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May 29, 2011

GreatGreen posted:

A woman passionately moans and arches her back in ecstasy, running her fingers through her own hair with one hand and gently reaches for the safety and strength of the back of her lover's neck with the other as all her curves bounce and shake in steady, seductive rhythm.

*camera focuses angrily on ultra-closeup of dude's chode the whole time*


Jan 14, 2010

GreatGreen posted:

A woman passionately moans and arches her back in ecstasy, running her fingers through her own hair with one hand and gently reaches for the safety and strength of the back of her lover's neck with the other as all her curves bounce and shake in steady, seductive rhythm.

*camera focuses angrily on ultra-closeup of dude's chode the whole time*

This right here is why I prefer lesbian porn.

E: VVV :hfive: (only after washing hands, natch)

WampaLord fucked around with this message at 20:26 on Aug 30, 2016

Nov 17, 2004

by Athanatos

WampaLord posted:

This right here is why I prefer lesbian porn.

Yeah probably 90% of the time

Dec 21, 2015

They call him little janny hotpockets. He was terrific, he was the best, and he did it for free too.
I swear they always make the angles in straight porn as terrible as they can.

I don't wanna see some dude's hairy rear end crack, I'll stick to lesbian thanks

Dec 28, 2012

by FactsAreUseless
you're supposed to imagine that it's YOUR hairy rear end crack

Aug 15, 2015
Can't post for 10 years!
I gots no rear end. :boehner:

Nolan Arenado
May 8, 2009

hehe, that's a good smiley

Aug 3, 2003

He was warrior and mystic, ogre and saint, the fox and the innocent, chivalrous, ruthless, less than a god, more than a man.
I was gonna say "I just heard somewhere that as weird as it sounds, people overwhelmingly prefer seeing a close up of the guys puckered bumhole as he furiously nails some junkie to a mattress" but now that I think about it the "somewhere" was almost certainly this thread

Nov 15, 2007

by FactsAreUseless
how come she's gotta be a junkie

Jun 20, 2005

MEATHOLES is forever! They make bitches cum! They got no choice. Respect the cock motherfuckers. God Bless.

Aug 3, 2003

He was warrior and mystic, ogre and saint, the fox and the innocent, chivalrous, ruthless, less than a god, more than a man.

Moridin920 posted:

how come she's gotta be a junkie

to truly appreciate heaven u gotta live thru hell

Nov 17, 2004

by Athanatos

Gatekeeper posted:

to truly appreciate heaven u gotta live thru hell

as the great blind tuvan throat singer Paul Pena said "You know you got to go through hell,
Before you get to heaven,
Big ol' jet airliner,
Don't carry me too far away,
Oh, oh big ol' jet airliner,
Cause it's here that I've got to stay"

And it continues in that fashion until he starts singing like popeye

May 26, 2010

Flesh Forge posted:

e: :siren: NOT TRADEMARKED :siren:

There was already a company that tried this and flamed out. IIRC the only successful projects were anime-related and 3D printed butt plugs.

May 21, 2008

In the end, his dominion did not touch a single poster.

Why did the trend of having the guy/guys cum on plates, cups, etc start? I remember seeing it years ago and apparently it is still around? Because :laffo:

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo

Decrepus posted:

Why did the trend of having the guy/guys cum on plates, cups, etc start? I remember seeing it years ago and apparently it is still around? Because :laffo:

Wut are u watching? That's gay.

Kirk Vikernes
Apr 26, 2004

Count Goatnackh

Decrepus posted:

Why did the trend of having the guy/guys cum on plates, cups, etc start? I remember seeing it years ago and apparently it is still around? Because :laffo:

The ones where the girls do santorum shooters after a good anal pounding are always classy.

Apr 4, 2002

I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

WampaLord posted:

This right here is why I prefer lesbian porn.

E: VVV :hfive: (only after washing hands, natch)

The inverse: camera keeps panning up to the woman's face and every time it does, she notices and tries to mug the camera with a really fake desultory expression.

Borneo Jimmy
Feb 27, 2007

by Smythe
It's me, I'm the guy who asked to make ladies rimming dudes a standard in contemporary pornographs

Nov 14, 2007


Decrepus posted:

Why did the trend of having the guy/guys cum on plates, cups, etc start? I remember seeing it years ago and apparently it is still around? Because :laffo:

it has since evolved into cumming on figures, like garden gnomes, lawn flamingos, etc

Flesh Forge
Jan 31, 2011


red19fire posted:

There was already a company that tried this and flamed out. IIRC the only successful projects were anime-related and 3D printed butt plugs.


Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013


MEATHOLES is forever! They make bitches cum! They got no choice. Respect the cock motherfuckers. God Bless.

PYF Things You Heard in Line Waiting for Methadone

super sweet best pal
Nov 18, 2009

Leroy Dennui posted:

I just read a Tijuana bible where Wimpy watches a post-boob job Olive Oyl masturbate and then steps into her room and fucks her. Popeye ends up catching them in the act only to whip out his massive penis and join them, ending the story with Wimpy doing anal on him while Popeye's schlong ends up going through Olive Oyl's mouth all the way from her vagina.

Well blow me down!

Oct 1, 2015

You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.

Germstore posted:

I for one have fully embraced Idaho Spud.

He gazed up at the enormous spud. Four years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark eyes. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two tater-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved The Idaho Spud.

Aug 3, 2003

He was warrior and mystic, ogre and saint, the fox and the innocent, chivalrous, ruthless, less than a god, more than a man.
do they still do the "girl blowing a two foot long dildo while the camera guy makes cumsounds and pretends it's his dick and then finally they hose the girl down with a gallon of tzatsiki sauce"? that was good imo and should have evolved further until the dildo was so enormous the girls had to unhook their jaws like snakes just to get the tip in their mouth and then they get waterboarded with a bathtubs worth of yoghurt

the Pixies fukken SUCKED
Jul 16, 2003

Figure 2 in a series of 3

I am Toni Lippi posted:

Oh yeah thanks for reminding me to watch some porn today. I almost forgot to.

Sham bam bamina!
Nov 6, 2012

ƨtupid cat

red19fire posted:

There was already a company that tried this and flamed out. IIRC the only successful projects were anime-related and 3D printed butt plugs.
And furry poo poo.

It was called Offbeatr; The F+ had an episode about it.

Dec 21, 2015

They call him little janny hotpockets. He was terrific, he was the best, and he did it for free too.

Gatekeeper posted:

do they still do the "girl blowing a two foot long dildo while the camera guy makes cumsounds and pretends it's his dick and then finally they hose the girl down with a gallon of tzatsiki sauce"? that was good imo and should have evolved further until the dildo was so enormous the girls had to unhook their jaws like snakes just to get the tip in their mouth and then they get waterboarded with a bathtubs worth of yoghurt

theyve probably stepped it up since then

Feb 13, 2012
the fake penis porn in funny in how emasculating it has to be for the male performer

Jack Trades
Nov 30, 2010
Can't post for 11 years!
I only watch chinese cartoon porn so I never even noticed.

Dec 22, 2007

il pistone e male
Slippery Tilde

8 track betamax posted:

here is an idea: stop watching this disgusting filth ---> <--- you animals

Sep 6, 2011
I like my girls like I like my music:


Ork of Fiction
Jul 22, 2013

KomodoWagon posted:

My true desire is watching an actual porn movie - that is, a movie with an actual story, decent-good acting, and copious amounts of loving. If there's no reason for what's going on to be going on, I start to lose interest no matter how hardcore the action is. I've browsed Mr. Skin to find movies with explicit scenes, but they often only have one or two fairly short sequences and I end up having to watch two hours of pretentious sub-par French cinema just to get my rocks off.

You got a near miss here. What you're looking for is Spanish Cinema. Not as pretentious, but they still gently caress.

May 26, 2010

Sham bam bamina! posted:

And furry poo poo.

It was called Offbeatr; The F+ had an episode about it.

Ha, that's right.
If you think Kickstarter has a problem with charlatans taking fools' money and disappearing, have I got a website for you!

Feb 19, 2014

How much do I cum? The answer might surprise you!

Gobblecoque posted:

I like my girls like I like my music:

What ever do you mean?

Nov 10, 2007

red19fire posted:

Ha, that's right.
If you think Kickstarter has a problem with charlatans taking fools' money and disappearing, have I got a website for you!

I imagine it's difficult to put together a class action lawsuit of defrauded horse dildo enthusiasts.

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all

red19fire posted:

Ha, that's right.
If you think Kickstarter has a problem with charlatans taking fools' money and disappearing, have I got a website for you!

A Stupid Baby
Dec 31, 2002

lip up fatty

P-Mack posted:

I imagine it's difficult to put together a class action lawsuit of defrauded horse dildo enthusiasts.

lol you said "hard"

Al Cowens
Aug 11, 2004

by WE B Bourgeois

Pvt.Scott posted:
You're posting in it.

A Stupid Baby
Dec 31, 2002

lip up fatty
I want porn where the guy is an older gentleman who cant get it up as easy as he used to anymore and the woman is being really supportive and so she brings in another dude and they have sex and then he gets a boner so she starts loving him and he cums so hard he has a heart attack and the video ends with him waking up in the hospital with the woman kissing him on the forehead and telling him she loves him


Dec 21, 2015

They call him little janny hotpockets. He was terrific, he was the best, and he did it for free too.

A Stupid Baby posted:

I want porn where the guy is an older gentleman who cant get it up as easy as he used to anymore and the woman is being really supportive and so she brings in another dude and they have sex and then he gets a boner so she starts loving him and he cums so hard he has a heart attack and the video ends with him waking up in the hospital with the woman kissing him on the forehead and telling him she loves him

romance + cuckoldry

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