Night10194 posted:There were no good parts there. There are bad parts, horrible parts, and what on earth are they thinking parts.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:27 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 06:37 |
I don't know what the gently caress Wobble Girls is and now I am scared. Also the worst part of End Times is Age of Sigmar.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:29 |
I don't know what Wobble Girls is, but do your worst.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:31 |
Hostile V posted:I don't know what the gently caress Wobble Girls is and now I am scared. It's a fat fetish RPG that makes some interesting extrapolations about how female anatomy works.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:32 |
Kurieg posted:It's a fat fetish RPG that makes some interesting extrapolations about how female anatomy works. Oh yeah! Someone sent us that a long time ago and it was lost when my old computer fried. It's so much more fetish than RPG. The play description is basically just a gross cartoon. Just like "you're fighting the bad guys (which are conservative stereotypes) when suddenly you really need to poop, and then all of a sudden your boobs need to be milked," and you can sorta tell by reading that all these occurrences are occurring without the informed consent of any dice or anything. Just two people improving a little weird fetish sesh. theironjef fucked around with this message at 22:42 on Dec 12, 2016 |
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:37 |
Kurieg posted:It's a fat fetish RPG that makes some interesting extrapolations about how female anatomy works. I dunno why this gets such a weird reaction from me when I'm the guy who was having a big ol' laugh over the horrific sexual practices and standards in that Black Dog book but all I can say is if you start posting Wobble Girls I might dip into a really weird OGL/Flame Princess adventure that is, uh, definitely questionable at the bare minimum to try and one-up you. Some people who trawl the dregs of the internet might've heard of it, it involves being in a giant statue war machine and being constantly reborn with mutations every time you die and the fact that it's compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess should speak volumes.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:39 |
I thought 2016 couldn't get any worse.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:42 |
Night10194 posted:Later, one of Vlad's successors, Manfred von Carstein, would come before the gates of Altdorf. When he did, the Theoganist at the time walked up onto the walls and said 'A man like you and a man like me met here a hundred years ago. I'm game to do it again. Are you?' Mannlet is worst vampire.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:43 |
LongDarkNight posted:I thought 2016 couldn't get any worse. Things can always get worse.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:45 |
We like to imagine Manfred's whole 'bald and muscly and wearing a clam shell of stupid armor' period that you see in 8th edition and also in the Total War Warhammer game are him trying (and failing) to look tough and get taken seriously. Dude should really go back to the widow's peak and cape and stop trying to sound like he has throat cancer.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:47 |
Hostile V posted:Also the worst part of End Times is Age of Sigmar. In a way, the End Times where a brilliant idea to slowly bring the writing quality down to the new standard. theironjef posted:Oh yeah! Someone sent us that a long time ago and it was lost when my old computer fried. It's so much more fetish than RPG. The play description is basically just a gross cartoon. Just like "you're fighting the bad guys (which are conservative stereotypes) when suddenly you really need to poop, and then all of a sudden your boobs need to be milked," and you can sorta tell by reading that all these occurrences are occurring without the informed consent of any dice or anything. Just two people improving a little weird fetish sesh. So it's FATAL: DeviantArt Edition o__O ?
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:48 |
Night10194 posted:We like to imagine Manfred's whole 'bald and muscly and wearing a clam shell of stupid armor' period that you see in 8th edition and also in the Total War Warhammer game are him trying (and failing) to look tough and get taken seriously. Real Mannfred
# ? Dec 12, 2016 22:53 |
Kurieg posted:It's a fat fetish RPG that makes some interesting extrapolations about how female anatomy works. theironjef posted:Oh yeah! Someone sent us that a long time ago and it was lost when my old computer fried. It's so much more fetish than RPG. The play description is basically just a gross cartoon. Just like "you're fighting the bad guys (which are conservative stereotypes) when suddenly you really need to poop, and then all of a sudden your boobs need to be milked," and you can sorta tell by reading that all these occurrences are occurring without the informed consent of any dice or anything. Just two people improving a little weird fetish sesh. God, I think I'd rather pass. I already had my quota of 'surprise fetish game' out of the Bundle of Holding's horror deal a few months back where an OGL supplement about haunted houses slowly revealed itself to be a portal to the author's magical realm over the course of reading.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 23:15 |
Kurieg posted:It's a fat fetish RPG that makes some interesting extrapolations about how female anatomy works. I don't think we need that in here personally. I'd like to continue to be able to read the thread on my phone while not at home.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 23:21 |
Daeren posted:God, I think I'd rather pass. I already had my quota of 'surprise fetish game' out of the Bundle of Holding's horror deal a few months back where an OGL supplement about haunted houses slowly revealed itself to be a portal to the author's magical realm over the course of reading.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 23:26 |
Hostile V posted:Was it Hell House Beckons? And funny you mention that, the game I'm talking about is another product by one of the authors in that bundle, the guy who did ViewScream (which is an interesting premise but doesn't really hold a lot of replayability and also it involves a lot of improv). It was that one, yes. Go read it and see how long it takes you to go from "i'm getting a bad feeling about this" to "oh, okay, that's how this is." The weirdly detailed gore pictures make a lot more sense when the guro fetishism becomes more textual, among the many others on display by the end.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 23:29 |
Prism posted:I don't think we need that in here personally. I'd like to continue to be able to read the thread on my phone while not at home. That's the thing though. Other than the art (Which I will not be posting) it's just trends from the bizarre to the disgusting. Definitely nothing worse than what Fields produced. Like, apparently if your butt gets big enough when you clench your rear end you turn invisible, also you can climb along walls and ceilings propelled entirely by your rear end. And if your stomach is fat enough you can mind control people by balancing on it. I can tell that the person who wrote this was definitely getting off on it, but I remotely fathom how.
# ? Dec 12, 2016 23:52 |
Kurieg posted:That's the thing though. Other than the art (Which I will not be posting) it's just trends from the bizarre to the disgusting. Definitely nothing worse than what Fields produced. This sounds like the terrible conflux of someone trying to combine REALISM and FETISHES. And it turned out that their calculations for rear end size meant you could hide inside your own rear end and become functionally invisible over a certain size.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:16 |
This is making me want to review that d20 tentacle monster supplement.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:35 |
Night10194 posted:There were no good parts there. I was about to get back into WHF when Total War came out only to read up on how loving horrible Age of Sigmar is. No thanks EDIT: It's a shame WHFRP never covered Lizardmen, because they were my favorite faction next to Vampire Count and not just because my brother and I mained them in the tabletop NutritiousSnack fucked around with this message at 00:43 on Dec 13, 2016 |
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:40 |
The worst part of Age of Sigmar/End Times is the dumb bullshit it pulls with the Elves.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:43 |
mcclay posted:The worst part of Age of Sigmar/End Times is the dumb bullshit it pulls with the Elves. I'd always had a pet theory that Malkith really was cheated out of being king, but also that his actions since had proven definitively that whoever cheated him was the smartest motherfucker in all of Ulthuan because he turned out to be a petty, spiteful little prick. Them going with him being super elf jesus all along when the Dark Elf society is best described as a Slaveocracy is, uh, not how I'd have done it. Also killing off all the wood elves pretty much from the word go when crazy celtic fairy people in the service to an insane time-bending hellforest was actually cool and creepy sucked.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:50 |
PurpleXVI posted:This sounds like the terrible conflux of someone trying to combine REALISM and FETISHES. And it turned out that their calculations for rear end size meant you could hide inside your own rear end and become functionally invisible over a certain size. The description literally says that no one knows except maybe you're making your rear end so dense it bends photons away from you. Which is not how anything works.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:51 |
Night10194 posted:Them going with him being super elf jesus all along when the Dark Elf society is best described as a Slaveocracy is, uh, not how I'd have done it. What if...Elf Hitler was actually good?
# ? Dec 13, 2016 00:54 |
NutritiousSnack posted:EDIT: It's a shame WHFRP never covered Lizardmen, because they were my favorite faction next to Vampire Count and not just because my brother and I mained them in the tabletop Zweihander, the 1e heartbreaker, had them as a stretch goal but it was only 13 pages. I imagine they didn't cover them because of the production schedule and Lustria is kind of out of the way. Tomb Kings would have been cool too. Does anyone know if there are any good fan supplements on stuff like the Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, and Dark Elves?
# ? Dec 13, 2016 01:43 |
Man if you find any tell me. But I ain't seen much good fanwork for WHFRP2e myself. It's all stuff like adding crit fail tables (which is an awful idea for a lot of reasons)
# ? Dec 13, 2016 01:47 |
Kurieg posted:The description literally says that no one knows except maybe you're making your rear end so dense it bends photons away from you.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 01:58 |
New Sgt Nerd post up. That One Guy and Missing Stairs
# ? Dec 13, 2016 03:04 |
Way of the Wicked - Book 1 - We didn’t start the Fire We totally did start the Fire. ACT FOUR: Burning Balentyne (PCs are 4th level) Cardinal Thorn believes this mission will succeed because no one expects an attack from within, Talingarde is united behind the worship of Mitra and the opposition to evil. Surely no one would aid the savage Bugbears in invading the kingdom. Thorn also does not know the full extent of Castle Balentyne’s defenses and prefers to let the PCs find out rather than leading the attack himself. It will quickly become obvious that a direct assault is suicidal; unlike Castle Branderscar this place is fully and competently manned. Such a foolhardy attack would be a CR 16+ encounter and the castle would send out ravens requesting reinforcements. One Hundred Guards!?! Opponents in Castle Balentyne can be put into 3 groups. The author suggests focusing on the first 2 groups as fighting 100 low level dudes is boring. The important people in the Castle are Lord Havelyn, his captains Eddarly, Mott, Varning and Barhold, the priest Father Donnagin and the mage Titus. Also included in this group are the Dwarven engineer Barnabus Eisenbauch and Mad Martin the master of ravens. Three inhuman creatures also inhabit the Castle. A group of Lantern Archons, an Ice Golem and Mad Martin’s raven swarm. They will only be encountered in specific places. Lastly are the 100 ordinary human guards, servants, dwarves and other mooks.. They can be dealt with easily in small groups but if allowed to mass up they will overwhelm the PCs. Killing their leaders will reduce them to a cowering mass instead of a real threat. Castle Balentyne Nice castle you got there, shame if something happened to it. The castle overlooks the River Tyburn and Lake Tarik to the west. A massive bridge allows access to the Frozen North. OUTSIDE THE CASTLE Trees are cleared back 100 yards giving clear line of sight on anyone approaching the castle. About a mile away is the market town of Aldencross. Here’s the Castle layout, about 4 times as much to explore and gently caress around with as Branderscar.
SUGGESTED APPROACHES That was a lot of castle, but let’s not forget why we’re here. If the defenses of Castle Balentyne can be brought down Sakkarot’s horde will invade Talingrade completing the first step in Cardinal Thorn’s plan. Also his stupid brother will be dead. But you can’t just attach directly, the castle on full alert at full strength will likely crush the PCs and at the very least allow time for reinforcements to arrive. A dollop of sneakiness is the order of the day. The book suggests a few obvious approaches for the GM but as we all know PCs can and will do anything. Humble Servants - Using the iron circlets PCs can disguise themselves as the castle’s menial laborers. Lowly servant’s can go nearly anywhere in Balentyne and spread all manner of chaos. If the castle is put on lockdown, welp, now they’re trapped in here with you. Murderous Mice - The secret door in room 1 leads to the Lord’s Dalliance in Aldencross. This passage will let the PCs enter the castle at any time, wreak havoc and slip out. Eventually the passage will be discovered but the damage they can do from within should be irreparable. Agents of the King - Posing as servants of King Markadian the PCs can gain entrance the highest levels of the Keep. This is a conspicuous position and suspicion will quickly fall on them once trouble starts. The Lost Patrol - Regular patrols are sent out along the River Tyburn and the southern edge of Lake Tarik; usually Captain Varning and 6 other mounted guardsman. The patrol can be ambushed the PCs can impersonate them to gain entrance to the castle. This ruse won’t last long as the guards know each other well after years of service together. The Play’s The Thing! - Ye Merrie Men a troupe of traveling actors, led by William Marcus Marlowe, the beloved Bard of Barrington, are set to arrive soon for a one night only performance of their famous play “The Fall of Amberlyn”. The PCs can murder the troupe and take their places to gain access to the castle. They will have a few days before the performance to do their dirty work. NON-LINEAR EVENTS Event 1 - Arriving across Lake Tarik the PCs have a range of options on how they proceed. This section of the AP is sandbox-ish, with a concrete goal but no fixed path on how to achieve it. The book presents some events that could occur depending on how they proceed. Aldencross is accustomed to traders and adventurers so a few more strangers won’t be out of place. The PCs can pick up mundane and minor magic items and potions, at this point they have a hefty pile of money to spend. quote:Aldencross The Lord’s Dalliance is Aldencross’ only inn. Guards and other travelers can often be found here enjoying strong drink and the company of buxom serving wenches. It’s a good place to gather information about the Castle Balentyne and it’s inhabitants. There’s a d20 table of rumors that can be gathered here something that we’ll get any time the PCs stay in one place for an extended time in the AP. Some are true others are false; some are completely irrelevant. Here are a few examples. quote:Lord Havelyn is a good soul but so grim and gloomy. For so great a lord to be unhappy, he must be guilty about something! (False. Lord Havelyn is grim and unhappy because of the loss of his true love Bronwyn. It may have been years ago but he never rediscovered his joy after she died.) quote:There’s a pack of dwarves in town led by a grumpy short fellow named Barnabus Eisenbauch. They’re here to fix up the watchtower or so I’ve heard. A hard working fellow -- just don’t challenge him to a drinking contest. He’ll drink you under the table every time! (True. Barnabus does have a weakness for strong drink and is staying at this very inn. See below for more details on how this could be used to the PC’s advantage.) quote:They say the bugbears are massing up north. I wonder what their up to? Well, it doesn’t matter! We’ll be ready for ‘em! You’d think those shaggy walking carpets would have learned by now that the Watch Wall is unbreakable!{Partially True. The bugbears are massing and the Watch Wall is far from unbreakable. But this is a common belief about town.) quote:Did you hear about prisoners escaping from Branderscar? Were they ever caught? (Not yet.) Event 2 - Before the Markadian dynasty the Lord’s Dalliance was a brothel. House Markadian outlawed prostitution but they kept the name for the inn. Long before the current royal family a commander of Castle Balentyne had a secret passage constructed leading from the dwarven vault to the inn’s basement so he could meet with his favorite lady. The secret door is well concealed and will be difficult for the PCs to locate if they even know of it’s existence. The innkeep Bellam Barhold does know about the passage and on the first night the PCs stay at the Dalliance he uses it to sneak into Balentyne to liberate some fine elven wine from the vault. Perception checks will reveal someone sneaking around the inn and if they investigate the PCs may learn about the secret door. If Barhold is killed it will raise suspicions and Father Donnagin will investigate. (Guess what my idiot players did their first night in town?) Event 3 - A group of 11 dwarves are also staying at the Dalliance, they are here as part of a project to rebuild the watchtower defenses. The group is lead by Barnabus Eisenbauch (N Dwarf Expert 4/Fighter 2) and they can usually be found at the inn when off duty. Up in Barnabus’ room is a full map of the watchtower which would be invaluable to the PCs. Barnabus and his men love to drink and can be baited into drinking contests which the PCs can exploit to their advantage. Event 4 - It is common knowledge among guards and around town that Captain Varning leads a patrol of the wilderness about once a week. Accompanied by 6 other guards the mounted patrol makes it’s way through the wilderness searching for signs of any threats from the north trying to slip across the waters of Lake Tarik. This is a good opportunity to kill a watch captain and a few guards away from the castle and even infiltrate by impersonating them. Event 5 - Captain Mott and his beautiful wife Kaitlyn are in a loveless arranged marriage, he’s not a bad guy but neglects his young wife in favor of his military duties hoping to secure a promotion and knighthood. Meanwhile the handsome Captain Zack Eddarly has been taking Kaitlyn to pound town. If the PCs can learn of the affair it’s a simple matter to anonymously send word to Captain Mott. He’ll challenge Eddarly to a duel and one of them will wind up dead. If we remember back to character creation “Dueling unto Death” is a capital offense so two guard captains can be eliminated this way. Event 6 - Once a week Mama Louisa Giuseppe comes up from Aldencross to cook a special beef stew. Years ago her son’s were part of the garrison and she continues this tradition to honor them and the guardsmen. This old woman’s generosity is an opportunity for the PCs to poison the guard killing and incapacitating some number depending on the poison used. Event 7 - Ye Merrie Men will be performing their current play “The Fall of Amberlyn” in the Great Hall of the Keep a show that will be attended by nearly all the major NPCs in the castle along with 70 guards, all the servants, acolytes and dwarven engineers. This makes a great distraction with which to kill the only major NPC not in attendance, Mad Martin the master of ravens, and other damage to the defenses. If the PCs impersonate the troupe they will have access to the Keep for 24 hours before they are expected to put on the play. There’s some Performance skill checks and if the play goes off well they will be invited to a private dinner with Lord Havelyn, the four captains and Father Donnagin whom will be mostly defenseless. With one fell stroke the PCs could cut off the head of the snake and have the run of a leaderless Castle Balentyne. VICTORY POINTS I saved this part for last. As the PCs are doing their best to do their worst behind the screen the GM is keeping track of how much damage they have caused. When the PCs launch their signal rocket and the Bugbear horde attacks this will be the measure of how well they have prepared the way for Der Tag. quote:Actions that can gain (or lose) the PCs Victory Points: Based on the PCs victory point score we have a range of results. 20 or less: Premature Attack - The assault fails, most of the horde is killed along with Sakkarot. Cardinal Thorn’s plans are in ruin; the book suggests there is a path forward but it would require the GM to radically alter the entire AP. 21-30: Repulsed - The horde is beaten back but Sakkarot survives. The PCs can try again but another failure wipes out Sakkarot and the horde. 31-40: Hard Fought Victory - Success but at a cost; much of the horde is killed in the fighting and Sakkarot loses an eye in the battle. The fighting takes long enough that villagers from Aldencross are able to flee spreading word of the invasion. 41-50: Victory - The castle falls and there are minor losses from the horde. Sakkarot is unwounded and the horde quickly reforms to march south. Villagers from Aldencross flee south spreading terror and panic at word of the Fire-Axe’s horde. 51 or more: Slaughter - This is total victory, the Bugbear horde overwhelms Balentyne with few losses, overruns Aldencross in a “feast of human flesh and an orgy of death”. Sakkarot’s forces quickly sweep south spreading death and hatred to all mankind. END OF THE ADVENTURE With your mission accomplished the PCs should fire off the signal rocket. The Bugbear horde will pour over the landscape to the north in the thousands. Within the hour they will be inside Balentyne battling the remaining inhabitants. Any major NPCs remaining will try to stop the PCs during this time which could make for an interesting climactic battle. The PCs should remember at this point to break the clay tablet they were given by Cardinal Thorn a few weeks ago. Tiadora will arrive shortly and lead them to a boat waiting on the lakeside. For their faithful service the PCs receive 5000gp in platinum ingots and a hand written note: quote:
Whew, the first stage of our wicked journey is complete. There’s some good things in this Book but it’s not the best part of the AP. A prison break is old hat but we get some clever twists. The training montage in Act 2 is neat. The trip north to the Bugbear camp give some interesting details but is mostly filler. Act 4 is the a great opportunity for the PCs to shine and think outside the box. All in all I would rank the first book of the AP 5th out of 6. Book 2 is my favorite and I look forward to covering it in 2017. Acknowledgements: Big thanks to my contributors on this project; Sun Ra and scotch.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 03:07 |
this is neat! Do you have a write up of how your party played through it anywhere?
# ? Dec 13, 2016 04:03 |
Night10194 posted:There were no good parts there. I just don't understand the reboot. Like, what're the loving stakes now in AoS? I really don't give a gently caress if the Sigmarines get killed in droves because they can come back or some poo poo. Used to be nothing but a dozen normal humans jamming their halberds into some filthy Chaos beast in a desperate attempt to save their homeland, families, payrolls, etc. without getting killed or mutated in the process, and now it's a bunch of golden tincans hitting them with hammers who can't be corrupted and will just come back if the Daemon rips them in two. So dull. It's a lesser version of why I hate Space Marines too; if all a character does is fight in wars I really don't give a drat if they die, they might as well be robots. It's why I like Sisters of Battle and the Imperial Guard better; they've got poo poo other than murdering xenos/Chaos/rebellious humans to do.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 05:24 |
SunAndSpring posted:I just don't understand the reboot. Like, what're the loving stakes now in AoS? I really don't give a gently caress if the Sigmarines get killed in droves because they can come back or some poo poo. Used to be nothing but a dozen normal humans jamming their halberds into some filthy Chaos beast in a desperate attempt to save their homeland, families, payrolls, etc. without getting killed or mutated in the process, and now it's a bunch of golden tincans hitting them with hammers who can't be corrupted and will just come back if the Daemon rips them in two. So dull. It's because GW is creatively bankrupt, and accidentally invalidated a bunch of their copyrights/proved that you cannot copyright Elfs or whatever, so they wanted to make a totally new setting to be about Deathrattles and Land Marines and Aelfs. GW is awful.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 05:31 |
Nuns with Guns posted:this is neat! Do you have a write up of how your party played through it anywhere? Yesssss give us stories about how players managed to mess up everything. These are good LDN, keep doing them.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 05:40 |
I really like the victory point scheme
# ? Dec 13, 2016 06:01 |
This section of WotW sounds pretty awesome. Definitely a good way to set up part of an adventure module or path or whatever.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 10:57 |
Yeah, I really dig the open ended style, its like a fantasy Hitman map, multiple targets with their own routines, opportunity for disguise antics. its even got a bathroom for you to stand in, mowing down mook troops as they bottleneck at the door.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 11:34 |
ZeroCount posted:I really like the victory point scheme Before anyone starts thinking that pathfinder invented something cool: the victory points concept is from Heroes of Battle (a 3.5 supplement). It was implemented in a few popular modules like Red Hand of Doom.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 12:09 |
Man, speaking of Red Hand of Doom. That's such an interesting module, and it ended (For our group) In the dumbest loving way. I brought a chivalrous Anime Swordsman to the table, along with a pair of brothers playing a Dragon Sorcerer and a 3rd Party Weirdo Psychic Class character. We had other regulars (I remember a shadow wizard and possibly some sort of cleric?), but they don't pertain to this tale. We'd managed to press through 90% of the module, with a few pertinent facts:
And for the first time in the whole campaign, months of play, sessions and sessions of being a lump, Useless 3rd Party Psychic declares he'll use telekinesis, and rolls a natural 20. Books are opened, heads are scratched, paragraphs are pored over, rules are found and analyzed. It turns out that the force he's able to apply at that level, with that roll, with all the skill buffs and boosts he'd gotten, was in the 'hundreds of thousands of tons' range. There's this awkward pause. "...Well, hell. Just tear the fortress to bits, then." Our poor, long suffering GM threw up his hands at that point, declared that that was what happened, and our useless joke-character lump of a party member suddenly and explosively one-shots, not the final boss, but the final DUNGEON. The group disintegrated and parted on relatively bad terms after that game, and I haven't gamed with either of the two brothers since then. But it's still a hell of a story, and as much as it led to bad feelings and drama in the aftermath, with a year or two's distance from it, something I can laugh about. Crasical fucked around with this message at 15:18 on Dec 13, 2016 |
# ? Dec 13, 2016 15:16 |
Night10194 posted:It's because GW is creatively bankrupt, and accidentally invalidated a bunch of their copyrights/proved that you cannot copyright Elfs or whatever, so they wanted to make a totally new setting to be about Deathrattles and Land Marines and Aelfs. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens to 40k at some point too since GW has shown that they can't defend their Space Marine copyright.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 15:29 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 06:37 |
There's a reason they've really pushed forward with calling them "Astartes" and similar in tie-in media, IIRC.
# ? Dec 13, 2016 15:32 |