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So what is Lucas Hood's real name anyway?
Ace O'Riordan
Dennis Mitchell
Guggenheim McFrankenbutt
Hood Lucas
Norman Krasner
This poll is stupid and undermines the thematic point being made by keeping Lucas Hood's real name a secret.
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Apr 29, 2013


Goddamn show. I'm spoiled for a big season 3 death (Tribal) but the folks I'm binging with have no idea.


life is killing me
Oct 28, 2007

ShakeZula posted:

I've been binging through the Amazon series Bosch and I did a double-take when Job showed up as a rich family man with a British accent.

Bosch is a pretty drat good show, IMO. I like Titus Welliver. I keep saying I'll read the books but never do get around to it though.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
No one dislikes Titus Welliver.

Feb 17, 2002

Don't be sad that I am gone.

Rocksicles posted:

No one dislikes Titus Welliver.

The one true universal fact.

Jun 27, 2006

All the Bosch commercials I've seen make it look like the most generic thing imaginable.

He even does the "my city" stuff.

I can't watch it anyway because it's on Amazon.

life is killing me
Oct 28, 2007

Aphrodite posted:

All the Bosch commercials I've seen make it look like the most generic thing imaginable.

He even does the "my city" stuff.

I can't watch it anyway because it's on Amazon.

It's Bosch's character that makes the show compelling, really. Oh, and his house. That loving house.

Dec 4, 2001
Oven Wrangler
Bosch is 'Heat: The Series' made by the same producer.

Jun 9, 2009

It's funny...

You were so scary at night.
Yeah, Bosch isn't the most original show in the world, but any series with Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector and Lance Reddick as regulars is worth watching.

Bacon Terrorist
May 7, 2010

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome

The thing I really noticed about Bosch (apart from it being cool and good - the books are worth a read too) is that it came out just after I bought my new TV and it's available in 4K. This combined with the cinematography makes it worth a watch on its own.

Apr 29, 2013

Bosch is a very traditional serialized cop show with great performances.

The first season is very FORMULA though; edging on generic.

Season two actually tiptoes towards Justified levels of plotting though. A huge, huge leap in quality.

To compare to Banshee, it'd be like comparing the pilot with the season 1 finale. They're both tonally in the same ballpark, but one is clearly and unequivocally superior.

Jul 17, 2003
Wouldn't it be the easiest to compare it to Justified? That started off very formulaic and generic, and by S2 it starts to become what everyone recognized it for.

Oct 2, 2009

by Lowtax

Cage posted:

Wouldn't it be the easiest to compare it to Justified? That started off very formulaic and generic, and by S2 it starts to become what everyone recognized it for.

Mmm, Bosch seems to roll too slow to match up. I think more Wire than anything.

Feb 12, 2015

by Cyrano4747
Fun fact for anyone who's missing their daily dose of Job: Hoon Lee plays Splinter on the current Ninja Turtles cartoon.

It's... kiiiiinda surreal seeing that, as a Banshee fan.

Apr 29, 2013

Those bastards. They teased us with a Carrie/Nola friendship. bastards.

Apr 29, 2013

Coming to the end of my Banshee binge. Three episodes to go. I'm much more positive on the final season than most, largely because I like that it pushes each and every character to one final trial. What does Hood look like if he loses Job and his badge? What does Brock do once he has the badge? What does Carrie do once her family is taken away? Proctor is now lord and commander of the underworld, but what does that mean for him and Rebecca? And Job... how can he rebuild himself after experiencing his own personal hell?

Binging definitely helps, I think. Week to week, episode by episode, this is indeed a less bombastic and propulsive show. But the payoffs are sensational.

As a way to bring Hood, Proctor, and Brock together I do think Rebecca's death "works." The serial killer Satanic stuff is fuckawful though. Its odd, since I think it would play better if we just never saw the Satanists at all, and just let Dushku and Hood discover it.

And did people really not enjoy the Brotherhood subplot?

Apr 29, 2013

Just watched the finale. At the end of the day I quite liked the final season as I think it pushed so many characters to new places. I particularly loved that they swerved around the obvious Hood vs Proctor expected conclusion. Having Carrie lead the Anti-Proctor push really worked for me; as a capper to Gordon's arc and a great way to demonstrate her own evolution.

The Brotherhood stuff made for a good subplot, but it definitely could have used some trimming. It took up entirely too much importance in the season, much as I enjoyed it.

They landed near every character beat they needed to, but the season fell short in three key areas.

1) The fight scenes. No idea why the slashed budget led to such inert action sequences, but here we are. As character beats, some of the fights narratively work. Hood replaying his most brutal fights as Burton is strangling him, Job finally becoming herself during the siege on Carrie's house etc. But as actual technical fights they're a goddamn mess. Even Cruz vs Carrie had sloppy editing left and right.

2) They lost the thread of who Proctor was. We're never really let into his interior thoughts this final season, and his motivations are glossed over again and again. As a conclusion, again, I love how he goes down. Carrie and Brock destroying the shipment, Burton's betrayal, Rebecca's death. Season 3 did so much small-scale character work with him. All of that gets slashed away, presumably lost in the shortened episode order. The story of Proctor finally in full control of Banshee is a fascinating story to tell. But they did not tell it.

3) Satanic Cults and goofy rear end goofiness. Love me some Dushku, and I'm happy her character spent time in Banshee. Everything to do with Declan just got worse and worse as time went on, and I still have no idea why the writers spent so much screentime twirling away in this particular corner of the world. Rebecca's death as the inevitable end of her arc, and the catalyst that forces Hood out of the mountains? Spectacular. But by the time a plastic surgeon is able to take out Brock AND Hood with a wrench I completely checked out. A damp fart of a plot, not helped with the rote damsel-ing of Veronica.

I'm happy with the time jump, happy with the way they pushed so many characters to literal breaking points. A strange conclusion to one hell of a show.

Dec 18, 2007

Love Is Not Enough
Still early but I figured a bunch of ppl would be interested here but Quarry is shaping up nicely:

Every ep is directed by Greg Yaitnes who also exec produced and directed a ton of eps for Banshee

"Quarry' is the story of Mac Conway, a Marine who returns home to Memphis from Vietnam in 1972 and finds himself shunned by those he loves and demonized by the public. As he struggles to cope with his experiences at war, Conway is drawn into a network of killing and corruption that spans the length of the Mississippi River."

Nov 11, 2002

Muay Buok
I will watch Quarry for sure.

In other non-Banshee news Antony Starr seems wasted in the new American Gothic series. So far it feels like a cheaper and more rushed version of Netflix's Bloodline... prominent family's estranged son returns home and a dark secret comes to light blah blah blah

I just want to see Antony beat some rear end but that hasn't happened yet so I am sad.

Feb 15, 2008

Angry thoughts

I just finished the finale and man what a let down. I could've excused the slow pace if the fight scenes were on par with the rest of banshee but nope!! Proctor was nonexistent.

May 11, 2009

Bedlam posted:

I just finished the finale and man what a let down. I could've excused the slow pace if the fight scenes were on par with the rest of banshee but nope!! Proctor was nonexistent.

They should have shown proctor getting mowed down by the cartel.

Mar 17, 2013


Crash74 posted:

They should have shown proctor getting mowed down by the cartel.

But instead they showed the cartel enforcers slowly moseying along as Proctor begins to spray them down with bullets while we neither see or hear any return fire.

It's almost like he had been there and done that a number of times before, surviving abjectly impossible odds, kinda like that time the Cadi was under siege and he dipped out, no problem.

This thread has been baffling. Peace out.

Jun 29, 2003

Liberate you from your wild curiosity

Narcissus1916 posted:

And did people really not enjoy the Brotherhood subplot?

I would've liked it more had we actually gotten to see Burton demolish the chumps in their own clubhouse :(

May 11, 2009

cvnvcnv posted:

But instead they showed the cartel enforcers slowly moseying along as Proctor begins to spray them down with bullets while we neither see or hear any return fire.

It's almost like he had been there and done that a number of times before, surviving abjectly impossible odds, kinda like that time the Cadi was under siege and he dipped out, no problem.

This thread has been baffling. Peace out.

Yes a sopranos ending for a main character is a great way to end a series, especially when all the other characters have relatively good end to their time in banshee.

Your Gay Uncle
Feb 16, 2012

by Fluffdaddy
This show is loving insane. I'd love to live in a town where it seems like even a PTA meeting would have the potential to end up in a shoot out with Russian gangsters and 9 foot tall Native beat people to death with their hands.

Jun 27, 2006

Kai died.

It doesn't matter if he survived that particular gunfight, he's done. Cartels don't just try once.

May 26, 2010

Capn Beeb posted:

I would've liked it more had we actually gotten to see Burton demolish the chumps in their own clubhouse :(

In a certain sense, this last season is a testament to doing what you can with a minuscule budget on a cult show, and i respect it on that level.

Wandle Cax
Dec 15, 2006

Aphrodite posted:

Kai died.

It doesn't matter if he survived that particular gunfight, he's done. Cartels don't just try once.

Yeah sure if you want to be realistic about it. It was a good ending for him and I don't think it would have been at all satisfying actually seeing him die.

Mar 31, 2007
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Quarry starts tomorrow, looking forward to it!

Dec 14, 2007

Lipstick Apathy
Oh poo poo, thanks for the reminder!
I'm hyped.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Sugar is now on Netflix's Luke Cage.

It's really good, you should all watch it.

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie

Rhyno posted:

Sugar is now on Netflix's Luke Cage.

It's really good, you should all watch it.

There's at least 3 The Wire alumni on Luke Cage.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

Jose Oquendo posted:

There's at least 3 The Wire alumni on Luke Cage.

This isn't the Wire thread or I'd have mentioned that. Sugar should be reason enough.

May 24, 2012
I'll only care when Job is a character in the MCU.

Man, I miss Banshee. :smith: How is that new Cinemax show y'all were talking about?

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
Quarry? i'm watching the latest episode right now, it's brilliant. Dewey Crow is in it.

screech on the beach
Mar 9, 2004

VagueRant posted:

I'll only care when Job is a character in the MCU.

Man, I miss Banshee. :smith: How is that new Cinemax show y'all were talking about?

It is very bleak and depressing and makes me very uncomfortable to watch. If you dig that kind of show you'll love it.

Party Plane Jones
Jul 1, 2007

by Reene
Fun Shoe

Jose Oquendo posted:

There's at least 3 The Wire alumni on Luke Cage.

Every single one of them is wasted in their role unfortunately.

May 26, 2010

Jose Oquendo posted:

There's at least 3 The Wire alumni on Luke Cage.

:siren: Marlo Stanfield is in Quarry

screech on the beach posted:

It is very bleak and depressing and makes me very uncomfortable to watch. If you dig that kind of show you'll love it.

I am really digging this show. Also an amazing soundtrack.

E: Dewey Crow is not loving around :stare: Can this thread now be the Greg Yaitanes Appreciation Station?

red19fire fucked around with this message at 21:35 on Oct 6, 2016

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Geno Segers popped up on From Dusk til Dawn. I was looking away and heard that booming voice of his. It's not a big role but he's always enjoyable.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
Still think he should voice Darkseid


Oct 10, 2005

by FactsAreUseless

Rhyno posted:

Geno Segers popped up on From Dusk til Dawn. I was looking away and heard that booming voice of his. It's not a big role but he's always enjoyable.

From Disney boy to one man slab of asswrecking machine :eek:

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