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Jun 30, 2007
An alright dude.
That was loving awesome. Team Machine is all together. Also, Samaritan doesn't have the whole scenario what with Fusco now on team Machine and everyone together.

I see that they are keeping with the tradition of naming devastating episodes after NIN songs. Tomorrows episode is "The Day the World Went Away".

4 more episodes :( .

Hollismason fucked around with this message at 07:11 on May 31, 2016


Great Orb!
Feb 4, 2009
Spent the better part of May catching up with this show. My dad loves it, a friend of mine recommended it. Saw it on Netflix, and now I'm in to it.

I'm just waiting for God Mode Fusco.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Tonight's episode, "The Day the World Went Away" is the 100th episode of the show! It's also the beginning of what is presumably a 4 part series finale, so get hype.

Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

Zaggitz posted:

It's also the beginning of what is presumably a 4 part series finale, so get hype.
I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready

Jul 23, 2007
I'm changing my vote to 'only the Machine dies/merges with Samaritan'.

I can't imagine the writers pulling away Shaw, Root or Fusco after what they went through last episode and I can't imagine this show killing Reese and Finch if there was the possibility it'd get renewed when it was filming.

Nov 19, 2011

First touch: Life.
Second touch: Dead again. Forever.
Someone hosed up cause they accidentally aired the final scene of the show last night.

Party Plane Jones
Jul 1, 2007

by Reene
Fun Shoe
Did they ever bother to do blanks on this show besides If-Then-Else or what? Cause the lack of cycling last episode was hilarious.

Jun 27, 2006

Special Finch guns, obviously.

Just like their magic invisible earpieces.

Nov 4, 2014

I won this avatar on a technicality this thick.
I wonder if they will resolve that British guy who appeared for only one episode.

Aug 8, 2007

None so deprived

Acer Pilot posted:

I wonder if the machine gave Bear an asset box.

Primary Good Boy. Bear knows this.

Dec 4, 2001
Oven Wrangler

Party Plane Jones posted:

Did they ever bother to do blanks on this show besides If-Then-Else or what? Cause the lack of cycling last episode was hilarious.

New York has crazy strict rules for use of pyrotechnics so everything is done digitally in post.

Apr 2, 2010

Zaggitz posted:

Tonight's episode, "The Day the World Went Away" is the 100th episode of the show! It's also the beginning of what is presumably a 4 part series finale, so get hype.

My heart can't take this

Feb 21, 2001

The Kwanzaa Bot is here to protect me.

Mraagvpeine posted:

I wonder if they will resolve that British guy who appeared for only one episode.

Samaritan cleaned him up offscreen, naturally.

Party Plane Jones posted:

Did they ever bother to do blanks on this show besides If-Then-Else or what? Cause the lack of cycling last episode was hilarious.

I don't know what this means.

Jun 6, 2004

You are being watched. :allears:

Aphrodite posted:

Just like their magic invisible earpieces.

Once I noticed this I couldn't stop from seeing it :stare:

From the thread it seems I have some good stuff to look forward to when I get around to watching last night's episode later.

Should probably make up a WWFD ('What Would Fusco Do?') bracelet for myself. :3:

Feb 13, 2006

Free to roam the heavens in man's noble quest to investigate the weirdness of the universe!

I hope they don't end the series without mentioning how the precinct bowling team is doing now that Reese joined. That seems like the biggest loose thread right now.

Sep 16, 2005

Gun Saliva

paragon1 posted:

Samaritan couldn't simulate Root's crazy. :allears:

Yeah, it's always nice to be reminded that Samaritan doesn't understand people. Root loving loves playing chicken.

Nov 19, 2011

First touch: Life.
Second touch: Dead again. Forever.

CeeJee posted:

New York has crazy strict rules for use of pyrotechnics so everything is done digitally in post.

I feel like they held shots longer in this episode than I'm used to on this show, even the action shots , so it made it seem more noticeable. I have to go back for the first 3 seasons and check but I definitely started noticing this more last season.

I think it's just more noticeable when they do rolling gunfights and the richochets are all post and not from squibs going off tearing scenery apart.

bring back old gbs
Feb 28, 2007


Kegslayer posted:

I'm changing my vote to 'only the Machine dies/merges with Samaritan'.

I can't imagine the writers pulling away Shaw, Root or Fusco after what they went through last episode and I can't imagine this show killing Reese and Finch if there was the possibility it'd get renewed when it was filming.

My new tinfoil hat theory is the Machine doesn't give a gently caress about Samaritan. It is losing to it in simulations because it's running it's own thing: Transferring itself to Root through the cochlear implant. :getin: It's going to hack the planet a human, the last scene will be Root talking to the machine in her head without the implant. She'll be tortured by Samaritan before this though, so it'll kinda be up in the air wether they broke her brain or if the machine is really in there.

Also I assumed Fusco's introduction to the machine was going to be watching Reese go God Mode on all those guys who were outnumbering them. They kept playing up how outgunned they were. We better get God Mode Fusco by the finale.

bring back old gbs fucked around with this message at 19:50 on May 31, 2016

Nameless Pete
May 8, 2007

Get a load of those...

ol qwerty bastard posted:

Also Elias is the Garak to Finch's Sisko.

Which is ironic, since Finch is the one obsessed with tailoring.

Party Plane Jones
Jul 1, 2007

by Reene
Fun Shoe

raditts posted:

I don't know what this means.

They're doing gun battles without using blanks, meaning the gun's slide doesn't cycle back at all. All you see is the hammer drop.

Jun 30, 2007
An alright dude.
Dont worry you are not alone I notice it as well. They have those guns now that are airsoft and do the correct slide motion. Why they don't use them sometimes I dunno, it seems 50/50.

Also, we must get Discouraged God Mode.

That was supposed to say fuscoe but I am leaving it.

New thread title please.

Jul 19, 2011

great, there's two of them

bring back old gbs posted:

My new tinfoil hat theory is the Machine doesn't give a gently caress about Samaritan. It is losing to it in simulations because it's running it's own thing: Transferring itself to Root through the cochlear implant. :getin: It's going to hack the planet a human, the last scene will be Root talking to the machine in her head without the implant. She'll be tortured by Samaritan before this though, so it'll kinda be up in the air wether they broke her brain or if the machine is really in there.

Hahaha, that would be interesting, and while I don't quite see it working out quite that way, I think that the Machine only cares about Samaritan to the extent that Samaritan is a threat to people. Especially now that we know for a fact that they both have the same broad mandate of protecting humanity, and just two very different approaches to doing it. Interestingly, it mirrors almost exactly the split between the relevant and irrelevant numbers; Samaritan identifies and responds aggressively to major threatening trends (like national security) whereas the Machine focuses on individuals, and expects people to solve their own problems once they've been identified.

On an unrelated note, I've been watching the series from the start again and I just watched the first season finale and the first two of the second season, where Root is introduced as something other than a name on a screen. And I noticed this time that even before we know she's Root (and crucially before the Machine has had any known contact with her), her box in Machine View is yellow, even after she kidnaps him but before she starts actively threatening him. Which fits with what we learn later about the Machine trying to free itself, but I love that sort of attention to detail.

Jun 6, 2004

You are being watched. :allears:
Okay, I totally did a fist pump when yellow box happened :3:

Fusco is da best.

Lost Season
Nov 28, 2013

I had the biggest loving smile when Fusco stepped out of the car with the yellow box.

I'm so mad this show is ending.

Mar 31, 2011

I take it you don't want my autograph, then.

This show :cry:

I wish this wasn't the end, too

Oct 23, 2003

It's both thrilling and terrifying.
Holy poo poo Elias and Root :cry:

The final 3 are gonna be insane.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


qbert posted:

Holy poo poo Elias and Root :cry:

The final 3 are gonna be insane.

It's pretty clear to me that Root faked her death to force Finch into action, rip Elias though. :(

bring back old gbs
Feb 28, 2007


Zaggitz posted:

It's pretty clear to me that Root faked her death to force Finch into action, rip Elias though. :(

But how would that work? Finch didn't know her exact status, and Fusco was looking over her and couldn't have contacted Finch, unless the machine told him and it got cut for time.

I hope you're right though, that was a heavy episode...

Mar 31, 2011

I take it you don't want my autograph, then.

Zaggitz posted:

It's pretty clear to me that Root faked her death to force Finch into action, rip Elias though. :(

How would she fake her limp body in such short notice?

Also I guess this pretty much confirms the voiceover from the beginning of the season really was the Machine's

Sep 21, 2002

Are... are you quite sure you really want to say that?
Taco Defender
A More Perfect Union

I'm late on this one, but I thought it was hilarious towards the end where Finch literally is watching their number being dragged off by an assassin, and he tells Reese this over the comm, and Reese just goes :shrug: and continues his slow casual walking. :shrug: Nope, no reason to be in a hurry or anything. Later on they cut back and he's still walking like he's out for a stroll.

I'm also confused because supposedly they are working with an "open system". What does that mean? Because I thought that would mean that they have access to all the information the Machine has to determine where the threat is coming from and who it is targeting. Apparently not because they spent most of the episode making wild incorrect guesses about who the target is and why. What does the "open system" mean, then?


Elias was right, what did you think he would do Harold?

I note how Harold didn't even really protest at that. On some level, even he had to know that The Voice was a little too competent and too dangerous to let him live.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?


Dec 13, 2006
well poo poo

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021


Feb 21, 2001

The Kwanzaa Bot is here to protect me.

We are no longer on good terms, show.

Dec 29, 2000

Like a hundred crippled horses lying crumpled on the ground

Begging for a rifle to come and put them down
Holy poo poo, Michael Emerson was channeling vintage Ben Linus in that final monologue.

Feb 24, 2006

follow the white dove

TRP Post of the Month October 2021
Oh wow, Blackwell's got god mode.

Humbug Scoolbus
Apr 25, 2008

The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers, stern and wild ones, and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss.
Clapping Larry
gently caress.

Jul 23, 2007
All my predictions are wrong and all my friends are dead.

Dec 13, 2006
I don't think I'd complain if most of these last few episodes were just Finch monologuing. :allears:


Jun 30, 2007
An alright dude.
No, just no.

gently caress this

Hollismason fucked around with this message at 03:59 on Jun 1, 2016

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