight nonsense. It looks like they stopped when they realized what was going on, though.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:06 |
The hell is going on? Derek hasn't had a tweet in 17 hours. My F5 finger is getting tired. I have a full bag of popcorn over here going to waste
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:07 |
I love that they will play it off like 'yeah whatevs we don't care' but inside they will be pretty embarrassed and annoyed
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:08 |
Vire posted:Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well. This is the greatest thing. I don't know a lot about reddit, but can they go back and retroactively fix a "top" reddit post that's now pointing at a removed image? 'Cause if not and this has rendered their "top" page useless for the foreseeable future while we're able to just go in and fix our posts here.... holy poo poo that backfire is so loving funny I don't even know what to say.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:09 |
peter gabriel posted:I love that they will play it off like 'yeah whatevs we don't care' but inside they will be pretty embarrassed and annoyed To be fair it was probably one idiot and most of them think it's pretty scummy too. I mean in that thread they already sent request to imgur to get em back so it's pretty clear they do care.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:09 |
Chalks posted:This is the greatest thing. im pretty sure you can't change the link in a reddit post, so no, they hosed their own top page
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:11 |
SneakyFrog posted:thank you for your service. Don't worry, I keep my shops on my own host, they can't take me down
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:12 |
Eonwe posted:hi star citizen redditors reading this thread Lol, pages and pages of deleted top for all time in /r today.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:12 |
Everything aside, Reddit is an awful website from a technlogical standpoint. Who commented on who, and when, and what? This makes shitposting hard. It also uses some bullshit special snowflake markup language and not BBCode like normal people.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:12 |
Vire posted:To be fair it was probably one idiot and most of them think it's pretty scummy too. I mean in that thread they already sent request to imgur to get em back so it's pretty clear they do care. Well.. since we enacted operation poopypants, all the pics are located in our submarine lair servers, backed up on solid state 50 jiggabyte drives. I suppose if they ask nicely we can put em back.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:12 |
DarkRefreshment posted:The hell is going on? Derek hasn't had a tweet in 17 hours. My F5 finger is getting tired. I have a full bag of popcorn over here going to waste Just set a notification in Twitter to have the Twitter app on your phone notify you when he tweets.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:13 |
Why would someone report this image?
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:13 |
I said come in! posted:Just set a notification in Twitter to have the Twitter app on your phone notify you when he tweets. you poor bastard
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:13 |
# ? Dec 13, 2024 02:29 |
peter gabriel posted:I love that they will play it off like 'yeah whatevs we don't care' but inside they will be pretty embarrassed and annoyed quote:this is likely retaliatory, ds/whatever sockpuppet started dmca'ing pics and archives that screencapped anything ds said or did especially things that he deleted, sounds like he got a stern warning from someone or something, and wanted to get rid of evidence, then someone did it back to him/SA forums and now its just retaliatory, also if imgur actually does take a loook at any of it, (which i doubt) whoevers been issuing the false dmcas are in for a real pimpslapping if imgur feels like it The story is changing. Now it was D Smart who did it first and Reddit was just retaliating.
# ? Oct 27, 2015 15:14 |