Cythereal posted:Eh... it's a drat strong note for a demon prince, and can probably be expanded on to intrude on Greed or Gluttony's territory. Yeah, outside the part where the writers seem to treat BDSM as on the same level as pedophilia or rape, this is a fairly cromulent writeup of Lust as a horrible demonic Word. Congrats, writers, you succeeded! You made Lust horrifying! It's just, why would you ever want to use it in a game?
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 10:43 |
Mors Rattus posted:Yeah, outside the part where the writers seem to treat BDSM as on the same level as pedophilia or rape, this is a fairly cromulent writeup of Lust as a horrible demonic Word. Congrats, writers, you succeeded! You made Lust horrifying!
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Ratoslov posted:Andreaphalus is hilariously one-note, even for a In Nomine superior. And it's interesting is reading between the text, he intentionally makes himself so one note because otherwise, he'd actually start to realize that he might've made a massive error in going "You know what? Love Stinks". But I'll second everyone, it succeeds in the dark side of lust and sex addiction to the point you either have to light it up as more comedy, or not use it to avoid causing great discomfort in the group.
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Mors Rattus posted:Yeah, outside the part where the writers seem to treat BDSM as on the same level as pedophilia or rape, this is a fairly cromulent writeup of Lust as a horrible demonic Word. Congrats, writers, you succeeded! You made Lust horrifying! In the right sort of game - more focused on addressing and fighting demonic corruption on Earth than fighting demons per se - I could see Andrealphus and his forces as an interesting and major villain to go up against, probably rolling with the idea that Lust has damned more souls - human and angelic alike - to Hell than any other sin save perhaps Pride. Chastity as a concept has become something of a joke in much of modern society, usually because it accompanies horrid levels of misogyny like Purity Balls. How, you could ask your players, do you fight something like that? No, seriously, how? Especially if you want to stay sex-positive. I don't think I'd play a game like that, but I think Andrealphus comes down to two major approaches: played serious but kept distant (say, go the Jessica Jones route - use Purple Man as a demon of Lust and make the game about healing those wounds and overcoming the damage it did), or played light-hearted and silly. Maybe Andre is just a big softy who's in serious danger of Redeeming if he meets the right manic pixie girl who makes him truly care again.
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MonsieurChoc posted:It's funny, I thought I remembered Nuclear Liches being playable, if extremely high-point.
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I think Lilith might be the only Prince who isn't one-note, and she's a bit more of a special snowflake than some people might care for.
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Invoking Lilith and/or Lucifer in the context of a role-playing is pretty much giving into special snowflake-ism from the get-go, though, so that's not exactly a big surprise.
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MonsieurChoc posted:It's funny, I thought I remembered Nuclear Liches being playable, if extremely high-point. Zereth posted:I remember them having a stat block, but I don't think it was in the section with the templates. They do get mentioned again in the next chapter, though, with the atomic lich terrorist Lord Deadlady.
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Punting posted:Invoking Lilith and/or Lucifer in the context of a role-playing is pretty much giving into special snowflake-ism from the get-go, though, so that's not exactly a big surprise.
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Nessus posted:I assume any statblock for Lucifer would permit him to be challenged only in the realms of legal argumentation (with great difficulty) or musical performance (slightly more attainable). Anything else is contrary to the lore. I don't think either God or Lucifer ever gets statted at all in this game. edit: And I'm OK with that.
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Impermanent posted:I like that they've given just about every angel a secret demonic contact in their counterpart. It makes it much easier to do mixed angel/demon games and also gives you a lot more political intrigue in a game that could otherwise be very black and white. I was about to say I like how everyone has a secret, so you can do Paranoia: Heaven. I guess it's also to facilitate mixed parties and Good Omens riffs.
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Andrealphus comes off as rather pitiful which I find pretty surprising considering his word. Good work In Nomine!
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Superiors 2: Lustful Gazes![]() Favor and disfavor from the Prince are vital in Andrealphan society. If a higher demon shows public pleasure with a lower one, it's prestige, which translates directly into increased chances to bribe and influence others, plus increased pay for their sex. This usually gets signified by jewelery or clothing as gifts from elder demons to show favor. The most common reward beyond that is the gift of a trained human or demonic servant, or training in a skill. However, training in a skill with no clear Lustful application is a backhanded compliment, suggeting that you lack real ability in Lust. To receive Songs, Rites or attunements only comes from definite success or somehow greatly pleasing the Prince, which isn't easy. Common punishment is removal of rank, sometimes temporarily. (Being required to submit to a superior's desires is normal, not punishment.) Scarring or mutilation is another common punishment, and often it's not allowed to get healed for a while, which ruins Andrealphan self-esteem. The worst minor punishment is to be ordered to cooperate with Samingans, as it is both severaly degrading and ruins your reputation. Property or servants may also be taken, or even orders to avoid sex to prove your penitence. Serious punishments such as Force-stripping or removal of abilities only comes from significant failures or damage to the Word of Lust. Andrealphus prefers not to weaken his demons unless they're liabilities or threats. While Andrealphus claims to prefer quality to quantity, he appreciates every Fallen he can get. They reject Heaven's lies and Love, and so they come to the truth of Lust, assuaging the doubts and self-hatred that still gnaw at him. Demons of Andre thus always stand ready to help an angel Fall. The obvious course is to lead them into sexual self-indulgence, but deadening them to empathy and affection also works. If you can befriend an angel while pretending to be human, you can trick them into caring about you without realizing, too. Fallen unsuited to Lust are traded to other Princes for favors, while those who can handle it are gladly accepted and often given a single night with Andre. The demon or demons that can claim credit for causing the Fall get the Knight distinction at the least. The new demon will then be put in a group of demons of Lust that can dominate them and teach them appropriate behavior, which tends to be painful enough that they take out their anger on anyone inferior to them - which, of course, just means they fit in. Demons of Lust that Redeem are rarely pursued aggressively unless it was done very publically or they know something important. In the former case, Andre wants them back alive or re-Fallen for public display. In the latter, Andre will suppress his desires and just order them killed by any means possible. Demons of Lust hate the Redeemed, however - their actions undermine the beliefs and lives of Lust. ![]() Andrealphus makes far more full demons than imps or gremlins, following his views on quality and quantity. A demonling that wants to be accepted by Lust or wants the power to become a full demon must work extremely hard and will get ruthlessly exploited. The problem is, y'know, that the main criteria for acceptance is sexiness, and the demonling's going to be stuck with the messy, dirty jobs. However, newly made demons aren't much better off. They're at the bottom of the chain, sometimes ranked even below particularly skilled or favored damned souls. They work the streets, dealing with anyone that can't afford a trained Andrealphan whore and trying to get the notice of their elders. A few demons, usually Balseraphs, Habbalah or Shedim, are set to teach newcomers the basics of obedience and seduction, but they're hardly high rank. Demons come out of their classes with only the simplest knowledge and techniques, and they're expected to pick up the rest themselves by watching or buying better lessons. ![]() Demons of Lust like to use Braille to communicate, though they'd been using hidden engraved messages for centuries before it was invented. They tend to have very delicate senses of touch, you see. Others master the art of describing views or sensation, and while their phrasing may lack style, they are highly accurate. This makes them highly efficient spies and fashion commentators, but it's not always subtle. Many of them try to learn the Celestial Song of Charm, to better lessen targets' wills, but they prefer to learn it at high levels to mask its use. Others focus instead on learning to interrogate, either by pillow-talk or torture. They keep their skills secret from outsiders, however. Being trained in these arts is a sign of high favor from the Prince. ![]() Balseraphs of Lust lie to themselves first, telling themselves they're perfect, irresistable, that anything they do must feel good. They then impose this lie on others, addicting them to the sensations. While not all of them insist that pain they cause is pleasurable - some see themselves as artists of ecstasy and others are just lazy - but they often do. They tend to start as masochists to rationalize the abuse they receive from superiors, and become sadists when they get their own inferiors. Most Balseraphs do their best to look perfect, dress stylishly and be sexy. A smaller but still notable number deliberately refuse to bother with this, preferring to use their resonance to make people believe them sexy anyway. Either way, they expect people to throw themselves at their feet, and behave as if this will happen. Djinn of Lust don't care at all. Period. Ever. Fortunately, once they sexually satisfy someone, their attunement tends to keep them well-behaved, uncaring and ideal as a pet. Of course, they have to do the satisfaction part first, but at least they can explain it as just trying to perform a Rite. They are rarely actively sadistic or cruel unless they want to make a point - that'd mean paying too much attention to their victims. They also rarely go to great efforts to look sexy unless it's their first time seducing a target, and they're as close as any Lust demon gets to being slobbish. They don't tend to go for exotic sex - it's too much effort - but are often voyeurs. It's generally known that the best gift for a Djinn of Andrealphus is a servant they don't need to care for. ![]() Calabim of Lust understand flesh deeply, allowing them to bypass it and damage the soul. They often take pride in not damaging the flesh with their resonance, as a result. Some claim it's proof that the soul of a human is less important than the body, and they tend to get on well with Habbalah. However, they still break things by nature. They prefer violent sex and often really, really prefer rape. They take pride in looking attractive, in a rough way, and more restrained Calabim enjoy sadism and psychological torture, though they always end by destroying their victims. To them, lust is destruction, and some have even become dissonant by loving their victims even as they killed, as to them, killing was love. Habbalah of Lust know they are chosen by God, as they cannot suffer resonance reversal. Other Habbalah find them insufferable. They flaunt themselves and their highly sexual vessels, luxuriating in the ability to make anyone want them. They tend to fall into two camps. One camp believes they've been given their powers to test humans by temptaiton, while the other persuades themselves that physical sex is vital to the divine. It is possible to believe both at once, as well. This does mean that when in a relationship, they tend to push their partners to the very limit, to test their will or celebrate the flesh. Partners rarely last long. Lilim of Lust really enjoy their lives. They can sense precisely what their victims Need, give it to them, and get a Geas. They often point out that there's nothing wrong with getting paid for their service. Those that think much about Lust as a Word point out that the partner can always say no and not satisfy their Need. If they choose to do it...well, they can hardly complain about consequences, right? While the concept of bondage on themselves is counter to the Word of Freedom, most view it as just a job, limited in duration and expensive. (Rumors speak of pervert Lilim of Lust that enjoy bondage, but all Lilim and Lilith herself deny that they'd ever stoop to that.) Lilim of Lust tend to come in three types. The first don't think deeply about it and just do the job and get paid. The second type are 'ethical', believing their targets could always just say no...but as a result, they dislike bondage and no-choice situations. They rarely reach high rank. The third type understand the amorality of Lust and like it. They'll do anything for power and pleasure and often rise quite high. They are also treacherous, cold and see other people as just a bundle of sexual needs. ![]() Next time: Even more unpleasant people.
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I'm trying to think how you could structure an In Nomine campaign to have the title "Forgot About Dre" and have it make some sense.
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Midjack posted:I'm trying to think how you could structure an In Nomine campaign to have the title "Forgot About Dre" and have it make some sense. Now everybody talkin like they got somethin 2 say but God move his lips its a new Apocalypse then every demon talk like they forgot about Dre
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Midjack posted:I don't think either God or Lucifer ever gets statted at all in this game. That is the best way to handle it. Leaving it to GM fiat means that a human can beat the Devil with a fiddle in Georgia (or a guitar in Scunthorpe), without having it as a codified weakness that the characters can game. Now I want to do bleak 80s UK In Nomine with a soundtrack of the Toy Dolls. What small rays of hope can you find in Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Hull, or Sunderland as they get bleaker every week?
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DigitalRaven posted:That is the best way to handle it. Leaving it to GM fiat means that a human can beat the Devil with a fiddle in Georgia (or a guitar in Scunthorpe), without having it as a codified weakness that the characters can game. Ashes to Ashes (the TV show)?
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Count Chocula posted:Ashes to Ashes (the TV show)? Nowhere near bleak enough, but that's what you get from something set in That London.
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Superiors 2: A Certain Luster![]() Shedim of Lust, given their ability to move at will to any orgasming victim, tend to like group sex parties, wife-swapping and orgiastic cults. They consider themselves to be beautiful in celestial form, and they are possibly slightly less disgusting than other Shedim. However, when dealing with hosts, they consider thigns to grow boring as time goes on. They have to keep finding new perversions, and often they consider it tedious and tiring to have to repeat the whole cycle in a new host. This tends to result in total innocents being pushed into utter depravity with no steps in between, which can prompt the host to spend Essence to resist and also cause enough social disturbance to draw angelic attention. Older Shedim learn self-control, and just take time out for the occasional atrocity to release tension. Impudites of Lust tend to imitate Andrealphus and follow his behaviors as fads. They are often surprisingly physically capable, thanks to their attunement, and like to use martial arts as a way to stay in shape and meet new parnters. The older Impudites tend to grow more and more selective in their tastes, some claiming to be able to 'teste' different types of Essence from different types of victims. They hardly ever kill partners, but they can often grow bored with them unless they can keep pushing them to new extremes. They're honestly rather similar to Shedim that way. In Shal-Mari, the primary job most demons get is sucking Essence from the damned, either by selling their services as muscle, working in Nybbas' pornos, selling themselves or working in the administrative wing of Andre's operation. Other, more important demons will oversee operations from their Bordello offices, filtering information to the Prince and tracking brothel operations as well as negotiating local business with demons of Gluttony or Dark Humor. Andrealphus doesn't discriminate between Bands for any of this - they just have to be sexy and efficient. Andrealphus likes influenced dreams, so he sends his subtle demons to work in the Marches, either to target specific mortals or to generally corrupt dreamscapes. They tend to have to use the Song of Dreams instead of Beleth's attunements, as Beleth rarely likes them unless they're priming someone for sadism and rape. These demons tend to work in pairs - one to influence dreams, one to guard that demon. The Marches aren't safe, after all - if angels aren't chasing you, the demons of Nightmares are, since they claim you're giving humans pleasant dreams...which can be true, as Andre likes to have humans receive dreams of perfect pleasure, unattainable in the real world, to force them to spend the rest of their life trying to recreate it. Despite the ultimate effect, these aren't nightmares, after all. Most of Lust's work is on Earth, however. Most people think of prostitution when they think of a demon of Lust on Earth, and it's not infrequent. Impudites like jobs as prostitutes, and Shedim often move through prostitution. However, they are also interested in persuading people to accept Lust as natural. They often work as objects of Lust - models, porn stars, whatever. Habbalah, Balseraphs and Impudites are especially good at this, while Balseraphs, Djinn and Shedim also do good work as writers, cult leaders and politicians, influencing popular opinions. Others work as secretaries or mistresses to the powerful, particularly Lilim and Habbalah. At lower levels, they also work as doctors (to emphasize the importance of regular sex), teachers (with their own slant on curriculum) and so on. Some even pose as priests, though Laurentines despise them. This work is best done by Shedim or patient Djinn. Sometimes, they also need muscle or murder - that's where Calabim and Djinn tend to come in, excelling at killing humans and angels that are causing problems. All demons are also expected to defend Tethers. Andre is especially interested in expanding into science and the Internet, particularly the idea of 'virtual sex.' It lacks the closeness of actual sex and can't replace it, sure, but it can influence many mortals that Andre would otherwise never reach. Scientists and nerds need sex too, even if they aren't sexy, after all. The Internet provides contacts for enthusiasts of many unusual forms of Lust, as well, and allows people of all ages to get sexual material. Balseraphs, Djinn and Habbalah enjoy working this way, but any computer liteate demon can help. Andre also wants to persuade or subvert demons of Technology to help and has set some Lilim and Impudites to the job. ![]() Andrealphus also values the spy work his demons do, providing him vital blackmail material. He has some of his demons regularly sort through the data and prepare dossiers for him or those that need it. Demons that aren't really sexy but are good with data can be employed this way if they've proven their absolute loyalty - this information is sensitive, after all. Most of these data-sorters are Dinn, while those that judge the importance of the information tend to be Shedim or Habbalah. Andrealphans also sometimes work as assassins via the Kiss of Death attunement, but Andre tries to keep this from being obvious - he doesn't want Lust associated with danger. Some specialized demons also work closely with angels, particularly those of ovalis. These tend to mix 'ethical' demons with totally amoral ones - the ethical ones act directly with the angels, but the amoral ones are in charge, in order to give the angels a more unrealistic view of what demons of Lust are like while allowing more sensible demons to pull the plug as needed. And, well, some of Andrealphus' projects are about protecting humanity - solving problems like world hunger, AIDS, safe fuel sources and peace, without having angelic inspiration. Andre understands that humans need to be alive and healthy for his Word to have power, and he assigns Impudites to these projects, along with Lilim and Djinn, to ensure that humans remain around for a good, long time. Most of the time, he keeps these works secret from other Princes, and most angels would never believe he was doing it. It's not always easy to be Andrealphan. Hedonism and ruthless exploitation without compassion can be tiring. Sometimes a human can inspire genuine emotions in a demon, perhaps by saving their life or being truly devoted. Sometimes, demons get bored with constant indulgence and corruption. And that doesn't even take into account encounters with angels or the strain of Andrealphan politics. Some demons react to this by hurling themselves even deeper into indulgence, while others briefly embrace chastity until they can reawaken their enthusiasm. Those that suspect they are feeling something like affection for human pets may deliberately mistreat or even kill them to remove the temptation, or pass them on to some other demon. Ultimately, there's always the possibility of temporarily teaming up with another demon, or even an angel or ethereal, to talk about your problems. As long as it's just business or part of an affair, most demons can justify it to themselves...if not the PFD or the Game. The Church of Flesh is a group composed mainly of Habbalah and those demons that enjoy their ceremonies. They hold that Lust is itself Divine, and some of the more theologically skilled members state that the birth of Jesus in a human form proves that flesh is superior to spirit, and thus that adoration of the flesh is the highest of ideals. Their rituals involve a lot of fuckin'. Some of them are relatively Christian, using corrupt and lustful versions of the Holy Communion, while others prefer Tantric rites or erotic Black Masses. They can technically call on each other for help, but in practice it's best to ask for help while bearing gifts. They are, after all, demons. The current Head of the Church is Epith, a Habbalite who believes everything he says. The hierarchy under him is confused, as the only firm ranks are Head of the Church and 'anointed priests.' If several demons belong to a particular subgroup are around, like those that claim Catholicism, they can make up their own hierarchy, but it won't matter to anyone else. Andre finds the church amusing and useful to channel certain otherwise awkward Habbalah. Rumors that he's attended some ceremonies anonymously arep robably false - he doesn't really do 'anonymous.' ![]() The Government Work faction is a secretive and power-hungry group of demons. The main surprise is that they're pretty good at cooperation without betraying each other. Typically, they select a low-level member in a rival group of some kind and ensnare them in an affair, then blackmail them and break them into becoming a mole. The victim then passes them information until they believe the victim has become suspected, at which point they suffer an unfortunate 'accident' or 'suicide.' It's not uncommon as a Lust tactic, but the surprising thing is how unselfish the grou pcan seem in helping each other and watching each other's backs. This is mainly because their leader, a low-level Balseraph named Belphebe, is quite good at inspiring loyalty and team spirit. What no one else realizes is that she is secretly sworn to Baal, ensuring he learns anything interesting first. If Baal needs agents within Lust, he need only ask Belphebe, who is convinced she will some day be greatly rewarded. The Sculptors are a group of self-declared artists who pride themselves on using psychological methods to break the wills of others rather htan direct sex. Their unstated belief is that any worthwhile demon should be able to reduce others to groveling slaves without needing to sleep with them, which comes after the slavery, and then only for your own pleasure. Sculptors typically are young and arrogant, exceptionally confident and often believe themselves artists of perversion and psychological scarring. Older demons consider them poseurs and tend to put them in danger deliberately while denying any past membership in the group. Demons of Lust are expected to appear desirable to other demons, especially hostile Words. After all, if you can attract the enemy, that's a victory itself. When on the job, they will still be seductive to colleagues, especially attractive ones, but will pay attention to requests to stop if they consider the other dominant. If they believe they're clearly superior, after all, they can choose to indulge...though they're of course very careful to avoid offending their bosses or Princes without orders. If not on the job, they may even relax and not try to seduce everyone unless they feel like it. Having someone ignore them is an insult - even obvious resistance is better, as it shows they are sexy eough to need to be resisted. Demons of Lust are happy to get into relationships with other words' demons to use them. When it comes to mutually beneficial arrangements, they prefer certain Words, though. Free Lilim are good partners, as they are believed to understand the unimportance of empathy. Theft, Factions, Gluttony, Dark Humor and the Media are also rational enough to cooperate with, as long as their desires don't get in the way of yours too often. The War and Fire can work out fdue to personal passions and be used, but the Game, Nightmares Technology and Fate will typically only cooperate if they need you and won't sleep with you. This tends to annoy Lust demons. These relationships are strictly business, of course, and no demon of Lust would ever dream of working with or especially sleeping with a demon of Death unless it was absolutely necessary to a job or some major scheme. To most Andrealphans, a 'normal' relationshp is one in which both parties are in it for themselves. Gratitude isn't a concept they get, but mutual advantage is. A dominant demon can indulge themselves with an inferior, and in return the inferior gains status via the master's protection and the act of having been used. Angels, ethereals or humans can be hosed for gain, influence or pleasure without attracting comment...as long as you did well out of the deal. In a society based on power and sexual skill, loving people is needed to show your abilities. However, within a relationship, they expect one side to dominate, and while the dominant may respect the submissive's skills or knowledge, they are very much in charge most of the time. They cannot grasp a relationship of equals - one side or the other is superior in any situation. Things clearly just don't work that way, after all, just look at Hell. This view contributes to the stereotype of Lust demons as weak, petty creatures, but often it's as much self-preservation as anything else. A Lust demon won't argue with a demon of the War in a fight, they'll just obey...and the question of dominance can come up again after that. Naturally, Lust demons understand this deeply, and in a Lust-based chain of command, everyone knows where they stand compared to the others. It's easy, safe and unlikely to cause problems with affection. No strings attached. Next time: Final Lust
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I think the more interesting kind of In Nomine campaign would be the shakeup and fallout from a Prince redeeming or an Archangel falling.
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Superiors 2: Sated Lust Fortunately for demons of Lust, they can fake concern and affection, as it'd be impossible to support their Word otherwise. Humans have just linked love and lust so deeply that they seem to not get that empathy is unneeded most of hte time, as the demons see it. Fortunately, modern attitudes towards free love, one night stands and so on are making the easier. However, as it stands, it's often necessary to pretend to care. That's fine, as long as it isn't genuine. Humans are just toys and tools. Nothing, however, forbids genuine caring for other celestials. It isn't dissonant to care about a demon, or even an angel. It's discouraged, however - that's a slippery slope to general caring and dissonance. Real affection is dangerous, and it's best hidden, as it can be a sign of weakness or treason, and Andre definitely doesn't like it. Demons of Lust like the Game even less than most other people. They know that they're seen as weak, irresponsible and prone to sleeping with angels. Having to prove their intentions can take time and get your vessel killed. On the other hand, there is use in being seen as non-threatening and ineffective if you want to avoid the Game's notice. While a Lust Tether may be the first place they check for treason, and often with some reason, but it can easily go back to normal after a cursory search. People know that Andrealphans, after all, are easily threatened and won't consider serious treason. Sure, they protect humans, but it's so they can use them. Understandable! And convenient for this demons prepared to admit to sexual misdemeanors and be sneered at. Some lower level demons of the Game can be bribed with sex or offers to manipulate their foes, while more important ones can be handled by informing on others (preferably not of Lust) or by working as an interrogator or spy. Generally, demons of Lust would rather betray than be dragged to Hades. It's well known that only the innocent, the power and those Andre steps in for come out, after all - and he doesn't usually bother. The idea of informing on other Lust demons is understood, but only if there's no chance of it being revealed. Andre doesn't like when information or demons go to the Game, after all, and the PFD doesn't appreciate traitors. The Game recognizes this, and they're always looking for weak longs, lying about immunity and secrecy, and so on. Obviously they'd never give up the blackmail material, after all. Demons of Lust are often dregged in on charges of empathy for humans or treason by consorting with angels. It's not exactly easy to prove you don't care, even if you're free of dissonance. Any amount of kind treatment can be used of evidence, and in cases of genuine suspicion rather than quota arrests or nuisance arrests, the usual test is to torture your 'objects of affection' in front of you or make you hurt them yourself, while carefully observing your attitude and behavior. No one enjoys this - not out of caring, but because no one wants to destroy their own property. ![]() Next time: the best Prince.
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inklesspen posted:I think the more interesting kind of In Nomine campaign would be the shakeup and fallout from a Prince redeeming or an Archangel falling. I actually agree - my favorite campaign seed tends to be 'Haagenti and/or Kobal Redeems, Jordi Falls'. Not least because frankly, Jordi is basically counterproductive already. In this setting, being an angel that despises humanity and wants them all dead doesn't really...work.
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Mors Rattus posted:I actually agree - my favorite campaign seed tends to be 'Haagenti and/or Kobal Redeems, Jordi Falls'. Jordi always struck me as bait for Werewolf players.
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Mors Rattus posted:I actually agree - my favorite campaign seed tends to be 'Haagenti and/or Kobal Redeems, Jordi Falls'. Especially once we're given the nature of the schism that led to the Fall. Jordi seems like he'd be within an inch of Falling after all that.
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Superiors 2: Glutton for Punishment![]() Haagenti is a Prince that clawed his way up from life as a gremlin under the Prince of Sloth, whom he later devoured. He's blood brother to Kobal and a former demon of Belial. He's energetic, informal. hungry as hell and ambitious - and smarter than most people give him credit for, given how his Word, while still focused mostly on food, has expanded into other territory, as well. Insatiable is a Servitor attunement that makes the victim more hungry the more they eat. It costs 5 Essence and the target must be within (Corporeal Forces). After eating a plate of food, they must roll Will to not immediately eat more, with a penalty equal to the servings they've already had. If they eat more than their Will in servings, they must be forcibly restrained or will eat themselves to death, though any Will roll at any point will end the curse. If they eat all food nearby, they will go looking for more, and they can't vomit it up. It wears off, if they don't die first, after (Celestial Forces) hours. Hair of the Dog That Bit You is a Servitor attunement allowing you to relive a target, which can be yourself, from the effects of overindulgence by committing an example of that indulgence again. Thus, a hangover could be cured by giving the drinker a stiff drink. You must win a contest of Will with the target, but they can choose not to resist. The target also has to indulge, obviously. If you succeed, they will feel no physical pain or discomfort from that form of indulgence for (Celestial Forces) hours, though any damage will remain. Haaenti's Distinctions beyond Baron grant no powers and are goven only to those that please him a lot, expand his power or get recommended by Kobal. They are almost always Wordbound or swiftly recommended for a Word, and if they get it, it becomes part of their title, usually ornate and ridiculous, such as the Most Esteemed Earl of Belching. Inferiors are expected to use these. Haagenti can teach the Songs of Draining, Numinous Corpus: Mouth and the Song of Hunger, which he personally discovered. Expanded Rites: 1. Joint, prepare, cook, serve and eat or have eaten the body of an animal at least as large as a sheep. Humans do count. 2. Spend 6 hours continuously eating. 3. Cause a human to spend all of their current resources on self-indulgence, leaving them with nothing left. ![]() The Prince of Gluttony is the hunger that is never sated, the mouth that is never filled. He was created as a mere gremlin, and he has hungered for power as much as for food. He devours all, leaving nothing, making nothing. He destroys, grows, develops and extends his Word, now ruling almost all of the indulgent habits of humanity. When he was created, he was a nameless wretch in the service of the demons of Meserach, Prince of Sloth. He was bused and scorned, given the most menial tasks, and his superiors took all the credit. That's how Sloth worked - the lazy did nothing and the energetic were despised for not honoring Sloth, while their superiors lazed about and took credit for their successes. It was no life for the ambitious, and Haagenti was constantly tormented and mocked. He swore he would take vengeance on everyone who belittled him. He made the dangerous trek (for a gremlin, anyway) across to Sheol, where life was more to his taste. Belial's demons appreciated his energy, and while he was still abused, he made an impression on his bosses with his zeal and efficiency in destroying things. He became a Calabite, rising in power and gaining the Gluttonous Discord. Haagenti was sent to Earth, where he burned freely. He wasn't the most inventive, to be sure, but he enjoyed breaking things and had a wicked if simple sense of humor. Belial liked him. However, his Discord began to grow out of control. He spent more and more time gaining power and minions to feed his urges, particularly the urge to eat. He sought power that he might hold violent, gluttonous orgies of consumption. As long as he lit the parties with burning Christians and regularly burned villages, Belial was fine with it. Haagenti even earned a Distinction. However, he came to the notice of Kobal, Prince of Dark Humor, who enjoyed the energy behind his jests. Kobal visited Haagenti and saw something in him, something he liked, something he could use. ![]() Kobal continued to visit and support Haagenti, but this drew the suspicion of Belial, who thought there was something going on behind his back. There was, and he walked into it. Belial recalled Haagenti from his little mortal empire and his food, which enraged Haagenti, for he had always been loyal. He turned to Kobal for help. Kobal was happy to do it. Since the destruction of the former Demon of Gluttony, the Impudite Carniel, and the recent replacement of the Prince of Rapine, Genubath, with Valefor, Prince of Theft, aspects of hunger were not represented properly in Hell. If Kobal could turn Haagenti in this way, he might get a powerful servant and increase his own power in Shal-Mari by draining away some of that of Andrealphus. Kobal, who has never gotten on with Belial, visited the Prince of Fire to speak on Haagenti's behalf. He apologized for casting suspicion, praised Haagenti and in doing so, enraged Belial and made him certain Haagenti was a spy. Belial summoned Haagenti, stripped him of his rank and Rites and hurled him at Kobal, giving him control over Haagenti. Kobal accepted it, as it was what he wanted, and Haagenti was quite grateful, adding Belial to the list of names he wanted vengeance on. ![]() Haagenti rose swiftly under Kobal, who encouraged his gluttonous urges. His strength was shown when he distinguished himself in the battle against Legion, literally eating his way through the enemy ranks. Kobal asked Lucifer for the Word of Gluttony for Haagenti, and Lucifer was happy to grant it. Kobal even adopted Haagenti as his blood brother, earning scorn from some Princes...and caution from those who wanted to see who the joke was on. Wordbound, Haagenti grew only more powerful. As the Vikings plundered their way across Europe, his scope widened. Lilith was happy to have more to make deals with, but Andrealphus saw a growing threat in Gluttony, and was torn. If he tried to destroy Haagenti, he'd have to fight Kobal, so he chose instead to try and bend the former gremlin to his will. It was no use. Haagenti's pride and vengeful need had only grown. He threw his power and that of his minions at his former Prince, Meserach. The armies of Gluttony swarmed the Principality of Sloth, and Haagenti personally consumed his former master. Lucifer was impressed enough to name him a Prince, completing Kobal's joke. A demon had now risen from mere gremlin status to stand among the First of the Fallen, who had once been Archangels. Mariel, Princess of Oblivion, protested, seeking allies to dispose of the newcomer, claiming he was a farce. However, Haagenti's power made other Princes cautious. He could be a useful pawn, surely unable to match the War faction in manipulation, while Kobal, Andrealphus and Lilith sided with Haagenti. Mariel had no support, and was soon Haagenti's next target. He had recruited many of the former demons of Sloth, using them as expendable shock troops to support his battle-tested demons in invading Mariel's Principality. He consumed her as well, and then allowed himself to be persuaded to end his wars, though he still had other scores to settle. ![]() ![]() The structure of Gluttony in Shal-Mari was well developed while Haagenti was a mere Wordbound, so expanding it as a Prince wasn't especially difficult. Many ambitious demons flocked to his banner, and Kobal advised him how to proceed...though he also began to think for himself. He wasn't stupid, after all - he'd just come up from the bottom. He was aware of the pride of the other Princes, of their belief that they could manipulate him. He also know that without Kobal, he would very vulnerable. He couldn't hande it if Princes allied against him. So, he stopped rocking the boat, throwing himself into expanding his Word on Earth and allowing the Princes to see him as nothing but a pawn. Secure in their contempt, they didn't see him any more as a danger, and some now even find him useful, so he's relatively safe. In the 20th century, Gluttony has become almost a virtue in some areas. Businessmen work to gain wealth as an end, not a means. Children stuff themselves sick. Middle-class families try to consume more and more to keep up with the neighbors. Tacky glitz is celebrated as trophies simply because you can afford them rather than any intrinsic worth. From the isolated stamp collector to the card game player to trying to win drinking contests, Gluttony is everywhere, and Haagenti is eating well. Haagenti is very, very hungry, and he delights in destroying things. He barely understands the concepts of temperance, prudence or self-control. Everything he sees is a potential snack, even other demons. He is constantly watching everything, wondering at its taste. In human form, he is either a bloated gourmand of an exceptionally skinny man with an insatiable appetite. He dislikes prolonged conversation and is always alert for disrespect...and he always, always wants to eat, so it's best to keep him fed before he eats you. He doesn't truly grasp much beyond his hunger. Before he was Wordbound, his scope was wider, but now tied to Gluttony, he is somewhat more limited. He can't comprehend the desire to create, though he'll take advantage of it. He's a sensualist, loving new tastes, and anyone that can give him something he's never eaten before will be rewarded. Archangel, for example. He knows that motivated demons are good demons - he recognizes hunger and ambition in others, after all. He likes his demons, but he watches them carefully for attempts to eat him. He must always expand, increase the scope of his Word and its influence, in order to satisfy himself. And as he expands, so does his hunger. There will never be enough. Next time: BEWARE, I HUNGER
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Mors Rattus posted:Superiors 2: Glutton for Punishment Oh, hey, they got Ramon Perez, the finest artist on the Rifts line. One of gaming's best artists, I think.
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Double Cross - Infinity Code![]() Ouroboros Ouroboros is the Syndrome for people who think that Tri-Breeds and the occasional "You get a Power from another Syndrome" T-Loises just don't quite offer enough multiclassing opportunities. For you see, the big gimmick about Ouroboros is that it can assimilate Powers from other Syndromes into its own strain, allowing the Overed to copy - if not outright steal - Powers from others. The existance of the Ouroboros Syndrome was revealed by Professor Caudwell 6 months ago, though it might have been around for longer considering how its copy ability makes it easy to pass as a different Syndrome. In any case, various scientists have since spend their time arguing with each other about the true nature of this new Syndrome, which is probably where it got its name from: Is it the Alpha, aka a primordial Renegade strain from before individual Syndromes became a thing? Or is it the Omega, a highly adaptable Syndrome that is the future of the Renegade virus (maybe even foreshadowing a potential future DX edition where the Syndromes are mere archetypes)? Nobody knows for sure. Helping with the whole Ouroboros theme is the tendency for its Overeds to create swirling rings, either on their body or just floating around as part of their Power use. These rings can also twist into the infinity symbol to tie into the Infinity Code the book is named after. Aside from being copycats, Ourboros Overeds have access to Shadow Manipulation Powers, letting them defend, attack and debuff with their own shadows. Going by the pregen pictures, their other Powers seem to be manifested from their shadows as well. The Shadow Manipulation also ties to the bulk of Ouroboros' Simple Powers: An Overed can create fake shadows to fool people, use his own shadow for spy duties, make the shadow an actual, three-dimensional creature, and read other people's emotions by touching their shadow. As a result of their copy powers, they also have advanced Renegade Manipulation Powers. They can heal allies, protect them by redirecting attack Powers at themselves and negate enemy Powers. Most insidious are what are essentially Overed killer Powers that trigger when the user hurts another Overed, which either debuffs the target or buffs the user himself by gobbling up the Renegade (as a sort of reverse Smite Evil). This makes Ouroboros Overeds pretty nasty opponents to face, but if they focus too much on these Overed killer Powers, they'll run into serious troubles when facing normal human goons with Anti-Warding gear. For Simple Powers, you can directly negate other Simple Powers, which is especially funny when used on a Balor Overed walking on air. Copy Powers The feature presentation of the Ouroboros Syndrome gets its own set of rules. When a Copy Power is purchased, a Power from another Syndrome has to be attached to it. The Copy Power will henceforth work exactly like that Power - with the exception that it now counts as being form the Ouroboros Syndrome. As some Powers only work with other Powers from the same Syndrome, this allows for combos that weren't possible before, mixing and matching the best meta-Powers from different sources or combining the same kind of meta-Power (like ones that improve the Attack Value) for a huge bonuses. Even better, the Ouroboros Syndrome itself comes with meta-Powers that only work with Copy Powers, allowing an Overed to use any of them at range and/or give them an area effect (if it makes sense, of course). Of course, all these goodies come with a price: There are only 9 Copy Powers around, so that's the maximum of Powers from other Syndromes you can get. All of these also have restrictions applied to them: <<Shadow Armory>> can only copy a Power that creates Equipment, and the various "Primordial" Powers are all color-coded (most copy-related Powers have color theme going on to contrast the shadow Powers), with each color having specific restrictions as to which Powers can be attached. Furthermore, Copy Powers aren't quite as good as the real deal. Stuff created with <<Shadow Armory>> is slightly worse, and the Primordial Powers often have a higher Encroachment Rate cost and always increase the Base Encroachment Rate, pushing the Overed closer to becoming a Gjaum due to all the conflicting strains. And naturally, Powers already gained through another Breed can't be gained a second time as a Copy Power (and vice versa). The Ourboros' super moves of sorts (aka Powers that require a high Encroachment Rate) lets you boost all Copy Powers, nullify incoming damage, or play around with Encroachment Rates by dealing bonus damage based on your own rate or causing the target to be nommed by his own Renegade strain (very handy for boss fights). High ER Powers are also where the two Copy Powers with the least restrictions can be found, which are just perfect for slapping other super moves on. Pure-Breeds can reduce and eventually get rid off the Base Encroachment Rate increase gained from Copy Powers (letting an Overed go really wild with copying) and get one of the lesser Copy Powers a second time, raising the total count of "copy slots" to 10. For Simple Powers, there's <<Fake Simple Power>>, which lets you have a single Simple Power from another Syndrome. I'd allow this one to be gained multiple times for extra style. Aside from these fixed Copy Powers, there's <<Universal Rainbow>>, which can be used once per Scenario to copy an unrestricted Power for the remainder of the Scene. This Power is limited to LV 1, but it is always handy to be able to use a boss' most annoying Power against him, or get some synergy from fellow comrades. The Pregens Unsurprisingly, all the pregens have Ouroboros as one of their Syndromes. Most of them are your usual suspects: ![]() Infinite Destroyer (Chimaera/Ouroboros) is your big dumb Chimaera fighter and Wild Card expy, mixing up the usual "wreck poo poo with a giant claw" routine with one of those Overed killer Powers and an Armor-piercing meta-Power from the Angel Halo Syndrome. ![]() Though she is not the only pregen here wearing Reinforced Clothing, I have a hard time imagining this outfit being all that protective. Then again this is the same game with bullet-proof maid costumes. Phantom Mirror (Morpheus/Ouroboros) is your Speeding Bullets expy, though somewhat more badass in style as she fights with a friggin' minigun. She uses Copy Powers to boost her Attack Power and Initiative with Powers from Angel Halo and Black Dog. ![]() Consultor Minor (Black Dog/Ouroboros/Solaris) is your pure support character, making use of her Copy Power for area effect coverage. ![]() Mirage Prisoner (Salamandra/Ouroboros) is the most interesting fellow so far thanks to his Ouroboros-exclusive Shadow Buddy T-Lois, which makes his shadow a living entity. The mechanical effect is simple - it simply gives you an additional Power -, with the implication being that the Power is performed by the Shadow Buddy. In other words, he has a Persona or Stand. As the power now also counts as being from the Ouroboros Syndrome like a Copy Power, the whole powerset is build around a big combo that involves the Persona/Stand murdering the crap out of a target with a fiery, armor-piercing roar. ![]() Dark Avatar (Ourobors) Is a body-hopping and curious Renegade Being focusing primarily on the shadow manipulation aspect. He also reminds me of Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist. Next Time: The other Syndromes - turns out words can actually hurt. Doresh fucked around with this message at 18:18 on Jan 26, 2016 |
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I was really hoping for more Shadow powers in the mix for Ouroboros than it got. Most of the fighty part of the powerset seems to be the copy power/renegade manipulation stuff.
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quote:At lower levels, they also work as doctors (to emphasize the importance of regular sex), teachers (with their own slant on curriculum) and so on. FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD: Is Obummer's Sex Ed A Demonic Plot? This is everything many Fundies fear. quote:And, well, some of Andrealphus' projects are about protecting humanity - solving problems like world hunger, AIDS, safe fuel sources and peace, without having angelic inspiration. Take away the rape and forced prositution, and Andre starts to look like the hero of the setting. Is that an artifact of the game's origins as an anti-Catholic satire?
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Superiors 2: Glutton is Hard to Pun Gluttony is the urge to devour, to immesse yourself in the moment, with no concept of past or future. Anticipation of future pleasure and pleasant memories of the past can add subtleties, but the true glutton lives only for each bite. Everything is an object to consume, and while some may be better than the rest, the act is what matters. The whole of existence is in forcing down more and more experiences. There is no good or evil, no pleasure or pain, only the famine when not consuming and the ecstasy of consumption. To Haagenti, Gluttony is power and safety. More power will make him safe, and devouring others keeps them from being threats. He sees only hunger in the universe - those on high hunger for control and power, those below wish to grow stronger and consume in turn. Gluttony, to Haagenti, is the natural law, necessary for life. In the end, only the hungriest will survive. However, Haagenti's fixation does not make the drooling moron that many foes, even Archangels, believe him to be. It just narrows down what he's intelligent about. He's a genius in any area dealing with Gluttony, but unable to maintain attention on much else. He'll take sensible actions to remain alive, but follow up moments of wit with week-long steak binges, ignoring political moves he might make. He is certainly believed to be the stupidest Prince short of Saminga, and they tend to view him as an idiot, but given that each Prince is much smarter than any human, it doesn't mean much compared to humans. If Haagenti is not currenly obsessed by food, he may display sudden flashes of genius, and he certainly shouldn't be understimated. He encourages the other Princes to do so, though, so long as they don't believe he's weak. Haagenti enjoys slapstick, and his rise to power coincided in some ways with Kobal's slow loss of interest in less refined comedy. Haagenti has expanded to fill that void, and even when serving Belial, he had a (simple, brutal) sense of humor. He hadn't the wit or patience for truly ingenious plans or jokes, and rarely the taste for true irony, but he does love his slapstick. His demons follow his example, loving any big, wasteful joke. Slapstick, after all, is all about destruction and waste. Most demons of Kobal regard the gags that the Gluttons use as unimaginitive, tright and boring, and they certainl would never even begin to perform them. Gluttons just shrug and create more enthusiastic demonstrations of gross-out humor and slapstick. Haagenti has a very simple conception of God: either God will eat him, or he will eat God. In the meantime, he doesn't really think about morality, religion or the idea of a creator mercifully providing food. If God exists, he can be eaten. Lucifer is more complex. Haagenti believes that Lucifer could take everything from him, as he gave it. That is a terrifying prospect. Haagenti was made long after the Fall, in a universe in which Lucifer had always ruled Hell. To Haagenti, Lucifer is a part of life, the ultimate predator, and Haagenti won't cross him. Most of the other Princes treat Haagenti as a fool, but he is cunning and has common sense that many Princes overlook. He is often a swing vote betweem the War and Shal-Mari blocs, and if Kobal cares, Haagenti will side with him. Otherwise, he'll go with whoever most appeals to him at the moment. Superior Opinions posted:Andrealphus: A rabid newcomer, with a surprising amount of raw, unrefined force. I appreciate Kobal's use of him as "muscle," but if he attempts to expand any further at the expense of my Word, he will have cause to regret it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As comic relief, Haagenti is just a big fat guy who likes food. He may always be eating, but he's not actively evil, just self-indulgent. The same may or may not be so of his demons, who will mostly be looking to have fun on Earth, not corrupt people. They're easily distracted or bribed and may even be quite redeemable, if approached with food in hand. Even in Hell, Haagenti's demons take pride in being good chefs and giving value for Essence. The main difference between this and canon is that it downgrades Haagenti's cunning and intellect. A darker Haagenti is only happy if he's eating things taken from others - particularly if they needed it to survive. The starvation of others is the perfect sauce. Haagenti is no longer satisfied with ordinary food, demanding delicacies and that humans be made to harm others out of gluttony. He works closely with Kobal to cause massive famines and disasters, and his demons promote cannibalism, eating disorders, the hunting of endangered species - anything that harms both the consumer and those around them. Haagenti rarely uses a female form, or really any gender at all - he just wants to eat, and tends to default male. When female, however, she is typically attractive and fashionable, but not good at style or actual taste - it's the expense that matters. She still has no manners and eats with gsto, and often grows bored with her current fashion and destroys it, demanding replacements. She remains boorish and somewhat dull, interested mainly in consumption - crashing expensive cars, eating entire cake shops, whatever. She will tend towards more refined tastes in food and indulgence, but still gobbles it down nearl whole and demands more. She is, if anything, more demanding than Haagenti in masculine form, and that takes effort. It is said that Kobal may somehow have gotten an apple from the Tree in Eden, given a slice of it to Haagenti to give him the strength to become a Prince, but also making his hunger ceaseless. Only another apple from Eden could satisfy him now. But if that's true, that what Kobal did with the rest is a matter of some speculation. Some say that Belial didn't hand Haagenti over to Kobal as blindly as most think. Apparently, Belial may have kept the shattered fragments of Haagenti's old Heart and still has them. If he did, he might have been able to make a weapon of them to harm Haagenti or to track him - no one is really sure. Haagenti would certainly be much more comfortable if he were certain that Belial didn't do it, and Belial won't speak of it either way. ![]() Next time: Shal-Mari Mors Rattus fucked around with this message at 03:02 on Jan 24, 2016 |
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Count Chocula posted:Take away the rape and forced prositution, and Andre starts to look like the hero of the setting. Is that an artifact of the game's origins as an anti-Catholic satire? Andre doesn't care about STDs - he cares about ones that threaten the human race because he needs them alive. I think you might have missed the part where Lust treats humans as literal objects to be controlled and despised, and whom you encourage not to care about others except as a means to the end of satisfying your own urges, without regard to their feelings and poo poo. Basically: Andrealphus may not want to kill you, but he wants you to be a PUA if not a rapist.
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Mors Rattus posted:Andre doesn't care about STDs - he cares about ones that threaten the human race because he needs them alive. I think you might have missed the part where Lust treats humans as literal objects to be controlled and despised, and whom you encourage not to care about others except as a means to the end of satisfying your own urges, without regard to their feelings and poo poo. I think of Andre's way of looking at people as being the same as the White Court in the Dresden Files: Humanity is livestock. You take a decent amount of care of your cattle, stopping infections and epidemics, but you don't do so because you care about the cow's well-being for its own sake. It's your property and future food disease threatens.
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He just needs to be Redeemed by the love of a good Angel. I'm thinking one of the martial ones like Laurence or Michael, for maximum contrast. Or Novalis or Eli (the most fascinating character, IMHO) if you want to be boring. Or just keep him as an amoral Destiny of the Endless type, I guess. Is there a way to use him to make players fall in lust without taking away their agency? Some kind of Compel? I guess I took part of the game as having 'dials' for the different factions, so you can play them as good or as evil as you wanted, with the Angels being surprisingly bad and the demons having surprising goodness. I imagine the 'default' campaign to be 'Angel and Demon elope from Heaven to have a kid, with everyone after them - that made a decent Hellblazer arc and I think it was in Preacher too.
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I think my overall take on it would be "Most demons are actually ready to throw in the towel, but peace is impossible right now to due hard-liners in both factions." Then again, one of my other main thoughts reading this has been spinning an idea for a homebrew archangel to replace Jordi with someone more relevant to the human-dominated world. An Archangel of the Sea seems like a good choice, particularly if the metaphorical side of the Sea as being wonder and mystery without explanation can be spun into being the chief heavenly patron of Protestantism. Would also make a good metaphor for Redeeming demons with this angel, baptizing them in the waters of heaven.
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Haagenti played for comedy is John Belushi. Played for horror, he's Jim Belushi (or at least the We Hate Movies version). He's the ultimate slobs vs snobs comedy! Lucifer is the crusty old Dean, Andre's the queen of the cheerleaders, Kobal is Bill Murray or whoever, etc! It's like Stripes in Hell. Reading this writeup while eating an English Breakfast is fun.
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Mors Rattus posted:Superiors 2: Glutton is Hard to Pun ![]()
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Zereth posted:Did you skip the Belial opinions? Fixed.
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I like Andre, because of all of the Superiors I've seen he's the biggest try-hard. Laurence knows that chivalry and martial valor are correct and he has God's blessing. Michael has complete confidence that they will win the War, and that he is the toughest of all (after all, he cast down Lucifer). Even Haagenti doesn't doubt for a second that sating his endless hunger is the truest and best way to behave. Andre has a niggling doubt in the back of his head the whole time. He's not just Lust, he's Lust and the denial of Love, the denial that it could be anything more. He has to try extra hard to be the most selfish, amoral pervert because he is fully aware of his potential to Redeem and is actively fighting it. All of his insistence that his demons care only for themselves and indulge in the most sinister decadence with no regard at all for their partners-- it's grandstanding, proving to himself that he really doesn't care and he really just wants to get his gently caress on and no more, honest, really, she means nothing to me.
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Sounds like the basis for Shakesperean comedy. After a ton of mischief, Andre gets married and Haagenti caters the wedding.
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 10:43 |
Alternate Haagenti comedy option:![]()
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