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Wise Learned Man
Apr 22, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Lipstick Apathy

PoopinClumpin posted:

**Furiously clicking REPORT button** "Whoa this one has a nickname "PoopinClumpin"! That's got "poop" in it and I'm sure that's a loose violation of some sort of rule and if it isn't they'll just make a rule about poop!" Meanwhile there's CIG forum users with actual vulgarities in their nicknames that post openly and without problems. Anyway, I changed it to Hambeezy after they lifted the ban.

Be careful. I'm sure a CIG dog is still trying to get you, Hambeezy.


Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

sincx posted:

I hate his rotund face. Why are fat people invariably the most annoying?

heh :D

Wise Learned Man
Apr 22, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Lipstick Apathy

sincx posted:

I hate his rotund face. Why are fat people invariably the most annoying?

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Amun Khonsu posted:

The great purge continues.

Why are the white knights wearing black?

Jun 20, 2012

Reported for goatse.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Unfunny Poster posted:

Why are the white knights wearing black?

I cant explain everything a cult does. It makes no sense.

Same reason this guy wears black?

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 07:05 on Oct 28, 2015

Jul 22, 2013

Devian666 posted:

Some guy playing around implemented inertia to the flight model. Seriously they have done no loving work on this game at all.

So some dude randomly adds some code to make the game 100% more playable (but still poo poo). Good to know the game is in competent hands...

May 2, 2009

Finishing the game with everyone else's continues

Unfunny Poster posted:

Why are the white knights wearing black?

If they took the time out to wash their gear Star Citizen might come out when they're not looking.

Aug 21, 2015

I don't have to work very hard at being an asshole. It comes naturally.

No practice needed.

Since Goons ruin everything, I'm pretending to be a Goon for Halloween!

Cpt Underpants posted:

I think Dolvak may have sought legal advice and was told to delete because we know Derek never ever keeps copies of things in case this happens. They are a known hater of Something Awful and they said as much in one of those deleted posts while using official mod-speak on the Star Citizen subreddit.

It doesn't make sense to delete it. Even if he faces legal action. Coward.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Karl_Ramseier posted:

It doesn't make sense to delete it. Even if he faces legal action. Coward.

I mean tbh every time I get my D "Essed" it's cause Karl was knockin it out.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

Karl_Ramseier posted:

It doesn't make sense to delete it. Even if he faces legal action. Coward.

Shut the gently caress up wulf

Aug 21, 2015

I don't have to work very hard at being an asshole. It comes naturally.

No practice needed.

Since Goons ruin everything, I'm pretending to be a Goon for Halloween!

comatose posted:

Derek Smart, please go to war with Karl_Ramseier instead of wheels the twitter troll.

I honestly doubt that he wants to test a legal system outside the US. Besides I have no problem if he ridicule these guys but for gods sake let the loving real life info kids and whatnot out of it.
Moreover you don't need more than 20 minutes and a pacer account to get tons of juicy infos about Derek's endeavours so it would be wise to calm down.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Deki posted:

I think the wheelchair guy should probably be left alone
That's what he fears the most in life, probably.

Justin Tyme posted:

the thread's getting a bit... perverse?
This thread hasn't even started photoshopping that Star Citizen horse yet.

Sep 8, 2013

Jan 7, 2012

Karl_Ramseier posted:

I honestly doubt that he wants to test a legal system outside the US. Besides I have no problem if he ridicule these guys but for gods sake let the loving real life info kids and whatnot out of it.
Moreover you don't need more than 20 minutes and a pacer account to get tons of juicy infos about Derek's endeavours so it would be wise to calm down.

Sounds like you got some ruffled feathers Star Friend. Join us in the 'Verse and we can help you ou... oh yeah, the 'Verse doesnt exist yet.

Mar 29, 2008
Hey derek, you better make sure, wheelchair guy was using a botnet to spam steam with false complaints about LOD or something like that! Otherwise this is not looking good!

Oct 6, 2015

I thought people in wheel chairs wanted to be treated equally? Well...

Nov 13, 2012

Truly, the pinnacle of goaltending
Grimey Drawer
I see Derek is testing Star Citizen PvP system.

Backers complained that they didn't want to lose their ships to ramming, scamming, and/or asshattering.

So the development team listened.

Currently, PvP is conducted via litigation, court orders, and lawsuits.

Please report any bugs and feedback you may have on the PvP system.

Jan 7, 2012

B_of_InfoRedux posted:

I thought people in wheel chairs wanted to be treated equally? Well...

its all "equal treatment" until they want to get on a ride at disney world.

Oct 6, 2015


Amethyst posted:

The coward's way out. I'm not surprised that a man of your limited mental capacity unable to defend themselves and needs to resort to hiding behind the teacher's skirts. lol

So like 20-30k right? Mortgage your house? Sell a kidney? Maybe sold some sperm, as clearly you've got no use for it. Though god forbid you procreate. Either way, how much money does it take to join Heavens Gate?

Jul 22, 2013

Bootcha posted:

I see Derek is testing Star Citizen PvP system.

Backers complained that they didn't want to lose their ships to ramming, scamming, and/or asshattering.

So the development team listened.

Currently, PvP is conducted via litigation, court orders, and lawsuits.

Please report any bugs and feedback you may have on the PvP system.

Lawsuits are the Star Citizen meta.

Strategic Tea
Sep 1, 2012
I thought goons usually disliked rich people who send their lawyers in to suppress any criticism.

I mean yeah burn out Reddit scummery, but if you think Derek is doing this for any reason than feeding his vast, ugly, unearned ego then you're a sucker.

Best case - the Swedish mafia whack everyone involved. This game was an obvious shitshow even back when you people put in your 'modest' $200.

Sep 12, 2011

Strategic Tea posted:

I thought goons usually disliked rich people who send their lawyers in to suppress any criticism.

I mean yeah burn out Reddit scummery, but if you think Derek is doing this for any reason than feeding his vast, ugly, unearned ego then you're a sucker.

Best case - the Swedish mafia whack everyone involved. This game was an obvious shitshow even back when you people put in your 'modest' $200.

Pretty sure nobody gives a poo poo why he is doing it, just that what he is doing is loving hilarious.

Strategic Tea
Sep 1, 2012
Dunno, some of the Christ-Roberts-suceptible types seem to have accepted him as a new lord and saviour.

Yeah, go on Derek! Smack that crippled kid! Ruin his life hahaha kidding honest

Apr 8, 2004

8.2 M.P.G.

Strategic Tea posted:

Dunno, some of the Christ-Roberts-suceptible types seem to have accepted him as a new lord and saviour.

Yeah, go on Derek! Smack that crippled kid! Ruin his life hahaha kidding honest

one ego maniac taking on another egomaniac is like some sort of MMA fight but it's with old nerds and 90+ million dollars and a whole bunch of other nerds all mixed up and it owns because it's consequence free, this isn't politics or world debate or the death penalty or anything it's a video game, it's a calorie-free buffet of absolute garbage how can anyone hate it?

I dunno if calling some kid's dad is enough to ruin his life but I'm no internet pacifist I guess

Oct 2, 2011

It feels so good to be so posting.

Amethyst posted:

This is a reasoned, mature, and above all, badass treatise on why we should all post animated gifs of a 19 year old wheelchair bound disabled man getting beaten up, and report him to the MPAA for DMCA violations, and post his real name and photograph publically for us all to shame him.

Also, when I connect my anal tube to my mouth, i sometimes experiment by including a heating element to vapourise the poo poo nuggets so i can inhale them faster. thoughts?

You're trying way too hard, Amethyst. Be carefulPlease have a stroke.

May 2, 2009

Finishing the game with everyone else's continues

KakerMix posted:

I dunno if calling some kid's dad is enough to ruin his life but I'm no internet pacifist I guess

Derek's already shown he'll let people that are (by their own admission) working hard to smear him off the hook if they just apologise and move back from the keyboard-warrior poo poo, I think it's fairly safe to say as more and more of these idiots making the bad decision to publicly declare they're going to ruin Derek get dragged into the light the more we'll just see that as an easy out for them that gives Derek everything he wants out of this situation.

They're dumb people that thought that this poo poo was the best way to deal with someone saying nasty stuff about the video game they were really looking forwards do. They got all caught up in the idea they were fighting a pretend war where no matter what everyone including CIG would thank them for waging it, when in reality it was only tangentially related to them, and they should have stayed out of it and let the natural legal mechanisms being tossed around by both sides get put in play by paid legal professionals. They should have just sat back and made photoshops of Derek Smart as Don Quixote riding at a windmill made of ships, and they still can if they just come up for air and understand that this is poop you just don't touch.

Sep 30, 2009

Strategic Tea posted:

Dunno, some of the Christ-Roberts-suceptible types seem to have accepted him as a new lord and saviour.

Yeah, go on Derek! Smack that crippled kid! Ruin his life hahaha kidding honest

I dunno wtf is going on with everyone talking about a crippled kid but if you go online and say "I'm going to ruin your career!!" and get called out on it, I don't think you get to say "oh but I'm in a wheelchair so I get a free pass right?". Discriminating against someone because of their disability is generally considered a bad thing, and that poo poo cuts both ways. Not that I have any idea what this individual did, but their physical abilities shouldn't make any difference when it comes to being held accountable for poo poo you say.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer
Why is everyone involved in this so incredibly stupid?

Guy in a wheelchair, giving Chris Roberts thousands of dollars isn't likely to improve your life at all, as the game might never come out or even be any good.

CIG, taking a lot of money from the disabled is pretty bad considering you appear to be wasting so much of it, also when you use "Derek Smart is attacking our wheelchair based fans" defence, urgh.

Derek Smart, deciding to take on the hate mob against you is fine, finding out one of them is in a wheelchair and thinking I'm going to treat him exactly the same is logical. However, the real world doesn't give a poo poo about logic at times, it going to look like you are picking a fight with a guy in a wheelchair, because you are picking a fight with a guy in a wheelchair.

Dec 28, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Derek, just consider this:

Most adults in this world, including important decision makers, judges etc. do not see videogames and posts on the internet as a serious thing.
On the other hand everybody is really quick when it comes to pass judgement on a situation involving a "fight" between a non-disabled and a disabled person.
You can't win this. Even calling his dad will be construed into "an adult who should know better going after a poor handicapped child over something silly on the internet". Actually if he called the media (yellow press counts as media) they would eat it up and publish it like mad. And nobody will be interested in what you have to say about it. Especially when it includes "on the internet", "Twitter" and "videogame". Your image in the public eye will suffer and it will hurt your cause.

To put it bluntly: thanks to being a cripple, he automatically has the trump card, like it or not, that's s how it works. "Don't treat us differently" really means "except for the special bonus when we gently caress up", the kid is not stupid he can use this against you. Don't give him ammo.

I do think you are right in criticizing SC, don't ruin your chances of being taken serious by the people who matter once this goes to court by going after this kid.

Hopper fucked around with this message at 09:24 on Oct 28, 2015

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
Derek smart is the only entertaining this about star citizen

And you whiny bitches complaining he's gong after an adult in a wheelchair are retarded.

Jegan Ace
May 6, 2014

Every non-lethal catapult launch is a triumph

I find the people rushing to Derek Smart's defense as he goes to destroy a wheelchair-bound shitposter as delicious as the white knight crusaders that rush to Crobert's defense as he continues to leech cash from space whales.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Romes128 posted:

Derek smart is the only entertaining this about star citizen

And you whiny bitches complaining he's gong after an adult in a wheelchair are retarded.

I bet you've never won a single fight with someone retarded or in a wheelchair.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

AP posted:

I bet you've never won a single fight with someone retarded or in a wheelchair.

I can drat well try.

Strategic Tea
Sep 1, 2012
It's not so much the legalese, more the 'lol beat him up irl hay kid ya got no legs'. It reads like something out of an Anita Sar-whatever-her-name-is Reddit thread. Will a brave goon shop us some pics of his mangled corpse next?

To be honest the best part is that (correct me if I'm wrong) Smart's initial case against Croberts was a crock of poo poo. It's only because all these idiots came pouring out of the woodwork at the slightest criticism, spewing literal slander, that there's a legal slapfight at all.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Jegan Ace posted:

I find the people rushing to Derek Smart's defense as he goes to destroy a wheelchair-bound shitposter as delicious as the white knight crusaders that rush to Crobert's defense as he continues to leech cash from space whales.

Difference is were doing it cause it's funny and they're doing it cause they're in financial ruin and should probably kill themselves but he keeps saying the game is gonna come out eventually.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Romes128 posted:

I can drat well try.

Follow your dreams.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

AP posted:

Follow your dreams.

You wanna be the first?

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Romes128 posted:

You wanna be the first?

Karl_Ramseier could beat you up, you don't scare me.


Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

The trick to winning a fight with someone retarded is provoking them into posting a formal response letter to your slanderous allegations that's signed by their hotdog name CFO.

Strategic Tea posted:

Anita Sar-whatever-her-name-is
Sarkeesian. hth

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