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Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
I don't fancy Tati to win at all, but I think she's very pretty and seems really nice and is just generally fun to watch.


Feb 18, 2013

Trig Discipline posted:

I don't fancy Tati to win at all, but I think she's very pretty and seems really nice and is just generally fun to watch.

I basically agree. I would be happy to see Tati in the final 3; I would be very disappointed if she won, unless she pulls off some major improvements and Alaska, Katya, and probably Detox make some major mistakes.

Chekans 3 16
Jan 2, 2012

No Resetti.
No Continues.

Grimey Drawer

Belial42 posted:

So can someone please explain their love of Tatianna? I've gone through the past few pages of posters explaining how happy they are to have her back and I just go "huh"? I've never found her funny for more than a line or a look, her drag feels low rent, and she comes off more bitchy than PhiPhi (ok, not this past episode PhiPhi).

Did I miss an episode or something?

I only watched from Season 3 on so I didn't really have an opinion of her coming in, I thought she was an easy choice to go home first (other than Coco) but her spoken word routine was great and completely flipped me on her. I'm glad she's back in place of Phi Phi.

A God Damn Ghost
Nov 25, 2007

I think Tatiana is sweet, clever, and beautiful. I was originally skeptical about them bringing her back to be on All Stars, but she's fantastic and I'm so glad she's back. And of course Alyssa is just a national treasure. Back back back back back again! Also I looked at Alyssa's Instagram and the photos of Justin teaching kids to dance are heartwarming.

Phi Phi won me over completely with her 365 days of drag series. She was sweet and fun on the BOTS tour and seemed to no longer care about the old rivalry with Sharon, so I assumed that her season was just a case of some immaturity and reality TV drama and wrote it off. But Christ... The romper room fuckery and public meltdowns are too much. Good God Get A Grip, Girl.

Aug 11, 2004

I'm still torn on Tatiana.

I've mentioned here before. I saw Tatiana live at her home club of Town in Washington, DC, and her performance was lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy. She came out, the crowd went wild, her song started playing, and she didn't lip sync. All she did was stomp around the room in her boots, not even dancing, just stomping, and collected dollar bills from all the straight girls who flock to this gay club on Friday night 18+ nights.

But then she completely won me over with that first challenge. When she first started I was like, what the hell is this. But I had never seen anything like it before, and it was so completely shocking. I can't even imagine how she came up with that.

Then Snatch Game came. That Ariana Grande impression was atrocious, and now we have to wonder whether her Britney was a complete fluke.

She has shown how far she has come since season 2. And really, drag itself has come a long way since season 2. But I'm still unconvinced that she is an All Star. I think she benefits from being so far remove from the majority of these other queens that she has none of the baggage that all of the other queens had coming in, so that has definitely helped to propel her far into this competition. But does she have the (C)harisma, (U)niqueness), (N)erve, and (T)alent? Meh.

Chaotic Flame
Jun 1, 2009


Tatianna gives great talking heads ("What are you trying to do there gurl?"), seems to be pretty funny, and is gorgeous. If anyone's been disappointing me this season, it's Katya. We know she's great but she hasn't really done anything that's wowed me this season.

Let's not even start on Roxxy...

A God Damn Ghost
Nov 25, 2007

Roxxxy's vaudeville number in the first episode was pretty great. She's generally served great looks on the runway. But yeah, whiffing most of the challenges.

I haven't found Katya disappointing but also haven't seen her perform at the level of Alaska or Alyssa Edwards.

resting mitch face
Apr 9, 2005

5) I hear you.
I didn't like Tatianna at all on S2. Her drag was very adolescent and I didn't like her attitude. Aside from the Snatch game, I've liked her a lot better on AS2. Her LSFYL with Alyssa was instant classic (they equally killed it) and I think she's gorgeous. She still has attitude, but it's less cunty and more keen. Other than that...

Katya... I love Katya so much but she hasn't really stood out.

Alaska is coasting - not that it's a bad thing. A lot of winners did coast through their season (Bob, Violet, Bianca...).

I love Alyssa so much this season. If the leaked top 3 are true, I'll be very sad that Alyssa isn't crowned or at least top 3.

resting mitch face fucked around with this message at 16:36 on Sep 28, 2016

A God Damn Ghost
Nov 25, 2007


Inadequate Areolas posted:

Leaked Alyssa spoilers

Dude, spoiler tags, please!

Power of Pecota
Aug 4, 2007

Goodness no, now that wouldn't do at all!

Can someone post the leaked top 3 in spoiler tags or something? I'd really like to know~

Feb 27, 2007

Is the top 3 really that hard to suss out?

Sep 13, 2010

Oh look, the consequences of my prior actions are finally catching up to me.

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Is the top 3 really that hard to suss out?

Phi Phi x 3

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

The leaked top three are Alaska, Katya and Detox and considering every leaked bit of information has come true, I don't doubt it.

In fact I wonder if the leak will end up costing someone the crown, or even result in a lawsuit.

Power of Pecota
Aug 4, 2007

Goodness no, now that wouldn't do at all!

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Is the top 3 really that hard to suss out?

With Coco Montrese out of the picture, absolutely!

(Thanks, Caligulamprey)

Mar 23, 2004


caligulamprey posted:

In fact I wonder if the leak will end up costing someone the crown, or even result in a lawsuit.

I'm amazed they haven't gone for PhiPhi at this point.

resting mitch face
Apr 9, 2005

5) I hear you.

caligulamprey posted:

In fact I wonder if the leak will end up costing someone the crown, or even result in a lawsuit.
Wasn't Ginger up for the crown (season 7) but something about attitude/bitchiness resulted in a change of mind (and Violet was crowned)?

If that's the case, if I was Alaska, I'd be biting my nails nails nails down to the quick right now since it was kind-sorta her fault for the leak.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Inadequate Areolas posted:

Wasn't Ginger up for the crown (season 7) but something about attitude/bitchiness resulted in a change of mind (and Violet was crowned)?
I think the deal was that Ru was gunning for a big girl win, but the way Ginger conducted (condoned) herself in Untucked sunk her chances entirely. Which seems ridiculous to me considering Violet won and she spent the entire season sneering at anything and everyone that wasn't Violet.

It's my opinion that no big girl is allowed to win the crown if Latrice doesn't get to win it first. :colbert:

resting mitch face
Apr 9, 2005

5) I hear you.

caligulamprey posted:

I think the deal was that Ru was gunning for a big girl win, but the way Ginger conducted (condoned) herself in Untucked sunk her chances entirely.
I honestly don't get that. Maybe I need to go watch those untucked episodes again but I don't remember seeing anything controversial or particularly lovely from Ginger. Season 7 was very mellow in terms of drama. They added smoke break in the ally scenes for gently caress's sake.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Ginger was just catty and mean to people. Shade is one thing but it's not supposed to be hateful.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
Yeah I love Katya and she's done okay, but she just isn't performing at anywhere near the level she needs to in order to stand out this season. Actually even when I saw her on tour with BOTS she didn't really do much in the way of performance - there were some amazing showpieces that night, but Katya just came out and talked to the audience about how much Drag has meant to her. And she's loveable as gently caress and I'm crazy about her, but god dammit girl you are on a stage with Jinkx Monsoon and Violet Chachki. I want to see you at least try to wow me.

Aug 11, 2004


Propaganda Machine posted:

Ginger was just catty and mean to people. Shade is one thing but it's not supposed to be hateful.

Yup. She was part of a mean girl posse with Kennedy and Jasmine. The 3 of them were incredibly unpleasant to watch, especially in Untucked. They were dismissive, rude, and condescending to the majority of the other queens, which was funny given that Jasmine is probably in the top 5 of the least talented queens to ever appear on the show. I liked Ginger at the start of the season, and I will always love her for the term "glamor toad", but by the end of the season I was thoroughly over her.

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

The most two-faced moment that I can recall about Ginger wasn't even in Untucked but when all the eliminated queens came back and had to group up with the remaining queens. I think Ginger was paired up with Sasha Belle and she told Sasha something like, "Of all the queens I'm so glad you're here" and then it cuts to a talking head segment where Ginger says "Now that was a fuckin' lie". Like, why even say anything at all? She did more of that in Untucked and she lived up to her favorite moniker "Bitter Old Lady". I do not condone her

peter banana
Sep 2, 2008

Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Inadequate Areolas posted:

I didn't like Tatianna at all on S2. Her drag was very adolescent and I didn't like her attitude. Aside from the Snatch game, I've liked her a lot better on AS2. Her LSFYL with Alyssa was instant classic (they equally killed it) and I think she's gorgeous. She still has attitude, but it's less cunty and more keen. Other than that...

Katya... I love Katya so much but she hasn't really stood out.

Alaska is coasting - not that it's a bad thing. A lot of winners did coast through their season (Bob, Violet, Bianca...).

I love Alyssa so much this season. If the leaked top 3 are true, I'll be very sad that Alyssa isn't crowned or at least top 3.

me too. I think she's been the standout this season for me.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Nihonniboku posted:

Yup. She was part of a mean girl posse with Kennedy and Jasmine. The 3 of them were incredibly unpleasant to watch, especially in Untucked.
I ended up liking Kennedy's deadpanning and warmed up to her during Untucked, but Jasmine was a loving maniac. I didn't necessarily disagree with her "DRAG IS PERFORMANCE AND YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO PERFORM" rant, though.

I will always treasure her rambling to RuPaul about cocoons, though.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Not Today Satan posted:

I think Ginger was paired up with Sasha Belle and she told Sasha something like, "Of all the queens I'm so glad you're here" and then it cuts to a talking head segment where Ginger says "Now that was a fuckin' lie". Like, why even say anything at all?

That sounds like pretty transparent editing to me, but it's true that Ginger just didn't have the kind of effortless charisma that has since carried the likes of Trixie and Katya to drag superstar-dom.

big dyke energy
Jul 29, 2006

Football? Yaaaay

Inadequate Areolas posted:

Alaska is coasting - not that it's a bad thing. A lot of winners did coast through their season (Bob, Violet, Bianca...).

Is it coasting if they're doing consistently well in the challenges? I would just think that they're doing well, coasting would be if they were just safe every episode, which you could probably say for Violet, since I think she had fewer maxi challenge wins than some of the other winners, but she was still never in the bottom two.

Aug 11, 2004


Magikarpal Tunnel posted:

Is it coasting if they're doing consistently well in the challenges? I would just think that they're doing well, coasting would be if they were just safe every episode, which you could probably say for Violet, since I think she had fewer maxi challenge wins than some of the other winners, but she was still never in the bottom two.

Yeah, I don't know if the right word is coasting. Alaska is just doing superb, she hasn't faltered for even a second in any challenge. She was talented in season 5, but has improved just so much, really stepping up her game more than any other queen following their original run.

I think Bob and Bianca simply got easy passes. Despite having charisma leaps and bounds, neither queen had stellar runway looks. Bob's outfits were often amateur hour, and Bianca wore the exact same look every single week. Had any other queen done what they did week after week on the runway, they would've been critiqued far more harshly and probably even sent home.

But yeah, maybe Violet coasted.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Somebody remind me: who was it that literally picked up and carried the other queen during the lsfyl?

peter banana
Sep 2, 2008

Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Nihonniboku posted:

I think Bob and Bianca simply got easy passes. Despite having charisma leaps and bounds, neither queen had stellar runway looks. Bob's outfits were often amateur hour, and Bianca wore the exact same look every single week. Had any other queen done what they did week after week on the runway, they would've been critiqued far more harshly and probably even sent home.

I am so furious right now. Bianca's outfits were everything, same silhouette yes, but always stunning variations on that theme, which is kind of genius.

Combed Thunderclap posted:

That sounds like pretty transparent editing to me, but it's true that Ginger just didn't have the kind of effortless charisma that has since carried the likes of Trixie and Katya to drag superstar-dom.

Which is a drat shame because Ginger's performance at that finale was the best of the top three and she was probably just best of those top three full stop.

Feb 27, 2007


Propaganda Machine posted:

Somebody remind me: who was it that literally picked up and carried the other queen during the lsfyl?

mimi imfurst

Chekans 3 16
Jan 2, 2012

No Resetti.
No Continues.

Grimey Drawer

Propaganda Machine posted:

Somebody remind me: who was it that literally picked up and carried the other queen during the lsfyl?

The first episode I ever saw. :allears:

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.

Nihonniboku posted:

Bianca wore the exact same look every single week. Had any other queen done what they did week after week on the runway, they would've been critiqued far more harshly and probably even sent home.

That season had a huge issue with that particular critique, to be fair.
DeLa did 4 pinup girl looks out of probably 2 dozen looks total over the course of the challenges and runways, but got critiqued for always doing "old lady pinup" drag. Courtney, while wearing pretty skimpy outfits, also brought a hell of a lot of variation to them; all the while getting critiqued for "resting on pretty."
Meanwhile Bianca wears the same boatneck gown week after week, and Darienne had her sequin garbage bag couture, neither of them ever got clocked for it. Bianca got hit by the contestants, but the judges were silent but for praise after she softened her eye makeup.
I think the only "you wear the same things" critique from that season that I agree with was Joslyn's nine bikinis, and to a lesser extent Milk's incapability of doing high glamour.

EDIT: Went looking through the season 6 thread for this gif

curiousTerminal fucked around with this message at 04:00 on Sep 29, 2016

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

curiousTerminal posted:

Darienne had her sequin garbage bag couture

Worst runway look.

Miss Nomer
May 7, 2007
Saving the world in a thong

caligulamprey posted:

I ended up liking Kennedy's deadpanning and warmed up to her during Untucked, but Jasmine was a loving maniac. I didn't necessarily disagree with her "DRAG IS PERFORMANCE AND YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO PERFORM" rant, though.

I will always treasure her rambling to RuPaul about cocoons, though.

I had to go look her up because the name wasn't ringing any bells. I had totally forgotten about Jasmine.

A God Damn Ghost
Nov 25, 2007


caligulamprey posted:

Worst runway look.

Now, for the John Waters runway, we're looking at a winner.

the truth
Dec 16, 2007


Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

I want some Alyssa Go Go Juice...

Feb 18, 2004

do it
It's just Red Bull and transmission fluid

Feb 27, 2007

That Tati runway look :swoon:


Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

If Tati goes after that runway...

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