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  • Locked thread
Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

sincx posted:

Once the thread reaches a certain number of posts it will get archived. You'll have to go back to the "catalog" for the /vg/ board (their list of threads, but with pictures because 4channers are all in kindergarten) and find the next "scg" thread.

Somebody post the improved image and everyone else post to say "gently caress off goon", ok go.


Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


spacetoaster posted:

Pretty much. I just said I hit some hard times and need the money for family.

Which is true. I'm using the money to upgrade my daughter's roller derby skates.

Whoa man :smith: you almost pawned her childhood for Chris's coke...
Does she at least have food?

Mar 23, 2015

Smyrna Stuffed tomatoes/peppers.

Ok, this one is a little difficult, but definitely worth the try. We tend to eat this a lot in the summer, together with baked potatoes.

In some parts of Greece, they tend to also add ground beef meat to the stuffing mix. I find the following recipe without meat a little better. Translating from Greek. Lets do this!

Ingredients (for 10-12 people or 7 goons.)

12 small dark green peppers
12 small tomatoes
2 ½ cups long grain rice Parboiled. Each couple (tomato-pepper) needs 2/10 cup rice. At 5 couples, you need 1 cup
2 medium onions, finely chopped
4-5 potatoes cut into pieces 3 cm
800 g. tomato juice (2 boxes)
170 g. tomato paste (2 packs of 70 gr.)
60 g. black raisin
50 g. pine cone
4 tbsp chopped parsley (half a bunch approx.)
4 tbsp chopped fresh mint (if not found, put a total of 4 tbsp dry mint)
1 tbsp dried mint
80 g. grated cheese
2 tsp sugar
200 ml. olive oil
50 ml. water
1 tbsp breadcrumbs
Salt, Pepper

5 stages and 19 steps (I said this takes a while, didn't I?)

A. Prepare and assemble the materials:

1. Put the tomatoes and peppers in a pan that you can see they fit in with some small spaces between each vegetable. This will help to fit the potatoes and decide how much extra stuffing, will eventually get into your pan.

2. Wash the tomatoes and peppers and cut the peppers stalk at its root. Throw it away, you won't need it.

3. Finely chop the onion in a food processor (if you are space rich) or a grater. Grate the cheese. Finely chop parsley and mint and finally cut the potatoes into cubes of irregular 3 cm sized pieces.

B. Prepare tomatoes and peppers:

4. You start with the peppers: Cut with a knife the lid (without getting all the way though), lift it and remove the interiors. Keep them in a bowl, this is the stuff that makes or breaks the stuffing.

5. Continue with the tomatoes: Cut the lid with a knife (again, not all the way through) and use a spoon or a curved tool (makeshift or not, are you space rich?) to empty most of the interior (jack-the-knife style). Keep the flesh and the seeds in a separate bowl.

6. Use a fork to perforate the bottom part of the vegetables (careful now). This is a very important step, because it will help keep the stuffed vegetables moist and also take in the juices from the sauce in the pan, later down the line. When finished, put them back in the pan, and place the potatoes you chopped between them, so that all veggies are upright, lids facing you with terror.

7. Now...take the insides you gutted (you murderer!), and grate them well. Put them in a bowl.

8. In this bowl, add the raisins, one canned tomato paste and the chopped mint and parsley.

C. Prepare the filling:

9. In a large deep frying pan with a little oil (always go olive) over low heat, add the onion with the sugar, stir well for a minute or so, and then add the pine nuts. Let them brown for a total of 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently.

10. Add the rice and saute for 1 minute, stirring like a madman.

11. Then add the entire contents of the bowl with the tomato sauce, pepper, herbs and raisins and stir. Try to not jump into the pan yourself, the flavors are pretty baller right now.

12. Once it starts to boil, pour about 2 tsp salt, ¼ tsp pepper and 1.tbs dried mint. Change hands (if you are doing this properly then you have to, your first hand is too tired from continuously stirring) and...yep, keep stirring.

13. In 4-5 minutes, something wonderful happens! Most of the juice is reduced and the rice absorbs it, thus becoming the stuff(ing) of legends. When you see that, pat yourself on the back, turn off the heat and after moving the pan away from the heat, dispatch the grated cheese inside. Stir (for a last time, I promise) and your filling is ready.

D. Fill the tomatoes and peppers:

14. Before you begin, preheat the oven to 180C.

15. Pull the lids up, and using a large spoon fill each tomato and pepper until full, without pressing the contents. Leave a little margin to the rim of the vegetable, so when the rice expands in cooking, it does not overflow. If you have any filling left after the procedure (you should if you used properly sized peppers/tomatoes), then don't worry. Put in between the veggies, it will make the sauce even better!.

16. Put the caps back down, take a little tomato paste (from the second can), a sprinkle breadcrumbs and a little cheese, and put it on top of them. This is more a "LOOK AT ME, I'M FABULOUS!!1" step instead of a proper one, but its still worth it when you eat the cap afterwards.

17. Now, throw around the veggies the canned tomato juice, the rest of the tomato paste and the 50 ml of water, as well as a little salt and pepper.

18. Finally pour slowly the olive oil, both between the veggies and on their lids. You are ready for the oven (and your kitchen needs a thorough cleaning, I know T_T).

E. Cooking: 19.

Put the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 1 hour 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the oven and how "crisp" you want them the veggies (I say go for the full 2 hours, its worth it. After the first hour passes, baste the veggies with the sauce in the pan every 10 min or so.


Ok. Now for the cruel part. Take them out of the oven, and defying the wonderful smell of mint and vegetables that breaks your nose and whispers "TAKE ME NOW, YOU HORNY BASTARD, I want me inside you!", leave at least 1 hour before serving. The juices have to get back to the veggies, you need some time to let them settle.

Best served at room temperature, accompanied with good bread and feta cheese.

For posterity sake, a before and after pic.

Hey reddit, archive this!

Dante80 fucked around with this message at 19:42 on Oct 27, 2015

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice
OK ladies, I was doing some actual work today. You know, fer realz. I even wrote a new Line Of Defense dev blog. You should read it and quit bitching at me.

Also, RPS has stepped into the Star Citizen fray.

Going through everything I missed from p42 last night. Seriously, how many of you have jobs. Or, you know sleep at night?!?!

ps: I also updated the OP with Bootcha's latest video. It's hilarious.

D_Smart fucked around with this message at 19:44 on Oct 27, 2015

Jun 2, 2006

Hav posted:

$51,000 or so. Nice work.

Apparently they're a difference between average wage and income :v:

Jul 15, 2005

Jenks posted:

If you think there is an issue with Star Citizen because of how Cloud Imperium is spending its raised money, you’re on the same side as Derek Smart and should reevaluate your life.

The comments on the RPS article are shaping up well already.

Don't like this vapourware spaceship game? Better reevaluate your life. :argh:

Oct 30, 2013

spacetoaster posted:

That is goddamn hilarious.

Feb 10, 2014

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

Whoa man :smith: you almost pawned her childhood for Chris's coke...
Does she at least have food?

It's a hard life here.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Jst0rm posted:

I made it to the end of the thread. I just thought you would all want to know that.
Sorry the thread is still in pre-alpha, so you haven't quite seen it all. You should come back in two weeks.

Aug 10, 2015


D_Smart posted:

Going through everything I missed from p42 last night. Seriously, how many of you have jobs. Or, you know sleep at night?!?!

I think that quote from The Wire about the FBI applies pretty well to answer your question:

"We might be assholes, but on the upside...there's an awful lot of us!"

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Raskolnikov posted:

Two or three days after Sandi was called a racist by an anonymous sources who presumably work at CIG. They talked to the Escapist who put up a scathing article.

Those were the days...:allears:

by thatguy
The other shot in the series was criminally underused.

Can't forget this gem by redwalrus.

Found what I was originally looking for, finally.

Thanks redwalrus

Onmi posted this

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

T.G. Xarbala posted:

Some redditor wrote a bot that reported pics in the SC threads to get them autoremoved from imgur.

Some of the pics that were taken were actually reposted from r/starcitizen's top pages of all time. You can imagine the reaction.

Ahahahaha that is too perfect. Gonna look now.

Oct 30, 2013

Ghostlight posted:

Sorry the thread is still in pre-alpha, so you haven't quite seen it all. You should come back in two weeks.

In two weeks we will have posted more lines of shiposting than lines of code CIG wrote in 2 years.

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Dante80 posted:

Smyrna Stuffed tomatoes/peppers.

Added to first page.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
Do we know who unleashed the bot?

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Hav posted:

$51,000 or so. Nice work.

$26k is the income of an individual wage earner. $51K is median household income, which means one or more people over the age of 15 are contributing to the income of the household.


Jun 2, 2006


It's click bait trash from people who don't get the vision.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Pogue Ma Hoon posted:

Do we know who unleashed the bot?
We only know that DickWulf has lost the gallery of his wolf plushie going to the con.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Dapper Dan posted:

The thing that gets me the most is the sheer hypocrisy in the whole thing. If EA or any other gaming company had done something like this (selling concept art with no release date for a game that kept getting pushed back and was still pre-alpha after four years in development) people would be asking for the CEO's head and threatening lawsuits. But no, CRoberts is somehow different! For....absolutely no discernible reason. Even though his last game had to be taken away from him and hasn't done anything in the industry in over a decade. The crowdfunded excuse doesn't fly, you are still a gaming company.

And they wonder why they get called cultists.


Seriously, it's just that backer pool is so massive that it is bound to have attracted some of the worst of the worst in gaming. You know, those loons we avoid on game servers and forums like the plague. When you combine that with Sunk Cost Fallacy and Cognitive Dissonance, you have the perfect recipe for rear end-clowns.

Aug 1, 2014
Soiled Meat

jenks on RPS posted:

If you think there is an issue with Star Citizen because of how Cloud Imperium is spending its raised money, you’re on the same side as Derek Smart and should reevaluate your life.


Nov 2, 2011

I just want to say thank you Internet. This old greybeard gamer has lived to see the culmination of all the promise you promised back in the 90's. I feel so privileged. Also, the vindaloo recipe on page 3 is the bomb.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Dapper Dan posted:

The thing that gets me the most is the sheer hypocrisy in the whole thing. If EA or any other gaming company had done something like this (selling concept art with no release date for a game that kept getting pushed back and was still pre-alpha after four years in development) people would be asking for the CEO's head and threatening lawsuits. But no, CRoberts is somehow different! For....absolutely no discernible reason. Even though his last game had to be taken away from him and hasn't done anything in the industry in over a decade. The crowdfunded excuse doesn't fly, you are still a gaming company.

And they wonder why they get called cultists.


Seriously, it's just that backer pool is so massive that it is bound to have attracted some of the worst of the worst in gaming. You know, those loons we avoid on game servers and forums like the plague. When you combine that with Sunk Cost Fallacy and Cognitive Dissonance, you have the perfect recipe for rear end-clowns.

Seriously, it's just that backer pool is so massive that it is bound to have attracted some of the worst of the worst in gaming. You know, those loons we avoid on game servers and forums like the plague. When you combine that with Sunk Cost Fallacy and Cognitive Dissonance, you have the perfect recipe for rear end-clowns.

ps: To the rear end-hat who keeps spending money to change my avatar. I have more disposable income than you. So yeah, let's go.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot


big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

D_Smart posted:

ps: To the rear end-hat who keeps spending money to change my avatar. I have more disposable income than you. So yeah, let's go.

Challenging a bunch of star citizens to a Spending Money on Stupid poo poo contest might be a poor idea.

Oct 30, 2013

D_Smart posted:

ps: To the rear end-hat who keeps spending money to change my avatar. I have more disposable income than you. So yeah, let's go.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

Feb 13, 2011

The RPS article was the most even-handed and neutral you could possibly be about Star Citizen.

Dec 11, 2009

Fun Shoe

Daztek posted:

Apparently they're a difference between average wage and income :v:

Young Freud posted:

$26k is the income of an individual wage earner. $51K is median household income, which means one or more people over the age of 15 are contributing to the income of the household.


You're both right, and that amount is utterly tragic. It kinda shoves home how much $18K actually is.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Wafflz posted:

Challenging a bunch of star citizens to a Spending Money on Stupid poo poo contest might be a poor idea.

Don't talk about it, if they get the idea to buy new avatars for everyone here what will we do? Eh? Eh? You didn't think of that.

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Wafflz posted:

Challenging a bunch of star citizens to a Spending Money on Stupid poo poo contest might be a poor idea.

They will be giving money to someone else other than Christ Roberts. So I don't mind at all.

Tank Boy Ken
Aug 24, 2012
J4G for life
Fallen Rib

D_Smart posted:

Going through everything I missed from p42 last night. Seriously, how many of you have jobs. Or, you know sleep at night?!?!

This is an international posting endeavor. And luckily I only need ~ 6 hours of sleep per day.

Though I did manage to optimize my reading speed ;) - By reading this thread on my kindle to catch up.

Tank Boy Ken fucked around with this message at 19:54 on Oct 27, 2015

Aug 1, 2014
Soiled Meat

D_Smart posted:

ps: To the rear end-hat who keeps spending money to change my avatar. I have more disposable income than you. So yeah, let's go.

what, no derek. encourage them to spend more on changing your avatar. they fulfill their compulsion to waste money on jpegs, we all get entertainment from seeing what avatar they'll waste money on next, and you don't lose anything! it's a win for everyone!

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

AP posted:

Don't talk about it, if they get the idea to buy new avatars for everyone here what will we do? Eh? Eh? You didn't think of that.

You need a premium account to view this message.

Oct 30, 2013

D_Smart posted:

Going through everything I missed from p42 last night. Seriously, how many of you have jobs. Or, you know sleep at night?!?!

As a developer my company does not exactly pay me for "Shitposting on SA" simply because I don't write it on my monthly hourly report.

Jul 13, 2012

furiously masturbating to anime titties

D_Smart posted:

ps: To the rear end-hat who keeps spending money to change my avatar. I have more disposable income than you. So yeah, let's go.
It also costs them double to change yours.

Jun 20, 2012

My advice to redditors buying avatars is try to be funny. Give it a mull over before you just spend money. Calling someone a gaylord is just weird and bad.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

Kakarot posted:

̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿''̿ ̿ gently caress REDDIT ̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿''̿ ̿

̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿''̿ ̿ gently caress REDDIT ̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿''̿ ̿

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Oct 30, 2013

Guys he is doing reverse psychology so shut up :rolleyes:

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Kegslayer posted:

This is a serious response.

If you're looking for evidence that things are hosed then it's right in front of you.

The two biggest issues that have happened just this month are Robert's meltdown and also the fact that people are getting refunds from a movie company instead of CIG.

The Escapist article doesn't add much to the story but Robert's verbal diarrhoea should be a story in and of itself. How many CEOs of multimillion dollar companies do you know would spend 8 hours crafting an angry email in response to a negative press article? If CIG was a listed company the stock price would have taken a huge hit since most investors expect a $92+M company to be run professionally.

Having the CEO write 15 pages of batshit crazy and then have their lawyer write an angry letter threatening to sue (all while in the public eye) is the opposite of professionalism and says all you need to know about how management is being run and gives a lot of underlying support to all the rumours floating around. Would you invest your money in a company if the owner was more interested responding to internet trolls and bad press instead of actually making a product and making money off that product? The fact that the Escapist are standing by their article shows that their lawyers have sat down, looked at all the information and sources they used and determined that everything is above board and they'd have an incredibly high chance of winning any potential law suit. They would have settled or issued a retraction if it wasn't the case since nobody wants to go to court.

The other big issue is that some of the refunds aren't coming from CIG. There was a post some pages back where the guy's refund got split between paypal and a credit card with CIG and another company providing the refund. This is a huge red flag that something is wrong with the financials. If CIG can't even afford to refund small amounts of money then that raises serious issues about problems with cash flow and going concern. Either the majority of backer's money has been transferred to a company completely unrelated to the game (and out of the reach of the backers) or CIG is so cash strapped that other companies have had to step in to make sure they don't breach their various ratios for their line of credit. Either way it should be a warning to anyone who still has money in the game.

In all seriousness, go get a refund and spend it on something more useful from other games to giving it to a medical charity and saving lives. All it takes is one email and if the game ever does pick it up, you can always easily buy back in. The whole funding model is based on selling more ships and now that they're still selling all the 'limited edition' ships that they said they wouldn't sell, it's not like you're going to miss out on any particular item.

^this. Yes, things are messed up. Completely.


May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

alphabettitouretti posted:

The story is changing. Now it was D Smart who did it first and Reddit was just retaliating.

Nope. I had nothing to do with it. I first noticed they were using DMCA takedown requests on imgur when Goons kept bitching at me for not using image tags correctly. On checking my imgur account as well as some images I had posted from my iPad while not logged into imgur, were all gone.

Someone definitely wrote a bot and screwed it up royally because it also hit some Reddit images. Like I said, they're morons. And clowns. As in moronic clowns.

Vire posted:

What's funny is that is wrong too because the first images to get taken down where DSmart's images in the OP of the thread and we all thought he just couldn't use img tags right at first so goons gave him a hard time not knowing it was a bot attack.


Hey Reddit! DMCA this!!

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

  • Locked thread