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Das Gray
Jun 26, 2015

Wishes life was in Everquest classic graphics.
Lipstick Apathy

Pogue Ma Hoon posted:

I still don't understand the current sperg theory that we are trying to destroy the game and don't want it to come out. Of course we want it to come out. If loving with these nitwits is this fun on the internet imagine how much fun it will be in an actual game.



Oct 30, 2013

I imagine glorious battles with hundreds of goons in their babby ships following DSmart into glorious Valhalla.

Of course this will never happen the game will just crash.

Sep 17, 2009


Unfunny Poster posted:

Been busy with work all day, did that RPS guy ever write the article? And if so, did the cultists react comically to it?


Nov 11, 2010

Raise Chris Coons' taxes so that we can have Medicare for All.

did they ever say how LTI would work if someone stole your ship? in theory, at least. assuming the game comes out and exists at some point.

Oct 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy
Derek Smart is like ... Muad'Dib if you think about it. He who controls the JPEGs controls the internet. When Derek was cast out of the space game community, he came to our sietch and proved his prowess as a goon. Nay, he proved himself a greater shitposter than all other goons, for which the prophecies foretold will lead us to salvation.

He is the Kwisatz Haderach of shitposting. He is the one who can shitpost where we cannot.

Mar 29, 2008

Unfunny Poster posted:

Been busy with work all day, did that RPS guy ever write the article? And if so, did the cultists react comically to it?

He did, its pretty good:

Jan 10, 2012

I love my Cutlass
I love big stompy mechs
I love my HOTAS
I love to salvage wrecks
I love Star Citizen, and all it's craziness
College Slice

Pogue Ma Hoon posted:

I still don't understand the current sperg theory that we are trying to destroy the game and don't want it to come out. Of course we want it to come out. If loving with these nitwits is this fun on the internet imagine how much fun it will be in an actual game.

Goons Ruin Everything

Also :regd08:

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie
And honestly the reason I would like more people to get a refund is not to ruin the game. It is the pull the stars out of Croberts loving eyes so he can get back to the reality of making a loving video game by a loving deadline and know that this trampoline of income isn't going to bounce his incompetent rear end back forever.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless
After hard refreshing the previous batch turns out almost all of them were deleted so...

...this should take care of the rest of the first 4 pages of Top of All Time and the few recent pages that still try to put pictures. Dick Wulf, thank you for trolling your fellow citizens better than we ever could. :downsbravo:


Eonwe posted:

lowtax turn on the paywall, imagine how much money you'll get from people who hate something awful so much they have to read every post
This X 1000

MeLKoR fucked around with this message at 22:42 on Oct 27, 2015

Apr 2, 2009

a neckbeard elemental
Grimey Drawer

Albion Online J4G Squad Assemble!


Also no, I don't want to play this game... it looks terrible objectively.

Jun 24, 2015

pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssss

Gravy Boat 2k


did they ever say how LTI would work if someone stole your ship? in theory, at least. assuming the game comes out and exists at some point.


Apr 8, 2004

8.2 M.P.G.
So hey refund update:

The end of September I requested a refund on what I have. Most of a month rolled by and I theorized that since my "Community Monicker" and "Handle" is the same name that I have here (and that it's clear that RSI/CIG is watching these threads in some capacity since Beer was banned and BlueStreak had that email picture thing) I was intentionally being ignored vs the seemingly rest of people saying their refunds of various amounts were going through. :tinfoil: sure but considering all the other stranger than reality poo poo that's going on for a space videogame* who is to say.

I spoke with my bank last week and they are willing to do a chargeback from 2013 because they are cool like that. Yesterday I sent a final email to CIG support reminding them it's been a month (to the day) since I've started the refund process and I'll be initiating a chargeback since I'm being ignored. Wouldn't you know it I get an email this morning about how they are very sorry and they will refund finally. Weirdly every email I've had with a person before this have used my real name on the account. This email finally agreeing to a refund responded to 'KakerMix' :tinfoil: It isn't even my logon-name or email or anything :tinfoil:

:gary: needs to be as big as :captainpop: get on it goons who know how to do it thanks~


KakerMix fucked around with this message at 22:43 on Oct 27, 2015

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Oh god someone bought a :gary:? :neckbeard:

Jun 11, 2007

reddit please archive and remind me i have to do laundry tomorrow at 8, tia

turn off the TV
Aug 4, 2010

moderately annoying

I really hope that this game comes out because I think that I still have a standing offer from some of the guys who won TNGS to help them steal and self destruct pubbie ships. That sounds like a good pastime so I hope that it all works out.

Jun 30, 2012

this was the most milquetoast nonoffensive evening news-esque article I've read about star citizen, idfk how anyone could get offended by this

Das Gray
Jun 26, 2015

Wishes life was in Everquest classic graphics.
Lipstick Apathy

FireWhizzle posted:

Albion Online J4G Squad Assemble!

I'm a scumbag ok?

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008

Lest we forget :911:

A Redditor posted:

I talked my sister into helping me crew my ship, today I saw this picture and knew it would be exactly like this.

E: Whoa, :reddit: deleted that post. Whod'a thunk it

2nd e: of course they didn't, I just screwed up the url.

Tijuana Bibliophile fucked around with this message at 22:49 on Oct 27, 2015

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Das Gray posted:

I'm a scumbag ok?

you post in other places than the albion thread so as far as im concerned you are welcome to play with us fwiw

Aug 18, 2007
stupid bewbie

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

Lest we forget :911:

E: Whoa, :reddit: deleted that post. Whod'a thunk it

Ha ha wtf. They deleted that dude's post?

Jun 11, 2007


joats posted:

Ha ha wtf. They deleted that dude's post?
the link is hosed up

Otto Xander
Dec 5, 2013
Wulge Luigi

edit: jpeg not png :doh:

Otto Xander fucked around with this message at 23:55 on Oct 27, 2015

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

joats posted:

Ha ha wtf. They deleted that dude's post?

I mean honestly that dude's got more things to worry about than a post getting deleted.

Like random boners at family reunions.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008

Imgur is over capacity.

Goons truly ruin... everything

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Klyith posted:

Plausible theories:
a) imgur's deletion system has some sort of algorithm that compares reports to views and probably upvotes, so N delete votes won't kill every image.

b) It's not a 100% automated system.

c) It actually stopped a while ago once the news got to the top of r/starcitizen, and the last few deletions are still propagating through imgur's cache system. That would explain why some old stuff is still getting hit but new images on the last 10 pages seem safe.

If The Wuldge shows up later with "inside info" that it was all Derek Smart's doing, we'll know it was (c).
I think my favourite part is that reddit is convinced it's all a Derek Smart Joint simply because the OP has an image of him saying he's coming for their jpeg spaceships and they don't understand that "jpeg" is being used in this thread as a derogatory term for imaginary spaceships in the imaginary game Shart Citizen, rather than literally their uploaded images.

Jul 20, 2013

by zen death robot

KakerMix posted:

So hey refund update:

The end of September I requested a refund on what I have. Most of a month rolled by and I theorized that since my "Community Monicker" and "Handle" is the same name that I have here (and that it's clear that RSI/CIG is watching these threads in some capacity since Beer was banned and BlueStreak had that email picture thing) I was intentionally being ignored vs the seemingly rest of people saying their refunds of various amounts were going through. :tinfoil: sure but considering all the other stranger than reality poo poo that's going on for a space videogame* who is to say.

I spoke with my bank last week and they are willing to do a chargeback from 2013 because they are cool like that. Yesterday I sent a final email to CIG support reminding them it's been a month (to the day) since I've started the refund process and I'll be initiating a chargeback since I'm being ignored. Wouldn't you know it I get an email this morning about how they are very sorry and they will refund finally. Weirdly every email I've had with a person before this have used my real name on the account. This email finally agreeing to a refund responded to 'KakerMix' :tinfoil: It isn't even my logon-name or email or anything :tinfoil:

:gary: needs to be as big as :captainpop: get on it goons who know how to do it thanks~


is it your RSI handle/name(not login name)

Jul 11, 2015

just get us in the playoffs

that rps article was pretty harsh but fair.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless
Aaaaand one of the pictures already got deleted. Bot is definitely still active.

Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice

The article lays out the facts as known thus far very cleanly, without coming down hard on one side or another.

So of course the faithful are screaming about it like Alec Meer personally murdered their housepetsjpegs.

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon
Liquid Gold

5 Gallons Motts Apple Juice
10 lbs Granulated Cane Sugar
4 lbs Turbinado Sugar
3 lbs Honey
10 Packets Danstar Champagne Years (2.5 cups Water)
Yeast Nutrient
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
1/2 Tsp Cardamom

1. Pour apple juice, sugar, and honey into sanitized container. Shake well.
2. Hydrate yeast with nutrient.
3. Pitch yeast. Make sure you have a blowoff tube.
4. Add spices.
5. Age until you get tired of waiting.

1. The longer you let it age, the smoother it will taste. I'm expecting this stuff to be amazing in a year.
2. This is insanely potent. 18% ABV.
3. I've done some experiments with Wyeast 4347 and it might make things a bit crisper. Still takes a lot of aging. Might try a starter with apple juice next time.
4. You'll need a massive bucket for this. I had a 6 gallon carboy and it was nearly overflowing between the honey and juice.
5. I wish I had known how to make this stuff when I was in college.

EDIT: I doubt Blarghle reads this thread but the above recipe was inspired by him.

Beer4TheBeerGod fucked around with this message at 23:02 on Oct 27, 2015

Matlock Birthmark
Sep 24, 2005

I wanted this to happen!!
Soiled Meat

3 posted:

So of course the faithful are screaming about it like Alec Meer personally murdered their housepetsjpegs.

Oh please do link to some tears about it. I read it myself and agree it's fairly neutral all things considered. Didn't get into any of the more ridiculous claims that I've seen here. (not saying they are untrue)

Nov 11, 2010

Raise Chris Coons' taxes so that we can have Medicare for All.

so I guess now it's Alec's turn to register an SA account and post here too?

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Aug 19, 2008

Take some advice Chris.

Fun Shoe
They said I'd get a refund via paypal and I was refunded directly to my credit card on the 21st. My account is closed by these fuckers keep sending me emails.

e: random cat from imgur so it gets deleted.

Devian666 fucked around with this message at 23:03 on Oct 27, 2015

Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice

Matlock Birthmark posted:

Oh please do link to some tears about it. I read it myself and agree it's fairly neutral all things considered. Didn't get into any of the more ridiculous claims that I've seen here. (not saying they are untrue)

Look no further than our old friends in Reddit. Hi Reddit!

Apr 8, 2004

8.2 M.P.G.

Kakarot posted:

is it your RSI handle/name(not login name)

It is yeah.
Also I think they put something in the water...

Oct 15, 2010

nom nom nom
Guys, please stop. if you keep encouraging refunds and questioning CIG, they won't have funds to make the game. Things would have been perfectly fine if you all had just stayed quiet, but now with bad publicity and less funds things are going to be even more delayed and they have to resort to more creative ways to get funding. This could have been successful! Everyone's free to spend their money how they want so just enjoy the dream that costs you nothing. you stirred up the crazies, that exist in every community, which have spoiled it for the silent majority. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.

Aug 19, 2008

Take some advice Chris.

Fun Shoe

Fooma posted:

Guys, please stop. if you keep encouraging refunds and questioning CIG, they won't have funds to make the game. Things would have been perfectly fine if you all had just stayed quiet, but now with bad publicity and less funds things are going to be even more delayed and they have to resort to more creative ways to get funding. This could have been successful! Everyone's free to spend their money how they want so just enjoy the dream that costs you nothing. you stirred up the crazies, that exist in every community, which have spoiled it for the silent majority. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.

:gary: :lesnick: :gizz:

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

Liquid Gold

5 Gallons Motts Apple Juice
10 lbs Granulated Cane Sugar
4 lbs Turbinado Sugar
3 lbs Honey
10 Packets Danstar Champagne Years (2.5 cups Water)
Yeast Nutrient
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
1/2 Tsp Cardamom

1. Pour apple juice, sugar, and honey into sanitized container. Shake well.
2. Hydrate yeast with nutrient.
3. Pitch yeast. Make sure you have a blowoff tube.
4. Add spices.
5. Age until you get tired of waiting.

1. The longer you let it age, the smoother it will taste. I'm expecting this stuff to be amazing in a year.
2. This is insanely potent. 18% ABV.
3. I've done some experiments with Wyeast 4347 and it might make things a bit crisper. Still takes a lot of aging. Might try a starter with apple juice next time.
4. You'll need a massive bucket for this. I had a 6 gallon carboy and it was nearly overflowing between the honey and juice.
5. I wish I had known how to make this stuff when I was in college.

EDIT: I doubt Blarghle reads this thread but the above recipe was inspired by him.

Is it really possible to get to 18% ABV without distilling? Mind=blown


Aug 26, 2006

The Magic Number

College Slice

Fooma posted:

Guys, please stop. if you keep encouraging refunds and questioning CIG, they won't have funds to make the game. Things would have been perfectly fine if you all had just stayed quiet, but now with bad publicity and less funds things are going to be even more delayed and they have to resort to more creative ways to get funding. This could have been successful! Everyone's free to spend their money how they want so just enjoy the dream that costs you nothing. you stirred up the crazies, that exist in every community, which have spoiled it for the silent majority. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.

I'm sorry that reality doesn't fall neatly into the personal narrative you've constructed where all people who choose to spend money on a game of their choosing suffer from some mental disorder that you get to play the hero and save them from. The reality is that people see something in the game that excites them, and they are willing to spend money because of that.

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