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  • Locked thread
Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007

blackmarketlimb posted:

Crabrock was going to beat the poo poo out of a Howitzer.

He rolled up off the beach of Normandy with the booming gun still in his ears. He'd show those loving German guns, by God, or he wasn't a failure of science that resulted in a rock formation sprouting crab legs and pinchers that could snip the dick off a whale at three thousand paces.

So on he scuttled, the German guns turning the sand in his wake into a blasted landscape that looked more alien than the distant surface of the moon. Allied troops fell around him, but still he did not stop. He had only eyes for that squat gun on a distant hillside that belched artillery.

He effortlessly beheaded a Nazi sergeant on his way and sat his rear end right on the neck stump, making the corpse into a hideous vehicle of flesh and bone that he navigated up a hill that was formerly lush with vegetation.

A platoon of Krauts fell before Crabrock's stolen MP40 before he crested the hill and he finally allowed his morbid ride crash to the ground so he could properly get down to business.

He picked up the Howitzer in his grasping claws and suplexed it so hard that it opened a crack in the hill that swallowed an entire bunker. The day was saved and fireworks exploded in the sky as Crabrock stood atop the wreckage of steel and lead, snapping his pinchers at the sky and the foolish God who would dare try to stop him.

(i have no idea what the gently caress a crabrock is so i winged it.)

woah you doxxed crabrock


Aug 2, 2002




feel a little uncomfortable right now, like do we know each other or something?

Dec 27, 2005
i was the german you beheaded.

Jun 26, 2013


blackmarketlimb posted:

i was the whale you bedicked.

Dec 27, 2005
i miss my whale boner please send help

Oct 19, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer

God Over Djinn posted:

:siren: What's a SPORTS without FANS? :siren:

If you have submitted to at least three previous Thunderdomes, but you are not entering this week, you are now officially a THUNDERTOPIAN SPORTS FAN.

Every fan is entitled to write between 80-120 words on the following subject:

What's going to happen after your team wins SPORTS?

and, in the same post, declare their favorite player. This is mandatory. Doing so will result in a small word bounty being assigned to their favorite player, depending on submission quality.

Let's get hunger games up in this bitch. This opportunity will last until 10pm Pacific Time Friday, January 22.

I'm a fan for kurona_bright, whose glorious brightness will carry the ocks to victory.

After the Ocks Win

Ock, Ock Ock Ock, Ock Ock. Ock Ock Ock OckOck? Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock? Ock. Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock Ock. OCKOCKOCK!

Siddhartha Glutamate
Oct 3, 2005


God Over Djinn posted:

:siren: What's a SPORTS without FANS? :siren:

If you have submitted to at least three previous Thunderdomes, but you are not entering this week, you are now officially a THUNDERTOPIAN SPORTS FAN.

Every fan is entitled to write between 80-120 words on the following subject:

What's going to happen after your team wins SPORTS?

and, in the same post, declare their favorite player. This is mandatory. Doing so will result in a small word bounty being assigned to their favorite player, depending on submission quality.

Let's get hunger games up in this bitch. This opportunity will last until 10pm Pacific Time Friday, January 22.

Fans? I don't need any fans, and before anybody thinks "Aw, that's sad Titus." Don't. Because you don't know how big of a fan I am of me.

You know the story of Narcissus? Of course you don't, you illiterate invertebrate. So here's the low down on the story of Narcissus: He was this gay dude way back in ancient times, like back when men could be like "Eh, Fred, I'm bored. Wanna go slay a Dragon?"

And Fred would be like, "Nah, brah, I haven't got my Heroic+ Raid gear yet."

"Well duh, then we should go do Baradin Holds and get you your raid gear."

"Sweet idea, brah!"

Only for realzies. Anyway, this dude Narcissus had a lot of guys after him, because he was super hot, and he had a charming personality, but I think it was because he had a stable job and a nice house which was all paid off that made him such a fine suitor. You know, the type of fella you'd dream about bringing home to Mom and Dad and show them that their neocon bullshit is, well, bullshit. So he had a bunch of suitors and he spurned them all, because they were all uggos. So one guy decides to go all e/n on Narcissus and kills himself. And the worst part? He does this right on Narcissus doorstep.

What a douche nozzle.

So when Narcissus saw a dead body on his doorstep he was like "Eww, I'm just gonna step over this.... And we're good."

But the Gods didn't like this, because now they had to deal with the whiny uggo for all eternity, and they blamed Narcissus. So while Narcissus was walking down the street he saw his own reflection and instantly fell in love with it. He was all "Holy poo poo. I am so super hot. You know, I'm so hot that I can't ever settle for anybody less than me, and there is nobody greater than me, so I guess I'll just kill myself."

"Blargh." And he died.

But me? When I look into my own reflection, my reflection falls in love with me. That's how much of a fan I am.

Jul 18, 2011

great, there's two of them

Titus82 posted:

Titus." Don't.

God Over Djinn
Jan 17, 2005

onwards and upwards

God Over Djinn fucked around with this message at 05:59 on Feb 1, 2016

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

God Over Djinn posted:


pay no heed to their nonsense titus82 you're gonna do fine here

May 7, 2005


God Over Djinn posted:

:siren: What's a SPORTS without FANS? :siren:

If you have submitted to at least three previous Thunderdomes, but you are not entering this week, you are now officially a THUNDERTOPIAN SPORTS FAN.

Every fan is entitled to write between 80-120 words on the following subject:

What's going to happen after your team wins SPORTS?

and, in the same post, declare their favorite player. This is mandatory. Doing so will result in a small word bounty being assigned to their favorite player, depending on submission quality.

Let's get hunger games up in this bitch. This opportunity will last until 10pm Pacific Time Friday, January 22.

I am an Ironic Twist fan, if only because there is a sports fan rooting for another player and against Ironic Twist. Sports is my opportunity to yell louder and more obnoxiously than other fans. My team winning will fill me with a smug zeal. High on picking the correct team I will lord my superior sports fandom over my family and acquaintances. "Did you see the sports match?" I will say. "I picked the winning team. Who did you root for?" If they rooted for a different team I will smile knowingly and say, "That was a poor choice of sports team." If they picked the same team, I will chest bump them as brothers.

Jagermonster fucked around with this message at 22:07 on Jan 22, 2016

Nov 15, 2012

erm... quack-ward
There are some naughty OCKians who I still haven't seen all week and normally I couldn't be arsed to care about what terrible life choices they make but I think they are the kind of people who would really benefit from UNLIMITED FREE FEEDBACK this week.

A lot of us are already in the channel and it's one hell of a party so GET IN and DON'T FAIL (please)

Entenzahn fucked around with this message at 01:43 on Jan 23, 2016

Jul 18, 2011

great, there's two of them
I am a superfan of A FIre Upon The Deep, and thus a superfan of he who bears the name of one of that book's characters. PHAM NUWEN 3:16

The inevitable Ockian victory will, as big Sports victories do, result in a worldwide age of technological and spiritual enlightenment, and while even the wisest among us cannot truly see beyond the Singularity to the bright future that awaits us, we can be pretty sure there will be wormholes and poo poo.

poo poo, certainly.

Grizzled Patriarch
Mar 27, 2014

These dentures won't stop me from tearing out jugulars in Thunderdome.

Hidden camera footage from the Team Ock locker room:

Mar 21, 2010
I am a fan of neither team so I'm just gonna get drunk and hurl abuse at you

a new study bible!
Feb 1, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

SurreptitiousMuffin posted:

I am a fan of neither team so I'm just gonna get drunk and hurl abuse at you


God Over Djinn
Jan 17, 2005

onwards and upwards

God Over Djinn fucked around with this message at 06:00 on Feb 1, 2016

Pham Nuwen
Oct 30, 2010

docbeard posted:

I am a superfan of A FIre Upon The Deep, and thus a superfan of he who bears the name of one of that book's characters. PHAM NUWEN 3:16

The inevitable Ockian victory will, as big Sports victories do, result in a worldwide age of technological and spiritual enlightenment, and while even the wisest among us cannot truly see beyond the Singularity to the bright future that awaits us, we can be pretty sure there will be wormholes and poo poo.

poo poo, certainly.

Thanks to this excellent post, my draft is now within the word limit. Docbeard, there's always a place for you in the Qeng Ho fleet.

Feb 25, 2014
Word Bounty for Everyone Involved

my other ref is too nice. all this stuff about fans and friendship and bullshit. gently caress that poo poo, this is sports, were loving fighting each other 'cause there's only one person on the time that matters and that's you. everyone is loving morons who cant hit a ball. so then, i want you to write about why you think youre the best, why youre going to win this entire thing, and why everyone else youre playing against is poo poo and why the rest of your team should thank you for providing even a little bit of quality (up to 300 words). when you submit you must also do something else. you may either claim the words, or you may say that you want to delete some of your opponent's words. if you want the words put i want the words at the top and if you want to take the words put take my opponent's words at the top. then when im finished judging these ill tell you how many words you get (up to 100) or how many words youre opponents have lost (up to -100 words). this is going until midnight PST today, so get them in quick.

flerp fucked around with this message at 23:40 on Jan 23, 2016

Jun 26, 2013


Broenheim posted:

Word Bounty for Everyone Involved

my other ref is too nice. all this stuff about fans and friendship and bullshit. gently caress that poo poo, this is sports, were loving fighting each other 'cause there's only one person on the time that matters and that's you. everyone is loving morons who cant hit a ball. so then, i want you to write about why you think youre the best, why youre going to win this entire thing, and why everyone else youre playing against is poo poo and why the rest of your team should thank you for providing even a little bit of quality (up to 300 words). when you submit you must also do something else. you may either claim the words, or you may say that you want to delete some of your opponent's words. if you want the words put i want the words at the top and if you want to take the words put take my opponent's words at the top. then when im finished judging these ill tell you how many words you get (up to 100) or how many words youre opponents have lost (up to -100 words). this is going until midnight PST today, so get them in quick.

i want the words

I deserve them. Self-evidently. Look, I'm a white male, middle class, getting along towards middle age, living in a Western nation. I have a secure, undemanding and uninspiring job that is technology-related in a global health insurance corporation.

I bathe in an ocean of privilege that has no shore. And because the world is clearly just, this is all due to my own inherent merit.

How could I possibly lose to any of these people?

Give me more words, not because I need them; just because I want them, and I'm used to getting what I want without more than a token effort.

I'll even say thank you, but only because it doesn't cost me anything to do so.

Nov 15, 2012

erm... quack-ward

Broenheim posted:

Word Bounty for Everyone Involved

my other ref is too nice. all this stuff about fans and friendship and bullshit. gently caress that poo poo, this is sports, were loving fighting each other 'cause there's only one person on the time that matters and that's you. everyone is loving morons who cant hit a ball. so then, i want you to write about why you think youre the best, why youre going to win this entire thing, and why everyone else youre playing against is poo poo and why the rest of your team should thank you for providing even a little bit of quality (up to 300 words). when you submit you must also do something else. you may either claim the words, or you may say that you want to delete some of your opponent's words. if you want the words put i want the words at the top and if you want to take the words put take my opponent's words at the top. then when im finished judging these ill tell you how many words you get (up to 100) or how many words youre opponents have lost (up to -100 words). this is going until midnight PST today, so get them in quick.

i want the words

because lol if you think I care about the word count of a guy who's notorious for slapping a bunch of pretty words from his thesaurus together and going "eh gently caress it, good enough" 400 words into his worldbuilding exercise. Seriously, the only thing that's worse than waiting for GP to write a story with an ending is waiting for him to post a goddamn prompt. And here I thought old people were supposed to get up early.

Anyway. I'm taking the words, not because I want to write more, gently caress no, I've already churned out so many precrits my keyboard is begging me to END IT ALREADY (its death will be in vain. we all know what we do with feedback in the 'dome :ironicat: ). I'm doing it because the judges deserve better. They deserve better words. They deserve 100 of them. And who will deliver them, if not me. You? Ha. Ha. Don't be ridiculous. I've read your draft. Unless you're on team mermen. They don't draft. They don't even have a coach, though I hear sh makes a fine babysitter when she's not busy aggressively procrastinating.

I understand why she does it. If I'd have to watch 1000+ words of sh-prose dance across the screen, every single week of my life... well, I'm just saying.

Aug 2, 2002




Do yourself a favor and take his words away

Nobody wants to have to read even more drivel about hats or beads or whatever boring thing sebmojo is going to write about this week. Oh look, a stern look at the injustices of pheasant hunting in the 1700s, but also for some reason lasers? FANTASTIC.

Just take his words and put them in straight into the garbage. Never think of them again. You wouldn't if sebmojo wrote them out anyway. Since I've started writing, he's only won four times. Do you think that's a coincidence? No. It's because that kiwi motherfucker writes poo poo that makes a robot's error log look riveting.

His fiction is the literary equivalent of when your rug gets sucked into the vacuum, and you struggle to get it out, but then it's got a big hole in it. You just gotta toss it. Doesn't matter if it was your favorite rug from college, it serves no real purpose now. It's ratty and disgusting. It's time to discard it. sebmojo is a washed up old man.

Grizzled Patriarch
Mar 27, 2014

These dentures won't stop me from tearing out jugulars in Thunderdome.

Entenzahn posted:

i want the words

because lol if you think I care about the word count of a guy who's notorious for slapping a bunch of pretty words from his thesaurus together and going "eh gently caress it, good enough" 400 words into his worldbuilding exercise. Seriously, the only thing that's worse than waiting for GP to write a story with an ending is waiting for him to post a goddamn prompt. And here I thought old people were supposed to get up early.

Anyway. I'm taking the words, not because I want to write more, gently caress no, I've already churned out so many precrits my keyboard is begging me to END IT ALREADY (its death will be in vain. we all know what we do with feedback in the 'dome :ironicat: ). I'm doing it because the judges deserve better. They deserve better words. They deserve 100 of them. And who will deliver them, if not me. You? Ha. Ha. Don't be ridiculous. I've read your draft. Unless you're on team mermen. They don't draft. They don't even have a coach, though I hear sh makes a fine babysitter when she's not busy aggressively procrastinating.

I understand why she does it. If I'd have to watch 1000+ words of sh-prose dance across the screen, every single week of my life... well, I'm just saying.

take my opponent's words

Here's a story for you: Entenzahn tries to take me on head-to-head.
Here's the ending: He loses.

You're a good kid, Ent. But this is the real world, and you've got to be realistic here. The thing is, I can crap out a first draft two hours before the deadline, forget to proofread it, or even finish it for that matter, and still proceed to wipe my rear end with the story you spent all weekend on.

I'm just going to go ahead and take those words back from you. For a second I considered being merciful and letting you keep them, because lord knows you're going to need every last one. But then my conscience stepped in - I don't think I could live with myself if I had the opportunity to save my pals Djinn and Bro from 100 bad words and didn't take it. But hey, maybe it's not too late to write a story about a dog riding a bicycle, see if a bit of pandering can at least carry you across the finish line after you poo poo your running shorts.

I know Djinn's little mathematical formula predicts that you're gonna win, but as Elvis Costello once said, my aim is true. And I never was much good at arithmetic.

Grizzled Patriarch fucked around with this message at 02:52 on Jan 24, 2016

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

Broenheim posted:

Word Bounty for Everyone Involved

my other ref is too nice. all this stuff about fans and friendship and bullshit. gently caress that poo poo, this is sports, were loving fighting each other 'cause there's only one person on the time that matters and that's you. everyone is loving morons who cant hit a ball. so then, i want you to write about why you think youre the best, why youre going to win this entire thing, and why everyone else youre playing against is poo poo and why the rest of your team should thank you for providing even a little bit of quality (up to 300 words). when you submit you must also do something else. you may either claim the words, or you may say that you want to delete some of your opponent's words. if you want the words put i want the words at the top and if you want to take the words put take my opponent's words at the top. then when im finished judging these ill tell you how many words you get (up to 100) or how many words youre opponents have lost (up to -100 words). this is going until midnight PST today, so get them in quick.

lol w/e crabrock sux

1 word


e: ok you want abuse here is some: crabrock is a drunken sack of whiskery flab that squeezes his mental pustules until words come out and we have to read them. he's won a few times because everyone else is terrible, which is nice, but that doesn't mean it matters.

crabrock can't get an erection without killing rats, which is cool b/c gently caress rats don't get me wrong, but he doesn't deserve his words. Take them off him and send them to the rat cemetery, chisel them on the little headstones.

take some of mine too if you like, i don't care. I beat sitting here with 400 words of jokey bullshit i pooped out on my phone. i took 400 words and 45 minutes to beat ACG and djinn so hard they didn't even bother showing up. this is my town, crabbles, you're just passing through. take my advice: keep on walking.

sebmojo fucked around with this message at 04:17 on Jan 24, 2016

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
I want the words

Pantothenate's an anvil 'round Crabrock
His prose is weak and his ideas wack
Ock ock ock ock ock ock ock ock ock ock

A one-trick-pony writing robot schlock
And haggard 'sports the ball' from ten years back?
Pantothenate's an anvil 'round Crabrock

My words like boxing robots gonna knock
Your head clean off your body with one smack
Ock ock ock ock ock ock ock ock ock ock

This really shouldn't come as a great shock
I beat the ghost and now I'll crush this hack
Pantothenate's an anvil 'round Crabrock

My dialog's an arrow in a nock
I'll give a sample of the skills you lack:
“Ock ock.” “Ock ock?” “Ock ock, ock ock ock ock”

Just one more day until I clean your clock
I'm gonna brush you off my teeth like plaque
Pantothenate's an anvil 'round Crabrock

Pham Nuwen
Oct 30, 2010

take my opponent's words

Take 100 words from Titus or give him 200, he’ll still probably miss the prompt just as thoroughly as he did last week. The sad thing is I don’t even have much more to say, because I’ve been matched up with a habitual Games poster whose contributions to the thread so far have been: a story that only missed DMing because another rookie was even worse, a couple attempts at kayfabe that sounded like the world’s whitest middle schooler trying to battle rap, and a fan letter written to himself. I mean come on, that last one was like setting up a fake Facebook profile so you could pretend you have a girlfriend, just making people want to pat you on the head and say “oh, honey, no”.

I’m ravenous for this week, blood in my eyes. I’m gonna reach out and I’m gonna take that Twinkie out of your fat little hand and I’m gonna crush it until the cream filling drips down my fingers like the tears drip down your cheeks. The Twinkie, in this metaphor, represents any hope you had of winning. The tears are just your tears, though.

Feb 25, 2014

SadisTech posted:

i want the words

one note joke that's also really dumb imo, +20 words.

Entenzahn posted:

i want the words

drat good poo poo talking, hitting everyone hard, no punches pulled, this is what sports is, +100 words.

crabrock posted:

Do yourself a favor and take his words away

good owns, i liked it. -95 words to sebmojo

Grizzled Patriarch posted:

take my opponent's words

man that's some good poo poo too, that dog on a bicycle sentence is top notch, -100 words to Ent.

sebmojo posted:

lol w/e crabrock sux

lol. +1 word for sebmojo -1 word to crabrock.

e: +80 words for you mojo, but -50 words for not posting it initially, so +31 overall

Thranguy posted:

I want the words

decent, i like it when people do poetry but it wasn't great imo. +50 words

Pham Nuwen posted:

take my opponent's words

not bad, hard to own a newbie sometimes, -69 to titus.

flerp fucked around with this message at 04:20 on Jan 24, 2016

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

thranguy can have 134 of my words, 999 is all i'll need

Dec 15, 2006

b l o o p

I want the words

Let's be clear: Djeser is so good at doing robot voices in readings because he is incapable of feeling or expressing human emotion. Which is cool when you're reading Garfield erotic fiction, or salvaging a newbie's I, Robot fanfic, but his writing is so mechanical and flavorless that Acoustic Kitty (an actual robot) churns out realer poo poo on a regular basis. His sole win only happened because someone else stepped in to salvage his pathetic drivel.

Team Ock is going to win because Team Mer is a bunch of feel-good hug-boxers, who are too busy jerking off and flirting with the people they're supposed to be fighting to write anything of substance or merit. Enough said.

curlingiron fucked around with this message at 05:19 on Jan 24, 2016

God Over Djinn
Jan 17, 2005

onwards and upwards

God Over Djinn fucked around with this message at 06:00 on Feb 1, 2016

Jun 26, 2013


Broenheim posted:

one note joke that's also really dumb imo, +20 words.

Oh, hey, thank you.

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

curlingiron posted:

I want the words

Let's be clear: Djeser is so good at doing robot voices in readings because he is incapable of feeling or expressing human emotion. Which is cool when you're reading Garfield erotic fiction, or salvaging a newbie's I, Robot fanfic, but his writing is so mechanical and flavorless that Acoustic Kitty (an actual robot) churns out realer poo poo on a regular basis. His sole win only happened because someone else stepped in to salvage his pathetic drivel.

Team Ock is going to win because Team Mer is a bunch of feel-good hug-boxers, who are too busy jerking off and flirting with the people they're supposed to be fighting to write anything of substance or merit. Enough said.

pretty much true,

Siddhartha Glutamate
Oct 3, 2005

I want the words

Bro, I don't have to tell you why I deserve the words, because deep down in your heart you already know why I deserve them. I'm fab. I'm on another goddamn level. No, this thread doesn't need another reason for everyone to hate themselves, what this thread needs is some love. Love, Bro. The kind of Love that Pham Nuwen shows his hand every single night. No, that's not a masturbation joke, I am talking about the love of sweet, sweet, writin'.

Check this, the boys got the soul of a poet:

Pham Newun posted:

With a host of furious fancies,
Whereof I am commander,
With a burning spear and a horse of air,
To the wilderness I wander.

Do you feel that? That's the raw power of his word smithery working on your frontal cortex.

Pham Nowin might not be the reigning champion of Thunderdome, its true that he has never won a single week, but he has earned himself an Honorable Mention. That's more than most contestants of the 'dome can say. Hell that's even more than I can say.


Now I know that you're thinking, but Broseph, that's because you got robbed. But I ain't here to be talkin' about that. No, I'm here to talk about Fham.

And Pham, buddy, I am going to loving devastate you. But that doesn't mean that I don't love you, that I don't appreciate you're hard work. Because I do, brother, I truly do. So you keep your words, you need them to sing brightly for the 'dome, and in the end... All those extra words you got will only serve to make my victory all the more glorious.

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
Take my opponent's words...

...and give them a really fair, thoughtful read, cause I'm sure we're all doing our best out here :unsmith:

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

I don't care

teams are dumb and gently caress you [the judges[

Feb 25, 2014

curlingiron posted:

I want the words

true that, +90 words.

Titus82 posted:

I want the words

there's no love in sports, the only thing in sports is you winning, wtf are you doing, -50 words to you, wouldve been higher but you actually did some poo poo talking unlike someone.

Sitting Here posted:

Take my opponent's words...

...and give them a really fair, thoughtful read, cause I'm sure we're all doing our best out here :unsmith:

and you. god damnit sh stop with this baby poo poo, -100 words to you unless you write some hard hitting poo poo instead of being all "love everyone" and stupid crap like that you baby queen.

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

Broenheim posted:

and you. god damnit sh stop with this baby poo poo, -100 words to you unless you write some hard hitting poo poo instead of being all "love everyone" and stupid crap like that you baby queen.

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

sebmojo posted:

:toxx: Kai will have a draft of this story by 2359 Sat PST

This pledge has been fulfilled, and sebmojo's sweet avatar is safe for another day.


Aug 2, 2002




Kaishai posted:

This pledge has been fulfilled, and sebmojo's sweet avatar is safe for another day.

Dear god, i hope you didn't have to read it.

  • Locked thread