MightyJoe36 posted:I find it ridiculous that people would actually believe that the "authorities" (IRS, FBI, Sheriff, etc.) would want you to pay your fine with an iTunes gift card. It's been highlighted before by previous posters that there is a useful sift for gullible/vulnerable people in just how poorly the initial approach is put together. That said, a couple of friends have reported receiving posted letters from SE Asia from law firms acting as will executors. Going for the 'customs/processing tax/fee' by western union approach. Nice letterhead paper. Some attempts at targeting elderly people. Not nice ![]()
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# ? Feb 12, 2025 15:08 |
impulse 7 effect posted:So what was your favorite part of defcon, this year? defcon was cancelled sadly - the pool was nice though!
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maskenfreiheit posted:defcon was cancelled sadly - the pool was nice though! I heard it was all about the balcony. Hopefully it's on next year; stay safe!
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impulse 7 effect posted:It's been highlighted before by previous posters that there is a useful sift for gullible/vulnerable people in just how poorly the initial approach is put together. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/why-do-nigerian-scammers-say-they-are-from-nigeria/
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MightyJoe36 posted:I find it ridiculous that people would actually believe that the "authorities" (IRS, FBI, Sheriff, etc.) would want you to pay your fine with an iTunes gift card. Lmao seriously. I'm afraid you're in debt to the IRS, and the only way to avoid jail is to give us five boxes of Pokemon cards. We also accept Garbage Pail Kids.
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Comcast cable box update. I returned the remaining equipment I had but, stunningly, they had no record of me even attempting to cancel my TV and phone services and gave me a direct number to call to do it AGAIN, so the month delay for the last box I kept had nothing to do with anything. My bill WAS lower, because of the poo poo I had returned right away, but, as I suspected, they basically just left the service on because they could and I had no way to prove I had called so they billed me for it. The dude at Xfinity store straight up told me that the delay in the equipment return had no bearing on anything and gave me the REAL number to call for cancellation so gently caress all you people that tried to hang this horseshit on me.
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BiggerBoat posted:Comcast cable box update. This is why you record your calls to corporations
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BiggerBoat posted:Comcast cable box update. Glad to help!
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BiggerBoat posted:Comcast cable box update. Except that when you call and try to argue thst you did cancel they'll tell you to pound sand because you were using the cable as they can tell on their network since you had your poo poo plugged in. Exactly like people said. No one said it was contingent on it except that if they screwed you and didn't actually cancel that you would have no evidence of it. I wish you well and hope Comcast doesn't try to charge you for another month but you're entering the situation everyone warned you about and you're bragging that you were right all along because now you have the REAL cancellation number.
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BiggerBoat posted:Comcast cable box update. You had equipment out, that they could tell you were using. It's a huge mystery why it didn't get canceled the first time!
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BiggerBoat posted:gently caress all you people that tried to hang this horseshit on me. some of the people who initially responded to you may have phrased their posts in goony critical ways, but imo it's a bad look to flip the bird at and claim persecution from the people who were trying to look out for you. we just wanted to try and prevent someone from going through comcast hell, because we've all been through it and it sucks. i hope you get it figured out
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BiggerBoat posted:Comcast cable box update. It sounds like they already successfully cheated you once: the whole "gently caress everyone who doubted me, I'm going to get my money for real" routine is totally repeat victim 101, so I guess don't jinx yourself? You're believing the Comcast sales rep when a Comcast sales rep lying to you is why you're still in this mess to begin with. I would consult third-parties online who have been in this situation.
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I said it once and I will say it again: unhook all of your Comcast gear. In fact, to be safe, go and make sure nothing is attached to any coax outlet in your home. If they do try to pull the fake cancel poo poo again, you will at least have a leg to stand on. Also call billing and ask about the status of your account. Don't ask if you're cancelled, ask for the status. E: We need a Poe's Law emote but IDK how to draw it. goatsestretchgoals fucked around with this message at 01:26 on Aug 12, 2017 |
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goatsestretchgoals posted:I said it once and I will say it again: unhook all of your Comcast gear. In fact, to be safe, go and make sure nothing is attached to any coax outlet in your home. If they do try to pull the fake cancel poo poo again, you will at least have a leg to stand on. The Goon Down the Well. The Other Goons Peeing on Him.
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I do love the constant goon cycle of 1. Post about issue 2. Willfully and angrily ignore all advice 3. Even more angrily report that issue is not over 4. Get even more double extra mad that people point to earlier advice while declaring that it wasn't valid for 'reasons' (despite all evidence it would have worked)
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If you have a mailing address for your cable provider, write them a cancellation letter and send it certified. It doesn't have to be fancy, but cancellation by phone is a crapshoot with, and only with for some reason, cable companies. The few bucks you pay for the certified mail more than justifies not having to deal with those assholes over the phone, or paying for the extra months of service while they slowly decide to finally cancel your service.
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Raldikuk posted:Except that when you call and try to argue thst you did cancel they'll tell you to pound sand because you were using the cable as they can tell on their network since you had your poo poo plugged in. Exactly like people said. No one said it was contingent on it except that if they screwed you and didn't actually cancel that you would have no evidence of it. He's got to be trolling. I refuse to believe anyone is that loving stupid.
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HerStuddMuffin posted:If you have a mailing address for your cable provider, write them a cancellation letter and send it certified. It doesn't have to be fancy, but cancellation by phone is a crapshoot with, and only with for some reason, cable companies. The few bucks you pay for the certified mail more than justifies not having to deal with those assholes over the phone, or paying for the extra months of service while they slowly decide to finally cancel your service. I mean, usually what you do is cancel via phone, then return the equipment. The lifehack is to return the equipment at a physical office and get a receipt. If they keep billing you don't even bother with them - call your credit card company, offer to send a scan of the receipt, and report the charges as fraudulent.
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maskenfreiheit posted:I mean, usually what you do is cancel via phone, then return the equipment. That's not a lifehack as it makes sense and makes your life better. A lifehack would be to call and cancel, then reroute the cable to your neighbour and give him the equipment so now he gets free cable (and then you get billed every month for the service that is now his)
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Fil5000 posted:That's not a lifehack as it makes sense and makes your life better. A lifehack would be to call and cancel, then reroute the cable to your neighbour and give him the equipment so now he gets free cable (and then you get billed every month for the service that is now his) I'd like to see the flowchart of thoughts that led to you believing this was worth posting.
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Midjack posted:I'd like to see the flowchart of thoughts that led to you believing this was worth posting. Insurance fraud (false equipment theft report), a firmware flash and case change (do cable boxes have chassis intrusion switches?), then monthly neighborly equipment swaps until the That gets me wondering, how many cable boxes and remote displays could you serve to a cul-de-sac from one house's cable or satellite subscription via WiFi? edit: thread-relevant because of course it would carry penalties steep enough to make it a self inflicted con sweart gliwere fucked around with this message at 17:31 on Aug 12, 2017 |
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He's just joking that "life hacks" are usually dumb. That's it, that's all there is to it
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None for Comcast at least. Every box that hooks up has a unique identifier of some kind, which is then provisioned onto an account. Anecdote only but the night I moved across town to ~my girlfriend~'s house (same billing area), I still had internet at my old place and she only had cable TV. I hooked my modem up and...the internet worked. I wasn't a Comcast engineer (lol call center hell), but I suspect everything is based on 'this device is attached to this account' and geography doesn't matter inside the billing area (which is usually a large city + suburbs).
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Pharmaskittle posted:He's just joking that "life hacks" are usually dumb. That's it, that's all there is to it PYF life hacks: throw your cable box through your neighbor's widow like a animal, you piece of poo poo
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Yeah I was super happy when I plugged my splitter into the random coax wire in my new place and got my TV and internet connection without issue at all. Insanely smooth. Not so smooth? Canceling the appointment from Comcast for their engineer to come and do it, as their system insisted I needed to book one but then showed no trace of it afterwards. Comcast services are good until something goes wrong, then uggggggh. At least we have a local store near us who usually resolve stuff without issue.
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Oh, boy, what a totally legit email!
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Absurd Alhazred posted:Oh, boy, what a totally legit email! Is she still using her Yahoo account? Or is she using the University of Missouri again?
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greazeball posted:Is she still using her Yahoo account? Or is she using the University of Missouri again? Neither: a .com.tr address, adding further legitimacy to an email ostensibly from a D.C.-housed organization.
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Absurd Alhazred posted:Oh, boy, what a totally legit email! so its a scam either way, AM I RIGHT FOLKS??
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Pharmaskittle posted:He's just joking that "life hacks" are usually dumb. That's it, that's all there is to it I mean yeah, I thought that was the whole point of the thread. Edit: haha, I'm a loving moron and thought I was posting in the lifehacks thread. Fil5000 fucked around with this message at 07:38 on Aug 14, 2017 |
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Proteus Jones posted:I refuse to believe anyone is that loving stupid. See my post above about people getting scammed into paying "fines" to the IRS with iTunes gift cards. ![]()
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I just got a call earlier today about a "final warning" from the IRS and telling me to call some number.
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Absurd Alhazred posted:I just got a call earlier today about a "final warning" from the IRS and telling me to call some number. Well, it was good knowing you. If you get to browse comedy internet websites in prison, let us know where you are!
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Oh I know where they're at. Send me some iTunes gift cards so I can post their bail.
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There's a class action lawsuit against the people responsible for a ton of "free cruise" robocalls, and if your phone number is listed in the call records you can be eligible to receive $300 per call up to 3 calls. https://www.rmgtcpasettlement.com/Home.aspx (Website has been swamped all day today but seems to be working now.)
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That's a pretty good way of collecting a list of phone numbers of people who answer unsolicited phone calls.
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republicant posted:There's a class action lawsuit against the people responsible for a ton of "free cruise" robocalls, and if your phone number is listed in the call records you can be eligible to receive $300 per call up to 3 calls. I've had the same cell number for a decade and a half but somehow these scammers didn't manage to call me?! LAME
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maskenfreiheit posted:I've had the same cell number for a decade and a half but somehow these scammers didn't manage to call me?! LAME Don't worry, they'll call you now that they know you think you get 900 $ for being called ![]()
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I've enjoyed reading the first half or so of this thread. Here are my experiences: My brother got hit hard with the box of junk speakers in the trunk. I don't consider my brother a dumb person. Chalked it up to him running into a great salesperson and my brother at the time was actually wanting to buy speakers. It's too bad that the $300 in cash only, or the fact that a guy was selling a box of speakers out of the trunk of a car in a grocery store parking lot, weren't large enough red flags for him to realize he was being scammed. I think they're probably still sitting in box in my parents basement. My grandmother was scammed for some money but was thankfully caught by my uncle before it got even worse. Someone called with the "your grandson is in jail and you need to write a check for bail money" line. Had sent one check out for some absurd sum that I can't recall, and I think she was ready to send another after a second call until my uncle saw what was going on from a bank statement. On a cruise earlier this year my girlfriend bought two fake "Cuban" cigars that were >$20 each. I myself had ended up signing a three year contract with a PA power reseller and it wasn't until after it was already done and over with did I realize I had signed something that was essentially going to make me pay about 30% more for electricity. At least that was easy enough to cancel with them the next day.
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# ? Feb 12, 2025 15:08 |
SEKCobra posted:Don't worry, they'll call you now that they know you think you get 900 $ for being called more like a check for 2.19 after they have too many claims and the lawyers took a couple mil each AMIRITE
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