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So what is Lucas Hood's real name anyway?
Ace O'Riordan
Dennis Mitchell
Guggenheim McFrankenbutt
Hood Lucas
Norman Krasner
This poll is stupid and undermines the thematic point being made by keeping Lucas Hood's real name a secret.
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life is killing me
Oct 28, 2007

VagueRant posted:

Latest podcast ep features Chris Coy (Calvin Bunker):

Nothing huge in this one, but Chris Coy was actually a really enthusiastic and entertaining guest. He was apparently a big fan of the show before he was on it, and originally auditioned for the part of Leo the hacker guy.

Couple of points:
  • Apparently Jonathan Tropper has pretty much said at wrap parties that if he doesn't like working with an actor he can fire them via killing them off. Which is weirdly true!
  • There's a S1 sex scene where Hood says to a woman (can't remember if it was Rebecca or the bar lady or...) "And you are?" and then it just cuts to them loving. Apparently she originally replied "Already wet." but they went with the more immediate smashcut to intercourse instead. Classic Banshee!
  • They pointed out the jailed white supremacist father-in-law was Godfather in Generation Kill - it had been bugging me the entire time, what I knew him from!

To point 2, it was Rebecca because I was going back through all the seasons again when my DVR recorded them all, presumably they aired because the final season was close at hand. And yeah also it flashbacked to this scene, I think, in the season premiere this year.

To point 3, yeah, his face is kind of hard to forget. I like(d) him better in this show than in GK for some reason.


Jan 3, 2011

VagueRant posted:

[*]They pointed out the jailed white supremacist father-in-law was Godfather in Generation Kill - it had been bugging me the entire time, what I knew him from!

poo poo, I'd been wondering this, thanks!

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling

Iseeyouseemeseeyou posted:

poo poo, I'd been wondering this, thanks!

He's also Frank Underwood's original Secret Service bodyguard in House of Cards

Dec 13, 2003

And in Fringe S02.

Aug 29, 2008

by FactsAreUseless

(and can't post for 5 years!)

So, i'm at the end of the second season and i'm puzzled as to why anyone has anything to do with Carrie at all. She is quite possibly the shittiest human being i have ever seen in a TV series.

Hands Hood over to Rabbit and then apologises to him by cheating on her husband with him and ruining her family. Completely ignores her son over her daughter unless he is having a plot-advancement asthma attack. Fucks up killing Rabbit. Then when her family starts getting back together she fucks off with Hood to try and kill Rabbit again against the rightful protestations of her husband.

She's just a piece of poo poo all round and every episode where she is the main focus is boring and terrible because it is impossible to empathize with her even slightly. She should have been killed off in season 1.

Jun 27, 2006

That's like half as bad as Hood.

May 24, 2012

spudsbuckley posted:

Hands Hood over to Rabbit and then apologises to him by cheating on her husband with him and ruining her family. Completely ignores her son over her daughter unless he is having a plot-advancement asthma attack. Fucks up killing Rabbit.
Yeah this whole section was really bad.

Especially when instead of handing Hood over and going through all this...she could have just killed Rabbit the FIRST time she sneaked through all of his guards and got into his room to propose any kind of deal.

Mar 17, 2013

She never wanted her father dead. She loved her father. She misses him now. :iiam:

Ana was stuck between unfinished emotions needing resolution with Hood and finding him a mortal danger to all, something she's never been personally adverse to, as well as loving her father yet reconciling that she cannot continue with her life while he still exists. She did what she felt in her heart to be right, knowing she would be damned no matter what. This lead to conflicting actions which of course it did, it was an impossible situation for her in many ways. She's culpable for her own choices, everyone is, but I think she also earned a lot of understanding.

As for child favoritism, one is a plot device and the other is a character and they are treated accordingly. Nothing wrong there.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
"This season is poo poo" and then tonight's episode comes along and it's a return to form and awesome.

Sep 11, 2001

That opening :stonk:

I can't wait for Calvin to get smacked down now that he thinks he's hot poo poo.

The whole scene at Carrie's house was badass. Disappointed that lady deputy got away. I thought for sure Carrie was going to end her gruesomely with that saw blade.

I hope Agent Dawson manages to get away from the serial killer on her own because she has been pretty competent so far.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years! Brock dead? He wasn't moving!

Mar 20, 2009

Rhyno posted: Brock dead? He wasn't moving!

He looked stunned, and maybe a little defeated. Something like the serial killer getting the drop on you, bragging, and then letting you go would probably even affect Hood.

The conversation between Job and Daeva was pretty adorable. :3:

Oct 2, 2009

by Lowtax
loving brutal, loving brutal. Banshee is back :D

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

spudsbuckley posted:

So, i'm at the end of the second season and i'm puzzled as to why anyone has anything to do with Carrie at all. She is quite possibly the shittiest human being i have ever seen in a TV series.

Hands Hood over to Rabbit and then apologises to him by cheating on her husband with him and ruining her family. Completely ignores her son over her daughter unless he is having a plot-advancement asthma attack. Fucks up killing Rabbit. Then when her family starts getting back together she fucks off with Hood to try and kill Rabbit again against the rightful protestations of her husband.

She's just a piece of poo poo all round and every episode where she is the main focus is boring and terrible because it is impossible to empathize with her even slightly. She should have been killed off in season 1.

If you don't like Carrie, you're watching it wrong.

Feb 12, 2015

by Cyrano4747

spudsbuckley posted:

So, i'm at the end of the second season and i'm puzzled as to why anyone has anything to do with Carrie at all. She is quite possibly the shittiest human being i have ever seen in a TV series.

Hands Hood over to Rabbit and then apologises to him by cheating on her husband with him and ruining her family. Completely ignores her son over her daughter unless he is having a plot-advancement asthma attack. Fucks up killing Rabbit. Then when her family starts getting back together she fucks off with Hood to try and kill Rabbit again against the rightful protestations of her husband.

She's just a piece of poo poo all round and every episode where she is the main focus is boring and terrible because it is impossible to empathize with her even slightly. She should have been killed off in season 1.

The thing about Carrie is, it's only by the third season that she has any kind of handle on what the gently caress is going on. Think of things from her perspective: she's settled down, it's been literally a decade, things are normal, then all of a sudden her ex busts down her door and is like "HEY I GOT OUT OF PRISON LET'S GET BACK TOGETHER." Also, he's the goddamn sheriff and nobody else realizes he's an ex-con. Also also, her dad popped up out of the blue and has serious beef with both of them. All of this happens over a not particularly long span of time.

Would you be making perfectly rational and intelligent decisions there?

(Also, I don't think the son is really on her as a character, the show kinda forgot he existed overall.)

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
The only thing I can fault the show for is that the style and tone has shifted a lot from earlier seasons, but then Hood is in a completely different situation now. It felt like they make up plotlines as they go along, which is fine when the show is this good, but it also means the overall arcs of characters (or even existences of characters in the aforementioned son case) gets wobbly. Proctor being taken down was slowly being built up over the course of one arc, which has now been seemingly completely dropped.

Party Plane Jones
Jul 1, 2007

by Reene
Fun Shoe
Carrie building her house as a fortress with fences that can be jumped without hitting motion detectors and not having bulletproof glass is an odd choice considering her paranoia.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

Party Plane Jones posted:

Carrie building her house as a fortress with fences that can be jumped without hitting motion detectors and not having bulletproof glass is an odd choice considering her paranoia.

She was still working on it! The BP glass was probably due to arrive on Tuesday!

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
As a carpenter, i can tell you now. The bulletproof glass would be superfluous in a wooden house.

Apr 8, 2010


That opening :stonk:

I can't wait for Calvin to get smacked down now that he thinks he's hot poo poo.

The whole scene at Carrie's house was badass. Disappointed that lady deputy got away. I thought for sure Carrie was going to end her gruesomely with that saw blade.

I hope Agent Dawson manages to get away from the serial killer on her own because she has been pretty competent so far.

Seriously, Calvin is so ridiculously in over his head that it's going to be hilarious to see him get completely ruined by Proctor.

Oct 5, 2003


Or... the show ends with Calvin murdering everyone, including the show's viewers.

Dec 14, 2007

Lipstick Apathy
So what happens with lady deputy now? I'm assuming Cary didn't give her name in her report?

God, I want Tom Pelphrey to destroy Calvin so much. Bunker's been a powder keg since he was introduced, with two episodes that plot has got to end in some terrible violence.

GobiasIndustries fucked around with this message at 20:03 on May 7, 2016

Jul 24, 2007

Adrian Chiles is a broadcaster and writer

evilmiera posted:

The only thing I can fault the show for is that the style and tone has shifted a lot from earlier seasons, but then Hood is in a completely different situation now. It felt like they make up plotlines as they go along, which is fine when the show is this good, but it also means the overall arcs of characters (or even existences of characters in the aforementioned son case) gets wobbly. Proctor being taken down was slowly being built up over the course of one arc, which has now been seemingly completely dropped.

the show is going to end with proctor winning

Amy Pole Her
Jun 17, 2002
He's in trouble. I'm shocked he went after Carrie considering he's got white supremacists actively trying to gently caress him up

Mar 18, 2008

AAA DOLFAN posted:

He's in trouble. I'm shocked he went after Carrie considering he's got white supremacists actively trying to gently caress him up

Plan may have already been in motion before Calvin showed up.

Sep 11, 2001

AAA DOLFAN posted:

He's in trouble. I'm shocked he went after Carrie considering he's got white supremacists actively trying to gently caress him up

He's going to have the cartel to worry about too if he can't get all those drugs he promised them. :ohdear:

Oct 29, 2012

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.

Maybe we'll see a Calvin-Carrie-Cartel alliance vs. Proctor???? My brain will explode if this happens. Also post 2 year torture Job is still more ripped than I'll ever be.

Jan 16, 2003

Everyone is going to kill each other, and the feds are going to carpet bomb the town to get rid of everyone. Last scene will be Hood crawling out of the wreckage, the only one to survive.

Jun 29, 2003

Liberate you from your wild curiosity
Sugar and Job as ultimate champions

Jun 18, 2006
I'm sure that there are plenty of plot holes I willfully overlooked all throughout the series, but for some reason, the one that bothers me is Hood's arrest. How did they not finger print him and discover that he's actually Joe Schmoe Diamond Thief? :iiam:

In other news I sincerely hope that the series finale features Job and Sugar finally hooking up. The sexual tension has been utterly unbearable.

Sep 11, 2001

PopetasticPerson posted:

I'm sure that there are plenty of plot holes I willfully overlooked all throughout the series, but for some reason, the one that bothers me is Hood's arrest. How did they not finger print him and discover that he's actually Joe Schmoe Diamond Thief? :iiam:

In other news I sincerely hope that the series finale features Job and Sugar finally hooking up. The sexual tension has been utterly unbearable.

Job did hacker magic when he made him Hood.

May 24, 2012
The fight scene at the house was pretty much what we've been waiting six episodes for. It worked as an exciting story beat and it was good for the characters, though sadly, the actual action was technically pretty sloppy. A lot of jarring jump cuts skipping movement, the part where Cruz kicks Carrie off the counter looked like they both completely messed up the choreography and didn't touch each other to me (?) and Job very clearly didn't hit that guy in the face with the butt of the rifle. But again balances, like the Deva sequence was perfectly plotted (if predictable).

On the subject of Deva, she looks totally different to me. Like she actually aged the two extra years of the timeskip. Dunno if it's the lack of neon hair, or make up or what...

Oh and I was glad Job finally tried on Carrie's clothes. Feel like we've been waiting for that to happen for nearly as long as the Carrie/Cruz showdown!

I like that Hood was so deeply affected by Siobahn that he isn't a gently caress machine anymore. (Anyone else spot that they miscredited her as being played by Rieste Kelly Dunn in the end credits?)

Capn Beeb posted:

Sugar and Job as ultimate champions
Where the gently caress is Sugar anyway?!

evilmiera posted:

The only thing I can fault the show for is that the style and tone has shifted a lot from earlier seasons, but then Hood is in a completely different situation now. It felt like they make up plotlines as they go along, which is fine when the show is this good, but it also means the overall arcs of characters (or even existences of characters in the aforementioned son case) gets wobbly. Proctor being taken down was slowly being built up over the course of one arc, which has now been seemingly completely dropped.
That reminds me - remember the Mayor from season 1? 'cause season 1 didn't!


I can't wait for Calvin to get smacked down now that he thinks he's hot poo poo.

The whole scene at Carrie's house was badass. Disappointed that lady deputy got away. I thought for sure Carrie was going to end her gruesomely with that saw blade.
Yeah, Calvin's officially wearing out his welcome with me now. I like the actor, but they're not really giving him much to do that he hasn't done already now. There's not much nuance to seeing him seethe at people a bit more. I was really hoping Proctor would fight him right there in the office and teach him what it means to play criminal in Banshee.

Also disappointed Cruz got away. Would've been hilarious if she had the gall to show up at the crime scene in uniform afterwards.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
Mayor Bumfluff got blowed up by Rebecca

Oct 5, 2003



PopetasticPerson posted:

I'm sure that there are plenty of plot holes I willfully overlooked all throughout the series, but for some reason, the one that bothers me is Hood's arrest. How did they not finger print him and discover that he's actually Joe Schmoe Diamond Thief? :iiam:

The show does address this. Job disappeared Hood from all criminal databases awhile back.

Jun 27, 2006

GobiasIndustries posted:

So what happens with lady deputy now? I'm assuming Cary didn't give her name in her report?

God, I want Tom Pelphrey to destroy Calvin so much. Bunker's been a powder keg since he was introduced, with two episodes that plot has got to end in some terrible violence.

She's not going to give the cops any names, so she can go after them herself.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
They are cock teasing the Bunker Buster something fierce.

He's been smoldering since day one, with short bursts of epic violence.

Need moar Bunker

10 Beers
May 21, 2005

Shit! I didn't bring a knife.

Great episode! I only have one little nitpick. If you're investigating someone you think is linked to a serial killing Satanist, please get in your car and leave when you're done talking. Make the call on the way. Don't sit in their loving driveway and wait for them to come get you!

I just knew something was going to happen, but I jumped anyway.

Disgusting Coward
Feb 17, 2014

10 Beers posted:

Great episode! I only have one little nitpick. If you're investigating someone you think is linked to a serial killing Satanist, please get in your car and leave when you're done talking. Make the call on the way. Don't sit in their loving driveway and wait for them to come get you!

I just knew something was going to happen, but I jumped anyway.

Haha yeah, and what was brainwashed Satanist lady doing anyway? Just standing watching Sex Detective's car for a few minutes before deciding "Hey ho, guess I'd better kidnap her for OUR LORD AND MASTER LUCIFER then"? What would she have done if Sex Detective had been holding in a poo and peeled rubber for the nearest gas station as soon as she got in the car?

May 24, 2012
Podcast ep 6 feat. Ivana Milicevic (Carrie/Ana!):

To be honest, my notes are pretty much just spergin' about Ivana.

I was pretty curious about her, not because of her looks (She's not my type!) but because she's the cast member you see the most enthusiasm for. I remember showrunner Jonathan Tropper singling her out as being especially good to work with. I know whenever the cast and crew post goofy selfies and the like, she's usually involved. especially with the other women on the show. And one of the Seans on the podcast made her sound nice when he related that story of meeting her and Anthony Star (Hood) at a clothes shop back when the first season was just airing.

Anyway, turns out she is fairly charming and I see why people are pulled in by that charisma.
  • She talked about being super tight with the girls on set, including Cruz, this season's newbie.
  • She referred to seeing Calvin Bunker's penis this episode as it being about time we saw "some worm."
  • Talking about fight scene training, she repeatedly emphasised how they're supposed to pronounce dojo (kinda "doojoo") to comic effect.
  • Sounds like she was trained in escrima fighting (given that the show gives each character a specific fighting style) early on, but season 4 is the first time they've actually got around to giving her sticks.
  • The most interesting part for me was she kept referencing them not really having the time or budget for action scenes but doing them anyway...Which definitely explains some of the sloppier choreography I mentioned earlier...
  • There was speculation that Eliza Dushku's character gets her wicked detective-ing skills FROM the crack she smokes.
  • When Jon Gabrus issued the standard podcast host half-apology, "We're jumping all over the place here" Ivana immediately, sweetly and seriously reassured him that "It's okay". I've literally never heard that on a podcast!
  • She talked about trying standup comedy as a teenager in-between modelling and acting. I had no idea.
  • Re: Sean's story about meeting her and Anthony Star - the story is that Sean and his wife went up and said they liked the show, Ivana politely and enthusastically thanked them while Anthony Star said "yeah I like it too. I jerk off to all my nude scenes". She remembers the encounter (because her and her co-star do not go clothes shopping together often) and described it as a "very Ant thing to say" and also that he was probably just nervous.
  • She seemed legitimately sad when the comedians revealed their observation about how Hood and Ana/Carrie's genes made a strong interesting burgeoning criminal daughter, but Gordon's weak rear end genes made a forgettable asthmatic problem boy. (She also said the show couldn't kill the son off because it would ruin Carrie and Gordon's characters too much.)
  • Apparently it's pronounced Mill-eech-ee-veech. (I always figured Mil-lih-chev-itch).

VagueRant fucked around with this message at 19:59 on May 10, 2016


Jun 27, 2006

Disgusting Coward posted:

Haha yeah, and what was brainwashed Satanist lady doing anyway? Just standing watching Sex Detective's car for a few minutes before deciding "Hey ho, guess I'd better kidnap her for OUR LORD AND MASTER LUCIFER then"? What would she have done if Sex Detective had been holding in a poo and peeled rubber for the nearest gas station as soon as she got in the car?

She needed to sneak around the back way so the cameras didn't see her.

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