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  • Locked thread
Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

The Kins posted:

Shmorky hasn't been a SA employee for a while. Partially because sales have gone down so much, partially because he apparently got weird. Well, weirder.

what? hanging around goons being bad for ones mental health? say it aint so!


Jul 13, 2013

Chalks posted:

Coke machine is CR's wrestling name

Oct 5, 2003

by R. Guyovich
Nap Ghost

kordansk posted:

Okay real post. There is absolutely a line here. That line is crossed when you actually go out of your way to personally threaten someone. Mocking Sandi because of some random story about pubes, or the complete lack of progress on the game, or the fact that they can't keep project managers or middle/upper level management employed, or the fact that refunds are coming from random companies that you never sent money to, or... I can keep going... none of that is harmful. When you create a campaign that actively targets an individual and begins reporting their social media because you don't agree with them, or you threaten to 'destroy' someone because you disagree with their assessment of your obsession with a game, you have taken it too far. DSMART MD DDS PHD literally is the only one in this so called fight with CIG, and he can do whatever the gently caress he wants with his money and his lawyers for all I care. It is his time and energy and money spent. But don't sit here and equate the rest of us to Derek's crusade. If we were to stoop to the level of those idiot reddit cultists we would have to be reporting all of them to reddit to get banned, or actually doxxing them and using it for malicious purposes like attacking their place of work, or causing financial difficulties for them. This ridiculous Smart Shart War is only between him and RSI, and any of those loving morons that keep inserting themselves as cannon fodder for RSI are literally falling on their own swords for no reason.

*in five year old's voice* you're a poop toucher

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

CrazyLoon posted:

Derek Smart vs. yet another coke machine in a boxing ring would be quite the entertainment, no doubt.

I hear writing 'shut up' works just as well.

I'm worried that Chris "The Coke Machine" Roberts might have an unfair advantage being all addled up on drugs the way he be.

We should start a Kickstarter to get Derek "Dr. Smart" Smart some PEDs and maybe boxing lessons. And a new name, because "Dr. Smart" is a dumb fighting name.

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
wheelchair pacts

Aug 10, 2015


Beet Wagon posted:

And a new name, because "Dr. Smart" is a dumb fighting name.

Ripping off Peanuts here, but how about "The Legal Beagle"?

Sep 12, 2011

Maldoror posted:

*in five year old's voice* you're a poop toucher

poo poo....

Sep 30, 2009

kordansk posted:

poo poo....


Cao Ni Ma
May 25, 2010

Chalks posted:

Coke machine is CR's wrestling name

It works on so many levels!

Dec 4, 2013

by Reene
Toilet Rascal

Beet Wagon posted:

Wait, so all I have to do is piss off the right EVE group and I'll get a free pizza AND they will call my grandma for me? That's great, because I love pizza and I hate talking to my grandma!

You're trying way too hard. :frogout:

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

CrazyLoon posted:

Ripping off Peanuts here, but how about "The Legal Beagle"?

Derek "The Legal Beagle" Smart. I like it.

Derek "The Soda Destroyer" Smart ties in with Coke Machine a bit...

Derek "The Bruisin' Battlecruiser" Smart.

drat, nothing stacks up like Chris "Coke Machine" Roberts.

Aug 10, 2015


Kimsemus posted:

You're trying way too hard. :frogout:

You would know, mr. Space Court.

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

Kimsemus posted:

You're trying way too hard. :frogout:

It's not my fault, I just crave acceptance! And I'm bored!

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
chris "the redeemer" roberts

Jul 26, 2013

Oh You'll Love My Toxic Love
Grimey Drawer

CrazyLoon posted:

You would know, mr. Space Court.

You and Beet both need to :frogout:.

You wore out your welcome quite awhile ago.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

Beet Wagon posted:

It's not my fault, I just crave acceptance! And I'm bored!

its ok, you arent doing too bad for a suspected seraph clone master spy person who claims stupid newbie status.

I think i lurked waay longer.

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

I would like derek to say "you're battlecruisin for a brusin" before he takes down his next reddit mod.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.
YOUTUBE: Elite: Dangerous - The Aliens Have Sent a Message

G0RF fucked around with this message at 08:46 on Jul 20, 2016

Feb 5, 2003
Space Court.

Sep 30, 2009

Wafflz posted:

I would like derek to say "you're battlecruisin for a brusin" before he takes down his next reddit mod.

I wonder if derek would let us write his next blog post for him. I think it would be a pretty good one.

Fried Watermelon
Dec 29, 2008

Wheelchair Warrior

Sep 10, 2009

born to roam

Beet Wagon posted:

It's not my fault, I just crave acceptance! And I'm bored!


Aug 10, 2015


SneakyFrog posted:

its ok, you arent doing too bad for a suspected seraph clone master spy person who claims stupid newbie status.

I think i lurked waay longer.

I'm moreso of the feeling to treat new signups as they appear from the get go...until such time as they start talking about bitcoins and 'ebephophilia'.

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

SneakyFrog posted:

its ok, you arent doing too bad for a suspected seraph clone master spy person who claims stupid newbie status.

I think i lurked waay longer.

Some day when my plans are finally revealed you'll all learn that I was playing you this entire time and was definitely not just a guy who has a lot of free time at work.

The really sad part is how big a factor wanting to share recipes was in my decision to sign up.

Jun 23, 2013

Fish Fry Andy posted:

It's possible for both sides of an issue to be very uncool.

Derek Smart = Space Israel?

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

thatguy posted:

Space Court.

Mar 16, 2011

Fan of Britches

CrazyLoon posted:

I'm moreso of the feeling to treat new signups as they appear from the get go...until such time as they start talking about bitcoins and 'ebephophilia'.

im not even going to google that last one, but yeah I feel ya.. still fun to play spot the seraph so throwing in a "loving BUTTCOINZ, WHO WOULD BE SO STUPID" is always fun :unsmith:

Beet Wagon posted:

Some day when my plans are finally revealed you'll all learn that I was playing you this entire time and was definitely not just a guy who has a lot of free time at work.

The really sad part is how big a factor wanting to share recipes was in my decision to sign up.

I look forward to when you finally blossom into a fully fledged mastermind.

Aug 10, 2015


Beet Wagon posted:

The really sad part is how big a factor wanting to share recipes was in my decision to sign up.

Hey, then you're cool here man! Don't let these crusty old goons and their frogouts bring you down. With enough folks like you, we might actually get this thread back on track and talking about food again.

Apr 2, 2009

a neckbeard elemental
Grimey Drawer

CrazyLoon posted:

Hey, then you're cool here man! Don't let these crusty old goons and their frogouts bring you down. With enough folks like you, we might actually get this thread back on track and talking about food again.

I'm a crusty goon in a chair with wheels. Does that give me an extra 15 minutes to make my case in this session of space court? I'm also 28 which by science means my brain is made of paperclips, so that's an extra 5 minutes bonus too I think

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Xaerael posted:

Dear people who brought the Rebel Galaxy thread to my attention a week or so back...

You're loving awesome, so is the game.

Did you know it was only made by two people too?

Aug 10, 2015


FireWhizzle posted:

I'm a crusty goon in a chair with wheels. Does that give me an extra 15 minutes to make my case in this session of space court? I'm also 28 which by science means my brain is made of paperclips, so that's an extra 5 minutes bonus too I think

I cannot argue with that.

Aug 25, 2010

Marching Powder is objectively the worst poster known. He also needs to learn how a keyboard works.

Unfunny Poster posted:

Did you know it was only made by two people too?

It totally doesn't surprise me at all. Games really do suffer from the "too many cooks" rule.

Jun 23, 2013


'Nitro ‏@NitroTypat 1 hr1 hour ago
We really gonna do this @dsmart? Cause I don't even have to fight this battle.'

When has going 'come at me bro!' to Smart ever been a good idea honestly. I mean, I get that this dude wants to be an internet warrior for SCs honour but there has to be something better to do with your time than bait litigation for reddit cool-points.

Still pretty funny though!

Hope you don't get rekt kid!

Dec 10, 2007


In the previous thread someone compared Derek Smart to Ed Wood, which led me to 2 thoughts:

1). I suddenly want to see Derek in drag

2). Who would Chris-R be in this comparison (not Lucas; 'Ol Jorge can actually finish his movies)

Jul 5, 2012

If only Milliband had eaten a vegan sausage roll instead of a bacon sandwich, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Beet Wagon posted:

Some day when my plans are finally revealed you'll all learn that I was playing you this entire time and was definitely not just a guy who has a lot of free time at work.

The really sad part is how big a factor wanting to share recipes was in my decision to sign up.

:justpost: (the recipes)

Codependent Poster
Oct 20, 2003

Beet Wagon posted:

drat, nothing stacks up like Chris "Coke Machine" Roberts.

Is he accompanied by "Smooth" Sandi Gardiner?

turn off the TV
Aug 4, 2010

moderately annoying

Nickiepoo posted:

When has going 'come at me bro!' to Smart ever been a good idea honestly. I mean, I get that this dude wants to be an internet warrior for SCs honour but there has to be something better to do with your time than bait litigation for reddit cool-points.

Still pretty funny though!

Hope you don't get rekt kid!

Hmmm I'm glad he read through this entire thread, now knows that Derek Smart wants to sue him over jpegs and is still like "yeah this is entirely worth my time."

D_Smart call the dad.

Oil of Paris
Feb 13, 2004

100% DIRTY

Nap Ghost

Feb 3, 2012

Fats Dominar is on the case

Hello it is the rekt police, we received reports that someone is getting rekt in this thread. Do you need assistance.


Sep 8, 2007

OMGGG you could've tripped and DIED

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