Lutha Mahtin posted:Yesss, that's the article I couldn't find earlier. For all of you not in the know, prepare to have your minds blown. I was not in the know. I did have my mind blown.
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 18:43 |
MightyJoe36 posted:I was not in the know. I did have my mind blown. Seconded.
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:I never realised that was a scam. There were dozens of them last time I was in NYC - all Chinese. You walk the High Line and you pass about 10. I thought they were out for converts. From what I know about Buddhism this definitely sounds like a scam and not genuine practice. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/02/nyregion/fake-monks-begging-buddhist.html?_r=0
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Cool. Thanks for that. Looks like they are organised - at least in districts.
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bongwizzard posted:When asked "where is the pot son?" I started laughing and made some crack about smuggling pot into Canada being like smuggling shoddy leather goods into Mexico. They were not amused at all. hahahaha. That's a good one. I usually hear it phrased as bringing your own sand to the beach.
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you could joke about smuggling in maple syrup but that is probably even worse than weed now that i think about it
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Lutha Mahtin posted:you could joke about smuggling in maple syrup but that is probably even worse than weed now that i think about it You sweet summer child
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i knew that there had been a theft at the syrup reserve a few years ago, but ![]()
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ninjahedgehog posted:I just remembered something that happened in Paris when I was there as a teenager. My family and I were waiting at a pretty empty Metro station, with just one other dude sitting on the bench a few yards away. A third dude with a scraggly beard was talking to him for a bit and then dropped an absurd amount of change on the ground right in front of him. A few minutes later, the bearded guy came up to my dad and mumbled something in English that included "Please take my money" and did the same thing, dropping a bunch of coins in front of him. My mom took me and my sister to sit somewhere else while my dad talked with the bearded guy (presumably telling him to gently caress off), so I'm not sure what happened next before the train arrived. My guess is they wait for idiots to pick up the change, and then pick pocket them.
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I've lived in NYC 13 years, and I've never lived in Paris. I know more people who have been mugged/jumped in paris than people who have been mugged/jumped in NYC. I've never seen a live theft in NYC subways, I've seen 2 in Paris. I'm 10x at more on guard anywhere in Europe than in NYC.
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The only place someone's ever tried to rob me was on the metro in Barcelona, as it was going under that big touristy area everyone warns you about. I'll admit I hung on to being annoyed for ages that they tried it, and was pissed off that despite catching them in the act I didn't have enough proof at the time to do anything about it. Punching someone on a crowded train in a foreign country probably isn't the best plan anyway, but I had about $1000 on me in cash just for that journey and it would've been a nightmare if they'd got my wallet.
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EL BROMANCE posted:The only place someone's ever tried to rob me was on the metro in Barcelona, as it was going under that big touristy area everyone warns you about. I'll admit I hung on to being annoyed for ages that they tried it, and was pissed off that despite catching them in the act I didn't have enough proof at the time to do anything about it. Punching someone on a crowded train in a foreign country probably isn't the best plan anyway, but I had about $1000 on me in cash just for that journey and it would've been a nightmare if they'd got my wallet. so you did they rob you or not? id fight for a grand. yikes. charles shwabb acount man
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They "tried" it, and he caught them in the act, preventing them from actually robbing him.
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Essentially it was a super busy carriage, and as we left someone on the platform motioned a warning to my wife that her bag was slightly open, so I knew to have caution while on there m. I keep my wallet in my front pocket rather than the back, and I felt a hand brush against it so I put my hand over it straight away and I caught the look of a girl in the eye in front of me. At the time I was like, was she trying to pick pocket me or was it just an unintentional brush? Then her and another two guys split across the carriage who were obviously working as a team rush off on the next stop, and it was apparent I was super lucky.
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bitcoin bastard posted:Vancouver BC used to have the drinking age as 19 (still is, but apparently they won't serve USA citizens under 21 anymore) That's not a law, that's a clever venue-by-venue policy because young Americans can't hold their liquor and always act like loving fools as soon as they can drink legally in a bar. Spring Break in Montreal was always really, really dreadful...
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PT6A posted:That's not a law, that's a clever venue-by-venue policy because young Americans can't hold their liquor and always act like loving fools as soon as they can drink legally in a bar. Can confirm that I was a loving nightmare when I was up there drinking at 19.
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I know this isn't really the thread for it but can anyone remind me what the logic is behind that campaign "You don't own your legal name"? I saw some posters here in the UK and I remember a few months ago someone explaining it was sovereign citizen poo poo. Remind me pls?
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:I know this isn't really the thread for it but can anyone remind me what the logic is behind that campaign "You don't own your legal name"? I saw some posters here in the UK and I remember a few months ago someone explaining it was sovereign citizen poo poo. Remind me pls? If nobody here knows, there are a couple other threads you can hit up. One is the Ammon Bundy/Malheur occupation thread, and another is the YOSPOS bitcoin thread.
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:I know this isn't really the thread for it but can anyone remind me what the logic is behind that campaign "You don't own your legal name"? I saw some posters here in the UK and I remember a few months ago someone explaining it was sovereign citizen poo poo. Remind me pls? It's a common (self-)con/scam in the western legal world, so maybe it counts? Maybe less so because mental illness is almost certainly present in many of its adherents. There have been some great SA threads in the past, though. Here's a nice SovCit informational paper published by the UNC School of Government: https://www.sog.unc.edu/sites/www.sog.unc.edu/files/Sov%20citizens%20quick%20guide%20Nov%2013.pdf Anyway, their idea is pretty much a schizophrenic understanding of how courts and legal systems work. That, much like Rumpelstiltskin, your True Name is the key to bypassing these laws applying to a governmental construct about you which is entirely voluntary if you know the right The particular bit about not owning your name may refer to the idea of government creating a secret personal account in your "name" but not your True Name, in order to collect interest even though they're better off collecting interest on larger combined-population sums (like they do in reality). It may refer to the various ID# systems, and may declare JOHN SMITH ssn#1234567 to be inherently different from John Smith ssn#1234567 or Smith, John ssn#1234567 (again, for crazy person reasons). It's hard to get much into their reasoning without knowing the particular cases, since a smug 17-year-old is going to approach the SovCit thing way differently from a 55-year-old with schizophrenia. Here's a pretty comprehensive legalistic anti-sovcit debunk written by a Canadian judge: http://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2012/2012abqb571/2012abqb571.html?autocompleteStr=meads&autocompletePos=2 edit: Since it's not worth making another semi-relevant post, an example of a sovcit trying to defend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7h7uevwxt8 Turns what should be 2-minute trial of lane control failure and DUI w/o licensure or plates, into a 10-minute semi-coherent word salad defense centered around the (sovcit) nature and boundaries of legal personhood. sweart gliwere fucked around with this message at 00:14 on Sep 6, 2016 |
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There's a big 'It's illegal to use a legal name' poster still up on a billboard where I live. I kind of like it, it's so odd.
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I don't want to answer this question. Doing so would create joinder with all of you.
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GiP is the best place to lurk for sovcit comedy, probably 30% of posts in the cop thread are declarations of undying fealty to P. BARNES.
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Kind of related, my Dad got scammed today in the classic dent'n'scratch scam. I have the scammer's phone# and License Plate number, and it happened in Chicago. Unfortunately no picture of the guys. Here's a description of the scam taken from another site: quote:Car body repair scam for paintless dent removal. Scammer finds you in a parking lot, offering to remove minor dents from your car, claims they do this on the side for extra money besides their normal job doing it for a company during the day, will do for you for 1/4 the shop price. They end up doing a lousy job and making your car worse with their inadequate tools and skills. There was no written contract or paperwork. Is there anything I can do with this information? I don't want to post a dollar figure, but they got away with enough money that it'd be considered a class 3 felony if they just robbed him. Chuu fucked around with this message at 01:54 on Sep 6, 2016 |
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Thanks for those replies. So what is the economic incentive to pay for posters? I know most of the sovcit stuff is scam/paranoia/libertarian/magical thinking so what's the payoff for putting up enigmatic posters?
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:Thanks for those replies. So what is the economic incentive to pay for posters? I know most of the sovcit stuff is scam/paranoia/libertarian/magical thinking so what's the payoff for putting up enigmatic posters? I think they want to AWAKEN others. Like 9/11 truther posters. Edit. Plus, the sovereign citizen movements have people making money selling their tips and tricks.
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:Thanks for those replies. So what is the economic incentive to pay for posters? I know most of the sovcit stuff is scam/paranoia/libertarian/magical thinking so what's the payoff for putting up enigmatic posters? You're trying to rationalise the actions of completely insane people dude. The funniest part of those stupid LEGAL NAME FRAUD billboards is that they don't even have a web address or any sort of way to find out more about it. Even googling the words on it just takes you to various news outlets pointing out that it's a load of stupid nonsense.
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:So what is the economic incentive to pay for posters? Start here: https://violentmetaphors.com/2016/01/26/a-skeptic-on-the-conspira-sea-cruise-day-1/
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Josef K. Sourdust posted:Thanks for those replies. So what is the economic incentive to pay for posters? I know most of the sovcit stuff is scam/paranoia/libertarian/magical thinking so what's the payoff for putting up enigmatic posters? this is kind of like asking why people put out election yard signs, or why a religious organization (besides scientology) would run a tv ad. it isn't for money, it's to raise awareness
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I kinda get the feeling it's just one guy with too much time and money on his hands who doesn't know how to design an effective poster. Like someone already said, they don't even have a web address or call to action of any kind.
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Stupid, irrational people do stupid, irrational things.
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grack posted:Stupid, irrational people do stupid, irrational things. But what does it MEAAAAAAAAAANNN??!?! ![]()
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Emmideer fucked around with this message at 03:22 on Sep 19, 2016 |
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Absurd Alhazred posted:But what does it MEAAAAAAAAAANNN??!?! That the poster maker's TRUE NAME is actually "Holy poo poo This Dude Sniffs A Lot Of Glue!"
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shame on an IGA posted:GiP is the best place to lurk for sovcit comedy, probably 30% of posts in the cop thread are declarations of undying fealty to P. BARNES. not sure why you wouldn't post the video but looking at sovcit websites there's expensive as hell packages, then on another page say that money is evil and that society needs to move away from it
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HopperUK posted:There's a big 'It's illegal to use a legal name' poster still up on a billboard where I live. I kind of like it, it's so odd. Yeah we have one on the billboard at the end of my terrace. Makes a change from Sky Sports adverts at least.
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stringball posted:not sure why you wouldn't post the video Anything dealing with sovcits will just be inconsistent, bug gently caress crazy, and full of people taking advantage of idiots. Granted many of them fall prey to it because they got themselves into inescapable debt or troubling legal issues. A magical way out just sounds too good to pass up. Others are just gullible idiots.
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Last weekend I was dragged to a really weak pitch for some kind of leadership/life coaching/self esteem seminar, and sat through a lecture about enlightening and revolutionary it is. It's $1,299, it's a standard LGAT-model event, and they can't tell me much it until I actually do it. The person pushing it I in the "unworthy" group and can move to the next level by pitching to and recruiting others. Meanwhile, the company (no called Zavros Leadership and Coaching) has changed their name at least four times with the Secretary of State and has a list of complaints at the AGs office longer than my Johnson.
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That's ballsy, just straight up going with unworthy for the entry tier to the pyramid.
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 18:43 |
I got an e-mail a few days ago from a senator (that somehow ended up in my spam folder) about a class action lawsuit settlement I might be eligible for against Nigerian scammers.![]()
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