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Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Doing each of them zero times would be the best.


Death Zebra
May 14, 2014

SelenicMartian posted:

Other examples of recurring 'jokes' in LB:
1. A misfortune happens to a lonely old man. He says "Bugger."
2. An awkward social situation happens. A man feels the odd one out, says "I'll go get my coat," and leaves.

You're basically right about Little Britain but I think your examples are from The Fast Show. Wikipedia says the "I'll get me coat" guy definitely is and at a guess no.1 is probably it's Unlucky Alf character.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Yeah, my bad, I guess the similar style blended them all together in my head :v:

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Let's Play CaveBlazers

CaveBlazers is an indie 2D platformer roguelike developed by only a single person. It takes very clear inspiration from a lot of similar games: Spelunky, Risk of Rain, and whatever Rogue Legacy is probably. But CaveBlazers still wants to be different in a few ways. It has a nifty progression system where you unlock cosmetic items and character classes based on your score, and the combat is much more involved and skill-based than some of its contemporaries. The biggest draw, though, is probably the absolutely insane variety in items and buffs available for the player to find. No two builds are exactly alike.

How will you even LP a roguelike?

I'm going to be doing attempts for each available class, starting with the base class: Adventurer. Each class will get its own video. This is a hard game, so I don't actually even expect to reach the ending by the time we explore all the classes. But if I do miraculously emerge victorious, that just means I won't need to include me beating the final boss in an extra video like I planned.

How many classes are there?

A lot! Like, a whole lot! 24, to be exact. Some are much, much better than others, but they're all fun to try out for different reasons. Some of them are just outright lunacy, and others seem made to completely change the way the game functions. For some strange reason, the classes are called “Perks”, even though they have names and symbols indicating they're classes instead. So I'll just keep referring to them as classes.

How about the optional dungeon?

Hahahaha no. No.

I guess it's time to get started, then?

You bet!





GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 00:08 on Sep 10, 2019

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

SelenicMartian posted:

Other examples of recurring 'jokes' in LB:
1. A misfortune happens to a lonely old man. He says "Bugger."
2. An awkward social situation happens. A man feels the odd one out, says "I'll go get my coat," and leaves.

This sounds more like 'The Fast Show.'

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Rocket Baby Dolls posted:

This sounds more like 'The Fast Show.'

How many of these things are there?

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

GamesAreSupernice posted:

How many of these things are there?

By 'these things' do you mean sketch shows?

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Rocket Baby Dolls posted:

By 'these things' do you mean sketch shows?

Yeah, I was always under the impression it was a kind of small genre!

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

Dozens upon dozens, but not all of them rely on literally the same guy in a wheelchair changing his mind all the time to annoy his friend.

And however many there are on TV, there are at least twice as many on the radio. In part, because a few, including LB have radio versions.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
Maybe it's more of an English thing? Tons of them have been made over here. While we're on the subject, 'Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time' and 'Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail' are probably prime fodder for this thread.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

I breezed through these two missions so quickly that I was able to combine them into one part. Ganondorf succeeds, and then the heroes return to try to stop him.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

Oh, there's big boar Ganon.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Actually, it's not just Link's YYX combo that shoots Sword Beams at full health with the Master Sword. His YX combo and pressing Y in midair also both shoot Sword Beams.

Ganon in this game is kinda annoying IMO, because switching between items is a bit clunky, especially in the middle of combat. Frequently by the time you've figured out what he's doing, your window of opportunity to attack has closed.

Jan 27, 2009

I fought the lava, and the lava won.
The timing for throwing bombs is really tight, but each item farther from bombs has a slightly longer window. The secret is to keep bombs selected, because you can always get to the item you need in time.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

I don't know what kind of supernatural pact we made that allows us to trade random surplus for free life and god powers, but it was probably a good deal.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

Last part for a while due to the guys being busy with work, and we're focusing on getting Sekro started when we have the time. At least we go on hiatus with the conclusion to Linkle's story.

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


Werewolves goin' hog wild in this one.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Did a second stream of Cadence of Hyrule, finishing up the second half of the save I started on my last stream.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

ThornBrain posted:

Did a second stream of Cadence of Hyrule, finishing up the second half of the save I started on my last stream.

I'm surprised they left Organon unsaid given the other boss names.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

I'd rather they call it "swoosher".

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Kirby's Dream Course is a fun little mix of minigolf and billiards that was included on the SNES games recently added to the Switch's online subscription. My friend JigglyJacob and I gave the online multiplayer a go to the enjoyment of us and some livestream viewers. Which of us will turn out on top after four courses?

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 19:17 on Sep 15, 2019

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Course 2 finds Jacob and myself launching ourselves off the platform even more often.

Oct 2, 2009

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
That goes really well with your avatar

Oct 2, 2009
I thought about changing my avatar as that lp has been done for 8 months... but its such a good reaction image I just can't bring myself to do it.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Course 3 sees Jacob doing pretty well, until...

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Final part of Dream Course sees a last minute upset! Because I was quietly passing out in my chair. It'd been a long stream.

Jan 28, 2013

Pryzm: The Dark Unicorn – Part One

A friend of mine realized he owned Pryzym: The Dark Unicorn and a few of us decided to record ourselves going through it. It was released for the Playstation 2 in 2002 and D.C. Comics made a prequel comic that was included in the instruction manual. Not gonna lie, the art in the comic book and cover would be right at home on the side of a van. We blatantly cheat to keep the episodes relatively short, because none of us could wrap our heads around the controls.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

ThornBrain posted:

Final part of Dream Course sees a last minute upset! Because I was quietly passing out in my chair. It'd been a long stream.
That one stage with all the spikes looked like rear end to play. Gordo didn't exactly put his best... foot... spine... whatever, forward.

Jacob complains that he never wins a dice roll, then wins the last one when you accidentally enter a game you're not going to play. Priceless.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Grammarchist posted:

Pryzm: The Dark Unicorn – Part One

A friend of mine realized he owned Pryzym: The Dark Unicorn and a few of us decided to record ourselves going through it. It was released for the Playstation 2 in 2002 and D.C. Comics made a prequel comic that was included in the instruction manual. Not gonna lie, the art in the comic book and cover would be right at home on the side of a van. We blatantly cheat to keep the episodes relatively short, because none of us could wrap our heads around the controls.

i recommend reading the manual and pressing all the buttons to see what they do

that being said, having played the game myself i think cheating is perfectly fair for other reasons

Jan 28, 2013

Pryzm: The Dark Unicorn - Part Two

I'd be lying if I said I didn't get some sensible chuckles out of this game. Also, the game doesn't play coy with the obvious villain, which is nice. The Unicorn Council took long enough to realize that an edgelord sorcerer disappearing after a magical cataclysm probably had something to do with it.

Jan 28, 2013

Pryzm: The Dark Unicorn - Part Three

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


Drac is back and so am I, with the last episode of Castlevania Chronicles.
This game was pretty good, actually.

Jan 28, 2013

Pryzm: The Dark Unicorn – Part 4

Well, can't say we didn't finish it. Still, fun as long as you're playing with company.

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


Released in 1993, Rondo of Blood is considered by some to be the best of the classic Castlevanias. It also has a nice axe.

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


This level was a nightmare.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors resumes with a look at Cia's side of the story.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

When you kill too fast, you must kill twice.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Volga goes full dragon for his... I want to say C6 (YYYYYX under Warriors control scheme), where he does the dragon dive attack you see when fighting him, and also his Focus Spirit finisher, where he does a fire tornado that I think uses the same animation as the "ring around the rosies" in his victory animation.

I love how you have Wizzro go over to his treasure chest in both stages and then completely forget to switch to him to collect it once he gets there.


Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

Cia's Tale ends abruptly, but it also ends quickly, so we're able to squeeze two into one yet again along with an extended and unwarranted discussion in the middle about internet video critics.

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