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Sep 11, 2001

Root's lady boner for Shaw is going to get someone on the team killed.

Harold getting all pissy at free will logic the machine had was hilarious.


Feb 21, 2001

The Kwanzaa Bot is here to protect me.

So how long is this supposed to be after the last episode, because Shaw's hand is completely healed.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Lol, seriously

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

Finch, waiting for the win count to roll over into negatives does not mean the Machine would be winning.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


raditts posted:

So how long is this supposed to be after the last episode, because Shaw's hand is completely healed.

always assume a week + in between each ep, sometimes months.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


oh poo poo Elias and Fusco teaming up.

Sep 16, 2005

Gun Saliva

Zaggitz posted:

oh poo poo Elias and Fusco teaming up.

Yeah, this is gonna be good.

ol qwerty bastard
Dec 13, 2005

If you want something done, do it yourself!
Has anyone said SHAWshank redemption yet

I'm a few minutes behind but I wanted to be the first.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


drat, South African guinea pig prison.

Feb 21, 2001

The Kwanzaa Bot is here to protect me.

That one is all yours, buddy.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Where can I find Detective Foosco?

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Samaritan getting ready for a cleanse.

Sep 16, 2005

Gun Saliva
In case you forgot, Samaritan is monstrous. Also viruses mutate instantaneously on contact in the bloodstream.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010


What is happening

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

The agents that know of Samaritan's mission are so incredibly smug and insufferable. That alone would derail their plans.

Sep 16, 2005

Gun Saliva

Regy Rusty posted:


What is happening

The people who are actively being pursued by an evil superintelligence are less crazy and paranoid than regular people, also the people who who work for said superintellegence.

This one's straining my credulity a little, honestly.

Edit: Ok, it won me back over. Eat poo poo, Lambert.

Echophonic fucked around with this message at 03:41 on May 25, 2016

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010


Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Ya let me down Blackwell, ya let me down.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010


This show makes me yell

Sep 16, 2005

Gun Saliva

Regy Rusty posted:


This show makes me yell

Got me a few times tonight, admittedly.

Jul 9, 2001

With great payroll, comes great disappointment.
Samaritan building a Sorting Hat.

Sep 11, 2001

Fusco no :(

But Shaw is free at last. Shawshanked her way out of prison into another prison.

Machine going full eugenics :godwin:

Oct 19, 2009

Roëmænce is ælive!
Elias was right.

ol qwerty bastard
Dec 13, 2005

If you want something done, do it yourself!
At this point their ongoing decision to not loop Fusco in on everything seems a bit ridiculous, since he's already managing to get himself into Samaritan-related trouble every single episode without anyone's help. Seems like it would be less dangerous to just tell him.

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

ol qwerty bastard posted:

At this point their ongoing decision to not loop Fusco in on everything seems a bit ridiculous, since he's already managing to get himself into Samaritan-related trouble every single episode without anyone's help. Seems like it would be less dangerous to just tell him.

I can understand them not wanting to tell Fusco. It is the difference between him bumbling into danger, and having a crosshair on his forehead. Samaritan has been very good at working out if someone knows about it.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


RIP Lambert, one smug rear end in a top hat down, several thousand to go.

monster on a stick
Apr 29, 2013

Zaggitz posted:

drat, South African guinea pig prison.

Looks like she took the wrong turn at Albuquerque.

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021

Zaggitz posted:

RIP Lambert, one smug rear end in a top hat down, several thousand to go.

He died or at least got hurt in probably all 7000 sims, why would he claim "this is totally a sim put the ax down"?

Sep 16, 2005

Gun Saliva
Well, I think he was trying to save his own rear end by reminding her how futile resistance in a simulation is. I think he underestimated how much she wanted to watch him bleed.

Feb 21, 2001

The Kwanzaa Bot is here to protect me.


Fusco no :(

But Shaw is free at last. Shawshanked her way out of prison into another prison.

Maybe she'll never get back to team machine, and will just keep breaking from prison to prison until she hooks up with Michael and Linc.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


raditts posted:

Maybe she'll never get back to team machine, and will just keep breaking from prison to prison until she hooks up with Michael and Linc.

Shaw will end up sailing from Africa to Florida and hook up with a bunch of ex spies who also help people for a living.

monster on a stick
Apr 29, 2013
Those were good episodes.

Feb 21, 2001

The Kwanzaa Bot is here to protect me.

I'm still not really feeling the Samaritan-related parts of the plot though, which seems like a problem with 5 episodes left to go. It doesn't really feel like they are making any progress there and I'm really getting tired of seeing the same old "I KEPT YOU IN THE DARK TO KEEP YOU SAFE" / "YOU SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED ME" routine that has been in like half a dozen different shows this season alone. I'm also the apparent odd one out here that enjoys the MOTW better than the overarching plot, at least since Samaritan came along

Jun 30, 2007
An alright dude.
I think that Samaritan kind of hosed up because all it really did was give Shaw 7000 simulations of how to murder/escape/cause havoc. So basically she's just been in a prison escape and murder simulator for a full year. That's kind of crazy.

Sep 11, 2001

Hollismason posted:

I think that Samaritan kind of hosed up because all it really did was give Shaw 7000 simulations of how to murder/escape/cause havoc. So basically she's just been in a prison escape and murder simulator for a full year. That's kind of crazy.

More that it really hosed up by not fixing the previous methods she used to escape.

Unless it wants her to escape :tinfoil:

monster on a stick
Apr 29, 2013


More that it really hosed up by not fixing the previous methods she used to escape.

Unless it wants her to escape :tinfoil:

If she has escaped :tinfoil:

But agreed, it seems more and more likely that it's going to be a huge deus ex machina that saves the day assuming there is a moderately happy ending (with Samaritan at least neutralized.) The "machine cannot beat samaritan in the Faraday cage" plotline is, what, three episodes old now?

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
When is the new show, where Amy Acker is a yoga teacher who solves crimes?

Oct 30, 2012

Grimey Drawer
My only issue with the season so far is how goofy it is every time they piece together that Samaritan is behind something. This episode in particular has Finch going "And there's only one other machine that could do such a thing..."


Like, maybe they're still getting normal numbers like Leon Tao between these Samaritan issues popping up, but you'd think they'd be a little bit quicker to assume that Samaritan might be hiding behind any corner.

Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

raditts posted:

That's not that unrealistic. It wouldn't be that great quality and I doubt it's something Fusco of all people would be able to do, but it's plausible, certainly nothing on the level of Zoom / Enhance.
I'm sure a trained audio engineer can clean up audio, but it was literally two sliders marked Vocal Track and Background Noise.

docbeard posted:

I'm reminded a bit of a story they told during the DVD commentary for an episode of Leverage, where the network didn't think that something (a credit card skimmer, I think) was realistic. And they had to break the news to them that no, it wasn't realistic, that real credit card skimmers are smaller and less impressive-looking than what they put in the episode.
Sorry you guys missed the obviously intentional joke in the lighthearted comedy episode.

As for tonight's episodes, my suspension of disbelief is sort of strained by the need for Team Machine to figure out why they are being sent somewhere. I have been looking forward to the Machine to be an open system since season 1, but still this element of here is a number and that is all you are getting is coexisting with this is the exact makeup of the supervirus and where to find the antidote.

It just seems like the Machine could have said, hey, this guy has the flu and Samaritan is going to create a super virus by injecting him with another virus that was switched with the antiviral they are going to treat him with. This one guy who works there is in on it. Oh and that humble house painter I sent you to is now a Samaritan operative in case he shows up.


Binary Logic
Dec 28, 2000

Fun Shoe

Sub Rosa posted:

I'm sure a trained audio engineer can clean up audio, but it was literally two sliders marked Vocal Track and Background Noise.

Sorry you guys missed the obviously intentional joke in the lighthearted comedy episode.

As for tonight's episodes, my suspension of disbelief is sort of strained by the need for Team Machine to figure out why they are being sent somewhere. I have been looking forward to the Machine to be an open system since season 1, but still this element of here is a number and that is all you are getting is coexisting with this is the exact makeup of the supervirus and where to find the antidote.

It just seems like the Machine could have said, hey, this guy has the flu and Samaritan is going to create a super virus by injecting him with another virus that was switched with the antiviral they are going to treat him with. This one guy who works there is in on it. Oh and that humble house painter I sent you to is now a Samaritan operative in case he shows up.

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